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从天线接收的微弱信号由处于射频接收机前端的放大器进行放大,因此要求该放大器具有一定的增益和较小的噪声系数。    本文借助Agilent公司的射频电路设计软件ADS(Advanced Design System)进行辅助设计一款高增益低噪声放大器(LNA),并对其进行了仿真验证。1 射频放大器的组成    单级射频放大器的组成如图1所示,包括射频晶体管放大电路和输入、输出匹配网络三部分。2 射频放大器的设计2.1 晶体管的选择    选择好晶体管器件对低噪声放大器的设计至关重要。    根据工作频率、增益和噪声系数等指标要求,同时考虑到设计、仿真时便于得到相应的元器件模型,最终选用Avago公司的高电子迁移率晶体管(E-PHEMT)ATF-58143来进行设计(可以在Avago公司的网站上下载到ATF-58143的元件模型)。2.2 偏置电路的设计    设计LNA首先需要确定静态工作点,利用ADS中的“DC_FET_T”的模板可以很方便地仿真出其输出特性曲线。再参考ATF-58143的datash eet,可以确定当Vds=3 V,Ids=35 mA时,各项设计指标满足要求。    确定静态工作点后,就要确定偏置电路的形式和参数。不需人工计算,借助ADS中的设计向导工具(DesignGuide→Amplifier→Tools→ Transistor Bias Utility)可以轻易完成。因为ADS所提供的元件数值是非标称的,所以需要设计者用与ADS提供的数值接近的标称元件进行替代。偏置电路及各点静态参数如图2所示。2.3 稳定性分析及改善    晶体管绝对稳定的条件是K>1,|△|<1。其中:    如果这两个条件不能同时得到满足,电路将存在潜在的不稳定和振荡的可能。对上述偏置条件下的晶体管进行稳定性仿真分析发现,在要求的工作频段内其稳定系数K<1,不满足绝对稳定的条件。    通过引入负反馈的方式可以改善电路的稳定性,同时也能够拓展工作带宽。在输出端和输入端之间串联RC电路引入负反馈,其中的R需要满足条件:    同时在两个源极加上小的电感引入负反馈进一步改善稳定性,该电感的值需反复调节后方能确定。    对引入负反馈后的电路再次仿真,其工作频带内稳定系数K>1,满足绝对稳定条件。2.4 最小噪声系数的输入匹配电路设计,最大增益的输出匹配电路设计    如果输入匹配电路和输出匹配电路使射频器件的输入阻抗Zin和输出阻抗Zout都转换到标准系统阻抗Zo,即Zin=Zo,Zout=Zo(或,如图1所示)就可使器件的传输增益最高。但输入、输出匹配时,噪声并非最佳。当ΓS=Γopt时,可以得最小的噪声系数。     利用ADS可以很方便地绘制出等功率增益圆和等噪声系数圆,如图3所示。从图中可以看出,如果从m2点匹配到标准系统阻抗,将可以使电路获得最大的增益;如果从m3点匹配到标准系统阻抗,将可获得最小的噪声系数。显然最大增益和最小噪声系数不可同时得到。对于低噪声放大器,首要的是考虑最小噪声系数,因此对m3点进行匹配。借用ADS的自带工具“Smith Chart Utility Tool”进行,只要在其中设置好频率、源阻抗和目标阻抗值,就可以设计出所需要的输入匹配电路。    在输入端匹配完成以后,在原理图中加入阻抗测量控件测出输出阻抗,再次使用“Smith Chart Utility Tool”将输出阻抗匹配到标准系统阻抗,就可得到最大增益的输出匹配电路。    当输出端的匹配完成后,因为改变了从输入端向里看的等效阻抗Zin,输入端的回波损耗会变差。为此,可以采用优化控件对输入端和输出端的匹配电路进行同时的优化改进,也可以使用Tunig工具进行调节。2.5 最终电路及仿真结果分析    匹配及优化后的电路如图4所示,电路中各元件的作用分别是:C6、L6是输入匹配电路;C7、L7是输出匹配电路;L1、L5、C3、R5是反馈元件;L3、L4是扼流电感;C4、C5是隔直耦合电容;C1、C2是旁路电容。    需要说明的是,反馈电感L1、L5和匹配电路中的元件C6、L6、C7、L7等因为数值较小,在工程中常用微带线来代替。    仿真结果如图5所示。其工作带宽达500 MHz,中心频率处增益接近20 dB,输入输出反射损耗小于-10 dB,噪声系数小于0.5 dB,稳定系数大于1。如果断开反馈电路后再次仿真,会发现增益有所加大,但稳定系数将小于1,放大电路将不能正常工作。3 结论    通过射频低噪声放大器的设计与仿真,可以看到使用ADS辅助设计电路,理论计算简单,设计过程快速,参数修改容易,验证方便,缩短了设计周期,提高了设计精度,在工程中具有实用价值。By a weak signal from the antenna in the rf receiver front-end amplifier amplification, therefore asked the amplifier gain and low noise In this paper, with the aid of Agilent ADS of rf circuit Design software (Advanced Design System) for aided Design a high gain and low noise amplifier (LNA), and the simulation 1 the composition of the rf amplifierSingle stage composed of rf amplifier is shown in figure 1, including rf transistor amplifier circuit and the input and output matching network of three 2 the design of the rf 1 the choice of the transistorGood selection transistor components for the design of the low noise amplifier is very According to the working frequency, gain and noise figure index requirements, at the same time when considering the design, the simulation is easy to get the corresponding components model, finally choose Avago company of high electron