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参考答案 最深的黑夜即将过去,你看,月亮出来了。

希望能帮到你:Reform in the system, the Government should grasp the direction and the following principles: first, in order to further promote the telecommunications services and applications targeted at the market opening, appropriate to relax market access, including allowing private and foreign components, including the diversification of investment does not involve the basis of the main access to the virtual carrier network facilities and communication services, such as resale and wholesale Second, the significant socio-economic activities relating to welfare and public infrastructure and telecommunication services, the Government must maintain the necessary management, intervention and control, at an appropriate time to promote market-oriented telecommunications charges, the formation mechanism and avoid multiple market players vying for market share game in the process of price-fixing conspiracy or the danger of excessive competition that may arise in the transition of Third, the number of nets in the current mode of competition, network infrastructure, there is an inevitable degree of duplication of the building, and the Government through issuance of licenses, allocation of resources, such as an effective means to weaken their Next goal is to minimize duplication of funding the construction of the network so as to avoid sedimentation and excess capacity to invest and improve the efficiency of resource

Reform in the system, the Government should grasp the direction and the following principles: first, in order to further promote the telecommunications services and applications targeted at the market opening, appropriate to relax market access, including allowing private and foreign components, including the diversification of investment does not involve the basis of the main access to the virtual carrier network facilities and communication services, such as resale and wholesale Second, the significant socio-economic activities relating to welfare and public infrastructure and telecommunication services, the Government must maintain the necessary management, intervention and control, at an appropriate time to promote market-oriented telecommunications charges, the formation mechanism and avoid multiple market players vying for market share game in the process of price-fixing conspiracy or the danger of excessive competition that may arise in the transition of Third, the number of nets in the current mode of competition, network infrastructure, there is an inevitable degree of duplication of the building, and the Government through issuance of licenses, allocation of resources, such as an effective means to weaken their Next goal is to minimize duplication of funding the construction of the network, thus avoiding precipitation of investment and excess capacity, improve efficient use of resources 可以么?投我啊!!!

Regulation of information services but also establish the concept of big business, streamline regulation of the telecommunications system, the promotion of information and communication industries, the information technology industry, information industry development, information content of an interactive cross-industry, services in information integration and Will be the future of information and communication industry and information technology industries, the information content industry, information industry has to develop more cross-interaction, information service industry will become increasingly clear, telecommunications regulation must conform to this trend, streamline the regulatory system, services in the information service In fact, the "triple play" is the integration of information technology and industrialization should mean, "triple play" into "two" of the technical details of a; and telecommunications regulatory information must be placed in the integration and industrialization Panorama can be carried out, rather than simply search for "whole network, vertical management" model of independent However, in the context of integration, but also can not fully achieve the integration of telecommunications and radio and television regulation, to the new regulatory bodies as well as In the current institutional set up under the premise of rationalizing the industrial and information requirements of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television, as well as cultural, publicity, public security division of responsibilities of relevant agencies and collaboration model, the promotion of "triple play" with the market open, the coordination of information and communications monitoring and information content regulation; rationalize the industrial and information requirements of the other departments involved in the telecommunications regulatory functions of the position and work patterns, the formation of a unified system of telecommunications regulation, the promotion of upstream and downstream of the cross-industry interaction, and serve the information service industry, services in information technology the integration and




Reform in the system, the Government should grasp the direction and the following principles: first, in order to further promote the telecommunications services and applications targeted at the market opening, appropriate to relax market access, including allowing private and foreign components, including the diversification of investment does not involve the basis of the main access to the virtual carrier network facilities and communication services, such as resale and wholesale Second, the significant socio-economic activities relating to welfare and public infrastructure and telecommunication services, the Government must maintain the necessary management, intervention and control, at an appropriate time to promote market-oriented telecommunications charges, the formation mechanism and avoid multiple market players vying for market share game in the process of price-fixing conspiracy or the danger of excessive competition that may arise in the transition of Third, the number of nets in the current mode of competition, network infrastructure, there is an inevitable degree of duplication of the building, and the Government through issuance of licenses, allocation of resources, such as an effective means to weaken their Next goal is to minimize duplication of funding the construction of the network, thus avoiding precipitation of investment and excess capacity, improve efficient use of resources 可以么?投我啊!!!


