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回答 研究对象的 1年代 2时代背景 3在什么前提下研究的 4从哪个方面找材料 5论点是什么 二 选题的途径 1,急待解决的课题,尤其在与现实领域有关国计民生的重大问题 ①关键问题; ②迫切问题 2,科学上的新发现,新创造 3,空白的填补 4,通说的纠正 5,前说的补充 三 选题的原则 1,选择客观上有意义的课题 ① 选择具有社会意义的课题,亟待解决的问题 ② 选择具有学术意义的课题 2,选择主观上有见解的课题 ① 要有浓厚的兴趣,当然兴趣是在实践中产生的,有兴趣的课题,往往是我们已经了解的或初步了解的课题 ② 能发挥业务专长 ③ 大小适中(量力而行),根据要求选题,要考虑限制的时间,计划的篇幅 ④ 要有占有资料的条件,资料缺乏,是很难写出有力量的论文的,时间条件 ⑤ 指导条件:导师,专家的一两个小时的指导,可以获得几年的东西,"名师出高徒" ⑥ 注重价值:理论价值,现实价值 四 选题的方法 1,做好课题的调查工作: ①专家; ②文献 2,作好课题的限定工作 3,巧选角度 资料的作用 以上三项中最重要的是查阅资料选题的时候,查阅文献资料,目的是了解本学科领域的研究历史与现状,特别是相关研究方面的历史与现状,看看已有哪些成果,还有哪些问题 资料的作用: 第一,有价值的学术观点只能从资料产生; 第二,有说服力的学术观点只能靠资料支撑 六,课题研究 一 课题研究的意义 研究是论文写作的基础,初学写论文者必须要有一个明确的概念,科学研究是一种创造性的劳动,要有作者个人的见解和主张论文写不写得出,关键在研究上 二 制定研究计划 写作论文的基本程序与步骤,一般为: 选题,搜集资料,研究资料 阅读,摘记,明确论点 选择材料,拟订提纲,执笔写作,修改定稿,加注 其中,搜集资料,占有资料是计划中的重点 三 利用图书馆 资料是研究的基础,资料来源的基本途径有三: ①利用图书馆;②实地调查;③实践体验 而最基本的方面是利用图书馆 利用图书馆就是找书,读书,找书 找书三要素: A,图书资料存放场所(指南) B,懂得分类号和索书号 C,会查图书馆目录 中国十大图书馆 北图 1910年建 8万册 上图 1952年建 700万册 南图 1933年建 482万册 中科图 1951年建 440万册 北大图 1899年建 370万册 重图 1949年建 287万册 山图 1908年建 286万册 川图 1940年建 385万册 天图 1952年建 250万册 广中山图 1911年建 245万册 1,资料的检索 ①注意图书分类法,常用的是中图 希望以上对您有所帮助~ 如果您对我的回答满意的话,麻烦您给个赞哦~ 更多66条 

The Cold War started to develop after the Second World War when the USA and the USSR no longer had a common goal of Hitler’s N As soon as Cold War was instigated, the differences in ideology and other factors worsened the relationship between the USA and the USSR This meant that many events such as Cuban Missile Crisis and arms race nearly led to a hot As Cold War progressed until the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cold War had significant impact on American Firstly, Cold War instigated strong anti-communism within the USA The hatred towards Communism was so great that it eventually led to McC During McCarthyism, Americans were obsessed with the process of identifying the Communists and removing those Communists from American The strength of this obsession increased greatly that Americans started to forget the fact that the US constitution guaranteed all Americans freedom to believe what they wanted to The purpose of organisations such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the House Un-American Activities became the ‘removal of Communists’ and laws such as the Communist Control Act were passed to facilitate the process of identifying, capturing and removing C The McCarran Act was also introduced, which forced all Communist organisations to be registered within the US government and banned Communists carrying US passports and working in defence Inevitably, many were questioned without having done anything wrong, many lost their jobs and some even lost their lives like the Rosenbergs, who were blamed for having passed secret information about atomic bombs to the Soviet U This red scare continued to dominate the American society until late Secondly, Cold War made many Americans to live in fear of danger of This fear of war was instigated by the arms One example is Cuban missile crisis, which caused high tension within the USA as the missiles in