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我国零售业人力资源管理的问题及对策研究——以国美电器为例摘 要近年来, 在我国扩大内需、 拉动消费等政策的刺激下, 跨国零售巨头纷纷看好中国零售市场, 并掀起了大规模的扩张浪潮, 同时内资零售巨头也通过兼并、 重组等方式进行扩张。 零售业人才需求量由此不断增加。 因此, 企业要发展, 要在市场竞争中立于不败之地, 必须高度重视人力资源的开发和管理。文章以国美电器企业为例, 深入研究了我国零售行业的人力资源管理情况。 通过研究、 分析国美电器人力资源管理所存在的问题, 以及解决这些问题的对策, 从而找到了我国零售行业人力资源管理问题的症结, 明确了我国零售行业人力资源管理改革的方向和突破点, 为我国零售行业人力资源管理实现科学化提供了理论支撑和实践指南。关键词: 零售行业, 人力资源管理, 问题, 对策ABSTRACTIn recent years, the expansion of domestic demand in our country, such as stimulatingconsumption policy stimulating, transnational retail giant bullish on the Chinese retail marketin succession, and the expansion of a massive wave, and domestic retail giant also through themerger, restructuring way This increased demand for retail Therefore, theenterprise is to develop and in the market competition, we must pay more attention to humanresources development and Taking gome enterprise as an example, a deep research in Chinese retail industrysituation of human resource Through the research and analysis of humanresources management gome existing problems, and countermeasures to solve these problems,so as to find the retail industry in China human resource management the crux of the problem,made clear the retail industry in China human resource management and the reform directionof breakthrough point, for human resource management in Chinese retail industry to realizescientization provide the support in theory and practice Keywords: retail enterprise, human resources management, problems,countermeasure目 录摘 要 IABSTRACT II绪论 1一 我国零售行业人力资源的内涵及特点 3(一) 我国零售行业人力资源管理的内涵 3(二) 我国零售行业人力资源管理的特点 3二 国美电器人力资源管理问题及现状 6(一) 国美电器发展简介 6(二) 国美电器人力资源管理现状 6三 我国零售行业人力资源管理存在的问题以及原因分析 11(一) 我国零售行业人力资源管理存在的问题 11(二) 我国零售行业人力资源管理中存在问题的原因分析 13四 我国零售业人力资源管理对策 15(一) 加强以人为本的企业文化建设 15(二) 完善培训制度, 真正发挥培训的作用 15(三) 建立科学合理的人力资源规划体系 15(四) 建立对员工的承诺 16(五) 建立有效的激励机制, 激发员工的工作积极性 16(六) 从人力资源六大模块着手, 加强人员队伍建设 17结 论 1参考文献 2致 谢 3绪论(一) 研究的背景及意义市场经济迅猛发展的今天, 我国零售业也实现了跨越式发展。 自 2001 年加入 WTO以来, 我国的零售行业基本完成了 与国际接轨, 出现了专卖场、 超市、 购物中心、 仓储式商店、 便利店等多种零售业态。 然而现代意义的零售业人力资源管理则是通过强化和支持企业经营活动, 对零售企业的赢利、 门店管理, 实现经营目标的有效手段。笔者在湖南国美电器有限公司望城波特利广场店的实习过程中, 发现目前零售行业在人力资源管理工作中有待提升和完善的地方还有很多。 因此, 研究我国零售行业人力资源管理问题, 具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。 故本文以国美电器为例, 来探讨目前我国零售行业人力资源管理环节存在的问题, 提出相关的对策, 以期促进国内零售业人力资源管理的健康发展。( 二) 文献综述关于我国零售业人力资源管理的问题, 笔者在中国知网和超星电子书库搜索, 共搜到相关论文九百多篇, 著作六十多本。 笔者从以上论文中抽取出相对典型的几篇, 加以综述:罗玉宏在其论文《基于战略的商业零售企业人力资源管理研究》 一文中, 认为商业零售企业的劳务表现是一种服务性劳动, 是面对面服务的过程 [1] 。 并对零售行业现状中出现的一些问题, 如人力资源规划不合理, 绩效考核不科学, 激励机制单一, 对培训开发的重视不够等作了阐述。 认为在零售行业中, 服务人员与顾客之间相互接触, 相互交往, 相互影响。 北京大学鲁小慧在《北京工商大学学报》 上发表的《中国零售业后 WTO时代的发展战略》 一文, 对零售行业要发展, 需要找准市场定位, 优化企业供应链管理,发展自有品牌, 重视人力资源, 加强队伍建设,实行“以人为本” 的优质服务, 使零售行业跟上时代步伐, 促进和谐发展 [2] 等问题作了阐述。 高艳在《经济管理》 中发表《企业如何变人力资源为人力资本》 一文, 强调人的劳动生产率, 从人力资源开发与管理的角度, 提出实行数量调节、 合理配置、 教育和培训、 人员激励、 企业文化建设 [3] 等, 在零售行业人力资源管理中, 提出对我国零售行业进行整改和规划。 周莉文在《科技资讯》 中发表《浅谈现代企业的人力资源开发》 一文, 认为零售行业人员流动比较大, 企业采取强硬的方式留不住人才, 建立相应的人才流动机制, 允许人才合理流动, 实现企[1] 罗玉宏. 基于战略的商业零售企业人力资源管理研究[J] 商场现代化, 2005, (05) : 132-[2] 鲁小慧. 中国零售业后 WTO 时代的发展战略[N] . 北京工商大学学报, 2009-08-12:85-[3] 高艳. 企业如何变人力资源为人力资本[C] . 经济管理, 2002(13) :57-业与人才的双向选择, 企业应以自身的优势吸引人才, 以自我价值不断提升和激励人才,企业必须重视、 尊重、 关心和爱护人才 [1] 。 王唯惟在《理论与当代》 发表的《谈人事管理中的能级对应》 一文中, 对零售行业人力资源管理提出有职有权原则, 放手使用原则,流动原则 [2] 。 于淑娟在《零售企业人力资源管理的瓶颈》 中强调人力资源投入方面严重不足, 尤其是培训方面精打细算, 人员培训被管理者认为是影响效益 [3] 。 并针对这些问题提出了相应的对策。综上所述, 我们可以看出, 学术界对我国零售业人力资源管理中存在的问题以及对策作了比较多的论述。 这些论述, 为进一步深入研究我国零售业人力资源管理问题打下了坚实的基础。 但是, 还存在诸多的薄弱环节, 等待我们去研究, 如: 如何建立科学合理的人力资源规划, 建立以激励机制为中心的人力资源管理体系, 完善人才管理激励机制, 打造独特优势, 提升管理水平, 抓住关键机遇, 强化市场与客户意识, 等等。(三) 研究思路及方法首先, 选取我国零售业为研究对象, 以湖南国美电器有限公司为例, 深入分析我国零售业人力资源管理所具有的特点。其次, 在此基础上, 通过数据分析国美电器的人力资源实际情况, 找出国美电器人力资源管理及人员组织结构的问题。再次本着理论与现实相结合的原则, 查阅大量国内外期刊、 论文和书籍, 从我国学者对零售业人力资源管理的见解入手, 结合学者们的观点, 分析当前我国零售业人力资源管理所存在的问题的原因。最后, 针对这些问题, 结合国美电器实际情况以及人力资源管理理论提出了相应的对策。[1] 周莉文 浅谈现代企业的人力资源开发[J]. 科技资讯, 2006(05) [2] 王唯惟. 谈人事管理中的能级对应[D] . 理论与当代, 2003(4) [3] 于淑娟. 