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1、古罗马斗兽场又称圆形竞技场,位于古罗马广场较低的一头,占地六英亩,像一座由石灰石垒成的顶部凹陷的小山。斗兽场外墙布满大得令人生畏的拱门;内部是裂痕累累的座位席,底部是一个曾经人兽决斗表演的平台,平台下方是关闭野兽和奴隶的隔间。站在底部,可以感受到深深的压迫感袭来!这座庞大的斗兽场在血腥味最浓的鼎盛时期始终是座无虚席的,最狂热的场面比比皆是,但却从未能像今日作为一座废墟那样打动人心。2、梵蒂冈博物馆(Vatican Museums)在公元5世纪末就有了雏形。内部展示空间极大,包括很多博物馆和展厅,保存着无数古希腊、古罗马、古埃及、中世纪以及文艺复兴以来的艺术珍宝。西斯廷教堂和拉斐尔画室是梵蒂冈博物馆的镇馆之宝。博物馆的主要展厅主要包括:八角庭院、动物雕塑馆、缪斯厅、圆形大厅、马车厅、烛台陈列廊、壁毯陈列廊厅、地图陈列廊、圣母怀胎廊厅、拉斐尔画室、博尔戈大火厅、西斯廷教堂、梵蒂冈图书馆和画廊。博物馆内所展示的巨作使梵蒂冈博物馆毫无争议地成为世界上最大最辉煌的博物馆之一。3、许愿池是罗马市内最大的也是知名度最高的喷泉。喷泉位在三条街的交叉口,Trevi即有“三岔口”之意。许愿池同时还是全球最大的巴洛克式喷泉,在电影《罗马假日》风靡全球后闻名于全世界。

罗马位于意大利中部,海拔20米,座落在台伯河畔,占地面积1507平方公里,人口2万,它是世界著名的历史、文化古城,也是意大利最大的城市。该地区属丘陵地带,台伯河流经本市。 该城历史悠久,有近3000年的历史,于公元前753年建立,古罗马的发祥地。公元一世纪为罗马帝国强盛时期。罗马现在城市的建筑规模基本上是1861意大利统一后建成的。当时以圆柱广场为中心扩建罗马,称之为罗马老区,古城外有一个叫“新罗马”的新城区。始建于二十世纪三十年代。 罗马名胜古迹众多,有世界八大古建筑之一的斗兽场,古罗马废墟、少女喷泉、万神庙、天使古堡和威尼斯广场等。加上罗马是铁路、公路和航空的交通枢纽,交通十分方便,旅游事业非常的发达。 工业以食品、服装、电子、通讯、建筑、医药和出版等为主。旅游业及服务行业在本地区的经济中占重要地位。 罗马是政府各行政部门、银行、旅游、保险、科研机构及大财团的所在地。


Near the banks of the Tiber River, 2,700 years ago on seven hills, the foundation of Rome was It is one of the most ancient cities in E Since then, it has been continuously inhabited and has grown into a city of almost three million people, covering 1,502 square kilometers (580 square miles) Rome is in southern Italy, in southern Europe, and has a parallel latitude with New York Located inland about 27 kilometers (17 miles) from the Tyrrhenian Sea, Rome is the capital city of I Within Rome's enclave is Vatican C The seat of the papacy of the Roman Catholic Church, Vatican City has been recognized as an independent state by the Italian government since The majestic dome of S Peter's Basilica in Vatican City dominates the Roman Once the center of the Roman Empire, Rome has been the capital of united Italy since The economy remains strong—essentially based on tourism and government After World War II (1939–45), the city developed a wide base of industries; thus, the Rome of today hosts the headquarters of many multinational corporations and Divided into two regions, the sprawling outer city is changing with suburban The historical center is a small area, located on the eastern bank of the Tiber River and contains many monuments of Rome's past The city is an unparalleled repository of monuments from all periods in European The legacy of the Roman Empire is extensive, witnessed from the preservation of the Pantheon, considered one of the finest surviving temples of antiquity, to the impressive Colosseum, an amphitheater that hosted gladiatorial combat and other Ancient city walls, triumphal arches, public meeting places, churches, and palaces are scattered throughout R With an extraordinary wealth of artwork, Rome is a major world center for creative study and performing

