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政论文翻译:原文:要坚持两手抓,一手抓改革开放,一手抓打击各种犯罪活动。这两只手都要硬。打击各种经济犯罪活动,扫除各种丑恶现象,手软不得。广东二十年赶上亚洲“四小龙”,不仅经济要上去,社会秩序、社会风气也要搞好,两个文明建设都要超过他们,这才是有中国特色的社会主义。新加坡的社会秩序算是好的,他们管得严,我们应当借鉴他们的经验,而且比他们管得更好。开放以后,一些腐朽的东西也跟着进来了,中国的一些地方也出现了丑恶的现象,如吸毒、嫖娼、经济犯罪等。要注意很好地抓,坚决取缔和打击,决不能任其发展。新中国成立以后,只花了三年时间,这些东西就一扫而光。吸鸦片、吃白面,世界上谁能消灭得了?国民党办不到,资本主义办不到。事实证明,共产党能够消灭丑恶的东西。在整个改革开放过程中都要反对腐败。对干部和共产党员来说,廉政建设要作为大事来抓。还要靠法制,搞法制靠得住些。总之,只要我们的生产力发展,保持一定的经济增长速度,坚持两手抓,社会主义精神文明就可以搞上去。译文:There are two tasks we have to keep working at: on the one hand, the reform and opening process, and on the other, the crackdown on We must be steadfast with regard to In combating crime and eliminating social evils, we must not be Guangdong is trying to catch up with Asia’s “four little dragons” in 20 years, not only in terms of economic growth, but also in terms of improved public order and general social conduct---that is, we should surpass them in both material and ethical Only that can be considered building socialism with Chinese Thanks to a strict administration, Singapore has good public We should learn from its experience and surpass it in this Since China opened its doors to the outside world, decadent things have come in along with the others, and evils such as drug abuse, prostitution and economic crimes have emerged in some Special attention must be paid to these evils, and resolute measures must be taken to stamp them out and prevent them from After the founding of New China, it took only three years to wipe these things Who in this world has ever been able to eliminate the abuse of opium and heroin? Neither the Kuomintang nor the capitalist But facts have shown that the Communist Party was able to do Throughout the process of reform and opening, we must combat Cadres and Party members should consider it of prime importance to build a clean But we still have to rely on the law, which provide a firm In short, so long as we develop our productive forces, maintain a reasonable economic growth rate, promote reform and opening and, at the same time, crack down on crime, we shall be able to build a socialist society with advanced ethical 点评:1、这段文字摘自邓小平1992年在武昌、深圳、珠海、上海等地的谈话要点。英文出自中共中央马恩列斯著作编译室翻译出版的《邓小平文选(英文版)》第三卷。2、作为中国最权威的社科尤其是政治文献翻译部门,编译室的最大特点是运用集体智慧反复酌定译文。译文既忠实原文和原作者意图,又不失灵活性,而且行文流畅、地道。比如,编译室没有拘泥于原文的段落形式,而是根据其中包含的三个层次分成三段来译,脉络清晰。3、“两手抓”根据语境准确地译为“two tasks we have to keep working at”。4、亚洲“四小龙”指韩国、新加坡、香港和台湾的总称,这些国家或地区在20世纪60-70年代经济飞速成长,取得令世界瞩目的成绩。这里译成“Asia’s ‘four little dragons’”恰如其分。但如加上简洁的脚注或解释可能会更加完美。5、“两个文明”指社会主义精神文明和物质文明,编译室没有根据字面翻译成“two civilizations”而是译成“not only in terms of economic growth, but also in terms of improved public order and general social conduct”,表达准确而且符合英文的行文表达习惯。后面的“社会主义精神文明”也灵活准确地译成“to build a socialist society with advanced ethical standards”。6、“吃白面”是口语,指吸毒,编译室准确译成“drug abuse”。7、“廉政建设”根据国际上英文表达惯例译成“to build a clean government”,十分精确地道。 (陈卫斌点评)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © 2005 copyrights reserved 福州大学外国语学院电教中心

政论文political essay行政公文Administrative Document


We must quickly and accurately grasp the objective trend and give play to the superiority of the socialist system in China, with the mastering, application and development of advanced science and technology closer together, to vigorously promote scientific and technological progress and innovation, use advanced science and technology to transform and upgrade the Of the national economy, China's efforts to achieve the development of productive forces and According to China's economic development, give full consideration to ce and technology to speed up dev and international e, accelerate the restructuring of the trend, focus on the national economy, improve the overall quality and efficiency, annce overall national strength antional competitiveness of the







