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Abstract Objective : Workers peripheral blood lymphocytes of p53 and DNA damage and repair gene mRNA expression levels of benzene exposure and the environment, explore specificity, sensitivity, stability, easy to collect specimens of the advantages of detecting indicators used benzene health care professional Methods : SYBR GreenI chimeric fluorescence quantitative real-time fluorescence RT-PCR analysis, testing workers exposed to 72 (under different posts divided into Group A, Group B) and 29 staff were peripheral blood lymphocytes and related gene p53 mRNA expression Application of differential expression analysis software REST 2005, compared with the control group operating multiple groups to express differences; While peripheral blood leukocytes, hemoglobin and platelet count; Sampling of raw materials toluene, benzene spraying agent content; Workplace air toluene concentration Results : Group A and Group B p53, p21, wild, Ape1 and Mdm2 expression levels compared with the control group was no significant difference, in Group A sword, Bcl-2, Bax, and Xpc Xpa expression level downward, Group B expression edged down compared with the control group was statistically significant A group of white blood cell, hemoglobin and platelet lower than the control group, Group B platelet lower than the control group differences are Conclusion : benzene-exposed workers part of the blood cells with DNA damage and repair gene mRNA expression levels of benzene and non-exposed control group SYBR GreenI chimeric fluorescent real-time RT-PCR and REST 2005 statistical software for detection and analysis of differentially expressed mRNA level, applies to occupational population of molecular epidemiological studies and health
222 评论


《文献阅读与翻译》胡庚申编电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读    链接: -kZQ8hTA 密码:7s8w    书名:文献阅读与翻译作者名:胡庚申编出版年份:2007-1页数:281内容介绍:《文献阅读与翻译》是教育部“高等教育面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划”的研究成果,是面向21世纪课程教材和教育部“九五”规划教材。《文献阅读与翻译》是《研究生英语系列教程》提高阶段的重要组成部分,通过不同专业文献和翻译技能两条主线,平行铺开,旨在帮助学习者了解和掌握专业文献的基本内容、语言特点以及全方位的信息检索,培养并提高他们阅读和翻译各种专业文献资料的能力。《文献阅读与翻译》可作为高等学校非英语专业硕士生、博士生使用的教材,还可供具有相当于或接近于本科英语6级水平的英语自学者使用。

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291 评论


VDAC2和醛甲确定膜蛋白的K562 细胞表达增加下铁剥夺摘要:我们已经表明以前铁剥夺大大刺激了摄取的非转铁铁铁柠檬酸的白血病K562细胞细胞和刺激,这取决于蛋白质的合成。然而,我们没有发现增加任何的表达众所周知铁转运蛋白(可伐学者等。 ( 2006 )血细胞与分子杂志37:95-99 ) 。因此,为了确定膜蛋白的K562细胞表达增加铁剥夺下,我们采用了分离膜蛋白的两相分配制度, 蛋白质分离的高分辨率二维电泳, 计算机鉴别分析,并串联质谱。采用这些技术,我们确定了两个蛋白质与统计学上调,即: 醛甲(阿尔达)和电压依赖阴离子通道2 ( VDAC2 ) 。该上调醛缩酶A和VDAC2在K562细胞剥夺下铁也证实了免疫印迹分析。这是第一次当控制的醛缩酶A和VDAC2水平的铁营养状况的细胞是证明。

130 评论


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