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自动化领域三大顶级期刊是:1、《自动化学报》创刊于1963年,由中国自动化学会、中国科学院自动化研究所共同主办,科学出版社出版,刊载自动化科学与技术领域的高水平理论性和应用性的科研成果。自2014年起,《自动化学报》为全中文学术期刊,同时向国际检索系统提供各篇文章的英文摘要。《自动化学报》被EI, SA, JICST, AJ等数据库收录,多次获得"百强报刊", "精品科技期刊"、"百种杰出学术期刊"、"中国最具国际影响力学术期刊"等荣誉称号,并持续获得中国科学院出版基金和中国科协出版基金等资助。2、《自动化学报》英文版 IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (JAS) 创刊于2014年,由中国自动化学会和中国科学院自动化研究所主办,与IEEE合作办刊,全球发行。JAS报道自动控制、人工智能、智能控制、模式识别、信息处理、机器人等自动化领域热点和前沿方向的研究进展,是一本全英文学术期刊。JAS已被IEEE, ESCI, EI,Inspec, Scopus, CSCD等国内外多个数据库收录,荣获中国最具国际影响力学术期刊称号。3、《International Journal of Automation and Computing》(简称IJAC, 中文名《国际自动化与计算杂志》)是由中国科学院自动化研究所和英国旅英华人自动化与计算学会共同主办的一本全英文学术期刊,与Springer、科学出版社合作出版,全球发行。期刊重点报道人工智能、机器人、智能计算等相关学科的前沿和热点。IJAC现已被ESCI, EI, Inspec, Scopus, ACM, CSCD等15家国际数据库收录,多次获得"中国最具国际影响力学术期刊"称号,并连续两次获得中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划B类支持。据《中国学术期刊国际引证年报》数据显示,自动化所主办的3本学术期刊《自动化学报》、《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 (IEEE/CAA JAS)、《International Journal of Automation and Computing》(IJAC)荣获“2018中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”称号。在自动化和计算机领域的143本学术期刊中,仅有6本脱颖而出、获此殊荣,自动化所占据三席!其中,IEEE/CAA JAS各项指标位列榜首,IJAC排名第三,《自动化学报》排名第五。 《中国学术期刊国际引证年报》(2018版)由中国学术文献国际评价研究中心和清华大学图书馆研制、中国知网出版。截至2018年,《中国学术期刊国际引证年报》已连续发布7年,其提供的统计数据科学准确、客观公正地分析我国自主创办的本土学术期刊的国际影响力水平。入选“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”称号的期刊,是我国学术期刊“走出去”的杰出代表,对我国学术期刊的国际影响力提升起到了良好的带动作用。

CG Chosen N6 CG Chosen N6|机器人杂志将带领你进入一个非比寻常的智能化世界。在那里你将欣赏到世界上最完美,最疯狂的机器人作品及图像。同时,你还可以从一些相关的文章和访谈上学到机器人制作的技巧。还在等什么,快来体验一下吧!


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《新版机器人技术手册》,详细地址:_html关于杂志我就只介绍英文的《robot》,《servo》,《Nuts & Volts》《MAKE Magazine》,本来想做介绍的,字数限制!!

