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management of science and technology

Intelligent Traffic Control System (Urban Traffic Control System, referred to UTC system), is the modern urban traffic management system hub, but also intelligent transportation system an important In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, SCM applications are continually deepening, and promote the traditional control of the growing detection technology In real-time detection and automatic control of the SCM applications, often as a microcontroller core components to use only SCM knowledge is not enough, but also based on specific hardware and software combination of hardware structure, to be The system uses SCM, traffic lights demonstration SCM extensive use of the I / O ports, and control of flexibility, accuracy, and the traffic control SCM through the procedures designed to achieve the basic traffic order and control traffic A crossroads for the design of vehicles and pedestrian traffic management system should include straight, turn left, turn right, and to show the basic features such as traffic lights, and the traffic flow is not great, the system can be manually controlled, Direction only blinking yellow light, to prompt pedestrians and drivers can be slow through the line, rather than wait for, to save There are other 40 s and 20 s current management conversion, and other At the same time the traffic signal system from a high-reliability components devices, with a variety of anti-jamming measures, can withstand the test of all kinds of bad The new multi-functional traffic lights system stable performance, small size, low cost, can well meet the requirements of modern transport 中文 » 英语 翻译

Intelligent Traffic Control System (Urban Traffic Control System, referred to UTC system), is the modern urban traffic management system hub, but also intelligent transportation system an important In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, SCM applications are continually deepening, and promote the traditional control of the growing detection technology In real-time detection and automatic control of the SCM applications, often as a microcontroller core components to use only SCM knowledge is not enough, but also based on specific hardware and software combination of hardware structure, to be The system uses SCM, traffic lights demonstration SCM extensive use of the I / O ports, and control of flexibility, accuracy, and the traffic control SCM through the procedures designed to achieve the basic traffic order and control traffic A crossroads for the design of vehicles and pedestrian traffic management system should include straight, turn left, turn right, and to show the basic features such as traffic lights, and the traffic flow is not great, the system can be manually controlled, Direction only blinking yellow light, to prompt pedestrians and drivers can be slow through the line, rather than wait for, to save There are other 40 s and 20 s current management conversion, and other At the same time the traffic signal system from a high-reliability components devices, with a variety of anti-jamming measures, can withstand the test of all kinds of bad The new multi-functional traffic lights system stable performance, small size, low cost, can well meet the requirements of modern transport

Intelligent Traffic Control System (Urban Traffic Control System, referred to UTC system), a modern urban traffic control System of a hub, but also intelligent transportation system an important In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, SCM Applications are continually deepening, and promote the traditional control of the growing detection technology In real-time detection and automatic control of the microcontroller Application System, SCM often as a core component to use only SCM knowledge is not enough, and should be based on Specific hardware and software combination of hardware structure, to be The system uses SCM, traffic lights demonstration SCM extensive use of the I / O ports, and control of flexibility , Accuracy, and the traffic control SCM through the procedures designed to achieve the basic traffic control and order Traffic A crossroads for the design of vehicles and pedestrian traffic management system should include straight, turn left, turn right, and the basic line The show features such as traffic lights, and the traffic flow is not great, the system can be manually controlled, the only direction flashing yellow light, Tips to pedestrians and drivers can be slow through the line, rather than wait for, to save There are other 40s and 20 s current management conversion , And other At the same time the traffic signal system from a high-reliability components devices, with a variety of anti-jamming measures, able to withstand all kinds of evil Poor conditions of the The new multi-functional traffic lights system stable performance, small size, low cost, can well meet the contemporary Transport


Humanistic Scientific Management

行政管理科学研究会翻译这句要注意的一个问题是“ 研究会”,有两个主要单词 society,association 和 institute。society 属于社会团体性质的学会;association 属于行业性质的团体;institute 属于较权威性质的研究会。这三个单词都包含研究性质的意思,所以不必加“Research”一词。翻译如下:The Society / Association / Institute of Administrative Management and Science我不知道贵研究会是上面哪一类的。可以根据我的解释选择上面的任何一个单词。山东行政管理科学研究会Shandong Society / Association / Institute of Administrative Management and Science