Cuba could reach the USA at any Until the U-2 planes found the missiles in Cuba, the fear was not significant as people knew that the missiles in the USSR could not cover such long distance to reach the USA However, the missiles in Cuba threatened the USA’s security to a significant extent that many Americans had to live in Although the attitude of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) was existent, the missiles in such proximity alarmed many Americans at that Apart from Cuban missile crisis, Americans lived in constant fear as the Cold War could turn into a hot war at any Thirdly, Cold War had an impact on American people The impact was caused mainly by the increase in the amount of The United States used to adopt isolationism previously, meaning that the USA did not intervene in any other foreign matters to only concentrate on the domestic As soon as the USA decided to intervene in foreign matters, Americans had to pay more taxes to support the USA’s These actions, including the arms race and other wars, required massive amount of For instance, the Vietnam War was one of the factors that used up massive amount of The Vietnam War was very different from any other wars because it was a guerrilla war between V The Vietcongs had successfully planned the strategies to kill many Americans without having America’s latest technology such as tanks and As the war developed, it was estimated that it costed Americans $400,000 to kill one Viet CTo conclude, although the Cold War never actually led to a hot war between two major powers, the USA and the USSR, it caused massive impact upon the world, including American The main impacts include anti-Communism, fear of war and economic Of all the impacts, I believe that anti-communism is the one that caused everlasting impact on American The fear of war and the economical impact had short term effect while the hatred towards communism still exists within American


网络新闻的过去、现在和未来——中国网络传播学年会(南京·2004)综述 2004年5月22日-23日,中国网络传播学年会(南京·2004)在南京举行。会议历时两天,分八个专场进行交流,众多的专家学者论剑金陵,对 网络传播各抒己见。网络新闻作为会议的一个子命题,在众多的发言中被屡屡涉猎,业界和学界的专家们从网络新闻发展的历史、现状以及网络新闻教育、新闻网站的建设等方面进行一些有益的探讨。 ●网络新闻原创问题探讨 网络新闻在很多人的眼中就是传统媒体的网络版本, 并没有自身的特色与优势。换言之,网络新闻的同质化现象极为严重。中国江苏网李海权就网络新闻的原创问题进行了极为详尽的分析,他进行的研究表明新浪和搜狐的原创新闻主要集中在突发事件和原创评论上,对日常形态下的政治、文化和社会新闻的原创尤其是消息性报道几乎没有;相反,拥有传统媒体背景的其他几个网站既追求日常新闻的原创报道,又比较注重突发事件和新闻评论的原创。在对各网站新闻原创现状作观察和统计时,发现以下几个特点:编排专栏化、更新及时化、题材广泛化、来源多样化、报道深度化和传受互动化。 李海权同时对原创的路径进行了分析,认为有这样几个特点:“推”和“拉”技术的应用;人力资源、新闻采集加工、策划表现手法、以及品牌资源等的整合式原创;强调对网络新闻的立场与深度的追求;政策与实践的背离。他认为,在目前以传统思路管理网络新闻的大环境下,网络新闻传播没有回归到第四媒体的本质和应有的地位,当前最重要的是探索包括网络新闻原创在内的新型网络新闻传播的合理管理机制。如果不建立健全合乎网络传播特点的管理模式,无论是传统媒体网站还是商业性网站,将永远处于非主流、边缘化的地位,网站参评新闻奖项和网站员工的职称评审仍将是空中楼阁。 ●网络新闻对“意见流”的利用 南京大学新闻传播学院副教授秦州(紫竹)认为:网络新闻的同质化现象严重之对策,在于进一步重视对“意见流”的利用。新闻网站经过七八年的发展,早期的定位或者说建设者在网站内容与服务上的一些理念,已经在实践中发生了较大的变化。如近两年来,不少新闻网站都在“我要发言” 或“发表评论”的基础上,进一步把来自网友的新闻评论放到了网站首页,并且这些评论在首页上的位置也日渐突出。这就牵涉到对新闻网站的内容进行重新定位的理念问题。由于这一基本理念直接涉及到网站的投资规模与软、硬件平台的建设,并且涉及到网站建成后的管理与营运,所以一方面这一理念与技术问题密切相关,理念的转变最终会反映和落实到技术层面上来——直接牵涉到对技术平台的选择;另一方面,也是网站管理者仍然要关注与考虑的问题——牵涉到网站的发展策略与战略,牵涉到技术平台的改造与重新选择。 