mobility transistor (PHEMT) E ATF - 58143 for design (can be downloaded on Avago company web site to the ATF components model - 58143)2 the design of the bias circuitDesigning LNA first need to determine the static working point, the use of ADS "DC_FET_T" templates can be easily in the simulation of the output characteristic Reference ATF - 58143 again datash eet, can be determined when the Vds = 3 V, Ids = 35 mA, the design indexes meet the After determine the static working point, shall determine the form and the parameters of bias Do not need artificial calculation, with the aid of ADS in the design wizard tool (DesignGuide - Amplifier - > Tools - Transistor Bias, the Utility) can be done Because the ADS provided by the component values are nominal, so designers need to use with the ADS provide alternative values close to the nominal Bias circuit and some static parameters as shown in figure 3 stability analysis and improvementTransistor is K > 1, the absolute and stability of the | delta | < Among them:If the two conditions cannot be satisfied at the same time, there will be potential instability and oscillatory Transistor of the bias conditions stability simulation analysis found that the stability coefficient within the required working frequency band K < 1, can not meet the needs of absolute stability By introducing feedback on ways to improve the stability of the circuit, but also can extend working Between the output and the input series RC circuit is introduced into feedback, of which R need to meet the conditions:In both the source and small inductance is introduced into feedback to further improve the stability, the value of the inductance to repeatedly adjust the rear can be Introduction of negative feedback circuit simulation again, within its working frequency stability factor K > 1, meet the absolute stability 4 minimum noise factor input matching circuit is designed, the biggest gain of the output matching circuit designIf the input matching circuit and the output matching circuit of rf devices Zin the input impedance and output impedance Zout impedance Zo are transformed to the standard system, namely the Zin = Zo, Zout = Zo (or, as shown in figure 1) to make a device transport the highest But when input and output matching, noise is not the When Γ S = Γ opt, could get the minimum noise ADS can be easily draw power gain and noise coefficient, as shown in figure Can be seen from the diagram, if from m2 point impedance matching to the standard system, will be able to make the circuit gain maximum gain; If impedance matching to the standard system, from the m3 point will be minimal noise coefficient can be Obviously the biggest gain and the minimum noise figure cannot get at the same For low noise amplifier, the first is to consider the minimum noise figure, and so on m3 point Use ADS bring tools "Smith Chart the Utility Tool", in