罗马国家从公元前3世纪中叶开始向海外扩张,经过布匿战争(古罗马和古迦太基之间的三次战争)、马其顿战争(古罗马共和国和马其顿王国之间的3次战争)和叙利亚战争(罗马和塞琉古国王安条克三世在希腊、爱琴海和小亚细亚间的军事冲突),至公元前2世纪中叶,已经确立了在地中海的霸权。 布匿战争是在古罗马和古迦太基之间的三次战争,名字来自当时罗马对迦太基的称呼(布匿库斯)。前3世纪开始,两国为争夺地中海沿岸霸权发生了三次战争:    第一次布匿战争(前264年-前241年),主要是在地中海上的海战。开始在西西里岛交战,接着罗马进攻迦太基本土,迦太基被打败。    第二次布匿战争(前218年-前201年),三个中最著名的战争。迦太基主帅汉尼拔率6万大军穿过阿尔卑斯山,入侵罗马。罗马则出兵迦太基本土,汉尼拔回军驰援,迦太基战败,丧失全部海外领地,交出舰船,并向罗马赔款。    第三次布匿战争(前149年-前146年),这是一场罗马以强凌弱的侵略战争。罗马主动进攻,长期围困迦太基城,最后迦太基战败惨遭屠城,领土成为罗马的一个省份——阿非利加行省。    布匿战争的结果是迦太基被灭,迦太基城也被夷为平地,罗马争得了地中海西部的霸权。 马其顿战争指古罗马共和国和马其顿王国之间的3次战争。最终以罗马控制马其顿王国而告终。    第一次战争(公元前214~前205年)马其顿的腓力五世取得胜利。    第二次战争(公元前200~前196)中,罗马大获全胜,消灭了腓力的海军。    罗马又发动了第三次战争(公元前171~前168),腓力之子佩尔修斯战败,最后在彼得那会战中马其顿全面失败。此后马其顿成为罗马的一个行省。 叙利亚战争也被称为安条克战争或叙利亚战争,主要是罗马和塞琉古国王安条克三世在希腊、爱琴海和小亚细亚间的军事冲突。    随着马其顿王国在第二次马其顿战争败于罗马,安条克三世认为是扩张至希腊的好机会,从前196年起,这两大势力逐渐相互在台面下对抗,并试图与希腊诸多小势力结盟来扩大自身在希腊的影响力,最终引发罗马——叙利亚战争。    战争的最后由罗马获得彻底的胜利,安条克三世被迫签下阿帕米亚和约,使塞琉古帝国割让小亚细亚给罗马的盟国,也进一步确认罗马在希腊的霸权,更使罗马成为地中海唯一的一等强国。



The history of ancient Rome At 19:45 on May 9, 2005 10th century BC to the 7th century BC, the Italian peninsula in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural era of "Ancient Italy" is one of the most important About 1000 BC in the Bronze Age, they cross the northern and eastern parts of the Alps and the Adriatic Sea to reach Italy, and brutally forced many local indigenous tribes of movement At first they lived a nomadic life, but has been making bronze, the use of horses and carts with wheels of Arrived in Italy, they formed a farming-based way of This way of life into the next century, a few of their main way of life of future generations, until the decline of Roman "Ancient Italy" by a few ethnic composition, including Sabine, Umbria and L 9th century BC and the 8th century BC, the Italian peninsula, there have been two of the new nation: Greek and E That the ancient Etruscan people from the East Anatolia, a number of archaeological discoveries, confirmed From the origin, it seems that they are not ancient Italy, just as they are not Indo-European language, their civilization, a mixture of East and West from a variety of Weilangnuowa well-known representative of the Etruscan civilization were the first stage of development, from which we can see them in the new territories achieved remarkable progress in This new territory is located in the north-east Italy and the Apennine mountains between the Sea and the coastal plain Etruscan people live in an independent, powerful city-state, usually between the city-state These initial city-state ruled by a monarchy, and later became adopted by the Parliament and the elected officials of the implementation of the rule of Etruscan people have been farming tribes, have well-organized army, they use the army to rule the nation around the same time, they like to operate the business and engaged in Tuscany and northern parts of the Latium region of the Etruscan people should be the first to A small part of the Latin in this territory at the southern end of the proliferation of interest-bearing, where the ultimate establishment of the city of R Therefore, the Etruscan civilization in the heyday of the village is only the Romans, with the Etruscan language, thought and religion are closely linked: people are Roman Etruscan civilization to culture have transformed A unique most On the other hand, in the 16th century BC to 11th century BC Mycenaean civilization between the period of Greeks in southern Italy and central China navigating coastal areas, followed by a period of stagnation makes their voyage come to an In the West because of trade routes and competition Phoenicians, who established a new base for trade, then in the 8th century BC, so that the full development of the They are the first horse in Italy is Coosa (in the Bay of Naples Yisijier Island) to establish a colony again after a slight forces to advance north to Sicily and the mainland of kumi coastal areas in southern I With the contacts with the Greeks, the Etruscan people will soon become more mature, they create a text according to the Greek alphabet to form its own style of painting and sculpture, to the development of the Greek gods were to be based on religious beliefs And a set of well-gaze of the Later, all of which were inherited from the Romans