零售企业人力资源管理的瓶颈[J] . 认识和机制, 2005(09) 一 我国零售行业人力资源的内涵及特点现代零售业的人力资源是指能适应企业经营活动需要和内外环境的、 服从企业组织管理的现在和潜在的员工。 而国美电器零售行业的人力资源管理具有独特的自身特点。(一) 我国零售行业人力资源管理的内涵零售行业人力资源管理是对人员的获取整合、 调整控制、 激励培训的过程。 在我国零售行业的每一个管理者, 不仅仅完成零售业每一天的生产数据、 销售目标, 还要培养一支为实现企业组织目标能够打硬仗的员工队伍。(二) 我国零售行业人力资源管理的特点1 人才结构复杂, 存在的专业偏多湖南国美电器望城波特利广场店从筹备开业以来, 公司分配了 37 个编制, 有店长、副店长、 人事行政专员、 财务人员(包括会计主管、 会计、 出纳、 收银组长、 收银员、库管、 库工等) , 服务台人员(包括客服主管、 客服专员等) , 安保人员, 夜值安保,维修员以及各品类科主任、 主任助理、 营业员等。 国美零售门店行业有知识结构、 能级水平、 工龄年龄和身体素质不同的专用型人才, 通用型人才, 有专业技术人才、 人事行政人才等, 有复杂的人才群体结构, 再加上经营管理人才, 业务工作和营销服务人才一起形成了一个多层次多序列的综合体。2 非熟练员工存在在零售行业, 最开始雇佣的的部分员工都是没有工作经验或一些工作经验少的员工。 零售行业吸引人, 主要是因为零售行业门店非常靠近居民大众, 人们可以在离家比较近的地方找到工作, 并且支付的低工资和零售职位对教育、 培训和技能的要求比较低使零售门店行业只能雇佣这些非熟练员工。3 人员素质要求相对比较高零售业的经营管理人员必然懂得用现代科学方法和理论完善自己。 湖南国美电器望城波特利广场店的店长是培训经理出生, 店长经验 3 年, 懂经营、 善管理。 零售门店的基层岗位的一线人员不太要求员工的文化与专业学历, 不过很重视他们的心理素质和交际沟通能力。 但综合化的工作内容要求二线员工有灵活发挥多方面知识的能力, 有更大的亲和性和自我调适能力。 因此, 现代零售企业人才资源要求员工素质高能力强。4 需求量大一个国际化的大型上市企业旗下的零售门店, 人员岗位比较齐全才能方便事物之间的正常运转, 一个不足 900 平米的卖场需要 37 个编制, 各个岗位都安排到位的话, 这样的人才需求才更大。 零售业现代化的逐步推进、 零售业的不断繁荣、 现代社会流通市场的开放搞活、 对人才数量的需求也越来越大。5 给普通员工的报酬偏低由于零售行业逐步进入微利时代, 企业严格控制人员成本, 同时零售行业对人员的技术含量和学历要求比较低, 人员进入该企业的门槛低, 使得零售行业员工工资偏低。像国美电器零售门店行业, 显然是一个卖场和几间办公室组成, 除了夜值安保人员晚上住在门店守店以外, 明显是一个不包吃住的行业, 卖场人员不管管理人员还是经营人员都是选择就近原则, 尽量选择当地人, 这样在工资水平偏低的情况下还有当地人员选择服务。6 员工离职率高离职率是反映企业在一定时期内员工的流动性, 离职率的高低决定流动性的大小。流动性大说明企业人员很不稳定, 流动性小则说明企业人员相对稳定。 任何一个企业都不会希望本企业的离职率偏高的。 国美电器很大一部分员工在入职半年到一年就离职,不仅影响了工作的正常进行, 而且在很大程度上增加了招聘成本。7 工作内容不确定工作内容不容易形成书面文字, 工作内容绝大部分是临时安排的, 除了一些常规工作, 其他工作几乎没有形成文字形式, 管理人员不容易及时了解员工在做什么, 一些员工往往有机可乘, 钻管理空子, 不工作,偷懒! 长久就形成了好逸恶劳、 混日子的心态,工作缺乏激情、 部门缺乏团队精神、 士气低下。8 工作时间通常比较长, 具有时段、 季节、 区域性差异零售业门店经营时间一般为上午 8 点 30 到晚上 21 点, 周六周日正常营业, 而且营业时间有进一步延长趋势, 一般情况下, 公司会为门店雇佣至少两班全职员工。 零售业的经营活动和员工的劳动强度具有时段性、 季节性和区域性的差异, 并受客流量变化的影响。 电器行业的销量一般在 2-4 月为淡季, 公司充分利用五一劳动节、 国庆节、 圣诞节、 元旦、 春节等进行优惠活动吸引顾客。 由于顾客的需求各异, 人员也应当按照顾客的特殊时间进行服务。 上班期间, 员工要保持高效的工作效率和顾客至上的态度做到让顾客处处满意。二 国美电器人力资源管理问题及现状(一) 国美电器发展简介国美电器, 是一家股份制家电零售集团企业, 就国美电器门店零售行业而言, 门店商场集聚了不同厂家电器, 有彩电、 冰箱、 洗衣机、 空调等传统家电, 各类小家电、 厨卫等生活家电, 电脑、 手机、 数码、 OA 办公用品等 3C 家电。 不同的厂家将自己的品牌集聚在一块方便消费者购买与选择。 形成了具有国美电器自己特点的经营模式和管理方式, 由北京国美总部统一管理, 并在各省市设立分部, 分部以下再设置门店, 是中国最大的以家电及消费电子产品零售为主的全国性连锁企业。1 大部分员工年纪较轻国美集团的员工年龄在 30 岁以下的人数占企业总人数的6 7%。 大部分是刚从学校毕业出来的中职生, 年纪轻, 敢想敢做、 勇于尝试、 可塑性强。 但是, 年轻的员工非常缺乏经验。 同时, 关键岗位(副店长以上人员) 年龄结构偏低, 管理团队成熟度不足。应该通过人员调整, 提升管理团队成熟度, 店长和副店长在 30 岁以下人员占比调整为15%, 主任和副主任在 25 岁以下人员占比调整为 15%。2 学历普遍偏低整体学历层次偏低, 特别是分部总及门店店长这种关键岗位的学历结构有待提升。国美电器中有本科学历的员工占比不到1 2%, 57%的员工学历为高中或职业中专, 加之他们的年纪轻, 流动性强, 不方便管理。 国美电器需要新进员工的时候就临时的从人才市场招进来, 因为急需用人, 对于考核、 培训都忽略了, 一般都是先上岗, 有时间就进行简单的培训, 没有时间就不进行培训。 有些员工从入职到离职都没有参加过一次完整的培训, 学历和培训的双重原因造成国美电器的离职率居高不下。 通过调查分析, 新进员工学历比例构成应该为本科 5%, 大专 56%, 大专以下 5%。 同时应该加强现有人员培训与培养, 做好关键岗位的梯队建设, 使关键岗位知识技能结构整体提升。三 我国零售行业人力资源管理存在的问题以及原因分析(一) 我国零售行业人力资源管理存在的问题1 没有真正深刻认识人力资源管理国美电器在组织结构上成立了人力资源部, 但并没有真正重视人力资源。 在具体的工作上还是停留在传统的办理入职离职手续、 员工档案管理、 员工异动协调等。 企业仍直接监督管理员工, 没有将员工看成是企业的资源, 而是把员工看作是单向的接受管理的人。 这将严重影响人力资源部门管理人员和调动员工的工作积极性。2 招聘不严格招聘能为企业吸收一些新鲜血液。 国美电器在 2011 年 12 月才建立起员工素质评价系统, 在系统成立初期, 系统构架还不够完善, 对一线二线员工的教育、 培训和技能要求比较低, 人员招聘的渠道偏窄, 为了保障人员的稳定性, 人力资源部门对于基层的销售员工只考虑中等以下学历, 满足最低背景水平的申请者。 为了节省了大量的时间和金钱, 对求职者仅仅进行简单的面试, 没有对员工性格、 表现、 志趣和能力的测验。 从而导致员工离职率偏高、 工作效率偏低, 浪费与流失了优秀的人才。3 缺乏有效的激励机制几乎每一个零售行业, 每一个门店在人事岗位上都只安排一个人事专员对于门店的所有人事行政工作进行管理。 随着人力资源逐渐进入中国市场被企业所接纳, 很多企业并没有真正开展起现代企业的人力资源管理。 长期以来, 企业人力资源的开发与管理并不被大部分零售门店商场的高级管理者所重视, 他们大多重视商品的销售和门店的业绩的提升, 并没有将人放在首位, 重视人。 望城国美电器波特利广场店缺乏人员培训与管理, 直接上岗销售, 导致很多营业员缺乏专业技能的发挥使得经常性的出错, 最后导致销售水平不高。四 我国零售业人力资源管理对策(一) 加强以人为本的企业文化建设“以人为本” 的企业文化建设的重点, 就是在企业的经营管理中以人为核心, 做到尊重人、 激励人, 充分发挥人的创造性和积极性, 逐步提高员工对企业文化的认同感。 国美电器应该加强对员工的人性化的关怀, 为员工工作营造一个和谐、 轻松、 愉快的工作环境, 要让员工感受到被重视, 国美电器以通过开展一些团队活动, 并把每一位员工视为企业的资源, 对于公司的一些政策、 发展方向, 可以让员工进行讨论, 集思广益增强企业凝聚力, 增加员工的归属感, 以达到加强企业文化建设的目的。 这样才能提高员工工作的积极性、 创造性和归属感, 员工才会更加努力的工作, 把自己在企业的工作视为一项事业来做。 零售业企业要树立“以人为本”的优质服务, 想顾客所想, 急顾客所急,真正地把企业的经营理念转到让顾客满意上来。[1](二) 完善培训制度, 真正发挥培训的作用人力资源培训是企业为了达到一定的经营目标对其员工传授其完成工作所必需的知识技能、 提高工作效率的方法; 并通过改变员工的价值观使之与企业的目标相一致的活动过程。 培训能够提高企业整体人力资源的素质、 鼓舞员工的工作士气、 增强企业的凝聚力, 进而增强企业的竞争力。 零售业的员工培训显得尤为重要, 特别是门店工作人员, 因为在零售业中门店工作人员是直接接触顾客的, 他们的形象和素质在某种程度上也说明了一个企业员工的整体素质和形象, 门店工作人员的素质直接影响顾客的购买行为。 所以企业必须要重视对员工的培训, 当然对培训的重视不仅仅体现在对培训的投入上, 更重要的是体现在培训的结果上, 这就需要企业建立一套完善的培训体系, 对培训效果进行跟踪评估, 并及时对受训人进行培训反馈, 让培训和工作真正相结合

