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Because of the increased degree of automation, all production processes are concentrated control or detection, measurement instruments and measured the distance between distant objects, environmental conditions more In particular, the measured signal is weak and is buried in the noise of how the weak signal was detected more and more people's Weak signal detection is an emerging technology disciplines, cover the application of optical, electrical, magnetic, acoustic, thermal, biological, mechanical, geological, environmental, medical, laser, materials, and other Its equipment has become indispensable to modern scientific Weak signal detection is the purpose of extracting useful from the noise signal, or use some new technologies and new ways to improve the detection system output signal a letter impatient than the paper first to understand the weak signal detection technology development on the basis of the status quo, have weak signal detection technology The basic principle, the weak signal conditioning for the detailed The design chosen photoelectric detector to weak-signal acquisition, preamplifier Yun-partly because of bandwidth limitations and gain the request, using two Selection of low noise, high-bandwidth OPA380 transported to the first-class signal amplification, Wan Fang LM358 completed two to In this paper, the design of second-order Chebyshev low pass filter to enlarge active after the signal filtering, signal filtering, with a voltage signal for increased drive In weak signal processing circuit design, the layout of the circuit boards for the detailed design, to reduce leakage current in the
334 评论



114 评论


以下几点探讨: 1、发射部分可以不管; 2、学习有关A/D转换的知识。A/D转换后是数字信号,可以直接接单片机的P0口; 3、重点掌握单片机的最小应用系统;还有软件上电复位后的第一条指令的放置位置; 4、如果在图书馆附近或大学附近的话,可以参考与单片机有关的论文,重点参考其硬件组成和软件流程; 5、硬件部分包括3部分: A、要设计一个象限探测器的偏置电路和放大处理电路,这部分你们的教材是可以参考的; B、设计一个A/D转换电路;不要求精度太高的,8位就可以了; C、设计一个单片机最小应用系统; 6、软件部分: A、初始化部分; B、A/D转换电路的控制指令、A/D转换后的数据存储、处理

129 评论


  • 光电探测论文

    以下几点探讨: 1、发射部分可以不管; 2、学习有关A/D转换的知识。A/D转换后是数字信号,可以直接接单片机的P0口; 3、重点掌握单片机的最小应用系统

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