Language characteristics of English business contracts and translation skills

Analysis on the language features and translation techniques of business English contract

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额 我也是商务英语专业的 貌似电脑里还有那时候的选题 差不多600多个你留个邮箱 我下班回去发给你吧 ===============================已发送 请查收


这些都是国外网站上的,没有中文翻译的,看不懂的话试试翻译器,查查字典什么的,我要是给你翻译怕误导你。Zara: Cool Clothes Now, Not Later Ask any urban European female under the age of 30 and chances are she has shopped at Zara, the clothier whose inexpensive but stylish offerings have attracted a cult Zara also sells men’s fashions, again aimed at the stylish and Mathieu Soto, a college tennis player from France with dark eyes and devastating good looks, was asked to compare Zara to The Gap, the US - based clothing giant with a major presence in E His response: “I don’t I’ve never shopped at The G”Most US young adults have never shopped at Zara, but that seems likely to change in the near In the past five years Zara has grown from 179 stores mostly in Spain to 450 stores in 29 countries including the United States and C Zara now has stores in New York, New Jersey, Miami, and Toronto—with more on the While Zara is unlikely to displace The Gap in the US market, they are certain to offer US consumers an option previously unavailable to They have a sound if unusual marketing strategy in which logistics plays an important Logistics also plays an important role in Zara’s growth plans, notably its expansion into the US Zara’s Marketing StrategyZara’s marketing strategy focuses on product variety, speed-to-market, and store It is also notable for what it Zara does not advertise in the traditional If you want to find out what’s currently available at the Zara stores you have two options: go to the web site or go to the Zara puts 10,000 different items on the store shelves in a single It can take a new style from concept to store shelf in 10-14 days in an industry where nine months is the In its primary European markets, Zara locates its stores close Visitors comment that Zara in Madrid is like Starbucks in a major US city—you see another store on every street Zara’s Toronto store is located just north of the center of downtown in a major shopping district dense with malls and lined with stand-alone stores and giant office The potential for intense competition is “These office buildings are full of the people we want as We want them to stop in at lunch or after We want to see them often, so we have to change what we have on the shelves,” said Zara’s Toronto store “They could shop in a lot of other stores, so we have to make it worth their time to come ”This also helps explain why the company does not If a Zara customer wants to know what Zara has, he or she must go to the The stock changes often, with most items staying on the shelf for only a month, so the customer often finds something new and By the same token, if the customer finds nothing to buy this visit, the store’s regular customers know that tomorrow or next week—sometime soon—new goods will be on Zara’s That makes it worth another Zara relies heavily on store employees for market If a customer looks at a sweater and comments, “That would look really nice with a cowl collar,” an employee can relay that information to Spain where managers decide whether or not to produce the suggested If they decide to make it, they can put it on the shelf in Toronto in two weeks or less, partly because they ship by Ocean shipping would add at least another ten days to the time it takes to get the product in front of the customer, undermining the speed-to-market and product variety The Role of LogisticsPutting the variety of goods on the shelves in Toronto and other North American stores requires an unusual, though not unique, logistics strategy for the fashion Zara air expresses goods from its single distribution center in Spain, usually in small In the 1970’s, The Limited used a similar strategy to support its test marketing, air expressing small quantities of new styles from Asia to US In Zara’s strategy, however, the speedy shipments are part of the core strategy, not just test Zara also ships frequently, allowing lower inventories while serving its multinational market from a single distribution center in S“We receive shipments o n Tuesday and Saturday, which means that we have different items in the store at least twice a While each shipment replenishes items that sell well, each also includes new That’s why our customers come in often,” the Toronto store manager “We might get ten of one item and five of We’re constantly ”The density of Zara’s store locations in Europe helps achieve logistics They can fill trucks for frequent shipment in markets close to production and ship larger quantities by air to more distant Zara keeps transportation costs low on the supply side, since most of the production takes place in S This contrasts radically to most large fashion manufacturers, which rely on low cost manufacturing in Asia and South America, but then pay higher inventory costs and move goods to market more The air express strategy also allows Zara to maintain a multinational market presence with only one distribution They trade higher transportation costs for lower warehousing and inventory Add to this the idea that fast transportationsupports the product-innovation strategy that is the heart of Zara’s marketing, and the importance of logistics in Zara’s marketing strategy is The Results and the FutureZara’s parent company, Inditex, reached $7 billion in 2001 This made it the fastest growing clothing manufacturer in the Zara, Inditex’s fastest growing division, turns its inventory twice as fast as major competitors, with an inventory-to-sales of 7% compared to an industry average of 14% Their profitability in European operations (15%) is fifty percent higher than that of its major Zara manufactures 80% of its clothing in Europe, with most of the remaining 20% is sourced in MWhile top managers are understandably closed-mouthed about their plans, Zara seems ideally positioned