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给你推荐几种(有详细地址的是SCIE收录的期刊):1.Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal NutritionBimonthly ISSN: 0931-2439WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774 2.Journal of Applied Animal NutritionCambridge University Press 3.Animal Feed Science and TechnologyBiweekly ISSN: 0377-8401 ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE 4.Archives of Animal NutritionBimonthly ISSN:1745-039XTAYLOR & FRANCISLTD, 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTONPARK, ABINGDON, ENGLAND,OXON, OX14 4RN 5.INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL NUTRITIONQuarterly ISSN:0970-3209ANIMAL NUTRITIONSOC INDIA,C/O HI-TECH COMPUTERS, KUNJPURA ROAD, KARNAL, INDIA, 00000 6.BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONSemimonthly ISSN:0007-1145CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, EDINBURGHBLDG, SHAFTESBURY RD, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND,CB2 8RU 7.JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGYQuarterly ISSN: 2049-1891BIOMED CENTRAL LTD, 236 GRAYS INN RD, FLOOR 6, LONDON, ENGLAND, WC1X8HL 8.Journal of Pet Animal NutritionJapanese Society of Pet Animal Nutrition




给你推荐几种(有详细地址的是SCIE收录的期刊):1.Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal NutritionBimonthly ISSN: 0931-2439WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774 2.Journal of Applied Animal NutritionCambridge University Press 3.Animal Feed Science and TechnologyBiweekly ISSN: 0377-8401 ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE 4.Archives of Animal NutritionBimonthly ISSN:1745-039XTAYLOR & FRANCISLTD, 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTONPARK, ABINGDON, ENGLAND,OXON, OX14 4RN 5.INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL NUTRITIONQuarterly ISSN:0970-3209ANIMAL NUTRITIONSOC INDIA,C/O HI-TECH COMPUTERS, KUNJPURA ROAD, KARNAL, INDIA, 00000 6.BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONSemimonthly ISSN:0007-1145CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, EDINBURGHBLDG, SHAFTESBURY RD, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND,CB2 8RU 7.JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGYQuarterly ISSN: 2049-1891BIOMED CENTRAL LTD, 236 GRAYS INN RD, FLOOR 6, LONDON, ENGLAND, WC1X8HL 8.Journal of Pet Animal NutritionJapanese Society of Pet Animal Nutrition

1土壤学报 中国土壤学会2土壤中国 科学院南京土壤研究所3土壤通报 中国土壤学会4中国水土保持 水利部黄河水利委员会5土壤肥料 中国农业科学院土壤肥料研究院、中国植物营养与肥料学会6水土保持通报 中国科学院、水利部水土保持研究所7土壤侵蚀与水土保持学报(改名为:水土保持学报) 中国科学院、水利部水土保持研究所8干旱地区农业研究 西北农业大学陕西省杨陵镇西北农业大学9植物营养与肥料学报 中国植物营养与肥料学会还有:PNAS ,SBB (soil biology and biochemistry),plant and soil


Trace elementsThe human body is composed by 60 various According to the element in the human body, can be divided into different levels of two kinds of elements and trace The total weight of all the human element, such as the above 01 carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, called macro The total weight of all the human element, such as 01% below iron, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, selenium, molybdenum, cobalt, fluorine, called the trace Trace elements in human body, such as zinc content is slim body total weight only three millionth Iron is only 100 PPMTrace elements in human body, although the content, but with person's survival and They absorb excessive, insufficient, or lack of different degrees of human physiological cause abnormal or The most prominent role of trace element is closely related with the vigor of life, just like a match that size or less of the quantity can exert great physiological Note the trace elementTrace elements and human healthMust be directly or indirectly by soil According to the scientific research, so far, has been identified and human health and life of the essential trace elements about 18 kinds, namely with iron, copper, zinc, manganese, chromium, cobalt, nickel, selenium, iodine, fluorine, molybdenum, vanadium, tin, silicon, strontium, boron, rb, arsenic, This each trace element has its special physiological Although they are very content in the human body, but some of the human body to maintain metabolism is the decisive is Once the lack of these essential trace elements, the human body will appear even life-threatening Such as zinc deficiency can lead to mouth, eyes, rectal or the red, pimples, wen As iron constitutes one of the major components of hemoglobin, lack of iron may cause iron-deficiency Foreign had reported: the body contains iron, copper, zinc, all can weaken the immune mechanism to resist disease (power), reduce the disease-resistant ability, fuelling bacterial infections, and the higher mortality after The trace elements in disease, cancer, prolong life etc are also plays a role that cannot be Trace elements in human body, although the content of small, but with the long and Such as zinc deficiency can lead to mouth, eyes, rectal or the red, pimples and As iron constitutes one of the major components of hemoglobin, lack of iron may cause iron-deficiency Human needs from the various elements in the Due to various food contains element types and quantity is not identical, so in the normal diet, coarse, combined with meat or fish is tie-in XiLiang  slant, don't eat, not picky, can satisfy the need of various Conversely, can cause lack of certain Molecular biology research reveals, trace elements and protein and other organic by groups, formed the enzyme, hormone, vitamin etc biological macromolecules, plays an important physiological and biochemical Trace elements within the first constitutes an important carrier and electronic transfer Iron exists in hemoglobin and muscle protein, in their execution of carrying oxygen in the process of oxygen and iron plays an important Enzyme catalysts, life is far more than 1000 body found in the enzyme, about 50? The trace element to close to 70% or activate cells, enzyme system function quite wide: from weak to constitute the highly specific ion effect of compound enzyme and nonmetallic enzymes, Valley Dan Kennedy pulse peroxidase is typical of nonmetal enzyme inhibition, it is Remove Protect membrane integrity, This enzyme molecule contains four selenium Zinc is not only the carbonate phenolic enzyme, DNA polymerases and RNA polymerase kinds of enzymes, and a necessary component of enzyme activity with Manganese as ion sex strong trace elements are valid activation agent, can activate enzymes catalysis Iodine for biosynthesis of thyroid hormone necessary, While maintaining the subject in zinc insulin in structure, every indispensable insulin molecular combining two zinc Vitamin than is the thymus krabi steep and eventually DNA synthesis nuclear love biosynthesis and transcription necessary phenol-o-methyl The molecules of a drill relate to close the atomic structure parts, containing it ring of the compound - goo elim coenzyme is known to the most effective biological catalyst in one of many enzyme plays an unusual molecular The nucleic acid is genetic information Trace elements of the physical and chemical properties of nucleic acid can be Various RNA polymerase contains zinc, and nuclear yesterday acid oxidoreductase functions depend on dry