Administrative management science research行政管理科学研究会

Administrative Management Scientific Seminar, Shandong Province简称: AMSS, Shangdong Pro希望能帮到你~


英文简历 的格式和中文的不一样你微软的word里有相应的格式

With the development and popularization of the Internet technology, a growing number of universities to establish their own educational sector Web site, through websites can display the results of the teaching sector, academic research results, issued the latest information, and teachers and students for academic exchanges, and to provide teaching After detailed analysis and investigation, multimedia technology as a development tool for web sites in Microsoft ASP, database using Access database design background, the use of ado database visit various database management technologies to achieve operating and achieving managers in the background of all management functions of the For multimedia technology web site development practice, this article mainly on the development of multimedia technology web site related technical basis, the database system level applications, database management systems, and detailed design and the realization of this website

评审结论 Conclusions of the assessment 评审状态 Accreditation Status syndic 评审员 deadline 期限 预期时间 Expected time 起止时间 Start-stop time term of validity 有效期 blocking timel 截止时间 专利局 the Patent Office patent 专利 publishing house, press 出版社 ,这两个都行 出版物名称 Name of publication 出版编号 Publication number 出版日期 publication date the name of magazine 杂志名称 杂志期刊号 the Journal Number of magazine 杂志类别 Magazine category , economic 经济类 ,computer 电脑类 reward 奖励 奖励名称 the name of the Award 奖励类别 Award categories 国际级奖励 World-class awards 国家级奖励 State-level awards 省级奖励 Provincial awards 市级奖励 Municipal award 科研单位内部奖励 Internal research award 校级奖 Field grade awards of the College 院级奖 The department awards of College

The initiatives, a strong sense of responsibility, creative, careful, strong execution, self-management ability, high efficiency; Familiar with the administrative, secretarial, human resources, transactional processes, with 3 years of administrative experience; Excellent writing skills; English listening, speaking and writing well, and has been in progress; Active and independent to carry out administrative, personnel, senior secretary and so Executive director of the company, the normal operation of logistical support, such as the front, the environment, travel, office supplies, assets, outreach, ; Regular meeting presided over administrative, responsible for the organization of work of various departments to follow up the implementation; Responsible for the preparation of rules and regulations, improve, and to encourage the implementation; Data collected for the training, organization of training, the employees execution, working methods, skills are continually improving; Participate in staff interview team, given an objective evaluation of the candidates put forward the proposal or not employed; Involved in all aspects of marketing, including market research, SWOT analysis, marketing planning, marketing target decomposition, marketing summary, detailed and comprehensive analysis and insights by leading praise; General Manager of the Office of the Secretary, such as calendar reminders, information inquiry, summary of major minutes, send and receive mail, drafting business correspondence, data translation, as well as the levels of preparation for the general manager; Managing the work of other Project Experience: Network marketing model put forward and try to complete the company's first single-product sales; Introduction of the "completion date on things, on clear days with high" work ethic, preparation of SOP documents, improve its operating efficiency; Optimize the company's performance appraisal system so that assessment more equitable and science; Success of the project team leadership and participation in the preparation of quality system documents, and a one-time inspection by the local Food and Drug Administration; Leadership and participation in the project team successfully produced a company website (in English); Successful leadership and participation in the project team planning the company activities (such as industry events, dealer network video conferencing, Food and Drug Administration, the Provincial Science and Technology Bureau checks, staff activities, ); Get progress: exercise and improve the effective communication, organization and coordination, teamwork and leadership skills; trained refining and analyzing problems, problem-solving abilities, excellent sum up ability, writing ability; develop the habit of attention to detail "The results first, the second reason," the rigorous work Assist in personnel administration charge of doing office administration, logistical support, such as reception, word processing, document management, business book, corporate security, vehicles, canteens, executive regular meeting minutes; personnel recruitment, entry, departure procedures, assessment, analysis of personnel changes , the labor contract signed affairs Received progress: increased computer application skills, familiar with the administrative, personnel matters of procedure; trained responsible and proactive work attitude, tempered live and lead a variety of skills and communication


