
Freedom Online


The double take column looks at a single topic from an african and chinese perspective. this month we discuss should speech on the internet be free or restricted.

Freedom within boundaries

Zhang Qiangtao, a 26-yearold chinese journalist with China Daily

can a person speak freely online? Or should free speech be restricted? As a Chinese journalist, I would choose the first option. Having won the war against its backward past, Chinese embrace free speech on the Internet. The fact is that it is our constitutional right to speak freely on any given platform in accordance with the law.

But does this mean anyone can spread anything on the Internet?The answer, of course, is no. China has managed to maintain a stable Internet environment with regulations and laws, while also succeeding in using the Internet as a tool to meet its people’s needs and upgrade its economy.

Pursuing freedom of speech on the Internet without any kind of restriction means one is either indifferent to common interests or a utopian. We cannot live in an online utopia because we do not live in a vacuum and there are all kinds of factors influencing the communication process. Failure to acknowledge this will only lead to trouble. The scandal of Cambridge Analytica’s involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential election is a wake-up call to people’s awareness of social network’s in fluence on politics, international relations and privacy.

河套灌区食用向日葵氮磷钾养分吸收、积累和分配规律的研究… 段 玉,张 君,安 昊,王 博,景宇鹏,李 军,靳存旺(46)

Freedom of expression without regulation would also lead to a polarization of public opinions.Media studies show that on the Internet, fake news can spread faster and farther than real news when it’s especially sensational. I think China sets a good example of Internet governance. China harnessed the Internet to bring enormous positive social changes with tech giants like Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu revolutionizing China’s industries. Internet changed how ordinary Chinese people hail a taxi, book a restaurant, and buy their groceries. China has also been cultivating an environment where people can speak freely on condition that certain laws are followed.

South Sudan emerged as a new nation in 2011, and while still in its most fragile state of transformation,entered into a deadly con flict that began on December 15, 2013. This threatened the very existence of the then barely three-year-old independent state with hate speech on social media as a major catalyst of the Friction. The freedom of speech on the Internet and the absence of media literacy for a country that was just getting on its feet after decades of civil war contributed fatally to the con flict with people finding it difficult to differentiate between what was true and what was not.

Freedom of expression without regulation would also lead to a polarization of public opinions.Media studies show that on the Internet,fake news can spread faster and farther than real news when it’s especially sensational. I think China sets a good example of Internet governance.

Convenience brings insecurity

Estella malek reuben, a 26-year-old south sudanese student in beijing

the Internet has made it possible for everyone to be a consumer and producer of content on what is commonly termed an information tsunami. This turned the platform into an avenue to air one’s feelings; however, these opinions and beliefs have become so contrasting or unnecessary, and sometimes spark violence.

All communication ought to come with responsibility, thus the need for Internet regulation; particularly in situations where voiced opinions may prompt violence. For example,the South Sudanese December 2013 con flict was adversely in fluenced by the Internet.

这里首先提供两个在中国中部某省农村采集到的纠纷社会文本。在严格的司法研究看来,这两起社会纠纷类似于“纠纷金字塔理论”所描述的处于纠纷解决层级最低端的日常纠纷[20];但就本文的行文重心而言,日常生活中的“社会冤情”却具有重要的理论意义。以下是其中一起乡村纠纷的事实概述[注] 根据学术规范,按照惯例,本文已对相关人名进行了匿名处理。:

In my opinion,Internet regulation helps us enjoy what the Internet has offered. We should always be conscious of the potential risks, as doing so goes a long way to helping all stay more secure in this connected world.


Are we saying we should go back to how things were before the Internet? Absolutely not! The Internet off ers great opportunities and advancement. However, keep in mind that the more convenient something is, the less secure it will be, making it a lot more vulnerable for hackers, phishing scams, cyber criminals and bullies to exploit its weaknesses. In my opinion, Internet regulation helps us enjoy what the Internet has to offer. We should always be conscious of the potential risks, as doing so goes a long way to helping all stay more secure in this connected world. ca

《ChinAfrica》 2018年第5期

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