对于网站的建设者与管理者来说,内容定位的偏移不仅体现在技术平台的选择与改造方面,而且对于网站内部的管理方式和人才使用都将发生影响。如网站编辑中可能会有更多的人员从“信息流”处理岗位调配、充实到“意见流”处理岗位上来;“意见流”处理岗位上的人员,则需要培养一些以前不怎么被看重的业务能力,如对删贴与提升贴子标准的把握,培养“意见领袖”的能力,以及主持“嘉宾访谈”的能力。 ●网络新闻的互动性 互动性是网络新闻的一个亮点,中国人民大学新闻学院彭兰副教授从对人民网强国论坛的分析中提到了网络新闻的互动,认为论坛作为新闻互动的一个重要手段,在交流渠道的疏通、国情民意的表达上有着积极的作用。她认为除了在上下之间的交流以外,强国论坛的对话更多时候表现为民间的自我交流。强国论坛的原创论题,在很大程度上反映了社会的舆情。同时作为新闻、观点及民声的集散地,强国论坛是整个网络意见的一个汇总与浓缩。此外,在强国论坛的观点交锋,实际上也是社会中各种观点交锋的一个缩影。 上海华东师范大学传播学系陈红梅讲师则从受众对网络新闻的反作用来阐述网络新闻的互动,陈红梅以“网络BBS里的‘宝马撞人案’”为例,研究受众的网络言谈与新闻真相之间的关系,认为能否维持理性的网上讨论与参与者的心态及对网上讨论的认知有密切关系。网上的讨论为大众媒介提供了报道主题,而反过来,媒介的报道又为网上讨论提供新的活力,媒介报道和网上讨论相互作用,共同推动对于事件真相的了解和对事件意义的认知。在宝马案的网上讨论中,传统媒体或有权威性的网络媒体的消息来源更受倚重。网上讨论推动了现实中的事件进程,而且,这实际上也是不少网络使用者参与网上讨论的动机和目的。 ●新浪的新闻之道 作为比较成功的商业网站,新浪是国内网络新闻频道做的比较好的,新浪网全球副总裁、总编辑陈彤主要从商业网站的新闻频道来讲述新浪的经营理念以及新浪在网络新闻的发展上所做的努力。新浪网新闻频道是新浪的一个重要的组成部分,它由频道主编(监控频道整体内容质量,随时调控要闻重点等)、高级编辑(处理频道重要新闻,修改频道要闻,制作专题、必要时行使主编职权)、编辑(新闻发放,协助制作专题等)、助理编辑(协助发布新闻,新闻批处理制作等)等人员组成。新浪坚守的网络新闻的基本理念是“八字方针”:快速、全面(海量文字、大量图片、互动、调查)、准确、客观。 新浪在新闻的格式要求上有自己的一些独特的标准,例如,标题的最基本要求是要能够准确反映文章的主要内容、要准确。其他基本规范为:一句式;一个主语和一个谓语;避免倒装;标题字数符合页面要求、不折行;避免不规范说法(港台式、外语)等等。正文发布则要符合以下的规范:不能出现排版错误;重点文章或重要事件续闻,文章中提到的以前报道过的事件要加活链接;文章中的网址和邮件地址要做成活链接;文章中英文单词排版后不能连在一起;重点位置图片要清晰、明快,具有很强的视觉冲击力。对于新闻图片,同样有着比较严格的规范,图片大小(K数)要适当,图片要加边框,对于容量较大的组图,采用点击小图看大图方式。 作为在全球都是很有知名度的商业网站,新浪与全球500多家媒体有着良好的合作关系,可以在第一时间拿到鲜活的新闻,无论是时效性还是深度报道的方面,新浪都在力图做得更好,但是陈彤认为新浪在网络新闻上依然有这样几种缺憾:人员编制不足,专业训练不足,最后就是由于网络本身的快速特点,受众不能持久阅读等。 ●网络新闻传播教育及专业网站建设 与业界注重实务的视角不同,学界的专家则更多的是从理论上来探讨新闻网站。四川省社会科学院新闻传播研究所赵志立研究员回顾了网络新闻传播教育在中国的兴起和发展的历史,指出网络新闻传播理论创新是网络新闻传播教育的基础,同时网络新闻传播教育应面向实践培养复合型人才,网络新闻传播学科交叉性、横断性的性质,决定了网络新闻人才复合型的特点。复合型人才,首先在知识结构上应该是自然科学和社会科学的结合,其次体现在对人文社会科学内各学科的融会贯通。复合型的人才还体现在理论和实践的有机结合上。 论及网络新闻编辑学的学科定位,暨南大学珠海学院杨雨丹助教进行了阐述。她认为网络新闻编辑学是一门新兴学科,不仅在业务上形成了独特的操作体系,也在学术上呼唤着学科独立和理论支持。网络新闻编辑学分属于新闻编辑学和传播学的研究领域,但它不是两个学科的简单交叉,而是从传统学科中拓展出来,开创和建构了自己的学科领域。网络新闻传播学是网络传播学的重要内容,它把网络新闻的采写编评、新闻网页的设计、新闻网站的规划、网络媒体及网络新闻工作者的特点等都包含其中。网络新闻编辑学是这一分支下面的一个应用学科。 江苏南通广播电视报社熊江卫编辑分析了新闻传播专业网站的种类与发展前景,介绍了我国新闻传播专业网站出现的背景,对目前活跃着的大学院校建立的新闻传播专业网站、新闻研究机构建立的新闻传播专业网站、新闻媒体建立的新闻传播专业网站、新闻从业人员个人建立的新闻传播专业网站、商业网站建立的传媒频道等五类各种类型网站进行简要的评析。最终对新闻传播专业网站的盈利模式及其发展前景进行了展望,认为网站单纯依靠广告来获得收入的时代已经过去,网站的收入正日趋多样化,比例结构也在不断调整,未来的盈利模式应该建立在海量存储、信息增殖以及定向服务的基础上。 ●网络新闻传受关系 中国宁波网的田勇先生从网络新闻的受众的视角进行阐述,他的观点是:互联网络使传统的新闻传受关系发生了极大的变化,互联网新闻受众从被动的信息接收走向主动的信息寻求;从信息接收群体化走向信息的个性化选择;从满足事件的结果走向更重视事件的发展;从单纯“我说你听”走向信息既接受又传播。互联网受众对新闻的接受性具有自身的特点和要求,主要体现在:受众本位、平等亲和、第一知情、了解过程、互链互接、要读易读、有趣有味、感官享受、互动交流、我要说话等十个方面。田先生认为当今新闻传播和受众之间应该关注引导和主导、可知与须知、主动和互动的关系等几个关系。 上海交通大学媒体与设计学院传播系戴永明副教授论述了网络新闻多元表述的道德冲突和整合。他认为在当今的社会中,网络新闻产生的负面影响是有目共睹的。要消除这些负面影响,夸大道德的力量是不现实的,但忽视道德的力量也是不科学的。重视网络新闻的伦理建设是社会现实的需要,它对人类自身健康发展有着积极的作用。 计算机网络的发展,使网络新闻成为越来越多的受众的选择,正如中国社会科学院闵大洪副教授发言中所期待的那样,网络新闻的健康发展,既需要加强学界内学者间的互动,也要加强学界与业界的互动,同时加强学界与学术网站、传媒频道的互动,从而使我们的研究有更广阔的视野和多元化的切入点,并且这种互动应从一般的交流层面走向深度合作的层面,通过优势互补和共同努力,产生高质量的成果。(作者:紫竹) 来源:千龙网








