
Auld Lang Syne[友谊地久天长]


老师点评:内容深刻,佳句迭出,情感真挚,生动形象,表达出一种成长与成熟。临近毕业,感激之情胜过离别的伤感;拼搏逐梦,感谢同学给予的鼓励与陪伴。愿高三学子都能在温暖回忆的滋养下拥抱成功!(指导教师 唐小莲)

So lucky am I to enjoy the encounter[邂逅] with you, my dear classmates. If life is a song,you’re the catchiest[最吸引人的] syllables. If life is a movie, you’re the warmest scenes. If there indeed exists a god, and he can hear my voice from the deepest and purest part of my heart, I will devoutly[虔诚地] pray[祈祷] that he can bless[保佑] your days always blest[幸福的] and bright.

The closer we get to graduation, the more memories pour out. During these three years,especially during the decisive[决定性的] and tough time, it’s your energetic spirit and warm smile that wake me up with thefirst light of a day. And it’s your dedicated[专注的] looks and struggling backs that lighten my way in darkness.

We’re young and puny[弱小的], but we are determined and brave. In our lives, we’re all pilgrims[朝圣者] to success and a bright future. Although the trip is doomed[注定的] to be uneven[不平坦的], we never give up. Tired and confused, but looking around, you’re always standing by my side, just like a carfilled with oil, I can move on, even faster.

Do you remember our last sports meeting? There were only six boys in our class, but the race required ten boys. So we invited our teachers to run together. It has never happened in our school! We won satisfying results, as well as compliments from others.

Do you remember the barbecue picnic in our class? We rode bicycles along the countryside path, taking selfies[自拍] from time to time. On our arrival, we started to prepare a meal. Just like a family, some washed vegetables, some made a fire, others roasted meat, and so on. What I saw was the hustle and bustle[忙碌], what I heard were cheers and laughter, and what I smelt was the aroma[香气] of food. That harmonious[和谐的] and warm day will always be treasured in my memory.

主壁厚2.0 mm保持不变,侧壁厚度1.2 mm保持不变,加强筋厚度维持不变,加强筋高度分三种状态:0.45、0.75、1.25 mm,注塑成型参数保持不变,分析加强筋高度变化对塑料件翘曲变形的影响。

Our friendship isn’t based on sweet words or big stories. But what you bring me in daily life will be kept in my mind forever. With the departure[启程] around the corner, I want to say“thank you” instead of “goodbye.” Thank you all for being the dazzling[耀眼的] sunshine in my gloomy[阴暗的] days!

收集该院90例ICU糖尿病酮症酸中毒患者,数字表法分组,综合护理干预组男患者23例,女患者22例。年龄范围 41~68 岁,平均年龄(53.24±2.34)岁。入院尿酮含量为(2.21±0.81)mmol/L.对照组男患者 24 例,女患者21 例。年龄范围 42~69 岁,平均年龄(53.10±2.71)岁。入院尿酮含量为(2.21±0.82)mmol/L.两组一般资料差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

点火 作者:RachelTaylor,BillyBudd

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