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Public administration is like any other administration which is carried out in public Before we dwell deeper into understanding public administration it would be beneficial to try and see how different authors have tried to define what administration A complete definition for public administration however is difficult to arrive at due to the sheer number of tasks that fall under Some academicians argue that all the government related work falls into this category while other choose to argue that only the executive aspect of government functioning comprises of public The demand for unified national services, the conflicting interests between the various economic sections of the society and with global migration and subsequently globalization; the protection of the interests of the multi-ethnic groups of the society have kept the public administrators Administration matters so much because it is not enough to make policies and laws on The interpretation and translation of those policies and laws into actions and carrying them out is the difficult The public administrators therefore have to play an important role in running the government as The advent of the modern welfare state itself has added, to the changing approach to public The kind of activities and sphere of works have never been more varied and dynamic and there has been a never before interest in actually improving the efficiency of the The expansion of public sector into industrial enterprises has been into practice for quite some time, a little over half a century The public sector organizations in order to function efficiently are borrowing heavily from the business knowledge, administration and process orientation of the private However, there still remains a considerable difference between these two administrative The term new public management was coined by scholars from UK and Australia, who were working in the in the areas of public Now, the origin of this new term was to propose a new point of view towards the organizational design in the public sector, however after a decade, the meaning of this term in discussions and debates became Some scholars choose to define it as the introduction of new institutional economics to public management and some used it to refer to pattern changes in policy Before we make an effort to further understand the various aspects of New Public Management, let us see how it is different from the traditional public The new public management which emerged in the 1980s represented an attempt to make the public sector more businesslike and to improve the efficiency of the Government borrowed ideas and management models from the private It emphasized the centrality of citizens who were the recipient of the services or customers to the public
254 评论


比如华夏出版社的公共关系学MBA经典教材是十分不错的,如能看透里面的知识点将对工作学习很有帮助。还有就是上海复旦大学出版的公共关系学教材也不错1)101政治理论(2)201英语(3)626公共管理学(4)835公共管理研究方法复试专业课:F1302公共关系学综合知识120401 行政管理 01不分方向 (1)101政治理论(2)201英语(3)626公共管理学(4)835公共管理研究方法复试专业课:F1304行政管理综合考试公共关系学(本科段)毛主席思想概论马克思主义政治经济学原理人际关系学公共关系口才现代谈判学公共关系例案市场调查危机传播管理加一门英语日语法语俄语任一门或:组织行为现代企业管理现代媒体种论人力资源管理企业文化创新思维理论与方法广告运作策略任选四门代替外语毕业论文

155 评论


Is this: to vigorously promote the Chinese characteristics of public administration theoretical research and innovation in government management is a well-off society and building a socialist harmonious society of China's public administration major theoretical research topics, research on contemporary public management theory and Adoption of contemporary public management theory, a comprehensive discussion on the development of public management and Study on China's public administration major theoretical problems with the Combined with China's national conditions and the actual management of the Chinese Government on the government's public administration is facing some of the major theories and cutting-edge issues, such as social and public demand and supply of public relations, the government's public management functions, public services, the basic theoretical issues, social construction and social management of the basic theoretical issues, China's MPA education, conducted an in-depth Key words: public management theory; MAP education

354 评论


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