机器人入门—给刚接触机器人的朋友们作者:Ricky 文章来源: RoboticFCom 更新时间:2003年04月11日 打印此文 浏览数: 39829 你对机器人感兴趣吗?那好,那也是我建立这个网站唯一理由。但是很不幸的是,玩机器人不是一个很容易的爱好,他需要的不仅仅是一些专业知识,比如,机械,电子,计算机,同时还需要你投入极大的热情,精力和Money。如果你对机器人没有很强烈的愿望去了解它,学习它,没有一定的毅力去研究它,那我劝你还是放弃把机器人当作兴趣的爱好吧。当然,如果上面所需的条件你都不缺的话,那我们可以继续下面的内容了。 在开始写这篇文章之前,还有一件事情要声明一下,研究机器人和研究别的东西不一样,你可以把它当作一个玩具来研究,所以研究机器人应该是一件很愉快的工作,千万别把它当作一件苦差事来对待,不然也别玩了。机器人经过几十年的发展,国外网站上已经有n资料可以找了。而国内目前机器人资源目前来说还是一个空白。写这篇文章主要是给国内刚玩机器人的爱好者们一些小小的意见。 机器人到底什么?自从机器人诞生以来就有很多对机器人的定义了,但是正如目前很多学者所指出的一样,很多所谓的机器人看上去像机器人,其实并不是真正的机器人,比如一个无线遥控的有4条会动的腿的狗也能叫机器人吗?当然不能,但是现在很多产品就是这么叫的。但是根据我个人对机器人的理解,一个所谓的机器人必须有2个最主要的功能。一是能和外界交流,第二是能够自动根据交流的信息产生一些反应。这反应可以是事先写好的程序,或者机器人自己产生的程序,一句话就是要有反应。当然,我本来就没什么资格来定义机器人,但是就目前的技术水平和对机器人的理解程度,我觉得最简单的机器人应该有以上2大主要功能。 在开始写这篇文章之前,还有一件事情要声明一下,研究机器人和研究别的东西不一样,你可以把它当作一个玩具来研究,所以研究机器人应该是一件很愉快的工作,千万别把它当作一件苦差事来对待,不然也别玩了。机器人经过几十年的发展,国外网站上已经有n资料可以找了。而国内目前机器人资源目前来说还是一个空白。写这篇文章主要是给国内刚玩机器人的爱好者们一些小小的意见。机器人到底什么?自从机器人诞生以来就有很多对机器人的定义了,但是正如目前很多学者所指出的一样,很多所谓的机器人看上去像机器人,其实并不是真正的机器人,比如一个无线遥控的有4条会动的腿的狗也能叫机器人吗?当然不能,但是现在很多产品就是这么叫的。但是根据我个人对机器人的理解,一个所谓的机器人必须有2个最主要的功能。一是能和外界交流,第二是能够自动根据交流的信息产生一些反应。这反应可以是事先写好的程序,或者机器人自己产生的程序,一句话就是要有反应。当然,我本来就没什么资格来定义机器人,但是就目前的技术水平和对机器人的理解程度,我觉得最简单的机器人应该有以上2大主要功能。 接下来是玩机器人对基础知识的需求,这里面的知识是任何一个玩机器人的人都必须会的。 简单的说,你必须具备高中物理知识,同时知道电容的作用,电感的作用,二极管的作用以及使用方法,直流电机的工作原理,发光二极管的使用,变压器的使用,如果学过大学模拟电路和数字电路再加上电工原理,那你的电子学理论知识就基本上够了,剩下就是实践了。说实话,机械部分的基础基本上不需要,只要有一点机械常识就可以了,相信玩机器人的朋友们以前玩具一定没少拆,多留心一下里面的机械结构就没什么大问题了。当然如果你要学习如何设计比如2条腿的机器人,或者别的几条腿的,那还需要大学里面一点点的机械原理的内容,不过不用担心,只要不涉及到什么疲劳强度阿,载荷校验的这部分内容,其他部分相信是很容易就明白的。但是如果只是做一个最简单的轮式机器人的话,那这些内容也可以省了。最后是机器人的灵魂了,编程,无论怎么样,要会做一个所谓的机器人,你就必须写程序,这是最最基本的,因为就目前的是市场情况,你可以很容易买到电子和机械套件,但是你绝对没法买到机器人软件,如果能买到,那你如果不会写程序,就没法改进,这个机器人严格意义上就不是你的孩子了,就像父母生了你,但是给你思想,养你的人对你而言更重要。不要怕麻烦,事实上学写简单的程序也不是很难的一件事情,一般来说花个几个星期的晚上看看一些简单的编程,比如C,只要学会一门,再学其它编程语言是很容易的。 所以一定要静下心来,认真学一门,这个时候,支持你的动力就是对机器人的无与伦比的执着了。以上这些知识最好是边学边玩。学了机械就开始设计机器人地盘,学电子的时候就设计机器人电路,学编程就开始写机器人的程序。不然我相信没多少人能支持下来的。当然,你也可以跳开机械部分直接购买成品,这样可以直接使用目前成熟的而且相对比较多的产品。正文英文:On the robot you are interested you? Well, that is my only reason for the establishment of this But unfortunately, not a robot to play very easy to love, he is not only the number of required expertise, such as, mechanical, electronic, computer, at the same time you also need to put great enthusiasm, energy and M If you are the robot does not have a very strong desire to understand it, study it, there is no determination must go research it, then I advise you to give up or put the robot as a hobby interest in Of course, if the necessary conditions above, you are not missing, then we can continue to the following At the beginning of writing this article before, have one thing you want the statement to study the robot and not the same as something else, you can put it as a toy to research, so research is a robot should be a pleasant working , tens of millions of hard work Do not take it as a treat, or do not play After decades of robot development, has been on foreign web n data can be At present, the domestic robot is a resource gap in the present Writing this article is mainly just to play to domestic robot enthusiasts of the views of some Any robot in the end? Since the robot has a lot of since the birth of the definition of the robot, but as many scholars have pointed out, a lot of the so-called robot looks like a robot, but it is not really a robot, such as a wireless remote control has will be moving four-legged robot dog can be called? Of course not, but now a lot of product is so However, according to my personal understanding of the robot, a so-called robot must have two main First, communicate to the outside world, and the second is automatically be able to communicate the information according to some This reaction can be written in advance, or have a robot of their own procedures, one sentence is the need for Of course, I was not qualified to define the robot, but the current technical level and the extent of the robot's understanding, I think the most simple robot should have more than 2 main At the beginning of writing this