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不知你是要港口的还是物流的,先看下面的是否用的上再说《物流与供应链管理》参考文献目录英文参考文献:[1] (美)鲍尔索克斯(Bowersox,DJ),克劳斯(Closs,DJ),库珀(Cooper,MB)著.马士华译注.供应链物流管理(英文版•原书第2版)[M] 北京:机械工业出版社,01[2] 姜阵剑,卢山,荆海鸥.Logistics and Supply Chain Management /现代物流与供应链管理概论(双语)[M].武汉:武汉理工大学出版社,8[3] (美)Long D.国际物流:全球供应链管理[M].北京:电子工业出版社,06[4] Jack Brimley and Robert Love,A New Distance Function for Modeling Travel Distances in a Transportation Network[J],Transportation Science 26[5] John L.Gattorna Strategic Supply Chain Alignment [M].MPG Books Ltd,Bodmin,Cornwall,1998 [6] Silver, EA, Pyke, DF, Petersen, R.Inventory Management And Production Planning and Scheduling [M], New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998[7] Martin Christopher.Logistics and Supply Chain Management-Strategies for Reducing Costs and Improving Services [M].Financial Times/Pitman Publishing,1994[8] Benjamin S Blanchard.Logistics Engineering and Management (4th Edition) [M] Rentice Hall, 1992[9] James C Johnson, Donald F Wood.Contemporary Logistics(4th Edition) [M], Macmillan Publishing Company,1990[10] Donald Waters.Global Logistics and Distribution Planning[M] Boca Raton:CRC Press,1999[11] Igor H Ansoff.The New Corporate Strategy [M] New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998[12] B Joseph PineⅡ.Mass Customization: The new Frontier in Business Competition [M] Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 14~15[13] John LGattorna.Strategic Supply Chain Alignment [M] MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall, 1998[14] Frank H Mossman, Paul Bankit,and Omar K Hfeltrich,Logistics Systems Analysis,reviewed[M]Washington , DC: University Press of America, 1979[15] V Daniel Hunt.Reengineering: Leveraging the Integrated Product Development[M], Oliver Wight Publication,I1992[16] Martin Christopher.Logistics & Supply Chain Management: creating value-adding networks (3rd Edition) [M] FT Press, February, 2005[17] David H Taylor.Global Cases in Logistics and Supply Chain Management [M] International Thomson Publishing Services, March 1997[18] Donald J Bowersox, David J Closs, MBixby Cooper.Supply Chain Logistics Management (2Rev Ed edition) [M] McGraw Hill Higher Education, February 2006[19] Ronald H Ballou.Business Logistics/Supply Chain Management and Logware CD Package (5th edition) [M] Prentice Hall, September 2003[20] Donald Waters.Logistics: An Introduction to Supply Chain Management [M] Palgrave Macmillan, January 2003[21] Ann Brewer, Kenneth J Button, David A Hensher.Handbook of Logistics and Supply-Chain Management [M] Pergamon, July 2001[22] Ronald H Ballou.Business Logistics: Supply Chain Management (5th edition) [M] Prentice Hall, August 2003[23] John Mangan, Chandra Lalwani, Tim Butcher.Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management [M] Publisher: Wiley, June 2008[24] Andreas Klose, M Gracia Speranza, Luk N Van Wassenhove.Quantitative Approaches to Distribution Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems) [M] Springer, August 2002[25] Jonsson.Logistics and Supply Chain Management [M] McGraw Hill Higher Education , April 2008[26] John J Coyle, C John Langley, Brian Gibson, Robert A.Novack, Edward J B Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective (8th edition) [M] South-Western College Pub, March 2008中文参考文献:[1] 唐纳德•鲍尔索克斯,戴维•克劳斯著.林国龙等译.物流管理:供应链过程的一体化[M].北京:机械工业出版社,1999[2] (美)兰伯特,斯托克,埃拉姆著.张文杰,叶龙,刘秉镰译.物流管理——物流与供应链管理系列[M].北京:电子工业出版社,02[3] 何明珂等.中华人民共和国标准•物流术语[S].北京:中国标准出版社,国家技术监督局发布,2001[4] (美)科伊尔,(美)巴蒂,(美)兰利著.文武等译.企业物流管理:供应链视角(第7版)[M] 北京:电子工业出版社,07[5] [英]泰勒,胡克等译.全球物流与供应链管理案例[M].北京:中信出版社,11[6] (美)森尼尔•乔普瑞,彼得•梅因德尔.供应链管理—战略、规划与运营[M]北京:社会科学文献出版社,2003[7] 赵林度.