which as long as the set frequency, source impedance and the target impedance value, can the input matching circuit design In the input matching is complete, add impedance measurement control measure in principle diagram output impedance, again using "Smith Chart the Utility Tool will impedance, output impedance matching to the standard system can get the maximum gain of the output matching When the output matching is completed, because has changed from the input to see the equivalent impedance Zin, will get poor return loss at the For this purpose, the optimal control can be used for the input and the output matching circuit optimization to improve at the same time, also can use Tunig 5 the final circuit analysis and simulation resultsMatched and optimized circuit as shown in figure 4, the role of each element in the circuit are respectively: C6, L6 is input matching circuit; C7, is about the output matching circuit; L1, L5, C3, R5 is feedback element; L3, L4 is choke inductance; C4, C5 is the direct coupling capacitance; C1, C2 is the bypass Feedback to be sure, inductance L1, L5 and matching circuit element in C6, L6, C7, about because small amounts, such as microstrip line to replace the commonly used in The simulation results as shown in figure Its working bandwidth of 500 MHz, the center frequency close to 20 dB gain, input and output return loss is less than 10 dB of noise coefficient is less than 5 dB, stability factor greater than If disconnect again after feedback circuit simulation, will find the gain increased, but the stability coefficient will be less than 1, the amplifying circuit will not work 3 conclusionThrough radio frequency low noise amplifier design and simulation, can see use ADS auxiliary circuit design, the theoretical calculation is simple, rapid design process, parameter modification easy, convenient, shorten the design cycle,
132 评论


01第一周了解研究方向当确定了研究方向后,我们就真正开始研究了。 很多人一般是上网找相关综述,但是很少人会发表综述性文章。我们可以下载名校硕士、博士的毕业论文,前几章一般都是介绍研究背景、现状、以及面临的问题等等。相信一周时间就能充分了解研究现状。我们也不要忘记做笔记进行归纳分类,因为我们看的文章都是电子版,我们可以直接复制文字进行word整理。推荐使用进行整理,个人感觉很好用,不妨试一下。02第二周看中文高质量文献一下就看英文可能大家都不习惯,因为有很多专业名字都不知道。所以不妨拿出一周时间看近年发表的EI的中文文献。看文献时也要做笔记归纳分类,好的表达方式也记录,因为写论文时,我们经常碰到怎样表达研究内容的苦恼,不妨早点加强表达能力。看文献时,也要进行标记,好的标记习惯可以提高阅读效率,因为当我们看完整片论文后,我们只看标记就可以知道文章的重点思路、以及它的创新与不足之处。大家看的论文一般都是PDF格式的,推荐大家用,个人感觉符合中国人的习惯。看完文章时要有一种找茬的心里,文章是否可以进行改进。每读完一篇文章都要进行归纳总结。03第三周开始看英文文献英文文献也是良莠不齐,大家尽量不要看会议,要看外文的期刊 。像我们通信,最好的是IEEE中的trans文献。看好的英文文献要细细看,认真体会他表达的意思。英文不好的同学更要静下心来看。在这推荐,遇到不认识的单词,只需双击即可。04第四周确定研究的最小方向我们读了3周的文献,应该可以很好的了解研究现状。那就应该确定具体的研究内容,具体要解决什么问题。只有这样我们才能进行更明确的搜文献、看文献。05第五周寻找解决方案如果明确了要解决的问题,那就应结合所学与所看的文献,寻找解决问题的方法。可以找同学相互交流,即使不一个研究方向。一个局外人的观点可能打破自己的定向思维,找出一种全新的方法。06第六周成文如果有了思路有了解决方案,那就可以写成一篇论文的形式。在成文的过程中,会更好的了解自己的思路是否完整,不断的进行修正。07第七周仿真很多论文是需要仿真的,如果论文给出了很好的数学推导也是可以不仿真的。借鉴别人的仿真思路进行仿真,网上也可能搜到相关的仿真代码。如果有幸搜到就可以在此基础上进行修改,搜不到也可以联系看过的论文的作者,尝试很他那获得他的代码。08第八周发表论文论文没问题就可以发表了,根据自己论文的质量投合适的期刊吧 !