Abstract: Chinese have experienced the pre-researches and partial satellite tests on the man carried cosmonautic vehicle, carried on the researches on environmental control and ecology protection subsystem in "Shenzhou" airships, carried on the researches on physical chemistry regenerating technical of environmental control and ecology protection & that of controlled ecology and ecology This paper mainly introduces the research evolution of the technical of the environmental control and ecology protection system and analyses the technical characteristic about the environmental control and ecology protection Abstract: In this paper, we provide a new practical method to abstract noise model of INS/GNSS integrated navigation system for Kalman filter from measuring data, we first designed the experiment which based on the elaborate deduction, then we log the data of GNSS and made stationary test of the stochastic process, after that, we fit the model and estimate the This method, we think, can be used practically in other integrated navigation

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童鞋你好!这个估计需要自己搜索了!网上基本很难找到免费给你服务的!我在这里给你点搜索国际上常用的外文数据库:---------------------------------------------------------- ⑴ISI web of knowledge Engineering Village2 ⑵Elsevier SDOL数据库 IEEE/IEE(IEL) ⑶EBSCOhost RSC英国皇家化学学会 ⑷ACM美国计算机学会 ASCE美国土木工程师学会 ⑸Springer电子期刊 WorldSciNet电子期刊全文库 ⑹Nature周刊 NetLibrary电子图书 ⑺ProQuest学位论文全文数据库 ⑻国道外文专题数据库 CALIS西文期刊目次数据库 ⑼推荐使用ISI web of knowledge Engineering Village2-----------------------------------------------------------中文翻译得自己做了,实在不成就谷歌翻译。弄完之后,自己阅读几遍弄顺了就成啦!学校以及老师都不会看这个东西的!外文翻译不是论文的主要内容!所以,很容易过去的!祝你好运!


