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顾维钧,他在近代很有名。被誉为民国第一外交家,1919和1921年代表中国参加了巴黎和会与华盛顿会议,在巴黎和会上,就山东的主权问题据理力争,以出色的辩论才能阐述中国对山东有1945年6月,出席旧金山会议,参加《联合国宪章》起草工作并代表中国在《联合国宪章》上签字。其后任国民党政府驻联合国代表。不容争辩的主权,为维护中华民族的权益作出了贡献。周恩来,他的事迹很多,比较著名的象提出 求同存异,和平共处五项基本原则



宋庆龄 周恩来




Diplomat 政治里只用这一个,英文报刊常见。


diplomat 外交家 外交官 minister 外交公使



1891年2月5日,罗斯柴尔德家族和英国的其他一些银行家成立了秘密组织“圆桌会议集团”,美国也建立了相应的组织,牵头的就是摩根家族。第一次世界大战以后,美国的“圆桌会议集团”更名为“外交协会”(Council on Foreign Relation),英国的改为“皇家国际事务研究所”(Royal Institute of International Affairs)。美英两国政府的许多重要官员就是从这两个协会中被挑选出来的。  美国外交关系协会(Council on Foreign Relations),又译美国外交协会、美国外交理事会。是美国政府重要智囊团。成立于一九二一年(CFR History),是美国东部权势集团的对外政策宣传与研究机构,历史悠久,影响颇大。由该协会主办的《外交事务》杂志曾刊登过乔治·凯南、基辛格和斯坦利·霍夫曼等美国知名外交家、国际政治学者的论文。现会员有3300名,现任主席是理查德·哈斯。