192 评论


That the most advanced event of science and technology robot football match football moves is one kind of the motion that everybody is fond of very As if let a robot go and play football , sounding like Arabian N Can the robot also go to play football? And, still need to be composed of a team, the different robot needs to interwork? Need to know the robot needs to take part in the competition must need to eye , self pair of leg , self cerebrum having self, have to mouth having self with self try to tell others , cooperate and carry out The football now robot does not achieve looking like our According to scientist's estimate this has to spend 50 again , is that 2050 or so ability achieves in a true football field ground, comparing with we carry out competition under people's rules of the game-like In the sports cast arriving at at that time possible TV relaying, robot football is able to take up very big specific Certainly, this is to conjecture, at present till, the influence robot football game thing organization has FIRA international robot football federation and ROBOTCUP international robot football world cup match have most in reality on the Catalogue [conceal] Robot football match FIRA world cup RoboCup robot football significance football robot current situation [Edit Duan] robot football match football now robot competition has two series: Be ROBOCUP and FIRA Need to carry out a competition every China has participated in FIRA competition most long ago, both representative of Northeast University team and representative of harbin University of Technology team have got good China has participated in ROBOCUP series competition In ROBOCUP in 2001 competition, representative team of Tsing Hua University has gained a world Besides, the Chinese artificial intelligenceAI institute has set up robot football special field committee on Robot football has participated in the science and technology bid for hosting Olympic Games subject activity , will have participate in the Football World Cup in All above activity explains that robot football gains fine development in C Main robot football game type is a type (MIROSOT) mark act on self's own partly , the type (ROBOSOT), is similar to person type (HUROSOT) , simulated type (SIMUROSOT) four species types completely [Edit Duan] FIRA world cup FIRA is the abbreviation of international robot football Advanced technology of the earliest reason of FIRA robot football match Korea Republic research institute (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Professor the KAIST) gold Zhong Huan (Jong-Hwan Kim) has brought forward the first international games on 1995, and Korea Republic (Daejeon) in KAIST location has held on Second tiny robot football match (MiroSot97) is in KAIST in June , 1997, holding a period , international robot football alliance (Federation of International Robot-soccer Association , FIRA) proclaims the founding FIRA is hold conference within the whole world range every year (FIRA Robot Soccer World Cup) henceforth , hold (FIRA Congress) academic conferences at the same time , confess to enter the competition person exchanges their experience and technology studying aspect in robot KAIST in Korea Republic land for growing crops holds the first MiroSot competition from 1996 so far, FIRA have already held the twelve world cup competition, the footmark is all over the Asia , Europe , America and Oceania , becomes have most horizontal one of the match thing composing in reply influence of international robot of all kinds contest Except the once a year world cup competition, still have a lot of provincialism FIRA robot football match every The