a与外国比较中国电信法的短板主要有:1、没有电信法立法,只有《电信条例》,电信法的立法已经谈了很多年了,一直迟迟未出;2、中国电信市场,如你所见,就只有那么几家大的运营商垄断,从电信法的角度去说就不得不讨论一个问题,那就是电信市场准入制度,中国和外国在这个制度上的不同就在于中国是严格准入制度,而国外,以美国为例,是开放的准入制度。为什么会有这样的差别呢,因为说到底,电信产业是个Natural Monopoly Market,他就不适合像别的其他产业一样进行完全的市场竞争,主要原因是沉淀成本太高,你要做基础运营商,你就要有自己的网络,势必是要挖沟埋管建设基站、铁塔、挂缆线,这里面涉及的东西太多了,要么就别干,要干起来可就不像房地产开发那样划一块地盖你的楼就行了的,必须是全方位的干,不然以后用户使用你们家的电信服务动不动的掉线没信号,你是干不下去的,更别提还有什么竞争力可言了,这是其一。其二,假设全世界所有人都富得流油了,拿个几百个亿搞搞电信运营开发不在话下,政府又不加管束地允许市场进入,那么会出现什么情况?你想想,是个人就去挖沟埋管铺设网络,今天刚填平的路,明天就要又挖开,因为甲昨天埋完了管道,我乙今天刚拿到许可,我也要埋!这不乱套了吗,城市就那么几条路,你挖我挖大家挖,猴年马月是个头,城市公共场所就那么大,你建我建大家建,哪有那么多空间?所以这个产业的天然垄断的特质决定了他不适合竞争,但是恰恰就是这么一个不适合竞争的行业,在美国经过一系列的发展(典型的比如FCC拆分BELL公司的案例),出现了行业竞争兴兴向荣的景象,怎么搞的?因为他们开放了电信市场准入,是个人就可以干这行,但是你进入可以,你要搞电信基础设施建设的话可不是是个人就能干的,美国采取的态度是,既然你这么不自量力,那就让你进来看看情况,进来了就明白了,这行不适合你,你走吧。在这种大环境下,真正能干成的绝不是那种白手起家的创业者们,他们哪有基础网络设施啊,想埋管,不可能,人家BELL公司一百年前就把所有道路底下的空间都占满了,你往哪埋?于是就出现了一组电信法上的权利和制度:接入权(Right of Access)、互联互通制度(Interconnection)、共建共享制度(Co-constructiong and Sharing),这几种制度你百科一下就知道,不赘述了。总而言之,我们和他们相比不合理的地方主要是市场的开放程度,垄断这么多年了,总理也提出网慢且费用高,怎么就改变不了这种现状,很简单,你把电信市场对国外一敞开大门,国内这几家运营商都得完蛋,竞争不过人家嘛,你一直闭关锁国不开门,人家就进不来,进不来就没法充分发挥市场竞争的好处。我们说电信产业天然不适合市场竞争是真的,但是谁说不适合大佬之间的市场竞争呢,现在制度也有了,只欠东风,打不开市场电信产业的发展就会卡在这个瓶颈出不去。b想发展先立法,加快推出《电信法》,完善电信制度,包括电信管制,互联互通,普遍服务,共建共享,接入权,通路权,市场准入,反垄断反不正当竞争等等,但是一定要根据电信市场的规律和特点制定。前期要在电信增值服务上做文章,因为增值服务不必要求一定要拥有自己的网络,可以允许租人家的或者整个从人家那里打包兜售,从而行程电信服务市场的价格竞争雏形。但这一切都要以《电信法》的立法为前提,规矩都没有哪成啊!c什么政策能让改革有效我真不知道,那不是我们考虑的问题,交给大佬们吧,我等想破脑袋估计也是白搭。但是未来的数据服务发展方向一定是多网融合数据共享的发展方向,这是世界电信服务的发展趋势,虽然我国进展缓慢,但总有那么一天的。d想要运营商降低费用可以通过三个手段:1、全面打开电信市场。不过这属于自残行为,在我国可能性不太大。2、大力鼓励增值服务运营商的发展,全方位提供帮助,比如融资啊、税收啊、电信服务专卖价格上限啊等等政策优惠。举个例子,A基础运营商占有市场的支配地位,有钱有势的,B增值服务运营商专门干这种从A业界大佬手里以一定的价格买进一类电信服务然后再转卖出去的业务,比如B从A那以1块钱10兆的价格买了300G的流量,再拿到市场上以2块钱10兆的价格卖出去,赚取中间的差价。如果A通常是以3块钱10兆的价格给客户提供电信服务的话,那么B就对A形成了价格上的市场竞争力。但是,A不傻呀,他是卖家,他定价的啊,如果A见B来买他们的流量了,故意以10块钱1兆的价格卖给B,然后自己再以1分钱10兆的价格给别人提供电信服务的话,B就转卖不出去不说还会亏老本,竞争力就没有形成。解决这种问题的唯一方式就是立法,用法律去给A设置价格上限以及价格下限,A卖给B的价格不得高于A卖给普通客户的价格,或者是必须低于A卖给普通客户价格的百分之多少。不仅如此,还必须规定A提供给普通客户的电信服务质量和转售给B的服务质量必须相同,否则就不正当竞争,就滥用市场支配地位构成垄断。我这只是举了一个小例子,其实方方面面不止这么一点啊,你慢慢研究,比如去年我们国家说是要放开电信资费定价,由企业自己定价,搞到现在反正价格也没见咋变,至于为什么,这是个研究的切入口。3、反垄断,反不正当竞争。电信产业本来就是垄断行业,还要在垄断行业里反垄断,天下奇闻!其实是可以做到的,抓住一点就行,我们说的垄断其实要分成两个层面,一是占有市场支配地位,二是滥用。这是要件,缺一则不可叫电信行业的垄断。你可以占有市场支配地位,那是你的本事,但是你要是滥用市场支配地位,比如我上例中说的,以这种方式打击竞争对手,阻碍技术发展和市场竞争,那就要坚决打击!你可能会问,像上面那个例子难道不是价格歧视吗?什么叫歧视,歧视是指在面对条件相同的客体时给出不同的待遇,比如公交车上有“残疾人专座”字样的位置,没有“小伙子专座”的位置,你能说他歧视小伙子吗?再比如小明吃一个馒头就饱了,多吃半个都要进医院,小黄吃5个都饿,发馒头的阿姨给小黄6个馒头但就给小明一个,你能说阿姨歧视小明吗?但是如果小明和小黄一样都是1个馒头就饱,半个馒头进医院的话,如果阿姨给小黄6个馒头,给小明一个馒头,那就构成对小明的歧视。我想,你应该明白了,在电信行业反垄断和在别的行业反垄断不同,一定要借助一个条件,那就是通过规制经济模拟一个市场竞争的环境,在这个框框里进行反垄断,从而撕开垄断地位基础运营商死死把持的价格定价优势,通过前期鼓励增值服务运营商来迫使大运营商降低资费价格,不然就用垄断给你定性,打击你。

同学 多少字 什么时候要?我帮你原创 怎么联系。。。

尊敬的用户,您好,很高兴为您服务,根据您提供的信息,告知您,各地电信部门对路由器的使用规定各不相同,这里建议您详细的咨询电信营业厅的工作人员相关事宜,并及时的进行相关操作,即可解决您的问题了。  希望我的回答可以给您带来一些帮助,能够得到您的采纳。谢谢。  如您想了解更多,欢迎来安徽电信知道平台或安徽电信网上营业厅提问,会有更多专业客服为您解答。

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