供应链与物流管理:理论与实务[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2003[8] 沈文,云俊,邓爱民编著.物流与供应链管理[M].北京:人民交通出版社,2002[9] 彭志忠.现代物流与供应链管理[M].济南:山东大学出版社,2002[10] 朱道立,龚国华,罗齐.物流和供应链管理[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2001[11] 马士华,林勇,陈志祥.供应链管理[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2000[12] 马士华.新编供应链管理(21世纪工商管理系列教材).北京:人民大学出版社 01[13] (美)兰伯特,斯托克,埃拉姆著.物流管理——物流与供应链管理系列[M].北京:电子工业出版社,02[14] 宋华,胡左浩.现代物流与供应链管理——21世纪市场营销新知与案例丛书[M].北京:经济管理出版社,02[15] 齐二石,刘亮.物流与供应链管理[M].北京:电子工业出版社,10[16] 宋华.物流成本与供应链绩效管理[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,01[17] 徐琪.供应链管理:理论与实验[M].上海:上海人民出版社,01[18] 徐剑,周晓晔,李贵华.物流与供应链管理[M].北京:国防工业出版社,08[19] 霍桂震.物流与供应链管理[M].北京:高等教育出版社,08[20] 张理.现代物流案例分析——21世纪电子商务与现代物流管理系列教材[M].北京:水利水电出版社,05[21] 胡继灵.供应链的合作与冲突管理[M].上海:上海财经大学出版社,11[22] 刘南,赵成锋,陈远高.现代物流与经济发展理论、方法与实证分析[M].北京:中国物资出版社,08[23] 张良卫,朱强.国际物流实务[M].北京:电子工业出版社,01[24] 骆温平.第三方物流[M].北京:高等教育出版社,08[25] 王欣兰.现代物流管理概论[M].北京:清华大学出版社,10[26] 施先亮,李伊松.供应链管理原理及应用[M].北京:清华大学出版社,09[27] 吴隽.物流与供应链管理[M].哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社,01[28] 蒋长兵,吴承健.现代物流理论与供应链管理实践[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社,12[29] 魏修建,姚峰.现代物流与供应链管理(十一五电子商务规划教材)[M].西安:西安交通大学出版社,04
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随着社会的发展,行业竞争的日趋激烈,如何提高工作效率、降低管理成本、提高服务水平和企业的竞争能力,是每一个企业管理者最为关注的问题。越来越多的管理者认为实行计算机科学化管理是解决这一问题的关键。 物流运输企业由于行业特点,传统操作过程复杂,文件繁多,竞争日趋激烈。越来越多的信息问题涌现出来,例如:一方面,要不断开发客户市场,对客户的基本资料,货物分布情况、联系人的喜好及联系方式有较为全面的了解,另一方面,要作好财务的收付工作,确保运费能按时的收付,欠款一目了然,及时催缴。以往查阅厚厚的文件资料的做法,显然是不可取的。必须采取更有效的解决办法。同时收集处理信息的速度、信息的准确性、安全性,还影响到公司整体的管理水平和决策层对整体业务的控制和协调。采用计算机软件管理信息是解决上述问题的一个行之有效的办法。 物流管理软件,就是根据物流运输企业业务流程,将企业业务的各类数据联系起来,组成一个有机的系统,使得业务、财务、市场等方面的信息得以方便、快捷地传递,并经过综合处理生成各种报表送交给各个职能部门及决策层。应用物流管理软件系统不仅可以节省大量的人力,减少工作中的失误,对客户的询问可以迅速的从电脑中查询信息答复客户,而且可以帮助决策者及时调整公司经营策略,提高公司在同行业中的知名度,增强公司的竞争力。 过去物流管理着重在企业内部作业与组织的整合,对下游顾客的对应,是以服务与品质为主要重心。因此,评价物流的管理业绩和效果的准则,多半是以处理订单周期时间的速度,供货率及完成质量来量度。 随着物流业的发展,在供应链管理模式上增添新的内容,物流业出现了新的十大趋势。 (一)物流管理从物的处理,提升到物的加值方案设计、解决和管理上。可以为客户提供度身订造式的,并带有个性化的服务,企业逐渐转向强调跨企业界限的整合,使得顾客关系的维护与管理变得越来越重要。 (二)由对立转向联合。传统商业通道中,企业间多半以自我为中心,追求自我利益,因此往往造成企业间对立的局面。然而在追求更大竞争力的驱动下,许多企业开始在各个商业流通机能上整合,通过联合规划与作业,形成高度整合的供应链通道关系,使通道整体成绩和效果大幅提升。 (三)由预测转向终测。传统的流通模式通过预测下游通道的资源来进行各项物流作业活动,不幸的是预测很少会准确的,因而浪费了许多自然及商业资源。新兴的物流管理趋势是强调通道成员的联合机制,成员间愿意互换营运及策略的信息,尤其是内部需求及生产的资料,使得上游的企业无需去预测,流通模式是逐渐由预测基础转向终测基础发展。 (四)由经验积累转向变迁策略。一直以来经验曲线是企业用来分析市场竞争趋势及发展对应策略的方法,并以企业长年积累的经验作为主要竞争武器,然而科技的突飞进步,企业固守既有经验反而成为企业发展的障碍,因此在调度变化的环境下,经验及现存通道基础结构反变为最难克服的障碍,成功的企业要建立对策略方向的嗅觉和持续变迁管理体系才能生存。 (五)由绝对价值转向相对价值。传统财务评价只看一些绝对数值,新的评估方法将着重在相对价值的创造,亦即在通道中提供加值服务,顾客所增加的价值中企业可占多少比例。 (六)由功能整合转向程序整合。在竞争渠道日趋激烈的环境中,企业必须更快响应上、下游顾客的需要,因而必须有效整合各部门的营运,并以程序式的操作系统来动作,物流作业与活动多半具有跨功能,跨企业的特性,故程序式整合是物流管理成功的重点。 (七)由垂直整合转向虚拟整合。在传统渠道中,一些大企业进行通道的垂直整合,以期对通过掌握有更大的力量,事实证明这并不成功,反而分散了企业的资源,并将主业削弱。今日企业经营的趋势是专注核心业务,将非核心业务委托给专业管理公司去做,形成虚拟企业整合体系,使主体企业提供更好的产品及服务。 (八)由信息保留转向信息分享。在供应链管理结构下,供应链内相关企业必须将供应链整合所需的信息与其他企业分享,否则,无法形成有效的供应链体系。 (九)由训练转向知识学习。在可预见的未来,任何物流程序均以人力来完成。然而,物流作业多半需要在各个物流据点和运输网络中进行,大约有90%的时间,物流主管无法亲自加以监控。全球化的发展趋势,也增加了物流人力资源管理的复杂度。物流主管必须将以个别人员技能训练的方式,转向知识基础的学习发展。 (十)由管理会计转向价值管理。未来许多企业愿意投入许多资源建立基本会计系统,着重在提供增值创造,跨企业的管理信息,以期能确认可创造价值的作业,而非仅在于收益增加,成本升降上。 Along with society's development, the profession competition is day by day intense, how enhances the working efficiency, reduces the management cost, the enhancement service level and enterprise's competitive ability, is each enterprise superintendent most matter of More and more many superintendents thought the implementation computer scientific style management solves this question The thing flows the transportation enterprise as a result of the profession characteristic, the tradition operating process complex, document many, the competition is day by day The more and more many information question emerges, for