vigorous robot football match plays have arrived at gigantic push role to robot football go FIRA robot football match kind The type is partly autonomously robotic football: MiroSot The type is completely autonomously robotic football: RoboSot Simulated robot football: SimuroSot Subminiature partly autonomously Ji Qi Ren Ji Qi Ren football: NaroSot Subminiature entire autonomously robotic football: KheperaSot Be similar to person robot football: HuroSot RoboCup robot football match kind 11 simulated VS11 group competition 5 VS5 minitype robot group competition Minitype robot group standard competition (every 11 people of team) Medium-sized robot group competition Sony four leg robots competition relates to FIRA China in July , 1997, the international robot football alliance Chinese branch (be called the FIRA Chinese branch for short) is founded , the branch is set up in harbin University of Technology , is held the post of a chairman by Hong Bing 1 7 F The labor intelligence institute has the robot football job committee as subordinates in the same year , is held the post of a director at the same time by Hong Bing ? F Henceforth successively have organized the seven the whole nation robot football championship contest during the ten years , under the leadership of FIRA Chinese branch,and robot football go into having driven in the homeland forcefully The second big series robots football match is RoboC RoboCup (Robot World Cup) is a international organization , is founded in Japan in RoboCup holds the robot football match with robot football as centre go into problem , by the fact that , aims at promoting artificial intelligenceAI , robot technology and their development of relevance Ultimate RoboCup target is anthropomorphic robot football team founded one acting on self's own completely in 2050 , is able to carry out one football game in its real meaning with human RoboCup has organized so far already the eight world cup The event has mainly: Simulated computer competition (Simulation League1 , minitype football robot compete in (Small Size League (F one 1 80) ), medium-sized the football robot competes in (Middle Size League (F2000) 1 , four leg robot football game Four Legged projects such as Robot League) , anthropomorphic robot football game (Humanoid league) Hold rush to deal with an emergency being comparable to (RoboCupRescue) and robotic elementary robot match besides the robot football match , RoboCup at the same time (RoboCup Junior) That the robot rushes to deal with an emergency being comparable to is to study the reality how to apply robot arriving at rushes to deal with an emergency rescuing middle , hope rescues and development of job by holding competition being able to drive human being reality to rush to deal with an emergency in varying degrees, event two big series simulating competition and the robot contest including the At the same time, RoboCup has aroused teen-agers for science and technology popularizing robot forward position, studying interest , the l2 moon has set up a branch match thing RobocupJunioro that primary and secondary school students of speciality organization participates in on Now, RoboCup hold the following competition: 1 simulates group competition 2 minitype robots competition 3 line up minitype robot competition, 5 Sony have had leg robot competition be sponsored by Sony) 6 people shapes robot competition (to begin from 2002 every time group including 11 robot 4 medium-sized robots competition , it has attracted attention of more and more many people in 2002 although former possibility significance that can have demonstrating 7 remote control robot competition announce that (soon) 8 RoboCup commentators system demonstration [edit Duan] robot football) football robot competition carrying out almost annual time juat Because of the ken having entered us leaks from it with the way being delighted to hear and see,although its volume is very small,its significance is very It is to have synthesized computer art , automation technology , integration of machinery with electronics technology , artificial intelligenceAI technology, one door synthesis technology of principles of pattern recognition The robotic key technology of football is artificial intelligenceAI technology , its eye field is to make a machine have people's It can make a machine have the perception to look like person environment, face the ability that the environment Artificial intelligenceAI includes intelligent control , machine perception , machine emotion , expert system , manpower life , nerve basic network and inheritance algorithm We can remember a computer "dark blue" champion who defeats world Chinese chess? This is the artificial intelligenceAI Football now robot competition returns [this editor Duan] football robot current situation back not reaching us wanting to reach far condition, competition now is one kind of dyadic simulated competition completely , football now robot competition space is 3 5 meters X of rice space according to the regulation of There are center line on space, have door area, this and our actual competition has no very big Every robotic football car body does not exceed 5 cms X according to the regulation of international 5 cms X 5 ,(Minitype robot competition) the robot handcart bumps into a goal being responsible with minor red golf There is a camera shooting head over field in match, the camera shooting head uploads information to computer Specially appointed procedure after the computer is handled , is get the situation mounting both sides , is handle again process making policy systematically, export the corresponding After communication system sending comparing with taking-over,the handcart controlling a robot has been present Where is the robotic cerebrum in? The robotic cerebrum is decision-making system in putting one computer lead plane Decision-making system competition situation according to the scene enemy and selves both sides, the robot deciding our side is in the offensive be still And then decide the robotic formation and robot be away from the football distance decides to be that main attack still has assists , the host defends against still aids to defend Decide corresponding action according to every robotic The corresponding football robot eye-- optesthesia system having Robotic football optesthesia system all reports the court enemy and selves both sides situation to computer middle , software go along handles and then with computer Operation such as making use of principles of pattern recognition technology , drawing to digital picture go along characteristic , expressing forming self computer inner data's, are robotic enemy and selves both sides location and an The football now robot does not grow self mouth , they have but a unified mouth Order uniting an effluence from superordination machine, the communication system should order from the robot car body admits, therefore mutuality being able to realize the robot handcart is in Pair of leg about football robot: Pair of football robot leg is a robotic retinue Be that car body part , it include part such as carriage wheel , electric motor , carriage , communication The module receives the order that superordination machine sends in from communication , comes to drive retinue wheel speed , comes true thereby reaching the eye field 科技最先进的比赛项目——机器人足球比赛 足球运动是一种大家非常喜爱的运动。