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首页 > 论文问答 > 中华武术杂志介绍稿英文

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Chinese Gongfu is a very important and unique form of Chinese It can be viewed as both a popular and a classical art: today it is very common and widespread; on the other hand, it has had a very long developed Not only did it not decline and disappear as many other facets of pre-modern Chinese culture, it even seems to be gaining much recognition, both in its actual practice and in its relative literature, thetics, philosophy, psychology, are more and more   Chinese Gongfu possesses an important and extensive cross-cultural Western culture has, of course, a great influence on the path of Chinese   Meanwhile Chinese culture is also making an impact on Western culture; the popularity of Chinese Gongfu, including Taijiquan, Qigong, , is not limited to China but has become a worldwide phenomenon; it thus is a typical example of this reverse As it includes different aspects such as fighting exercise and health care, daily life and academic study, natural state and social scope, research on Gongfu could shed a wholly new light onthese interrelated phenomena in an intercultural   think that, if the research sets out from aesthetics perspective, people can more easily comprehend the characters of the popularity and fashion of Gongfu as "art"; and if Gongfu research starts with the aesthetic method, namely "perceptually comprehensive method", the profoundness namely multi-gradation and multi-orientation of its intercultural significance can be explained in a orrespondingly simply way; thus the research on Gongfu will more effectively oppose the "cultural centered views", so as to raise a new subject and even open up a new path for modern international   Beauty of form of Wushu and Chinese Art Many westerners find the action and routines of Chinese Wushu (Martial Art) to be quite spectacular, but also ask if a real Gongfu fight would look so This really involves a very interesting problem: Chinese Gongfu has not only practical goals, but also embodies the pursuit and appreciation of   Beauty of mood of Qigong and the wisdom of Taoist School and Chan sect Chinese Gongfu includes both Wushu and Q In fact, the  higher level of most of Wushu (martial arts) is Q Qigong exercise has created aesthetic miracles of life and culture, which modern sports cannot hope to Being beauty of Gongfu and Tao-ontological aesthetics Gongfu-aesthetics studies both the outsidebeauty of form and the inner beauty of Moreover, it may involve ontology (being philosophy) of beauty of
268 评论


《黄帝内经》英译本 国内现存最早的中医药学经典。其第一个英译本由北京外文出版社推向海外书市。 /htm 《江西中医药》杂志编辑部 编辑部的介绍、组成、约稿等。 《中成药》杂志--电子版 刊登最新中成药研究、生产、应用和发展动态,介绍中成药新技术、新产品。 《中医天地》 北京中医药大学学生自办刊物。 安徽中医临床杂志 设有专病证治、临床研究、名老中医之路、医家经验、简法验方等栏目。 基层中药杂志网络版 介绍中药制剂、中药炮制、配方保管、本草研究、临床中药等。 /htm 健康163网站(中医外治杂志主办) 介绍中医外治特色,推动中医外治学术的发展。 江苏中医药 月刊,1956年创刊。 /htm 江西中医药 创刊于1951年。 /xuebao 山东中医杂志 由山东中医药学会、山东中医药大学主办的综合性中医药学术期刊。 现代中西医结合杂志 现代西医结合杂志网站,半月刊,综合大型医学期刊。 现代中西医结合杂志 综合性学术半月刊,包含本刊简介、稿约信息、期刊浏览。 中国骨伤 中国医学专业核心期刊。 中国实用中西医结合杂志 国际连续出版物,世界中西医药学会权威性核心期刊。 中国针灸 由中国针灸学会和中国中医研究院共同主办的针灸学术月刊。 中国中西医结合杂志社 全国性中西医结合综合性学术期刊。 中国中医药杂志 高级医学刊物。 中华实用中西医杂志 中华实用中西医杂志,中文权威性核心期刊。 中医外治杂志 中医药学术期刊。 中医药学刊杂志网 由国家中医药管理局主管,中华中医药学会主办的中医药学术刊物。 中医杂志 我国中医药界最权威的学术期刊,月发行量近10万册,获国家期刊奖。

269 评论


Chinese Gongfu is a very important and unique form of Chinese It can be viewed as both a popular and a classical art: today it is very common and widespread; on the other hand, it has had a very long developed Not only did it not decline and disappear as many other facets of pre-modern Chinese culture, it even seems to be gaining much recognition, both in its actual practice and in its relative literature, thetics, philosophy, psychology, are more and more   Chinese Gongfu possesses an important and extensive cross-cultural Western culture has, of course, a great influence on the path of Chinese   Meanwhile Chinese culture is also making an impact on Western culture; the popularity of Chinese Gongfu, including Taijiquan, Qigong, , is not limited to China but has become a worldwide phenomenon; it thus is a typical example of this reverse As it includes different aspects such as fighting exercise and health care, daily life and academic study, natural state and social scope, research on Gongfu could shed a wholly new light on these interrelated phenomena in an intercultural   think that, if the research sets out from aesthetics perspective, people can more easily comprehend the characters of the popularity and fashion of Gongfu as "art"; and if Gongfu research starts with the aesthetic method, namely "perceptually comprehensive method", the profoundness namely multi-gradation and multi-orientation of its intercultural significance can be explained in a orrespondingly simply way; thus the research on Gongfu will more effectively oppose the "cultural centered views", so as to raise a new subject and even open up a new path for modern international   Beauty of form of Wushu and Chinese Art Many westerners find the action and routines of Chinese Wushu (Martial Art) to be quite spectacular, but also ask if a real Gongfu fight would look so This really involves a very interesting problem: Chinese Gongfu has not only practical goals, but also embodies the pursuit and appreciation of   Beauty of mood of Qigong and the wisdom of Taoist School and Chan sect Chinese Gongfu includes both Wushu and Q In fact, the  higher level of most of Wushu (martial arts) is Q Qigong exercise has created aesthetic miracles of life and culture, which modern sports cannot hope to Being beauty of Gongfu and Tao-ontological aesthetics Gongfu-aesthetics studies both the outside beauty of form and the inner beauty of Moreover, it may involve ontology (being philosophy) of beauty of

272 评论



112 评论


China Kong Fu !你说几个字就简洁明了了。。外国人不叫它Action,而是直接音译,这说明了啥?说明咱有特色!有影响!有魄力!有在前面特意加上China一词,标明了专属性。——这是中国的!中国特有的!!让我们永远高举爱国主义的旗帜,向着胜利勇敢前进吧!!瓦卡卡。。

277 评论


Hello!   Ladies and gentlemen  this is Chinese kongfu。  thank you

254 评论


  • 中华武术杂志介绍稿英文

    Hello!   Ladies and gentlemen  this is Chinese kongfu。  thank you

    狂想妄想不想 5人参与回答 2024-06-04
  • 中华武术杂志介绍英文

    Chinese Gongfu is a very important and unique form of Chinese It can be viewed

    chensilong812 3人参与回答 2024-06-01
  • 中华武术杂志介绍英文翻译


    翻页作废啊 5人参与回答 2024-06-04
  • 中华武术杂志介绍

    目前权威的《拳击与格斗》 讲实用性。以对抗为主的杂志《中华武术〉国家体委武协所办,以散打和套路为主。主要讲国内的武术杂志〈武魂》、《精武》、《武林》、《太极与

    dianpingyao 4人参与回答 2024-06-02
  • 中华武术杂志介绍稿子


    allen阿蕾 5人参与回答 2024-06-04