Today, I will introduce a beautiful It is China's Sichuan P Sichuan is my It is a scenic, historic, climate comfortable, very suitable place to S I would like to introduce it to more people, I hope it was more people 1, Sichuan (Located in China's southwestern Sichuan Province, an area of 485,000 square kilometers and a population of about 42 With Chongqing, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Yunnan, Guizhou and the Tibet Autonomous Region Sichuan vast territory and abundant resources, has a long history and has since ancient times enjoy " the Land of Abundance "in the ) 2, Sichuan provincial government - Chengdu (Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan, is a beautiful city, known as the "one do not want to leave the " Chengdu has a long history and is one of China's famous historical and cultural Chengdu humid climate, the seasons were clearly defined and not the sweltering heat of summer and winter without extensive and profound cultural and Chengdu, eating culture, leisure culture, tea culture, Taoism culture, and culture and so on in the three countries in the impact of the Chinese people By Sichuan, we will certainly have to look at J This is a known as "worldly paradise" Jiuzhaigou no bitter cold winter, summer is cool and different seasons scenery: Zhongchun Yan-green trees and flowers in midsummer You Lake chuishang, autumn do with the mountains, winter ice plastic Jiuzhaigou to David giant panda, golden monkey, from the spring of wood, grass and other independence of the unique flora and fauna resources and Chestwood, Diebo, Beach flow, Cai Lin, Xuefeng, the Tibetan people of the world situation greatly favor, as the "fairy-tale " "human cents mirror," and has now become a world-renowned tourist Sichuan is not only There are The most famous is the Qingcheng Mountain and E Their scenic and unique Not only famous in S The country is also very famous sightseeing In addition to the Sichuan cuisine is also a place with Sichuanese So catering mainly to In particular Pot, people said that the Sichuan cuisine, we will certainly think of In addition, the colorful snacks are endless, if you like spicy food is a person, then you will love Sichuan 不好啊

祖国西南的深山中,隐着一个“童话世界”,多年来,它一直是我心目中的圣地。去年夏天,我终于来到了这块净土——九寨沟。 大概上帝想把他的杰作深深掩藏吧。到九寨沟的旅途绝对是漫长而艰苦的。十多个小时的车程再加上那螺旋似的盘山路,转得人头晕脑胀。只有那清澈湍急的岷江和那一座座形态特殊的藏羌民居才使人不致于过于厌倦。汽车继续向上转着,突然眼前一亮,鲜妍的绿色扑入眼帘;清新中带着些许高原气息的空气使人精神一振。车子停了,九寨沟到了。 初入沟内,车中的人不由得发出阵阵惊叹,太美了!远处层层叠叠都是山,有些山戴着顶白帽子,在高原明净的阳光的照射下,如凝脂一般。蜿蜒于山间的是不尽的绿色,却不象一般原始森林那样浓绿如墨,而是微微地带着些柔和,映着高原那几乎与地面相接的湛蓝的天空,显得无比纯净可爱。天上带着几朵白云,仿佛伸手便可摘到,这些云又仿佛高原上一群群洁白的羊群,在肥美的草地上跳动。沟内大大小小的湖泊很多,这些湖泊当地人叫做“海子”,从这个名字中,你可以想象它们的蓝,像大海一样广阔而纯净的蓝,一粒粒地,如同镶嵌在林间的绿宝石。这些蓝色又不象大海那样单调,而是具有各种层次,有深蓝、浅蓝、带着绿色的蓝,画家的调色盘上大概也难以调出这么丰富的蓝色。人们一般用“波平如镜”来形容湖泊,可这里的湖泊却又不完全是这样,湖泊之间有一条绿色玉带般的河流——翡翠河把它们串联起来,动静呼应,相得益彰。 湖泊和湖泊之间,由于落差,形成了大大小小的瀑布,令人百看不厌。我们顺着这些小瀑布前行,觉得水气越来越浓,水声越来越大。渐渐地,一道白色的水幕出现在眼前,它就是九寨沟最大的诺日朗瀑布。初见便惊叹于它气势的恢弘,远远看去,只觉一条巨大的白色幕布从山崖间直挂而下,随风不停地抖动。近看又如无数的珍珠,先集合在一起吞噬着撞击着岩石,岩石不甘心自己的命运,它奋力地与水抗争,以自己的身躯将水无情地打碎,于是发出震耳欲聋的巨响,无数珍珠被一只强有力的手从四面八方纷纷撒下,溅开瀑布下那安静的碧绿中带一点湛蓝的深潭,又把水花溅到每个人的面前。人们在伟大的自然面前,除了惊讶,除了赞叹,还能做什么呢? 如果说诺日朗代表了九寨沟壮美的一面,那么五彩池就代表了它婉约的一面。我们在诺日朗乘环保车,翻越崇山峻岭,二十多分钟才来到五彩池。走下一百多级台阶,一个自然的杰作便展现在我们眼前。是日正好阳光灿烂,在阳光的照耀下,五彩的湖泊泛着绚丽的光彩。黄、蓝、绿、白、红等多种颜色互相交融而又晶莹剔透,如同把五彩的宝石融化后加以搅拌,又如画家的调色盘在水晶中被打翻。大家见此奇景,被震慑地失去了言语,只是默默地看着,惟恐漏掉一点,默默感慨着自然的伟大,享受着自然给人类带来的喜悦。 九寨沟之旅在惊叹中结束了,直到现在,那美景依然如梦。大自然以其无比的伟大创造了美景,也创造了我难以抹去的一段美好回忆。

