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你好!The flower market, is undoubtedly the annual Lunar New Year waiting; when I was small, the most like the Lantern Festival, each to this time, every kind of lanterns on the streets, like a riot of colour flower open, every time I go to travel light, my father always put me on the shoulders, I danced with the light get it, so, I grow Somehow, I have no interest in as little as Shangjie amusement lamp, always feel that an annual Lantern a beautiful, a gorgeous, but watching lanterns heart is gone, walking in the Tu Gate street crowded, looked at the gorgeous and blurred lantern, did not find back that once, can't go back to the previous full of joy, as if has not see the lights bright, also can not go back to that timeView not drop time, can't see light fireworks 望采纳!
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共刊发11期杂志,每期大约15-20篇稿件,文章既有对国内、国际的翻译研究及翻译教学的学术研究与翻译批评,还包含了对当下中国乃至国际翻译人才培养机构、翻译市场、翻译产业的最新形势的介绍,更关注翻译对社会政治经济形态、文化思想、意识形态产生的影响。杂志在注重人文性、思想性、知识性的同时,也注意趣味性,既设置了“研究与教学”、“译学论坛”等学术探讨类的栏目,反映当今国际、国内的翻译研究的最新动向,同时关注专业翻译教学的理念探讨、人才培养等问题的研究;也设置了翻译批评类栏目“翻译工作坊”,讨论当下的翻译热点问题,针对翻译个案作有针对性的批评性研究和探讨,还设置了翻译史研究栏目“译海钩沉”和“译人译事”、“作家与翻译”等,对我国历史上及当今的翻译家作历史文献的深入挖掘与整理、记录,对我国翻译家作持续深入的报导和研究,积少成多,形成系列,对我国悠久的翻译历史作资料补充和理论探究。同时,为了从宏观上展示翻译在文化交流中的特殊作用,我们还设置了文化研究类栏目“文化视野”等,对翻译在国际文化交流中的作用作另一个角度的展示。 每期我们都刊登“特稿”,邀请业内专家对当下翻译的重要问题深入剖析和探讨,提倡和推广适应当代国际、国内形势的翻译理念,引导针对翻译界热点问题的看法走向。我刊还设计了几个固定栏目,邀请国内一流的相关学者撰写专栏文章,针对固定的话题,如“翻译在我国对外交流历史上的重要作用”、“文学家与文学翻译的密切关系”、“近代女翻译家群体”、“上海现当代重要翻译家”等,进行系列的展示和专题深入报导,以期在翻译界和读者中开拓新的话题,挖掘和展示以往被忽略的翻译家和翻译在文化交流、文化塑造中的特殊作用。我们努力将杂志办得轻松活泼,吸引更多读者,不仅包括国内外的外语教育(特别是翻译领域)从业者,更希望吸引广大文化传播、文化交流工作者和文化爱好者等社会文化与交际的主导力量。杂志得到业界及读者的普遍好评。

84 评论


Southern Tang emperor of Li Yu's words were exactly as I, is doom Prince, whose pre-term studies to essential historical background to be involved at the time, often late into the contrast of the word subjugation, is considered the content of dull and confused thinking decadent In the words Li Yu previous evaluation, the findings of earlier scholars, most did not jump out of the history of the restraint, not an objective, impartial manner tasting Li Yu's previous works, but often make sweeping Most scholars believe that Li Yu Hua Early word is a natural continuation of the word, is Li Yudi Wang extravagant life, the text description of corruption, not to speak of great literary The author believes that pre-term because of Li Yu by the trajectory of individual lives, in the ideological content is multi-level, multi-angle, is different from the Huajian, in between writing technique is different from the flower woman poet to write creative post way, emotional words did not seem to spend between lack of flexibility, Li Yu word often early into the personal feelings into every scene, things have been given a specific meaning, beyond the traditional flower Ci creation, early word created many wonderful words back to future generations provides a Therefore, in order to know these sources, an accurate pre-term thinking about the content of Li Yu in order to better explain the emperor of the late from the early to complete the span of a quality basic why, two are Also due to the impact of history, ancient scholars, the word on the assessment of pre-Li Yu exist more or less one-sidedness, lack of impartiality, it must name the words Li Yu front, re-define

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