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Regulation of information services but also establish the concept of big business, streamline regulation of the telecommunications system, the promotion of information and communication industries, the information technology industry, information industry development, information content of an interactive cross-industry, services in information integration and Will be the future of information and communication industry and information technology industries, the information content industry, information industry has to develop more cross-interaction, information service industry will become increasingly clear, telecommunications regulation must conform to this trend, streamline the regulatory system, services in the information service In fact, the "triple play" is the integration of information technology and industrialization should mean, "triple play" into "two" of the technical details of a; and telecommunications regulatory information must be placed in the integration and industrialization Panorama can be carried out, rather than simply search for "whole network, vertical management" model of independent However, in the context of integration, but also can not fully achieve the integration of telecommunications and radio and television regulation, to the new regulatory bodies as well as In the current institutional set up under the premise of rationalizing the industrial and information requirements of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television, as well as cultural, publicity, public security division of responsibilities of relevant agencies and collaboration model, the promotion of "triple play" with the market open, the coordination of information and communications monitoring and information content regulation; rationalize the industrial and information requirements of the other departments involved in the telecommunications regulatory functions of the position and work patterns, the formation of a unified system of telecommunications regulation, the promotion of upstream and downstream of the cross-industry interaction, and serve the information service industry, services in information technology the integration and
132 评论


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286 评论


Reform in the system, the Government should grasp the direction and the following principles: first, in order to further promote the telecommunications services and applications targeted at the market opening, appropriate to relax market access, including allowing private and foreign components, including the diversification of investment does not involve the basis of the main access to the virtual carrier network facilities and communication services, such as resale and wholesale Second, the significant socio-economic activities relating to welfare and public infrastructure and telecommunication services, the Government must maintain the necessary management, intervention and control, at an appropriate time to promote market-oriented telecommunications charges, the formation mechanism and avoid multiple market players vying for market share game in the process of price-fixing conspiracy or the danger of excessive competition that may arise in the transition of Third, the number of nets in the current mode of competition, network infrastructure, there is an inevitable degree of duplication of the building, and the Government through issuance of licenses, allocation of resources, such as an effective means to weaken their Next goal is to minimize duplication of funding the construction of the network, thus avoiding precipitation of investment and excess capacity, improve efficient use of resources 可以么?投我啊!!!

107 评论


希望能帮到你:Reform in the system, the Government should grasp the direction and the following principles: first, in order to further promote the telecommunications services and applications targeted at the market opening, appropriate to relax market access, including allowing private and foreign components, including the diversification of investment does not involve the basis of the main access to the virtual carrier network facilities and communication services, such as resale and wholesale Second, the significant socio-economic activities relating to welfare and public infrastructure and telecommunication services, the Government must maintain the necessary management, intervention and control, at an appropriate time to promote market-oriented telecommunications charges, the formation mechanism and avoid multiple market players vying for market share game in the process of price-fixing conspiracy or the danger of excessive competition that may arise in the transition of Third, the number of nets in the current mode of competition, network infrastructure, there is an inevitable degree of duplication of the building, and the Government through issuance of licenses, allocation of resources, such as an effective means to weaken their Next goal is to minimize duplication of funding the construction of the network so as to avoid sedimentation and excess capacity to invest and improve the efficiency of resource

157 评论


参考答案 最深的黑夜即将过去,你看,月亮出来了。

308 评论


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