回答 稍等一下亲![心] 您好,以下是罗马的英文文章 Rome (Italian: Roma) is the capital of Italy is also the country's largest city, is also a national political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the world famous historical and cultural city, the birthplace of the ancient Rome Empire, the city has a long history and has been nicknamed the "city of eternal" The Italy peninsula is located in the Midwest, 您好,以下是罗马的英文文章 7 Catholic University, the city of the Vatican is the Pope and the Holy See Rome and Florence for the Italy Renaissance Center, now still keep a very rich Renaissance and Baroque style; in 1980, the site of Rome was listed as world cultural 您好,以下是罗马的英文文译中文 罗马(意大利语:Roma)为意大利首都也是全国最大的城市,也是国家政治、经济、文化和交通中心,世界著名的历史文化名城,古罗马帝国的发祥地,因建城历史悠久而被昵称为“永恒之城”。其位于意大利半岛中西部,台伯河下游平原地的七座小山丘上,市中心面积有1200多平方公里。罗马是全世界天主教会的中心,有700多座教堂与修道院,7所天主教大学,市内的梵蒂冈是天主教教皇和教廷的驻地。罗马与佛罗伦斯同为意大利文艺复兴中心,现今仍保存有相当丰富的文艺复兴与巴洛克风貌;1980年,罗马的历史城区被列为世界文化遗产。 希望我的回答能帮助到你!感谢你的咨询![心] 更多6条 

Near the banks of the Tiber River, 2,700 years ago on seven hills, the foundation of Rome was It is one of the most ancient cities in E Since then, it has been continuously inhabited and has grown into a city of almost three million people, covering 1,502 square kilometers (580 square miles) Rome is in southern Italy, in southern Europe, and has a parallel latitude with New York Located inland about 27 kilometers (17 miles) from the Tyrrhenian Sea, Rome is the capital city of I Within Rome's enclave is Vatican C The seat of the papacy of the Roman Catholic Church, Vatican City has been recognized as an independent state by the Italian government since The majestic dome of S Peter's Basilica in Vatican City dominates the Roman Once the center of the Roman Empire, Rome has been the capital of united Italy since The economy remains strong—essentially based on tourism and government After World War II (1939–45), the city developed a wide base of industries; thus, the Rome of today hosts the headquarters of many multinational corporations and Divided into two regions, the sprawling outer city is changing with suburban The historical center is a small area, located on the eastern bank of the Tiber River and contains many monuments of Rome's past The city is an unparalleled repository of monuments from all periods in European The legacy of the Roman Empire is extensive, witnessed from the preservation of the Pantheon, considered one of the finest surviving temples of antiquity, to the impressive Colosseum, an amphitheater that hosted gladiatorial combat and other Ancient city walls, triumphal arches, public meeting places, churches, and palaces are scattered throughout R With an extraordinary wealth of artwork, Rome is a major world center for creative study and performing


中国生态旅游 10-1008/N 旅游学刊 11-1120/K 旅游 11-1341/K 中国旅游年鉴 11-3402/K 复印报刊资料(旅游管理) 11-4295/G3 时尚旅游 11-4898/K 中国航空旅游 11-6002/K 旅游纵览 13-1138/K 河北旅游职业学院学报 13-1387/Z 旅游时代 14-1308/K 当代旅游 23-1508/G 旅游天地 31-1129/K 旅游科学 31-1693/K 度假旅游 34-1271/G0 旅游世界 37-1263/K 科学旅游 44-1566/N 旅游论坛 45-1363/K 旅游休闲 46-1067/G0 西部旅游 51-1578/K 旅游研究 53-1212/K 西藏旅游 54-1037/G8