A 160-YEAR TRADITIONSince 1857, The Atlantic has been challenging assumptions and pursuing  WHO WE AREAs we reflect on our past and look toward the future—in a world where ideologically narrow or simple answers are less adequate, and can even be more destructive, than ever—we decided to put to words a handful of ideas we thought represented authentic guiding commitments for us and to our Look for the truth above looking for a We know great storytelling is part of great But honest reporting and analysis, and the integrity they represent, are what matter most to us, even if their pursuit requires giving up on an alluring Continue to explore rather than imagining we’ve Certainty can be comforting, but it can also get in the way of For us, the end of every story or argument should be the beginning of a conversation, and the end of every conversation the beginning of another—or even another story or Go beyond what happens to what We see it as part of our job to help keep our audience up-to-date on the most important news and current events across the United States and around the But the bigger part of our job is to work out—through reporting, argument, and debate—what that news means now, and what it could mean for the Embrace a diversity of No story is ever complete, no argument is ever perfect, and debates worth having tend to shift and turn more than they So we can never rely on a single point of view, or even on a “balance” of Important ideas, observations, points, and counterpoints can come from anywhere—from across the political spectrum—so we have to look everywhere for Immerse ourselves, and our audience, in the world—instead of escaping from People are connected today in ways they’ve never been before, through established media, new media, social media, or But these kinds of connection have also balkanized, filtered, alienated, and inspired retreat—into private concerns, into entertainment, into ideological comfort zones, and so We want to connect with the world by fully engaging with it, and with people who see it differently from how others see Our hope is that these commitments orient us in a way that not only is genuine for The Atlantic, but that helps us be as meaningful as possible to you in your life, and as good a force as possible for the world around WHERE WE COME FROMWhen the founders of The Atlantic gathered in Boston in the spring of 1857, they wanted to create a magazine that would be indispensable for the kind of reader who was deeply engaged with the most consequential issues of the The men and women who created this magazine had an overarching, prophetic vision—they were fierce opponents of slavery—but they were also moved to overcome what they saw as the limits of partisanship, believing that the free exchange of ideas across ideological lines was crucial to the great American Their goal was to publish the most urgent essays, the most vital literature; they wanted to pursue truth and disrupt consensus without regard for party or  Here is the mission statement published in the very first issue of The Atlantic, in November 1857, and signed by many of the greats of American letters, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Herman Melville, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Nathaniel Hawthorne:First: In Literature, to leave no province unrepresented, so that while each number will contain articles of an abstract and permanent value, it will also be found that the healthy appetite of the mind for entertainment in its various forms of Narrative, Wit, and Humor, will not go uncared The publishers wish to say, also, that while native writers will receive the most solid encouragement, and will be mainly relied on to fill the pages of The Atlantic, they will not hesitate to draw from the foreign sources at their command, as occasion may require, relying rather on the competency of an author to treat a particular subject, than on any other claim In this way they hope to make their Periodical welcome wherever the English tongue is spoken or Second: In the term Art they intend to include the whole domain of aesthetics, and hope gradually to make this critical department a true and fearless representative of Art, in all its various branches, without any regard to prejudice, whether personal or national, or to private considerations of what kind Third: In Politics, The Atlantic will be the organ of no party or clique, but will honestly endeavor to be the exponent of what its conductors believe to be the American It will deal frankly with persons and with parties, endeavoring always to keep in view that moral element which transcends all persons and parties, and which alone makes the basis of a true and lasting national It will not rank itself with any sect of anties, but with that body of men which is in favor of Freedom, National Progress, and Honor, whether public or In studying this original mission statement, we came to understand that its themes are The core principles of the founders are core principles for us: reason should always guide opinion; ideas have consequences, sometimes world-historical consequences; the knowledge we have about the world is partial and provisional, and subject to analysis, scrutiny, and MILESTONESFEBRUARY 1862Julia Ward Howe’s “Battle Hymn of the Republic” makes its first public appearance, on the front page of The AAPRIL 1862Ralph Waldo Emerson, in “American Civilization,” calls for the emancipation of slaves, and praises President Abraham Lincoln for his principled moves in that APRIL 1870Anna Harriette Leonowens publishes “English Governess at the Siamese Court,” her memoir of her time in Siam, which is later fictionalized by Margaret Landon as Anna and the King of Siam—and, in 1951, turned into the hit musical The King and IAUGUST 1897W E B Du Bois, in “The Strivings of the Negro People,” introduces his idea of the African American's experience of “double consciousness,” setting in motion a conversation on race and identity that continues AUGUST 1897In the same issue, John Muir argues passionately, in “The American Forests,”  for the central role federal government must play in the preservation of nature, later inspiring President Theodore Roosevelt to establish the National Park SAUGUST 1915The magazine publishes “The Road Not Taken,” which Robert Frost had given to then-editor Ellery Sedgwick as a handwritten AUGUST 1932Far ahead of her time, Helen Keller, in the form of humorous Depression-era business advice-giving, encourages more men to do housework in “Put Your Husband in the K”JULY 1945In “As We May Think,” Vannevar Bush writes one of the most influential think pieces in modern technological history, offering the first vision of what would decades later become hypertext—a building block of email and the World Wide WAPRIL 1963The Atlantic publishes Martin Luther King J’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail,” then titled “The Negro Is Your Brother,” for the first time nationally, a document that would serve as one of the defining texts of the civil-rights MARCH 1982James Q Wilson and George L Kelling publish “Broken Windows,” which would go on to—for better and for worse, some might argue—define the next three decades of criminology, and continues to remain influential, and hotly debated, SEPTEMBER 1990Bernard Lewis writes his hallmark essay, “The Roots of Muslim Rage,” presaging the rise of Islamic NOVEMBER 2002With uncanny prescience, and against the tide of much popular opinion, James Fallows projects, in “The Fifty-First State?”—published six months before the start of the Iraq War—that “the day after a war ended, Iraq would become America’s ”JULY/AUGUST 2013Anne-Marie Slaughter reframes the gender-and-work debate with “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All,” arguing that true equality entails sweeping policy JUNE 2014In “The Case for Reparations,” Ta-Nehisi Coates argues that America must “reckon” with its “compounding moral debts,” sparking international debate on how governments and citizens should confront systemic injustice, both past and MARCH 2015Graeme Wood, in “What ISIS Really Wants,” offers a sweeping, in-depth analysis of the terrorist organization’s motivations and worldview, and his arguments find their way into both the White House and popular


《外交官》杂志为非公开订阅杂志,仅向特定对象投放。故无订阅邮编和统一代码。其投放范围为: 中国外交部各驻华使领馆外交部各驻外使领馆外国驻华各大商会及办事处各大外国驻华旅游局及各办事处各五星酒店,高档富豪俱乐部及旅行社(京 港 沪 厦 粤)各政府驻京。沪,港办事处各地方政府招商局 外事办从事外交领域学院,机构,协会,相关外贸企业人员著名时尚人士 商业人士 及高端人群。中国中央各部委 香港澳门特区政府中国14个一线城市机场贵宾室,(北京 上海 沈阳 广州 西安 成都 三亚 武汉 哈尔滨 青岛 济南 重庆 厦门 )北京及上海高铁贵宾室。中国国航,东方航空,上海航空,深圳航空,韩亚航空,美国联合航空,汉莎航空,澳洲航空,全日空,印尼鹰航,阿联酋航空,泰国航空,加拿大航空,新加坡航空,斯里兰卡航空,国泰航空等30多家国内国际航空公司头等舱贵宾室。


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