[1]AprilD Thames,MichelleS Kim,BrianW Becker,JessicaM Foley,LindsayJ Hines,ElyseJ Singer,RobertK Heaton,StevenA Castellon,CharlesH H Medication and finance management among HIV-infected adults: The impact of age and cognition[J] Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,2011,332:[2]Jianping Yang,Wenjing S Finance Management Based on Value Chain Management[J] International Journal of Business and Management,2009,25:[3]Raymond H An empirical comparison of published replication research in accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing[J] Journal of Business Research,1996,352:[4]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,472:[5]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,468:[6]Eleanor O’Higgins,Bairbre K Comparative Perspectives on the Ethical Orientations of Human Resources, Marketing and Finance Functional Managers[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2005,563:[7]Ann E T Today’s Ethical Issues: A Perspective from Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2007,701:[8]Konstantin E Axenov,Evgeniy Bondarchuk,Isolde B The new retail trade and services and their emerging location pattern in S Petersburg[J] GeoJournal,1997,424:[9]Diggs Schnequa N Health disparities and health care financing: restructuring the American health care [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,384:[10]Robinson Alan,Triesch J Task-specific modulation of memory for object features in natural [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2008,4:[11]Breitmeyer Bruno G,Tapia E Roles of contour and surface processing in microgenesis of object perception and visual [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2012,7:[12]Klemm W R Free will debates: Simple experiments are not so [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2010,6:[13]Bernet Patrick M,Carpenter Caryl E,Saunders W The impact of competition among health care financing authorities on market yields and issuer interest [J] Journal of health care finance,2011,381:[14]Stewart Louis J Analysis of capital spending and capital financing among large US nonprofit health [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,383:[15]John KS Chong,Donald R E Anticipating and dealing with financial crisis[J] Management Decision,1998,3610:[16]Michael Jay Polonsky,Denise G J Rural Outshopping in Australia: The Bathurst-Orange Region[J] European Journal of Marketing,1992,2610:[17]Francisco José Más Ruí Image of suburban shopping malls and two-stage versus uni-equational modelling of the retail trade attraction: An empirical application[J] European Journal of Marketing,1999,335:[18]Justo de Jorge M Efficiency and regulation in Spanish hypermarket retail trade: A cross-section approach[J] International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,2008,361:[19]Darryl G Greer,Michael W K A new model for financing public colleges and universities[J] On the Horizon,2010,184:[20]Peter JMM Krumm,Jackie de V Value creation through the management of corporate real estate[J] Journal of Property Investment & Finance,2003,211:[21]Tanay Kumar Nandi,Ritankar S Foreign direct investment in India with special focus on retail trade[J] Journal of International Trade Law and Policy,2007,62:[22] Making management stay: Funding, development and promotion[J] Development and Learning in Organizations,2005,192:[23]Pedro Cosme Vieira,Aurora A C T Are finance, management, and marketing autonomous fields of scientific research? An analysis based on journal [J] Scientometrics,2010,85:[24]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2010,47:[25]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2009,46:[26]Ivan-Damir Anić RETAIL TRADE AND THE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT[J] Economic Review,2002,539:[27]Anton Glavinić BUILDING OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL IN THE RETAIL TRADE PROCESS ANALYSIS[J] Economic Review,2001,525:[28]Zdenko S Contemporary Management Development Of Retail Trade[J] Economic Journal,2009,1:[29]Zdenko S DEVELOPMENT TENDENCIES AND STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE CROATIAN RETAIL TRADE[J] Economic Review,2005,561:[30]Alan G H Credit Indebtedness and the UK Retail Trade[J] The Service Industries Journal,,114:[31]Tabukeli M R Rural settlement and retail trade business in the Eastern Cape[J] Development Southern Africa,2000,172:[32]Hans Peter H Cultural perspectives on the development of the retail trade, East and West[J] Asia Pacific Business Review,2009,151:[33] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2011,76216:[34] RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; Retail trade turnover inRussia inJanuary-September 2011[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2011,:[35]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE TURNOVER IN RUSSIA IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2009[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[36]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE IN RUSSIA[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[37] Small Business Size Standards: Retail Trade[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75193:[38] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75200:[39]A RETAIL; Retail trade turnover inRussia grows 6% inJuly[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Food & Agriculture Weekly,2011,:[40] Retail Outlook 2012: Uncertainty and Cross-border Shopping Slow Down Retail Trade; Credit Suisse Study on the Outlook for Swiss Retailing[J] M2 Presswire,2012,:


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[1]AprilD Thames,MichelleS Kim,BrianW Becker,JessicaM Foley,LindsayJ Hines,ElyseJ Singer,RobertK Heaton,StevenA Castellon,CharlesH H Medication and finance management among HIV-infected adults: The impact of age and cognition[J] Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,2011,332:[2]Jianping Yang,Wenjing S Finance Management Based on Value Chain Management[J] International Journal of Business and Management,2009,25:[3]Raymond H An empirical comparison of published replication research in accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing[J] Journal of Business Research,1996,352:[4]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,472:[5]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,468:[6]Eleanor O’Higgins,Bairbre K Comparative Perspectives on the Ethical Orientations of Human Resources, Marketing and Finance Functional Managers[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2005,563:[7]Ann E T Today’s Ethical Issues: A Perspective from Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2007,701:[8]Konstantin E Axenov,Evgeniy Bondarchuk,Isolde B The new retail trade and services and their emerging location pattern in S Petersburg[J] GeoJournal,1997,424:[9]Diggs Schnequa N Health disparities and health care financing: restructuring the American health care [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,384:[10]Robinson Alan,Triesch J Task-specific modulation of memory for object features in natural [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2008,4:[11]Breitmeyer Bruno G,Tapia E Roles of contour and surface processing in microgenesis of object perception and visual [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2012,7:[12]Klemm W R Free will debates: Simple experiments are not so [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2010,6:[13]Bernet Patrick