example: On the one hand, must develop the customer market unceasingly, to the customer basic document, the cargo distribution situation, the contact person likes and the contact method has a more comprehensive understanding, on the other hand, must finish financial the receipts and disbursements work, guarantees the transport expense to be able on time receipts and disbursements, the debt to be clear, prompt press for Formerly consulted the thick document material the procedure, obviously was cannot be Must adopt more effective At the same time collects the process information the speed, the information accuracy, the security, but also affects the company whole management level and the decision-making strata to the overall service control and the Uses the computer software management information is solution above question effective The thing class manages the software, is flows the transportation enterprise service flow according to the thing, according to relates the enterprise service various class numbers, composes an organic system, causes aspect the and so on service, finance, market information to be able to be convenient, to transmit quickly, and produces each kind of report form after synthesis processing to deliver for each function department and the decision-making The appliance flows the management software system not only to be possible to save the massive manpower, reduces in the work the fault, may be rapid to the customer inquiry inquires the information answer customer from the computer, moreover may help the policy-maker promptly to adjust the company to manage the strategy, enhances company's in same profession well-knownness, the enhancement company's competitive In the past flowed the management emphatically in the enterprise interior work and organization's conformity, to the downriver customer's correspondence, was take serves and the quality as the main center of Therefore, the appraisal flows the management achievement and the effect criterion, is mostly by processes the order form period the speed, supplying goods rate and completes the quality to Along with the thing flowing industry development, increased the new content in the supply chain management pattern, thing flowing industry had the new ten major (1) thing flows the management from thing processing, promotes to in the thing Canadian value plan design, the solution and the May provides for the customer 度身订造 -like, and has the personalization the service, the enterprise gradually changes emphasized the cross enterprise boundary the conformity, causes the maintenance and the management which the customer relates changes more and more (2) changes the union by the In the traditional commercial channel, the enterprise mostly take as the center, pursues the self- benefit, therefore often makes the aspect which the enterprise However in under the pursue bigger competitive power actuation, many enterprises starts in each commercial circulation function the conformity, through the union plan and the work, forms highly the conformity supply chain channel relations, causes the channel overall result and the effect large (3) changes the final survey by the The traditional circulation pattern carries on each thing through the forecast downriver channel resources to flow the work activity, unfortunately forecasts very little can accurate, thus has wasted many natures and the commercial The emerging thing flows the management tendency is emphasized the channel member's union mechanism, between the member is willing to exchange transport business and the strategy information upstream, in particular internal demand and the production material, causes the