
关于 Wallis 数列的连分式估计


1 Introduction

The famous Wallis sequence Wn, defined by



has the limiting value



established by Wallis in 1655; see [1, p. 68]. Several elementary proofs of this well-known result can be found in [2-4]. An interesting geometric construction that produces the above limiting value can be found in Myerson [5]. Many formulas exist for the representation of π, and a collection of these formulas is listed [6-7]. For more history of π see [8-11]. Some inequalities and asymptotic formulas associated with the Wallis sequence Wn can be found in [12-18]. For example,Chen and Paris in [13,Remark 2.1.] establish the following asymptotic expansions for the Wallis sequence Wn

The gamma function

Γ(x)=tx-1e-tdt (x>0)

is one of the most important functions in mathematical analysis and has applications in many diverse areas. The logarithmic derivative of Γ(x), denoted by ψ(x)=Γ′(x)/Γ(x), is called the psi (or digamma) function.

In this paper, we present continued fraction representation for Wn by making use of the fact that

③临床恶化 慢加急性(亚急性)、慢性肝衰竭临床恶化标准:(a)乏力、纳差、腹胀、出血等临床症状及体征加重;(b)肝功能指标加重;(c)新发并发症和/或肝外脏器功能衰竭,或原有并发症加重。

Based on the obtained result, we establish a double inequality for the Wallis sequence.

2 Lemmas

The following Lemmas are required in our present investigation.


Lemma 2.1([19, 20]) If the sequence (λn)nN converges to zero and if there exists the following limit

with s>1, then

We write the difference tn-tn+1 as the following power series in n-1


where Bn(n0∶=∪{0}) are the Bernoulli numbers defined by the following generating function

In particular, it follows from (3) that, for x>0,




3 Main results

Theorem 3.1 The Wallis sequence Wn has the following continued fraction



From (6), we have



Proof (Step 1) we define the sequence (tn)nN by

口头程式理论(Oral Formulaic Theory),亦称“帕里——洛德理论”(Parry-Lord Theory),由哈佛大学教授米尔曼·帕里(Milman Parry)和他的学生阿尔伯特·贝茨·洛德(Albert Bates Lord)创立[4],旨在阐释口头诗歌的创编规律、运行特征及传播过程[5],是20世纪以来研究民间口头文学的重要民俗学理论。该理论使民间口头文学研究从文本走向田野、从目治之学走向耳治之学[6]。口头程式理论框架由程式、主题(或典型场景)及故事类型三个结构性单元组成,其核心是程式的概念及其理论延伸。

Lemma 2.2 ( [21, Corollary 1]) Let mn, Then for x>0,

according to Lemma 2.1, the four parameter abc and d, which produce the fastest convergence of the sequence (tn)n are given by

that is

The speed of convergence of the sequence (tn)n is given by the order estimate n-5 as n→∞.


Using the same method as above, we obtain that the sequence (ηn)n converges fastest only if

教师教学理念陈旧、方法单一、内容枯燥 教师已从传统教学中的主体转为主导地位,而课堂教学是教师“传道、授业、解惑”的途径之一,但部分教师教学模式僵化、教学方法单一、教学理念陈旧,教学中存在“一言堂”、照本宣科,课堂教学不灵活,方法不适用于所授科目,课堂教学内容枯燥,课堂氛围不活跃。学生上课时感觉到枯燥无味,就会通过使用手机来打发时间[7]。

We thus find that

The speed of convergence of the sequence (ηn)n is given by the order estimate n-9 as n→∞. The proof is complete.

The formula (5) motivated us to establish Theorem 3.2.

Theorem 3.2 For every n





迁移实验:将3×104个细胞置于上室中(孔径8 μm),下室填充无血清培养基,细胞在Transwell小室中培养48 h后用于迁移测定,迁移的细胞被1%的结晶紫染色,随机选择5个视野,在倒置显微镜下计数迁移到下侧的细胞数。侵袭实验:将基质胶在4℃条件下过夜融化,并与3倍体积的无血清培养基混合均匀后加入24孔Transwell小室(每孔50 μL),其余实验步骤及方法同迁移实验。实验重复3次。

Proof The inequality (7) is equivalent to



In order to prove (8), it suffices to show that

f(n)>0 and g(n)<0 for n


(Step 2) We define the sequence sequence (tn)n by

Using Stirling’s formula, we find that

Differentiating f(x) and using the second inequality in (4), we find, for x≥3

where P10(x) is a polynominal of degree 10 with non-negative integer coefficients.


We then obtain that

f′(x)<0, x≥3.

Direct computation yields


Hence, the sequence {f(n)} is strictly decreasing for n≥1, and we have


which means that the first inequality in (8) is valid for n.

Differentiating g(x) and using the first inequality in (4), we find, for x≥5,

where P9(x) is a polynomial of degree 9 with non-negative integer coefficients.

We then obtain that

g′(x)>0, x≥5.

Direct computation yields

Hence, the sequence {g(n)} is strictly increasing for n≥1, and we have

which means that the second inequality in (8) is valid for n. The proof is complete.


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