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A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms(题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文的字体均采用“Times New Roman”)外国语学院 2001级英语教育1030120011XX XXX 指导老师:XXX(学院、专业、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名(小四号宋体字,加粗),依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中)【Abstract】 This paper centers on the different expressions of ……(英文摘要:上空二行;题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号;采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗;单倍行距。)【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距。) Introduction (顶格,除了第一个单词及专有名词外,其他单词首字母都不要大写;标题最后不用任何标点符号,上空两行) In both English and Chinese, … So, this essay is trying to focus on the differences between Chinese and English idoms in terms of their essential meaning, customary usage and typical expression (Chang Liang, 1993:44; Li Guangling, 1999) (段落第一行缩进4个英文字符;夹注的标注法:出现在夹注中的作者必须与文后的参考文献形成一一对应关系;注意一个或多个作者间的标点符号,时间、页码等的标注法;另外,汉语参考文献的作者要以拼音形式出现,不能出现汉语姓氏;夹注出现在标点符号之前) The similarities between English idioms and Chinese idioms In English, … And it can be clearly seen in the below examples: (1) I don’t know。我不知道。 (2) I am not a 我不是诗人。 (正文中的例子以(1),(2)…为序号排列,直至最后一个例子;而①, ②…则为脚注或尾注的上标序号)… The differences between English idioms and Chinese 1 The characteristics of English idioms(正文章节序号编制:章的编号: ,, ,…;节的编号:1,2…,1,2…;小节的编号为:1, 2…。小节以下层次,采用希腊数字加括号为序,如(i),(ii)…;之后再采用字母加括号,如(a), (b),…;每章题目左顶格,小四号字,加粗;每节(及小节以下)题目左顶格,小四号字,不加粗但要斜体;所有章节的题目都单独一行,最后不加任何标点符号) … In conclusion, …2 The characteristics of Chinese idioms … Feng (1998) found some problems as shown in the following examples (注意此句中夹注的另一种写法): (9) We never know the worth of water till the well is (10) People take no thought of the value of time until they lose …1 The analysis of the differences between English and Chinese idioms …(i) … …(ii) … … Conclusion …Bibliography (References) (小四号,加粗,后面不加任何标点符号)Sanved, The Oxford book of American literary anecdotes[C] New York: OUP,

题目摘要 中英文关键词 中英文引言 正文参考书目但是不同类型的论文格式不同 看你写什么文学,教学法,语言学 的 都不同,基本上是上述内容, 根据导师的要求写


Times New Roman 字体,5倍行距,首行缩进2字符,




新概念 不老的传说



代表类型如下:1、M——专著(含古籍中的史、志论著)。指的是针对某一专门研究题材的,是著作的别称。根据学术论文的长短,又可以分为单篇学术论文、系列学术论文和学术专著三种。一般而言,超过4—5万字的,可以称为学术专著。2、C——论文集。论文集从字面上来解释就是把各种主题类似的论文集合在一起。比如说:法律论文集里的论文都是与法律相关的。论文集可以作为一本书或期刊的增刊正式出版,用以区别学术期刊。论文集也可以是综合多种形式的论文集结在一起,合订成的一本书。3、J——期刊文章。是由依法设立的期刊出版单位出版图书。期刊出版单位出版期刊,必须经新闻出版总署批准,持有国内统一连续出版物号,领取《期刊出版许可证》。拓展资料1、文献标识码(Document code)是按照《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范》规定的分类码,作用在于对文章按其内容进行归类,以便于文献的统计、期刊评价、确定文献的检索范围,提高检索结果的适用性等。2、具体如下:A--理论与应用研究学术论文(包括综述报告);B--实用性技术成果报告(科技)、理论学习与社会实践总结(社科);C--业务指导与技术管理性文章(包括领导讲话、特约评论等);D--一般动态性信息(通讯、报道、会议活动、专访等);E--文件、资料(包括历史资料、统计资料、机构、人物、书刊、知识介绍等)。

东北海区水产研究所研究报告该文章是日文的 非英文网上没有寻求馆藏吧~






《Reader's Digest》,《Vanity Fair》,《The Economist》,Wired,1843 Magazine ,这些都比较适合学生们看。