M,Carpenter Caryl E,Saunders W The impact of competition among health care financing authorities on market yields and issuer interest [J] Journal of health care finance,2011,381:[14]Stewart Louis J Analysis of capital spending and capital financing among large US nonprofit health [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,383:[15]John KS Chong,Donald R E Anticipating and dealing with financial crisis[J] Management Decision,1998,3610:[16]Michael Jay Polonsky,Denise G J Rural Outshopping in Australia: The Bathurst-Orange Region[J] European Journal of Marketing,1992,2610:[17]Francisco José Más Ruí Image of suburban shopping malls and two-stage versus uni-equational modelling of the retail trade attraction: An empirical application[J] European Journal of Marketing,1999,335:[18]Justo de Jorge M Efficiency and regulation in Spanish hypermarket retail trade: A cross-section approach[J] International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,2008,361:[19]Darryl G Greer,Michael W K A new model for financing public colleges and universities[J] On the Horizon,2010,184:[20]Peter JMM Krumm,Jackie de V Value creation through the management of corporate real estate[J] Journal of Property Investment & Finance,2003,211:[21]Tanay Kumar Nandi,Ritankar S Foreign direct investment in India with special focus on retail trade[J] Journal of International Trade Law and Policy,2007,62:[22] Making management stay: Funding, development and promotion[J] Development and Learning in Organizations,2005,192:[23]Pedro Cosme Vieira,Aurora A C T Are finance, management, and marketing autonomous fields of scientific research? An analysis based on journal [J] Scientometrics,2010,85:[24]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2010,47:[25]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2009,46:[26]Ivan-Damir Anić RETAIL TRADE AND THE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT[J] Economic Review,2002,539:[27]Anton Glavinić BUILDING OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL IN THE RETAIL TRADE PROCESS ANALYSIS[J] Economic Review,2001,525:[28]Zdenko S Contemporary Management Development Of Retail Trade[J] Economic Journal,2009,1:[29]Zdenko S DEVELOPMENT TENDENCIES AND STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE CROATIAN RETAIL TRADE[J] Economic Review,2005,561:[30]Alan G H Credit Indebtedness and the UK Retail Trade[J] The Service Industries Journal,,114:[31]Tabukeli M R Rural settlement and retail trade business in the Eastern Cape[J] Development Southern Africa,2000,172:[32]Hans Peter H Cultural perspectives on the development of the retail trade, East and West[J] Asia Pacific Business Review,2009,151:[33] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2011,76216:[34] RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; Retail trade turnover inRussia inJanuary-September 2011[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2011,:[35]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE TURNOVER IN RUSSIA IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2009[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[36]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE IN RUSSIA[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[37] Small Business Size Standards: Retail Trade[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75193:[38] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75200:[39]A RETAIL; Retail trade turnover inRussia grows 6% inJuly[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Food & Agriculture Weekly,2011,:[40] Retail Outlook 2012: Uncertainty and Cross-border Shopping Slow Down Retail Trade; Credit Suisse Study on the Outlook for Swiss Retailing[J] M2 Presswire,2012,:






