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《牛虻》1897年在英国出版,半个世纪后被译成中文时,也就是1947年左右。《牛虻》李良民译的,1953年中国青年出版社出版,1957年再版。作者根据梁启超、严复和林纾做出的卓越贡献,首次提出应将他们称为那个时期的译坛“三杰”。梁启超被列于榜首;他虽年纪最轻,译的作品最少,但他创办大同译书局,培养翻译人才,以政治影响翻译事业,故而所起的作用最大。“三杰”积极引进西学,帮助国人了解西方人的生活,了解西方社会先进的政治体制及社会制度,从而激发国人变革的思想。该部分还用大篇幅介绍了清末民初的科学翻译、小说翻译、诗歌翻译和戏剧翻译,并叙述了中国文化在域外传播的情况。民国时期,我国的翻译事业蓬勃发展,鲁迅、郭沫若、茅盾、瞿秋白、刘半农、郑振铎、曹靖华、董秋斯、朱生豪、梁实秋、傅东华以及梅益等翻译大家的活动,把翻译事业推向了辉煌的巅峰。此际西学东渐风气日炽,许多学子负笈欧美,译著颇丰,门类包括诗歌、小说、剧本等,译著按国别划分为苏俄、美国、英国、法国、德国、日本等等。这一时期是全书叙述的重点,所列举的译者译著最多,占的篇幅最大。第三部分展示建国后的翻译活动,介绍了师哲、巴金、李良民、刘伯承、楼适夷、高值、刘宓庆、焦菊隐、丰子恺、文洁若、成仿吾、郭大力、飞白、荣如德、杨武能、黄龙、罗新璋等杰出的翻译家和翻译理论家,详尽叙述了发生在这一时期的对苏俄文化、日本文化、法国文化、德国文化、北美文化、英国文化以及印度等弱小国家文化的译介情况。该史的一个显著特点是浓墨重彩地阐述中国翻译理论的构建情况,把“信达雅”、“硬译”、“学、思、得”等散落在各处的“珍珠”穿缀起来,形成一个体系,熠熠生辉。《20世纪中国翻译史》的出版,无论在国内译坛还是国际译坛都引起了轰动。2005年国际著名学术刊物《视角:翻译学研究》(Perspective:Studies in Translatology) (Cao,2005:155)提到:“《20世纪中国翻译史》阐述了二十世纪中国的翻译活动。它追溯了中国翻译活动和理论研究的百年历史,并且展现了翻译家们对这项伟大事业所做出的贡献。此书广泛介绍了一批杰出的翻译家、他们的作品、思想,以及他们对中国社会的影响,由此概括了中国翻译研究的发展方向。”国际译联权威杂志Babel(He Aijun, Yu Yingji, 2006:1)也刊登了数千言的文章,对《20世纪中国翻译史》及其作者方华文的翻译思想进行了介绍,盛赞此书“填补了自五四运动以来中国翻译史的一段空白”。在国内,《中国科技翻译》(2006,2)、《博览群书》(2005,10)、《文艺报》(2006,8,17)等报刊杂志都撰文给予高度的评价。

253 评论


Chinese Martial Arts (Chinese Kung Fu) has a history of thousands of years, including many fighting style, is an important part of Chinese traditional Its birth was motivated by the need for self defense, ancient hunting skills and military Historically, the influence of Chinese martial arts can be found in books and the unique performance art in Recently, its influence also extended to the target audience much broader film and television Thus, Chinese Wushu has spread beyond its ethnic roots, all over the world are attractive

258 评论


这是维基百科里关于功夫的描述, 地道的英语描述: Chinese martial arts, known in Mandarin as wushu (武术) and popularly as kungfu (Chinese: 功夫 ), consist of a number of fighting styles that were developed over the Those fighting styles can be classified according to common themes that are identified as "families" (家), "sects" (派) or "schools" (门) of martial Example of themes are physical exercises that mimic movements from animals or a history and training method that gather inspiration from various Chinese philosophies, myths and Some styles focus on the the harnessing of qi and are labeled internal (内 家 拳), while others concentrate on improving muscle and cardiovascular fitness and are labeled external (外 家 拳) Geographical association, as in northern (北 拳) and southern (南 拳), is another popular method of Each fighting style offers a different approach to the common problems of self-defense, health, and self-cultivation from a Chinese 上面400多字足够做个简短介绍, 如果不够, 你可以到维基的英语版面里打入:KungFu 再详细看看更多的资料

236 评论


Kung fu or gongfu or gung fu (功夫, Pinyin: gōngfu) is a Chinese term often used by speakers of the English language to refer to Chinese martial Its original meaning is somewhat different, referring to one's expertise in any skill, not necessarily The Chinese literal equivalent of "Chinese martial art" would be 中国武术 zhōngguó wǔshùIn its original meaning, kung fu can refer to any Gōngfu (功夫) is a compound of two words, combining 功 (gōng) meaning "achievement" or "merit", and 夫 (fū) which translates into "man", so that a literal rendering would be "human achievement" Its connotation is that of an accomplishment arrived at by great In Mandarin, when two "first tone" words such as gōng and fū are combined, the second word often takes a neutral tone, in this case forming gōOriginally, to practice kung fu did not just mean to practice Chinese martial Instead, it referred to the process of one's training - the strengthening of the body and the mind, the learning and the perfection of one's skills - rather than to what was being It refers to excellence achieved through long practice in any You can say that a person's kung fu is good in cooking, or that someone has kung fu in calligraphy; saying that a person possesses kung fu in an area implies skill in that area, which they have worked hard to Someone with "bad kung fu" simply has not put enough time and effort into training, or seems to lack the motivation to do Kung fu is also a name used for the elaborate Fujian tea ceremony (Kung-fu cha)The term kung fu was not popularly used in the sense of "Chinese martial art" until the 20th century, thus the word would be seldom found in any ancient [citation needed] The term was first known to have been reported by the French Jesuit missionary Jean Joseph Marie Amiot, in the 18th The term was uncommon in the mainstream English language until the late 1960s, when it became popular due to Hong Kong films, Bruce Lee, and later the television series Kung F Before the 1960s Kung Fu was referred to primarily as "Chinese boxing"In contemporary hacker culture the fu has been generalized to a suffix, implying that the thing suffixed involves great skill or For example, one may talk of "script-fu" to refer to complicated It is unknown whether this was consciously based on the original, broader meaning of the term or whether it was a simple wordplay on the less general Western notion of "kung fu"

286 评论


  • 中华武术杂志介绍英文翻译


    翻页作废啊 5人参与回答 2024-05-21
  • 中华武术杂志介绍英文

    Chinese Gongfu is a very important and unique form of Chinese It can be viewed

    chensilong812 3人参与回答 2024-05-18
  • 中华武术杂志介绍稿英文

    Hello!   Ladies and gentlemen  this is Chinese kongfu。  thank you

    狂想妄想不想 5人参与回答 2024-05-20
  • 中华武术杂志介绍

    目前权威的《拳击与格斗》 讲实用性。以对抗为主的杂志《中华武术〉国家体委武协所办,以散打和套路为主。主要讲国内的武术杂志〈武魂》、《精武》、《武林》、《太极与

    dianpingyao 4人参与回答 2024-05-19
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    鵼鵼小舞 2人参与回答 2024-05-21