这是《科学美国人》杂志上的《PLASTICS GET WIRED》Like many technological advances, the innovations in the field ofconducting polymers began by While attempting tomake an organic polymer called polyacetylene in the early1970s, Hideki Shirakawa of the Tokyo Institute of Technology mistakenlyadded 1,000 times more catalyst than the recipe called What he producedwas a lustrous, silvery film that resembled aluminum foil butstretched like Saran Wrap—something that sounds more like a new andimproved way to keep leftovers fresh than a potential breakthrough inmaterials The substance appeared so unusual that when Alan G MacDiarmidspied it, he wondered if it would be a candidate for his goal of making“synthetic metals”—nonmetallic substances that could transmit In 1977 Shirakawa joined MacDiarmid and Alan J Heeger in their laboratoryat the University of Pennsylvania to investigate this form of After mixing in some iodine, the group found that the material’sconductivity subsequently jumped by a factor of several Durable, cheap, manufacturable and flexible, conducting polymers inspiredvisions of a future of transparent circuits, artificial muscle and electronicdisplays that conveniently roll up under the Researchers haveauditioned various demonstration devices, including components thatcould be useful for new displays, such as plastic transistors and light-emittingdiodes (LEDs) Although such a future is about as dreamy as it gets,many investigators see broad marketing opportunities possible now—inantistatic coatings, electromagnetic shielding, lights for toys and microwaveovens, among Perhaps mundane, such applications are nonethelesspromising enough that universities are collaborating with corporations,and scientists have initiated start-Although the pace of technological innovation has been impressivelybrisk, whether the materials will have an effect on commerce remains Firms are unlikely to invest in new equipment if the devices performonly marginally better than existing Polymer-based batteries,for instance, have a longer shelf life than do conventional ones, but theyhave penetrated the market in only a limited Flat-panel displays andLEDs made of organic substances face entrenched competition from existinginorganic liquid crystals and Still, optimism pervades the Because plastic and electrical deviceshave become integral parts of the modern world, researchers are confidentthat at least some profitable uses will Conducting polymers constitutea radically novel market area, points out Ray H Baughman of Allied-Signal in Morristown, NJ, who predicts confidently, “Fortunes aregoing to be ”Polymers, the constituents of familiar plastic materials and syntheticfibers, are large organic molecules built out of smaller ones linked togetherin a long Generally, they are insulators, because their moleculeshave no free electrons for carrying To make these substances conductive,workers exploit a technique familiar to the semiconducting industry:doping, or adding atoms with interesting electronic Theadded atoms either give up some of their spare electrons to the polymerbonds or grab some electrons from the bonds (and thereby contribute positivecharges called holes) In either case, the chain becomes electrically Applying a voltage can then send electrons scampering over thelength of the 《MICROPROCESSORS IN 2020》Unlike many other technologies that fed our imaginationsand then faded away, the computer hastransformed our There can be little doubtthat it will continue to do so for many decades to Theengine driving this ongoing revolution is the microprocessor,the sliver of silicon that has led to countless inventions, suchas portable computers and fax machines, and has added intelligenceto modern automobiles and Astonishingly,the performance of microprocessors has improved25,000 times over since their invention only 27 years I have been asked to describe the microprocessor of Such predictions in my opinion tend to overstate the worthof radical, new computing Hence, I boldly predictthat changes will be evolutionary in nature, and not Even so, if the microprocessor continues to improveat its current rate, I cannot help but suggest that 25 yearsfrom now these chips will empower revolutionary software tocompute wonderful 《HOW THE SUPERTRANSISTORWORKS》Although it is rarely acknowledged,not one but two distinctelectronic revolutionswere set in motion by the invention ofthe transistor 50 years ago at Bell TelephoneL The better knownof the two has as its hallmark the trendtoward This revolutionwas fundamentally transformed in thelate 1950s, when Robert N Noyce andJack Kilby separately invented the integratedcircuit, in which multiple transistorsare fabricated within a single chipmade up of layers of a Years of this miniaturizationtrend have led to fingernail-size sliversof silicon containing millions of transistors,each measuring a few microns andconsuming perhaps a millionth of a wattin 如果需要更多跟我联系,我有pdf版的资料。


