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Abstract: The establishment and carrying out of the national public servant system is an important reform in China’s personnel system of cadres’ There were several problems in the former system, such as the numerousness and jumble of the cadres, the extreme centralization of the authority in management, the staleness and singleness of the management mode, the distemperedness of the management system and the lack of efficient intendance All these problems severely affected the cadre personnel management to work scientifically, legally and The establishment and carrying out of the national public servant system, as a significant breakthrough in the reform of the personnel system of cadres’, is a lively practice of M Deng Xiaoping’s personnel It reflects the penetration of our Reform and Open Policy in the cadre personnel area, and reflects the intrinsic requirement in the establishment of our Socialist Market Economic S
213 评论


《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(叶子南)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:a7v0    书名:高级英汉翻译理论与实践作者:叶子南豆瓣评分:2出版社:清华大学出版社出版年份:2008-11页数:396内容简介:《高级英汉翻译理论与实践(第2版)》将英汉翻译理论讲解与翻译实践指导结合起来,第一部分为理论技巧篇,综述翻译基本概念、技巧,对比语言文化,评介中西评论;第二部分为实践篇,节录政治、科技、文学、业等领域的英文篇章作为练习,提供两种具有代表性的参考译文,并加上详细精到的批改点评。

134 评论


译文中每个词都是我精选的,用的词都是比较学术的,不是很口语化的那种,比较适合论文这种语境。希望楼主满意 AbstractTriumphant victories have been made in the effort of the Communist Party of China to combat corruption and build a clean College students, due to the influence of internal and external factors, need to form correct standards and principles in their process of knowing the CPC's campaign to combat corruption and construct an honest and clean In the light of this, we must closely examine the anti-corruption education of college students with the four guidelines of "true study,true understanding, true belief and true application" , so as to help them master the correct cognitive methods, to realize the original objective of "persevering arduously for a long time in order to make final achievements",and to infuse fresh energy and vigor into a social environment that features "advocating probity and disdain corrpution"

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251 评论


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