to penetrate the US market in a major With some manufacturing already in Mexico, they could easily open a second distribution center aimed directly at the US This would make their youth-oriented styles widely available in the world’s most lucrative Question 1 – Zara’s Business Model and Competitive AnalysisZara, the most profitable brand of Inditex SA, the Spanish clothing retail group, opened its first store in 1975 in La Coruña, Spain; a city which eventually became the central headquarters for Zara’s global Since then they have expanded operations into 45 countries with 531 stores located in the most important shopping districts of more than 400 cities in Europe, the Americas, Asia and A Throughout this expansion Zara has remained focused on its core fashion philosophy that creativity and quality design together with a rapid response to market demands will yield profitable In order to realized these results Zara developed a business model that incorporated the following three goals for operations: develop a system the requires short lead times, decrease quantities produced to decrease inventory risk, and increase the number of available styles and/or These goals helped to formulate a unique value proposition: to combine moderate prices with the ability to offer new clothing styles faster than its These three goals helped to shape Zara’s current business Zara’s Business ModelZara’s business model can be broken down into three basic components: concept, capabilities, and value Zara’s fundamental concept is to maintain design, production, and distribution processes that will enable Zara to respond quickly to shifts in consumer José María Castellano, CEO of Inditex stated that "the fashion world is in constant flux and is driven not by supply but by customer We need to give consumers what they want, and if I go to South America or Asia to make clothes, I simply can't move fast " This highlights the importance of this quick response time to Zara’s Capabilities of Zara, or the required resources needed to exploit the opportunities and execute this conceptual strategy, are numerous for Z Zara maintains tight control over their production processes keeping design and manufacturing in-house or with some strategic partnerships located nearby H Currently, Zara maintains 80% of its production processes in Europe, 50% in Spain which is very close to La Coruña They have strategic agreements with local manufacturers that ensure timely delivery and Through these strategic partnerships and the benefits brought by this proximity of manufacturing and operational processes, Zara maintains the flexibility necessary to design and produce over 12000 new items This capability allows Zara to achieve their strategy of expedited response to consumer Value drivers for Zara are both tangible and intangible in the benefits that are returned to all Tangibly, Inditex, the parent company of Zara, has 02% net margin on operations and their market capitalization (Equity – market value) is �13, 981 (in thousands) in Their net working capital (current assets – current liabilities) is �133 (in thousands) Additionally, the success of Zara can be demonstrated through their outstanding financial From 1996 to 2000, Inditex SA tripled their corporate profits and in 2001, a year of overall economic downturn in the retail industry, Inditex SA saw a 31% increase in Intangibly, customer loyalty and brand recognition have provided significant value to Z The number of consumers they attract continues to rise and their brand is synonymous with the cutting edge of fashion at affordable The successful implementation of Zara’s business model provides great value to stakeholders and differentiates their business from their Competitive AdvantageFundamental to Zara’s success is their commitment to rapid response in customer trends in fashion, producing clothing often and with short life spans (10 wears) Their commitment to this goal and the capabilities that they have developed to achieve it, have provided significant competitive advantage to Zara especially in the areas of product development, strategic partnerships and cost of production, advertising and marketing, and information technology The efficiencies and processes developed in these four functions differ significantly from their competitors and stand out in providing additional value and profitability to ZFigure 1: Zara’s Business ModelProduct DevelopmentZara’s unique approach to product development is instrumental to their Zara gives store managers significant autonomy in both determining the products to display in their stores and which to place on sale, and relaying market research and store trends back to their headquarters in La Coruñ At headquarters there are teams of commercials who take this information into account to design and effectively plan and produce all of Zara’s Zara maintains a design team of 200 people, all of which produce approximately 12,000 new styles per year for Z The process of obtaining market information and relaying it to design and production teams expedites product development by shortening the throughput time of a product to 3-4 weeks from design to This process is very different from its Many competitors rely on a small elite design team that plans both design and production needs well in Stores have little autonomy in deciding which products to display or put on sale because Headquarters plans accordingly and ships quantities as Zara’s speed to market in product development exceeds the capabilities of its This in itself provides additional value to stakeholders, customers, and stores in producing quality clothing at affordable prices Zara’s product development capabilities are essential to Zara’s business strategy and future Strategic Partnerships and Cost of ProductionIn comparison to competitors, Zara’s business strategy, in regards to strategic partnerships and cost of production, provide for a strategic competitive Zara, unlike its competitors such as Gap, Benetton, and H&M, does not use Asian Eighty percent of