From size, it usually generate significant changes in chemical and physical properties of small particle size in 1 microns (note 1 m = 100 centimeters, 1 centimeter = 10,000 microns, 1 micron = 10 nanometers, 1 nano = 10 ella), namely below 100 Therefore, particle size in 1 ~ 100 nanometer particles called ultra fime grain materials, is also a kind of nanometer Nano metal material is the middle of 1980s, then the successful development of field contains nano semiconducting film, nano ceramic, nano CiXing materials and nano biomedical Nanoscale structure material referred to as the nanometer material (nano material), is to show its structure unit size between 1 nano ~ 100 nanometer range Because of its size is close to electronic coherence length, and its nature because strong coherent brings the self-organization makes properties change And, its scale has come close to the wavelength of light, plus its surface with large special effect, thus its display properties, such as melting point, magnetic, optical, heat conductivity, conductive properties etc, often is different from the substance in overall state behavior of Nanoparticles material called utrasmall particle materials from the nanoparticles (nano distinguish) Nanoparticles also called utrasmall particle size, generally means within 1 ~ 100nm between particles, is in atom clusters and macro objects at the junction of the transition region, from the macro and micro usually on the viewpoint, this system not only atypical microscopic system also atypical macroscopic systems, is a kind of typical mesoscopic system, has the surface effect, small size effect and the macroscopic quantum tunneling When people put the macro object subdivided into utrasmall particle (nanometer level), it will display a lot of exotic characteristics, namely its optical, heat, electricity, magnetic, mechanical and chemical properties of solid and bulky than when there will be significant Nanotechnology generalized range including nano materials technology and nano machining technology, nano measurement technology, nano application technology, One nanometer material technology focuses on nano functional material production (superfine powder, coating, nano modified materials etc), performance testing technology (chemical composition, microstructure and surface morphology and geophysical, geochemical and electric, magnetic and optical properties, such as heat and) Nano machining technology contains precision machining technology (energy beam machining, etc) and scanning probe Nanomaterials has certain uniqueness, when matter scale small to certain degree, then have to switch to quantum mechanics to replace traditional mechanical view to describe its behavior, when powder particles size by 10 micron drop to 10 nano, its size is changed for 1,000 times, but converted volume is ten nine 4k times the giant, so both behavior will generate obvious Nanoparticles are different from large physical reason is in the surface area of the relative increase, namely utrasmall particle surface was full of ladder shape structure, the structure with high surface can represent the unrest This kind of atomic extremely easily with foreign atomic adsorption of bonding, at the same time because narrow particle size and provides large surface activity of It is melting point, nano powder due to each particle constituent atoms less, surface atomic in instability, make its surface lattice vibration amplitude of the bigger, so has the high surface energy, causing utrasmall particle unique thermal property, also is caused by melting down, as nano powder will than traditional powder easy in low temperature sintering and become good sintering promote materials从尺寸大小来说,通常产生物理化学性质显著变化的细小微粒的尺寸在1微米以下(注1米=100厘米,1厘米=10000微米,1微米=1000纳米,1纳米=10埃),即100纳米以下。因此,颗粒尺寸在1~100纳米的微粒称为超微粒材料,也是一种纳米材料。 纳米金属材料是20世纪80年代中期研制成功的,后来相继问世的有纳米半导体薄膜、纳米陶瓷、纳米瓷性材料和纳米生物医学材料等。 纳米级结构材料简称为纳米材料(nano material),是指其结构单元的尺寸介于1纳米~100纳米范围之间。由于它的尺寸已经接近电子的相干长度,它的性质因为强相干所带来的自组织使得性质发生很大变化。并且,其尺度已接近光的波长,加上其具有大表面的特殊效应,因此其所表现的特性,例如熔点、磁性、光学、导热、导电特性等等,往往不同于该物质在整体状态时所表现的性质。 纳米颗粒材料又称为超微颗粒材料,由纳米粒子(nano particle)组成。纳米粒子也叫超微颗粒,一般是指尺寸在1~100nm间的粒子,是处在原子簇和宏观物体交界的过渡区域,从通常的关于微观和宏观的观点看,这样的系统既非典型的微观系统亦非典型的宏观系统,是一种典型的介观系统,它具有表面效应、小尺寸效应和宏观量子隧道效应。当人们将宏观物体细分成超微颗粒(纳米级)后,它将显示出许多奇异的特性,即它的光学、热学、电学、磁学、力学以及化学方面的性质和大块固体时相比将会有显著的不同。 纳米技术的广义范围可包括纳米材料技术及纳米加工技术、纳米测量技术、纳米应用技术等方面。其中纳米材料技术着重于纳米功能性材料的生产(超微粉、镀膜、纳米改性材料等),性能检测技术(化学组成、微结构、表面形态、物、化、电、磁、热及光学等性能)。纳米加工技术包含精密加工技术(能量束加工等)及扫描探针技术。 纳米材料具有一定的独特性,当物质尺度小到一定程度时,则必须改用量子力学取代传统力学的观点来描述它的行为,当粉末粒子尺寸由10微米降至10纳米时,其粒径虽改变为1000倍,但换算成体积时则将有10的9次方倍之巨,所以二者行为上将产生明显的差异。 纳米粒子异于大块物质的理由是在其表面积相对增大,也就是超微粒子的表面布满了阶梯状结构,此结构代表具有高表面能的不安定原子。这类原子极易与外来原子吸附键结,同时因粒径缩小而提供了大表面的活性原子。 就熔点来说,纳米粉末中由于每一粒子组成原子少,表面原子处于不安定状态,使其表面晶格震动的振幅较大,所以具有较高的表面能量,造成超微粒子特有的热性质,也就是造成熔点下降,同时纳米粉末将比传统粉末容易在较低温度烧结,而成为良好的烧结促进材料。 一般常见的磁性物质均属多磁区之集合体,当粒子尺寸小至无法区分出其磁区时,即形成单磁区之磁性物质。因此磁性材料制作成超微粒子或薄膜时,将成为优异的磁性材料。 纳米粒子的粒径(10纳米~100纳米)小于光波的长,因此将与入射光产生复杂的交互作用。金属在适当的蒸发沉积条件下,可得到易吸收光的黑色金属超微粒子,称为金属黑,这与金属在真空镀膜形成高反射率光泽面成强烈对比。纳米材料因其光吸收率大的特色,可应用于红外线感测器材料。 纳米技术在世界各国尚处于萌芽阶段,美、日、德等少数国家,虽然已经初具基础,但是尚在研究之中,新理论和技术的出现仍然方兴未艾。我国已努力赶上先进国家水平,研究队伍也在日渐壮大。


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