回答 您好,很高兴为您服务,全球十大旅游杂志具体如下, 1,《旅游纵览》,它面向国内外旅游景区景点、旅行社、旅游摄影爱好者、旅游行业专家、学者、管理人员发行; 2, 《旅行家》,她以一流的品质,在国内众多同类刊物中保持了较高的品牌知名度和稳定的影响力,在版面不断扩大的同时,内容也日益完善和丰富,栏目更加充实,图文更趋精致。 《旅游》,揭示鲜为人知的绝胜风光,是旅游爱好者出行的指南,是居家旅游者神游四方的宝卷,是展示旅游景区魅力的舞台。 4,《漫旅Travel+Leisure》,它是悦旅Travel+Leisure》更名为《漫旅Travel+Leisure》包容一切为旅行增添魅力的旅行信息和经验,无论是饮食、购物、酒店,还是时尚、艺术和旅游产业讯息,甚至流行、前卫的生活方式,锐利的发现、生动的记录。 这边帮您查询到这些,希望可以帮助到您,最后,祝您生活愉快,谢谢。 更多4条 



中国生态旅游 10-1008/N 旅游学刊 11-1120/K 旅游 11-1341/K 中国旅游年鉴 11-3402/K 复印报刊资料(旅游管理) 11-4295/G3 时尚旅游 11-4898/K 中国航空旅游 11-6002/K 旅游纵览 13-1138/K 河北旅游职业学院学报 13-1387/Z 旅游时代 14-1308/K 当代旅游 23-1508/G 旅游天地 31-1129/K 旅游科学 31-1693/K 度假旅游 34-1271/G0 旅游世界 37-1263/K 科学旅游 44-1566/N 旅游论坛 45-1363/K 旅游休闲 46-1067/G0 西部旅游 51-1578/K 旅游研究 53-1212/K 西藏旅游 54-1037/G8

《时尚旅游》每期零售价 00元/期2002年起与美国《国家地理旅行者》(英文名:National Geographic Traveler)进行版权合作。 《时尚旅游》整合时尚杂志社与美国国家地理学会的优势资源和丰富经验,致力于成为积极主动,求知欲强的旅行者的信息来源。《时尚旅游》通过提供独特的,真正的旅行体验,鼓舞读者探索和了解世界,享受生活,享乐人生。 《时尚旅游》是一本国家旅游局主管,中国旅游协会主办的权威性旅游杂志。自2000年5月起由时尚杂志社承办。 《环球旅游》月刊 00元/期《旅游休闲》月刊 00元/期《旅游纵览》月刊 50元/期《旅游》月刊00元/期1979年,《旅游》杂志创刊,成为改革开放后最早的旅游杂志 从那时开始,全国各大图书馆以及大、中、小学,科研机构、企事业单位都纷纷订阅《旅游》杂志,是图书馆必备的馆藏杂志。常年的订阅与借阅。使《旅游》拥有跨年代的庞大读者群,影响几代读书人。 历史变迁,与时俱进,三次改版适应了时代发展带来不断变化的读者需求。保证读者群不断充实和补充,与数以十万计的读者相伴成长。 每个时代的旅游杂志都折射出特定社会环境中人们的精神风貌与物质追求。《旅游》创办之初帮助近乎“懵懂”的人们认识了世界、认识了旅游,而在快节奏生活的今天,人们要不时面对各种各样的压力,《旅游》同样为他们诠释人文情感,帮助他们回归自然、体验旅游中的人生。 《中国旅游地理》月刊 00元/期栏目介绍 一、视界 :介绍国外旅游胜地,侧重于当地人文地理风貌。 二、探索 :神秘之境、自然之谜、历史钩沉、三、发现 :新景点、新线路、新玩法,或者老景点、老线路的新发现新景观 四、传奇 :民族、宗教、地理奇观、历史遗存、人文遗迹、文化遗址。 五、遗产 :重点关注民间非物质文化遗产的生存状况、状态,目的是为了引起社会关注和保护意识。《旅游天地》月刊00元/期 介绍各地风土人情,文化历史名城。目击自然险峻风光,帮助读者搜集旅行情报制定旅游计划的一本全方位旅游经典杂志。 《当代旅游》月刊00元/期好多哩!还有楼上说的《中国国家地理》月刊00元/期 栏目介绍 国家地理推介之旅,私人博物馆,世界自然文化遗产,生态圈透视,民族风情写真,地理视点,地理文萃。订阅的人也不在少数!由中国科学院主管,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所和中国地理学会主办,目前该刊在国内外及港澳台地区拥有近10万忠实读者。

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