[1]AprilD Thames,MichelleS Kim,BrianW Becker,JessicaM Foley,LindsayJ Hines,ElyseJ Singer,RobertK Heaton,StevenA Castellon,CharlesH H Medication and finance management among HIV-infected adults: The impact of age and cognition[J] Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,2011,332:[2]Jianping Yang,Wenjing S Finance Management Based on Value Chain Management[J] International Journal of Business and Management,2009,25:[3]Raymond H An empirical comparison of published replication research in accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing[J] Journal of Business Research,1996,352:[4]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,472:[5]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,468:[6]Eleanor O’Higgins,Bairbre K Comparative Perspectives on the Ethical Orientations of Human Resources, Marketing and Finance Functional Managers[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2005,563:[7]Ann E T Today’s Ethical Issues: A Perspective from Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2007,701:[8]Konstantin E Axenov,Evgeniy Bondarchuk,Isolde B The new retail trade and services and their emerging location pattern in S Petersburg[J] GeoJournal,1997,424:[9]Diggs Schnequa N Health disparities and health care financing: restructuring the American health care [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,384:[10]Robinson Alan,Triesch J Task-specific modulation of memory for object features in natural [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2008,4:[11]Breitmeyer Bruno G,Tapia E Roles of contour and surface processing in microgenesis of object perception and visual [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2012,7:[12]Klemm W R Free will debates: Simple experiments are not so [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2010,6:[13]Bernet Patrick M,Carpenter Caryl E,Saunders W The impact of competition among health care financing authorities on market yields and issuer interest [J] Journal of health care finance,2011,381:[14]Stewart Louis J Analysis of capital spending and capital financing among large US nonprofit health [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,383:[15]John KS Chong,Donald R E Anticipating and dealing with financial crisis[J] Management Decision,1998,3610:[16]Michael Jay Polonsky,Denise G J Rural Outshopping in Australia: The Bathurst-Orange Region[J] European Journal of Marketing,1992,2610:[17]Francisco José Más Ruí Image of suburban shopping malls and two-stage versus uni-equational modelling of the retail trade attraction: An empirical application[J] European Journal of Marketing,1999,335:[18]Justo de Jorge M Efficiency and regulation in Spanish hypermarket retail trade: A cross-section approach[J] International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,2008,361:[19]Darryl G Greer,Michael W K A new model for financing public colleges and universities[J] On the Horizon,2010,184:[20]Peter JMM Krumm,Jackie de V Value creation through the management of corporate real estate[J] Journal of Property Investment & Finance,2003,211:[21]Tanay Kumar Nandi,Ritankar S Foreign direct investment in India with special focus on retail trade[J] Journal of International Trade Law and Policy,2007,62:[22] Making management stay: Funding, development and promotion[J] Development and Learning in Organizations,2005,192:[23]Pedro Cosme Vieira,Aurora A C T Are finance, management, and marketing autonomous fields of scientific research? An analysis based on journal [J] Scientometrics,2010,85:[24]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2010,47:[25]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2009,46:[26]Ivan-Damir Anić RETAIL TRADE AND THE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT[J] Economic Review,2002,539:[27]Anton Glavinić BUILDING OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL IN THE RETAIL TRADE PROCESS ANALYSIS[J] Economic Review,2001,525:[28]Zdenko S Contemporary Management Development Of Retail Trade[J] Economic