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nourishing 形容词,意思是有营养的


nutriology [ˌnju:triˈɔlədʒi] 营养学sitology 英[saiˈtɔlədʒi] 美[saɪˈtɑlədʒi] 营养学望采纳,祝开心!

营养:Nutrition烘焙食品:Baked Food


<<人类植物食品营养学>><<亚太临床营养学杂志>>《人类植物食品营养学》杂志的网页。 它是一本出版原创论文的国际性的杂志,该杂志 致力于人类植物食品营养质量的研究, 营养学评论杂志网由国际生命科学学会(ILSI) 支持。 它提供该杂志的网上检索服务。该杂志提供有关营养学、膳食学、食品科学 --BrowseRphp?ParentId=359&ctid=0&StartingResourceIndex=20 - [在 站内更多结果] 生命科学学科信息门户- 浏览资源 这是《亚太临床营养学杂志》由亚太临床营养协会主办,主要发表有关临床营养学 研究的原创性研究报道、短讯、综述和致 该杂志提供 了有关营养科学研究的总的看法。该期刊将继续刊登营养科学中关键领域的最新和 --BrowseRphp?ctid=0&ParentId=359 - 25k - - [在 站内更多结果] 杂志_中华首席医学 海峡预防医学杂志 华南预防医学 职业与健康 中国社区医学 中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病 杂志 中华劳动卫生职业病杂志 这些是营养学研究的基础,

《营养师》国内首家多媒体免费营养电子杂志《营养师》电子杂志是中国国际营养学院主办的营养类专业营养刊物,是国内唯一免费的营养类电子刊物。《营养师》杂志宗旨是:百姓生活的营养指南,营养师的交流之家,营养爱好者的学习指导。营养师杂志的主要栏目有:营养资讯、水果营养、营养常识、美丽营养、营养食谱、运动营养、营养素、营养师之家、营养论文。《营养师》电子杂志的三大特色:1、专业性和准确性《营养师》由中国国际营养学院主办。由营养领域的相关专业人才审核稿件。大部分营养介绍都是由拥有专业资格证书的营养师根据其专业知识及实践工作经验进行严格的选稿。专业的指导队伍也决定了《营养师》杂志内容的专业性和准确性。2、新颖性和普及性《营养师》杂志每期都要向读者介绍营养领域的一些最新资讯。提供大众最关心的最实用的营养知识。3、科学性和时尚性作为营养知识性刊物,《营养师》注重文章的科学性、知识性。保持了较高质量全民普及的办刊风格。《营养师》杂志以高雅的品位、独特的风格、风趣的文字、新颖的电子多媒体版式引导着营养的潮流,倡导营养的时尚。与公共营养师的区别:公共营养师从事营养咨询、营养测评、营养指导、营养宣教、营养管理以及从事营养教学与科研工作的。 营养保健师主要是保健指导,比如私人保健,家庭保健等。 公共营养师的资格认证的机构是劳动和社会保障部, 营养保健师的资格认证机构是人事部全国人才流动中心和中国保健协会。

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