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Level 2 - CTCS list control system is based on the rail transport information of train running speed control system, using high-speed lines and new car - land and integrated Level 2 - CTCS applicable section of speed, the ground not set by the signal, the crew by car It is based on the point of track circuit, to train operation control information transmission system of point - Level 2 - CTCS of system control center and control station and interval track circuit and send by trackside electronic control unit (LEU, active response to achieve continuous transmission of information control This topic research using the computer simulating microcomputer interlocking system monitoring station, and the relevant information chain system microcomputer control center and the data table automatically generate into This system to list the automatic control center data analysis, the DianMaHua frequency configuration chart every, data For response to the on-board equipment is ready for data Paper mainly includes introduction, basic function and the technical index system, the overall structure and the software design, computer interlocking system simulation analysis and design of monitoring, Numbers, car into information analysis and design, the response of the device Numbers information analysis and design, line speed information analysis and design, orbit segments of information analysis and design of a few parts, One of the main parts in the introduction of the system and the background of the current situation, the study shows, Then describes the system technical indicators and basic functions, And according to the technical indicators and basic functions of the system is put forward for total structure, system design and analysis of the main principle illustrated, According to the specific requirements of the system, the overall design of the system software, and finally to system interface design as 你分数太少了
305 评论


中国铁路调度指挥系统  TDCS是铁路调度指挥信息管理系统,主要完成调度指挥信息的记录、分析、车次号校核、自动报点、正晚点统计、运行图自动绘制、调度命令及计划的下达、行车日志自动生成等功能,还句话说就是原来行车调度员和车站值班员需要用笔记下的东西现在都可以由TDCS自动完成。  参考欧洲ETCS规范,中国逐步形成了自己的CTCS(Chinese Train Control System)标准体系。如何吸收ETCS规范并结合中国国情更好地再创新,是值得深入研究的课题。  铁路是国民经济的大动脉,是中国社会和经济发展的先行产业,是社会的基础设施,铁路运输部门又是国民经济中的一个重要部门,它肩负着国民经济各种物资运输的重任,对中国社会主义建设事业的发展有着举足轻重的作用。为了满足国民对铁路运输的要求,进入二十一世纪以后,铁路部门致力于高速铁路和客运专线的建设,并取得了骄人的成绩。  为了适应中国高速铁路、客运专线的迅速发展和保证铁路运输安全的需要,铁道部有关部门研制成功了“CTCS系统”(即:铁路列车控制系统,是Chinese Train Control System的缩写“CTCS”)  【工作模式】  完全监控模式:车载设备正常获取列车数据、线路数据、移动授权的情况下,由车载设备自动应用的控车模式。此时车载设备监控动态速度曲线,通过人机界面(DMI)显示列车运行速度、允许速度、目标速度和目标距离等信息,监控列车安全运行。  调车模式:调车作业时使用的模式,列控车载设备按固定限制速度40km/h监控列车前进或折返运行。CTCS-3和ETCS-2等级下需要RBC(无线闭塞中心)给出授权,车载设备监控调车限速,也可同时监控调车区域。  休眠模式:非本务端(驾驶室没有激活)使用的模式。在这种模式下,车载设备不执行列车移动监控功能,执行列车位置功能、无线会话管理功能。  待机模式:车载设备上电并完成自检后自动进入的模式。此时车载设备禁止列车移动。  隔离模式:当列控车载设备停用时,司机停车并操作隔离开关隔离车载设备。在该模式下,车载设备不具备安全监控功能。  部分监控模式(PS):该模式仅用于CTCS-2级列车运行控制系统。在CTCS-2级中,当车载设备接收到轨道电路允许行车的信息,而缺少应答器提供的线路数据时,列控车载设备产生一定范围内的固定限制速度,监控列车运行。  机车信号模式(CS):该模式同样仅用于CTCS-2级列车运行控制系统。当列车运行到地面设备未装备CTCS-3/CTCS-2级列控系统的区段时,根据行车管理办法(含调度命令),经司机操作后,列控车载设备按固定限制速度80km/h监控列车运行,并显示机车信号。  引导模式(CO):当引导信号机或出站信号机开放且列车前端距离出站信号机较远发车时,车载设备按照固定限速40km/h监控列车运行,由司机负责检查轨道占用情况。

117 评论



186 评论


Level 2 - CTCS list control system is based on the rail transport information of train running speed control system, using high-speed lines and new car - land and integrated Level 2 - CTCS applicable section of speed, the ground not set by the signal, the crew by car It is based on the point of track circuit, to train operation control information transmission system of point - Level 2 - CTCS of system control center and control station and interval track circuit and send by trackside electronic control unit (LEU, active response to achieve continuous transmission of information control This topic research using the computer simulating microcomputer interlocking system monitoring station, and the relevant information chain system microcomputer control center and the data table automatically generate into This system to list the automatic control center data analysis, the DianMaHua frequency configuration chart every, data For response to the on-board equipment is ready for data Paper mainly includes introduction, basic function and the technical index system, the overall structure and the software design, computer interlocking system simulation analysis and design of monitoring, Numbers, car into information analysis and design, the response of the device Numbers information analysis and design, line speed information analysis and design, orbit segments of information analysis and design of a few parts, One of the main parts in the introduction of the system and the background of the current situation, the study shows, Then describes the system technical indicators and basic functions, And according to the technical indicators and basic functions of the system is put forward for total structure, system design and analysis of the main principle illustrated, According to the specific requirements of the system, the overall design of the system software, and finally to system interface design as necessary

158 评论


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