Journal,2009,1:[29]Zdenko S DEVELOPMENT TENDENCIES AND STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE CROATIAN RETAIL TRADE[J] Economic Review,2005,561:[30]Alan G H Credit Indebtedness and the UK Retail Trade[J] The Service Industries Journal,,114:[31]Tabukeli M R Rural settlement and retail trade business in the Eastern Cape[J] Development Southern Africa,2000,172:[32]Hans Peter H Cultural perspectives on the development of the retail trade, East and West[J] Asia Pacific Business Review,2009,151:[33] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2011,76216:[34] RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; Retail trade turnover inRussia inJanuary-September 2011[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2011,:[35]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE TURNOVER IN RUSSIA IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2009[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[36]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE IN RUSSIA[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[37] Small Business Size Standards: Retail Trade[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75193:[38] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75200:[39]A RETAIL; Retail trade turnover inRussia grows 6% inJuly[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Food & Agriculture Weekly,2011,:[40] Retail Outlook 2012: Uncertainty and Cross-border Shopping Slow Down Retail Trade; Credit Suisse Study on the Outlook for Swiss Retailing[J] M2 Presswire,2012,:

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营销界必读八本书1、《营销管理》 作者:菲利浦�6�1科特勒 2、《人性的弱点》作者:戴尔�6�1卡耐基 3、《定位》 作者:艾�6�1里斯、特劳特 4、《世界最伟大的推销员》作者:奥格�6�1曼狄诺 5、《营销战》 作者:艾�6�1里斯、特劳特 6、《执行》作者:拉姆�6�1查兰 7、《奥美的观点》奥美公司8、《新整合营销》 作者:唐�6�1舒尔茨 《别做正常的傻瓜》奚恺元 《决策与判断》,人民邮电出版社,《情感化设计》,电子工业出版社 《顾客为什么购买》,中信出版社 《设计心理学》,中信出版社 以及以下都是营销方面最好的参考文献《广告策划原理与实务》、《商务管理策划》、《市场营销管理》、《市场调查与预测》、《公共关系》、《连锁营销与策划》、《企业经营战略》、《推销技术》、《电子商务与策划》、《客户管理与操作实务》、《商务法律》《营销战》《二十二条商规》《影响力》等

[1]AprilD Thames,MichelleS Kim,BrianW Becker,JessicaM Foley,LindsayJ Hines,ElyseJ Singer,RobertK Heaton,StevenA Castellon,CharlesH H Medication and finance management among HIV-infected adults: The impact of age and cognition[J] Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,2011,332:[2]Jianping Yang,Wenjing S Finance Management Based on Value Chain Management[J] International Journal of Business and Management,2009,25:[3]Raymond H An empirical comparison of published replication research in accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing[J] Journal of Business Research,1996,352:[4]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,472:[5]Rustam Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and evaluation[J] Information & Management,2009,468:[6]Eleanor O’Higgins,Bairbre K Comparative Perspectives on the Ethical Orientations of Human Resources, Marketing and Finance Functional Managers[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2005,563:[7]Ann E T Today’s Ethical Issues: A Perspective from Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing[J] Journal of Business Ethics,2007,701:[8]Konstantin E Axenov,Evgeniy Bondarchuk,Isolde B The new retail trade and services and their emerging location pattern in S Petersburg[J] GeoJournal,1997,424:[9]Diggs Schnequa N Health disparities and health care financing: restructuring the American health care [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,384:[10]Robinson Alan,Triesch J Task-specific modulation of memory for object features in natural [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2008,4:[11]Breitmeyer Bruno G,Tapia E Roles of contour and surface processing in microgenesis of object perception and visual [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2012,7:[12]Klemm W R Free will debates: Simple experiments are not so [J] Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw,2010,6:[13]Bernet Patrick M,Carpenter Caryl E,Saunders W The impact of competition among health care financing authorities on market yields and issuer interest [J] Journal of health care finance,2011,381:[14]Stewart Louis J Analysis of capital spending and capital financing among large US nonprofit health [J] Journal of health care finance,2012,383:[15]John KS Chong,Donald R E Anticipating and dealing with financial crisis[J] Management Decision,1998,3610:[16]Michael Jay Polonsky,Denise G J Rural Outshopping in Australia: The Bathurst-Orange Region[J] European Journal of Marketing,1992,2610:[17]Francisco José Más Ruí Image of suburban shopping malls and two-stage versus uni-equational modelling of the retail trade attraction: An empirical application[J] European Journal of Marketing,1999,335:[18]Justo de Jorge M Efficiency and regulation in Spanish hypermarket retail trade: A cross-section approach[J] International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,2008,361:[19]Darryl G Greer,Michael W K A new model for financing public colleges and universities[J] On the Horizon,2010,184:[20]Peter JMM Krumm,Jackie de V Value creation through the management of corporate real estate[J] Journal of Property Investment & Finance,2003,211:[21]Tanay Kumar Nandi,Ritankar S Foreign direct investment in India with special focus on retail trade[J] Journal of International Trade Law and Policy,2007,62:[22] Making management stay: Funding, development and promotion[J] Development and Learning in Organizations,2005,192:[23]Pedro Cosme Vieira,Aurora A C T Are finance, management, and marketing autonomous fields of scientific research? An analysis based on journal [J] Scientometrics,2010,85:[24]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2010,47:[25]Rustam M Vahidov,Xin H Situated DSS for personal finance management: Design and [J] Information & Management,2009,46:[26]Ivan-Damir Anić RETAIL TRADE AND THE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT[J] Economic Review,2002,539:[27]Anton Glavinić BUILDING OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL IN THE RETAIL TRADE PROCESS ANALYSIS[J] Economic Review,2001,525:[28]Zdenko S Contemporary Management Development Of Retail Trade[J] Economic Journal,2009,1:[29]Zdenko S DEVELOPMENT TENDENCIES AND STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE CROATIAN RETAIL TRADE[J] Economic Review,2005,561:[30]Alan G H Credit Indebtedness and the UK Retail Trade[J] The Service Industries Journal,,114:[31]Tabukeli M R Rural settlement and retail trade business in the Eastern Cape[J] Development Southern Africa,2000,172:[32]Hans Peter H Cultural perspectives on the development of the retail trade, East and West[J] Asia Pacific Business Review,2009,151:[33] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2011,76216:[34] RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; Retail trade turnover inRussia inJanuary-September 2011[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2011,:[35]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE TURNOVER IN RUSSIA IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2009[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[36]A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE TRADE; RETAIL TRADE IN RUSSIA[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2009,:[37] Small Business Size Standards: Retail Trade[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75193:[38] Annual Retail Trade Survey[J] The Federal Register / FIND,2010,75200:[39]A RETAIL; Retail trade turnover inRussia grows 6% inJuly[J] Interfax : Russia & CIS Food & Agriculture Weekly,2011,:[40] Retail Outlook 2012: Uncertainty and Cross-border Shopping Slow Down Retail Trade; Credit Suisse Study on the Outlook for Swiss Retailing[J] M2 Presswire,2012,:


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