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The elderly are our elders,for their hard work a lifetime,in order to make some contribution to the community,and in the long-term practice has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and Therefore,respect for the elderly is the concern and care for the elderly,but also the older generation who inherited the "Fortune" To respect the elderly is a traditional Chinese Our beloved Chairman Mao Zedong is the respect for the old model of respect for the In 1959,returned after an absence of many years of Chairman Mao's hometown - Shaoshan in HAfter a brief stay in days,he was specially invited home for the elderly to In his report to a more than 70-year-old toast when the old man said:"The President toast,dare " Chairman Mao said:"Jinglaozunxian,it should " It's a time thing for the Yes ah,I like everyone else,there will be a time when old age,old people's today,is our future,respect for the elderly is actually respected If you do not respect the elderly,in the future,how will get the respect of younger people do?We should respect the elderly,make them feel the warmth of the The Chinese nation's fine traditions from generation to generation bar!老人,是我们的长辈,他们辛勤劳动了一辈子,为社会做出了一定的贡献,并在长期的实践中积累了丰富的知识和经验所以,尊敬老人既是对老人的关心与照顾,又是继承前辈们“财富“的需要  尊敬老人是中华民族的传统美德我们敬爱的毛泽东主席是尊老敬老的楷模1959年,毛主席回到了阔别多年的故乡--湖南韶山在短暂逗留的日子里,他特地请家乡的老人吃饭在他向一位70多岁的老人敬酒时,那位老人说:“主席敬酒,岂敢岂敢“毛主席说:“敬老尊贤,应该应该“这件事一时传为佳话是啊,我与每个人一样都会有年老的时候,老人们的今天,就是我们的明天,尊敬老人其实就是尊敬我们自己如果你现在不尊敬老人,将来又怎么会得到晚辈的尊敬呢?我们应该尊敬老人,让他们感到家庭的温暖让中华民族的优良传统代代相传吧!

181 评论


  • 编辑家的优良传统有哪些英语作文

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