enterprise not to need to forecast, the circulation pattern changes the final survey foundation development gradually by the forecast (4) accumulates by the experience changes the vicissitude The empirical curve has since always been the enterprise uses for to analyze the market competition tendency and the development correspondence strategy method, and the experience which accumulates by the enterprise elders takes the main competition weapon, however the science and technology flies suddenly the progress, the enterprise defends stubbornly already has the experience instead to become the barrier which the enterprise develops, therefore in under the dispatch change environment, the experience and the extant channel foundation structure instead becomes the barrier which most difficult to overcome, the success enterprise must establish to the strategy direction sense of smell and continues the vicissitude management system to be able to (5) changes the relative value by the absolute The traditional finance appraisal will look only some absolute values, the new appraisal method emphatically in the relative value creation, that is will provide adds the value service in the channel, in the value which the customer will increase the enterprise may account for how many (6) changes the procedure conformity by the function In the competition channel intense environment, the enterprise must day by day in a quicker response, the downriver customer's need, thus must effective conformity various departments' transport business, and acts by the procedure -like operating system, the thing flows the work and the activity has the cross function mostly, cross enterprise's characteristic, therefore the procedure type conformity is the thing class manages the successful key (7) changes the hypothesized conformity by the vertical In the traditional channel, some big enterprises carry on the channel the vertical conformity, to through grasps by the time has a bigger strength, the fact proved this is not successful, instead dispersed enterprise's resources, and weakens the principal Today the enterprise manages the tendency is dedicated nucleus □0 □$ The service, makes the non- core business request for the specialized management company, forms the hypothesized enterprise conformity system, causes the main body enterprise to provide a better product and the (8) changes the information share by the information Under the supply chain management structure, supplies in the chain to be connected the enterprise to have to supply the information which the chain conformity needs to share with other enterprises, otherwise, is unable to form the effective supply chain (9) changes the knowledge study by the In future which may foresee, any thing flows the procedure to complete by the However, the thing flows the work to need to flow the foothold and in mostly the transportation network in each thing carries on, probably some 90% time, the thing flows the manager to be unable to perform to monitor Globalization development tendency, also increased the thing to flow the human resources management the order of The thing flows the manager to have by the individual personnel skill training way, changes the knowledge foundation the study (10) changes the value management by management Future many enterprises will be willing to invest many resources establishments basic accountant the system, in will provide the increment creation emphatically, the cross enterprise's management information, by the time will be able the true approval creation value work, but must only will lie in the income to increase, in cost fluctuation

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