Zara’s materials are manufactured in Europe, with 50% made in Zara controlled facilities in the Galicia region of Spain near Most of Zara’s competitors have 100% outsourcing to cheap Asian Though the cost of production in Spain is 17-20% more expensive than Asia, Zara does have a competitive advantage over its competitors in regards to The local strategic partnerships that Zara maintains with manufacturers in Europe allow for a product throughput time of 3-4 weeks from conception to To make this happen, the company designs and cuts its fabric in-house and it acquires fabrics in only four colors to keep costs Zara postpones dyeing and printing designs until close to manufacture, thereby reducing waste and minimizing the need to clear unsold The proximity of these suppliers gives Zara great flexibility in adapting their product lines based on up to date market trends and consumer It also decreases costs of holding Zara’s competitors, through outsourcing to Asian countries such as China, sacrifice the benefits of proximity for low labor and production Though there is a cost advantage in their approach in regards to labor, the lack of flexibility in changing orders based on current trends hinders their operational Inventory costs are higher for competitors because orders are placed for a whole season well in advance and then held in distribution facilities until periodic shipment to This proximity effect and the flexibility that it gives Zara is fundamental to their basic concept to respond quickly to shifts in consumer demand and has provided them with a competitive edge in comparison to their Advertising and MarketingZara’s unique approach to advertising and marketing is an additional factor within their business model that adds to their Zara spends 3% of total revenues on advertising and This is significantly less then their competitors who on average spend 3-4% of their total revenues on similar Hence, Zara maintains a cost advantage to their competitors in marketing In order to effectively complete with their peers Zara uses location, store layout, and product life cycles to act as their marketing tool to For instance, Zara strategically locates all of their stores in prime retail districts for visibility Additionally, because of the product development cycles mentioned earlier, customers are trained to visit Zara stores often because new items are presented weekly and are often not This feeling of scarcity encourages customers to come to the stores and buy Lastly, in order to keep the stores looking fresh and trendy; Zara invests heavily in their store They have a testing facility nearby their headquarters in Spain where different types of store layouts are Each Zara store is remodeled every 5 years in order to keep up with current Zara does not invest heavily in direct marketing, though their efforts in image/brand marketing do a great deal to attract a loyal customer Their cost advantage and ability to maintain brand recognition and customer loyalty are essential elements of Zara’s capabilities that build value in the Information and Communication TechnologiesZara’s information and communication protocols are significantly different from its Zara spends less than 5% of total revenue on IT and IT employees account for only 5% of Zara’s total This differs from their competitors who spend on average 2% of total revenue on IT expenditures and have 5% of their total workforce devoted to IT Zara utilizes human intelligence (from store managers and market research) and information technology (such as their PDA devices) in order to have a hybrid model for information flow from stores to For example, managers at Zara stores use handheld devices to send standardized information regarding customer feedback and ordering needs directly to in-house This not only keeps Zara's designers informed of fast-changing customer trends and demand, but also provides the company with insight on less-desirable Unlike Zara’s hybrid model (which incorporates human intelligence and IT applications), competitors rely almost completely on information Zara’s unique approach of human intelligence assisted IT solutions results in well-managed inventories, linkages between demand and supply, and reduced costs from obsolete merchandise; however, there is still room for improvement in their IT processes to realize more effective management of inventory Hence, the hybrid information and communication system that Zara uses provides cost advantages to Zara’s operations and helps to abide by their fundamental principle to have the ability to rapidly respond to changes in consumer Zara’s concept, capabilities, and value drivers, as demonstrated through their business model, have proven to be extremely Their resistance to outsourcing, concentration on core operations and production capabilities, and focus on the pulse of fashion have made them one of the most successful clothing In the event of future global expansion, their future success and sustainability will be drawn into They will need to adapt their business capabilities of product development, strategic partnerships and cost of production, marketing and advertising, and information and communication technologies in order to adjust to increasing global Question 2 – Key Decision Makers and Information Management in OperationsThe key decision makers in the ordering process on the face of it are the store managers and the commercials at the HQ However, there are certain issues that need to be addressed The store manager’s decision influence on the replenishment of garments is limited to a single order (twice a week) based on manually auditing the quantities required for the This information is subsequently sent to the HQ Although they are the decision makers in this case, the order is still In the fulfillment phase of the operations, the aggregated demand is ascertained and the supply is allocated according to past performance of the various garments at the 还有这个pdf版的:_Zara_Part_IIpdf这些是不是你想要的呢?




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