


High-speed rails (HSR) are playing an important role in the transportation systems across the world.In Japan, the Shinkansens carry more than 250 million passengers each year. In Europe, the trans-European high-speed rail network is in operation. At the beginning of 2011, U.S. President has called for a six-year, $53 billion budget for HSR.By the end of 2016, China has built the world’s largest HSR network of over 22,000 km.

Although it has been nearly half a century since the first high-speed train was inaugurated, HSR is still assimilating the most advanced technologies in energy, communications, materials, etc. To cover all technological aspects of the HSR system, the first National Rail Transportation Laboratory in China is being constructed at the Southwest Jiaotong University. There is, thus, an unprecedented opportunity to revive this long-history university noted for its contribution to the China’s railway progress since the early 1900s, and to launch this academic periodical, Journal of Modern Transportation (JMT for short).

1.2 仪器与试剂 BACT/ALERT 3D全自动细菌培养仪及配套血培养瓶(BioMerieux,法国),VITEK 2 COMPACT全自动细菌鉴定及药敏分析系统(BioMerieux,法国),药敏纸片(Oxoid,英国),5%哥伦比亚羊血琼脂培养基和M-H培养基(迪景,广州)。

HSR network is still growing at a very fast pace. Predictably, more and more issues will emerge and then be solved by interdisciplinary cooperation. Journal of Modern Transportation aims to provide a platform for researchers to publish their results and viewpoints concerning the transportation systems,not limited to HSR, but covering a wide range of topics, such as magnetic suspension and evacuated tube transportation, highway and traffic Engineering, air transportation, urban transportation, intelligent transportation systems and information technology, and interdisciplinary transportation research in applied physics, mechanics, environmental science and engineering, economics, materials science and engineering, etc.

Wish JMT, as its name connotes, to be soundly based at present and well prepared for the future!

《Journal of Modern Transportation》2018年第1期文献

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