Today, I will introduce a beautiful It is China's Sichuan P Sichuan is my It is a scenic, historic, climate comfortable, very suitable place to S I would like to introduce it to more people, I hope it was more people 1, Sichuan (Located in China's southwestern Sichuan Province, an area of 485,000 square kilometers and a population of about 42 With Chongqing, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Yunnan, Guizhou and the Tibet Autonomous Region Sichuan vast territory and abundant resources, has a long history and has since ancient times enjoy " the Land of Abundance "in the ) 2, Sichuan provincial government - Chengdu (Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan, is a beautiful city, known as the "one do not want to leave the " Chengdu has a long history and is one of China's famous historical and cultural Chengdu humid climate, the seasons were clearly defined and not the sweltering heat of summer and winter without extensive and profound cultural and Chengdu, eating culture, leisure culture, tea culture, Taoism culture, and culture and so on in the three countries in the impact of the Chinese people By Sichuan, we will certainly have to look at J This is a known as "worldly paradise" Jiuzhaigou no bitter cold winter, summer is cool and different seasons scenery: Zhongchun Yan-green trees and flowers in midsummer You Lake chuishang, autumn do with the mountains, winter ice plastic Jiuzhaigou to David giant panda, golden monkey, from the spring of wood, grass and other independence of the unique flora and fauna resources and Chestwood, Diebo, Beach flow, Cai Lin, Xuefeng, the Tibetan people of the world situation greatly favor, as the "fairy-tale " "human cents mirror," and has now become a world-renowned tourist Sichuan is not only There are The most famous is the Qingcheng Mountain and E Their scenic and unique Not only famous in S The country is also very famous sightseeing In addition to the Sichuan cuisine is also a place with Sichuanese So catering mainly to In particular Pot, people said that the Sichuan cuisine, we will certainly think of In addition, the colorful snacks are endless, if you like spicy food is a person, then you will love Sichuan

Geographical feature can help us to know the whole world , know motherland's important mountain , river



评审结论 Conclusions of the assessment 评审状态 Accreditation Status syndic 评审员 deadline 期限 预期时间 Expected time 起止时间 Start-stop time term of validity 有效期 blocking timel 截止时间 专利局 the Patent Office patent 专利 publishing house, press 出版社 ,这两个都行 出版物名称 Name of publication 出版编号 Publication number 出版日期 publication date the name of magazine 杂志名称 杂志期刊号 the Journal Number of magazine 杂志类别 Magazine category , economic 经济类 ,computer 电脑类 reward 奖励 奖励名称 the name of the Award 奖励类别 Award categories 国际级奖励 World-class awards 国家级奖励 State-level awards 省级奖励 Provincial awards 市级奖励 Municipal award 科研单位内部奖励 Internal research award 校级奖 Field grade awards of the College 院级奖 The department awards of College


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