article before, have one thing you want the statement to study the robot and not the same as something else, you can put it as a toy to research, so research is a robot should be a pleasant working , tens of millions of hard work Do not take it as a treat, or do not play After decades of robot development, has been on foreign web n data can be At present, the domestic robot is a resource gap in the present Writing this article is mainly just to play to domestic robot enthusiasts of the views of some Any robot in the end? Since the robot has a lot of since the birth of the definition of the robot, but as many scholars have pointed out, a lot of the so-called robot looks like a robot, but it is not really a robot, such as a wireless remote control has will be moving four-legged robot dog can be called? Of course not, but now a lot of product is so However, according to my personal understanding of the robot, a so-called robot must have two main First, communicate to the outside world, and the second is automatically be able to communicate the information according to some This reaction can be written in advance, or have a robot of their own procedures, one sentence is the need for Of course, I was not qualified to define the robot, but the current technical level and the extent of the robot's understanding, I think the most simple robot should have more than 2 main Followed by the robot to play the basic knowledge of the needs of the knowledge is there any one person playing the robot must be Simply put, you must have high school physics knowledge, at the same time aware of the role of capacitance and inductance of the role of the role of diodes and the use of methods, the working principle of DC motors, the use of light-emitting diodes, the use of transformers, if the study had the University of analog circuits and In addition, the number of electrical circuit theory, that you learn the theory of electron basically enough knowledge, and the rest is put into To tell the truth, essentially basic mechanical parts do not need to, as long as there is a little mechanical knowledge can, and trust of my friends playing robot toys before the demolition must not less, care about many of the mechanical structure on which no big Of course, if you want to learn how to design such as two-legged robot, or some other legs, it also required a little bit of the University of the machinery inside the content of the principle, but Do not worry, they do not relate to what the Arab-Israeli fatigue strength, load Check this part, other parts are very easy to trust However, if only to do one of the most simple wheeled robot, then these elements can also be Finally are the soul of a robot, programming, no matter how kind, would want to do a so-called robot, you have to write procedures, which are the most basic, because the current market conditions are, you can easily buy to electrical and mechanical package, but you absolutely can not buy a software robot, if we can buy it if you do not write procedures can not improve on the strict sense of the robot is not your child, just as your parents, but you give thought, you raise the person is more important for Not to save the trouble, in fact, learn to write simple procedures are not very difficult thing, in general spend a night a few weeks to see if some simple programming, such as C, as long as the society of one, and then learn other programming language is very Must therefore静下心来want to seriously study 1, this time in support of your robot's power is unmatched on the These are the best of knowledge to learn to Began to study the mechanical design of robot construction sites, when the study of electronic circuits on the robot design, study start to write on the robot programming Otherwise, I believe not many people down to Of course, you can also jump directly purchase the mechanical parts of products, so direct access to the current relatively sophisticated and many of the

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