让机器人去踢足球,听起来像天方夜谭似的。机器人也能去踢足球? 而且,还是要组成一个队伍,不同的机器人要互相配合?要知道,机器人要参加比赛必须要有自己的眼睛,自己的双腿,自己的大脑,还得有自己的嘴——把自己的想法告诉别人,协同进行比赛。现在的足球机器人还没有做到像我们人一样。据科学家估计,这得再过五十年,即2050年左右才能做到在一个真的足球场地上,与我们人的比赛规则一样的条件下进行比赛。到那时可能电视转播的体育节目中机器人足球会占很大的比重。当然,这是猜测,目前为止,现实中在国际上最具影响力的机器人足球赛事组织有FIRA国际机器人足球联合会和ROBOTCUP国际机器人足球世界杯赛。足球机器人现状 现在的足球机器人比赛有两个系列:即ROBOCUP 和FIRA 。每年都要进行一次比赛。中国最早参加了FIRA比赛,东北大学代表队和哈工大代表队都取得了好成绩。另外中国还参加了ROBOCUP系列的比赛。在2001年的ROBOCUP比赛中,清华大学代表队获得了世界冠军。另外,中国人工智能学会在2001年成立了机器人足球专业委员会。机器人足球参加了科技申奥主题活动,还将参加2002年的世界杯足球赛。以上活动说明机器人足球在中国获得良好的发展。 机器人足球赛的主要类型分为半自主型(MIROSOT)、全自主型(ROBOSOT)、类人型(HUROSOT)、仿真型(SIMUROSOT)四种类型。[编辑本段]FIRA世界杯 FIRA是国际机器人足球联合会的缩写。FIRA机器人足球比赛最早由韩国高等技术研究院(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,KAIST)的金钟焕(Jong-Hwan Kim)教授于1995年提出,并于1996年在KAIST所在的韩国(Daejeon)举办了第一届国际比赛。 1997年6月,第二届微机器人足球比赛(MiroSot97)在KAIST举行期间,国际机器人足球联盟(Federation of International Robot-soccer Association,FIRA)宣告成立。此后FIRA在全球范围内每年举行一次机器人世界杯比赛(FIRA Robot—Soccer World Cup),同时举办学术会议(FIRA Congress),供参赛者交流他们在机器人足球研究方面的经验和技术。 从1996年在韩国大田的KAIST举办第一届MiroSot比赛至今,FIRA已经举行了十二届世界杯比赛,足迹遍布亚洲、欧洲、美洲和大洋洲,成为各类国际机器人竞赛中最具水平和影响力的赛事之一。除了一年一度的世界杯比赛以外,每年还有许多地区性的FIRA机器人足球比赛。蓬勃发展的机器人足球比赛对机器人足球的研究起到了巨大的推动作用。 FIRA机器人足球比赛种类 半自主型机器人足球:MiroSot 全自主型机器人足球:RoboSot 仿真机器人足球:SimuroSot 超小型半自主机器人机器人足球:NaroSot 超小型全自主机器人足球:KheperaSot 类人机器人足球:HuroSot RoboCup机器人足球比赛种类 11VS11仿真组比赛 5VS5小型机器人组比赛 小型机器人组标准比赛(每队11人) 中型机器人组比赛 Sony四腿机器人比赛 关于FIRA中国 1997年7月,国际机器人足球联盟中国分会(简称FIRA中国分会) 成立,分会设在哈工大,由洪炳镕教授担任主席。同年中工智能学会下设机器人足球工作委员会,由洪炳镕教授同时担任主任。此后的十年间,在FIRA中国分会的领导下,先后组织了七届全国机器人足球锦标赛,有力地推动了国内机器人足球的研究和发展。 第二大系列的机器人足球比赛是RoboCup。RoboCup(Robot World Cup)是一个国际性组织,1997年成立于日本。RoboCup以机器人足球作为中心研究课题,通过举办机器人足球比赛,旨在促进人工智能、机器人技术及其相关学科的发展。RoboCup的最终目标是在2050年成立一支完全自主的拟人机器人足球队,能够与人类进行一场真正意义上的足球赛。RoboCup至今已组织了八届世界杯赛。比赛项目主要有:电脑仿真比赛(Simulation League1、小型足球机器人赛(Small—Size League(F一1 80))、中型自主足球机器人赛(Middle—Size League(F2000)1、四腿机器人足球赛Four—Legged Robot League)、拟人机器人足球赛(Humanoid league)等项目。除了机器人足球比赛,RoboCup同时还举办机器人抢险赛(RoboCupRescue)和机器人初级赛(RoboCup Junior)。机器人抢险赛是研究如何将机器人运用到实际抢险救援当中,并希望通过举办比赛能够在不同程度上推动人类实际抢险救援工作的发展,比赛项目包括电脑模拟比赛和机器人竞赛两大系列。同时,RoboCup为了普及机器人前沿科技,激发青少年学习兴趣,在1999年l2月成立了一个专门组织中小学生参加的分支赛事RobocupJunioro。 现在,RoboCup举行以下比赛: 1 模拟组比赛 2 小型机器人比赛 3 整队小型机器人比赛,每队包括11个机器人 4 中型机器人比赛 5 Sony有腿机器人比赛 (由Sony赞助) 6 人形机器人比赛(从2002年开始,2002年前可能会有演示) 7 遥控机器人比赛(即将公布) 8 RoboCup评论员系统演示 足球机器人比赛虽然刚刚开展几年时间,但是它吸引了越来越多人的关注。因为它以喜闻乐见的方式走进了我们的视野,虽然它的体积很小,但是它的意义非常重大。它是综合了计算机技术,自动化技术,机电一体化技术,人工智能技术,模式识别技术的一门综合技术。 足球机器人的核心技术是人工智能技术,它的目地是使机器具有人的智慧。它能使机器具有像人一样的感知环境,向环境学习的能力。人工智能包括智能控制、机器感知、机器情感、专家系统、人工生命、神经元网络和遗传算法等等。我们还能想起计算机“深蓝”战胜世界象棋冠军吗?这就是人工智能的成就。 现在的足球机器人比赛还远没有达到我们想要达到的地步,现在的比赛完全是一种仿真式的比赛,现在的足球机器人比赛的场地按国际的规定为5米×3米场地。场地上有中线,有门区,这与我们的实际的比赛没有什么太大的区别。每个足球机器人的车体按国际的规定不超过5cm×5cm×,(微型机器人比赛)机器人小车负责把红色的高尔夫小球撞进球门。在赛场的上方有一个摄像头,摄像头把得到的信息上传到计算机中。经计算机的特定程序处理,得到场上双方的态势,再经过决策系统的处理,输出相应的数据。经通讯系统发送与接收,控制机器人小车在场上奔跑。 机器人的大脑在哪里?机器人的大脑就是装在一台计算机主机中的决策系统。决策系统根据现场的敌我双方的比赛态势,决定我方机器人处于进攻还是防守。然后决定机器人的队形和机器人离足球的远近决定是主攻还是助攻、主防还是助防。根据每个机器人的任务决定相应的动作。 相应的足球机器人有自己的眼睛--视觉系统。足球机器人的视觉系统把比赛场地的敌我双方的态势都反映到计算机中,然后用计算机图像软件进行处理。利用模式识别技术,对数字图像进行特征提取等操作,形成自己的计算机内数据的表达,即敌我双方机器人的位置和角度。 现在的足球机器人还没有长自己的嘴巴,但是他们却有一个统一的嘴巴。由上位机统一发出命令,该命令由机器人车体的通讯系统接收,所以能实现机器人小车的互相协调。 关于足球机器人的双腿:足球机器人的双腿就是机器人的左右轮。就是车体部分,它包括车轮、电机、车架、通讯模块等部分。由通讯模块接收上位机传来的命令,来驱动左右轮的速度,从而实现达到控制的目地。

206 评论


预期该项目。 石油活动上所发生挪威 大陆架超过30年。从一开始就 火灾,爆炸一直是关心的主要问题 主管部门,由于产品性质的处理 设施。 当局几年来一直知道, 不同的标准给予各种建议的热负荷 加工设备。尽管大量的研究,达成一致意见 一个标准化的火灾荷载尚未达到。 该项目的目标'热暴露过程 设备的'第1部分,是要回答这个问题'是什么 有关热负荷,并应如何模仿?评价 现有的法规也有这个项目的一部分。

283 评论


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    预期该项目。 石油活动上所发生挪威 大陆架超过30年。从一开始就 火灾,爆炸一直是关心的主要问题 主管部门,由于产品性质的处理 设施。 当局几年来一直知道, 不

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