The Cold War started to develop after the Second World War when the USA and the USSR no longer had a common goal of Hitler’s N As soon as Cold War was instigated, the differences in ideology and other factors worsened the relationship between the USA and the USSR This meant that many events such as Cuban Missile Crisis and arms race nearly led to a hot As Cold War progressed until the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cold War had significant impact on American Firstly, Cold War instigated strong anti-communism within the USA The hatred towards Communism was so great that it eventually led to McC During McCarthyism, Americans were obsessed with the process of identifying the Communists and removing those Communists from American The strength of this obsession increased greatly that Americans started to forget the fact that the US constitution guaranteed all Americans freedom to believe what they wanted to The purpose of organisations such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the House Un-American Activities became the ‘removal of Communists’ and laws such as the Communist Control Act were passed to facilitate the process of identifying, capturing and removing C The McCarran Act was also introduced, which forced all Communist organisations to be registered within the US government and banned Communists carrying US passports and working in defence Inevitably, many were questioned without having done anything wrong, many lost their jobs and some even lost their lives like the Rosenbergs, who were blamed for having passed secret information about atomic bombs to the Soviet U This red scare continued to dominate the American society until late Secondly, Cold War made many Americans to live in fear of danger of This fear of war was instigated by the arms One example is Cuban missile crisis, which caused high tension within the USA as the missiles in Cuba could reach the USA at any Until the U-2 planes found the missiles in Cuba, the fear was not significant as people knew that the missiles in the USSR could not cover such long distance to reach the USA However, the missiles in Cuba threatened the USA’s security to a significant extent that many Americans had to live in Although the attitude of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) was existent, the missiles in such proximity alarmed many Americans at that Apart from Cuban missile crisis, Americans lived in constant fear as the Cold War could turn into a hot war at any Thirdly, Cold War had an impact on American people The impact was caused mainly by the increase in the amount of The United States used to adopt isolationism previously, meaning that the USA did not intervene in any other foreign matters to only concentrate on the domestic As soon as the USA decided to intervene in foreign matters, Americans had to pay more taxes to support the USA’s These actions, including the arms race and other wars, required massive amount of For instance, the Vietnam War was one of the factors that used up massive amount of The Vietnam War was very different from any other wars because it was a guerrilla war between V The Vietcongs had successfully planned the strategies to kill many Americans without having America’s latest technology such as tanks and As the war developed, it was estimated that it costed Americans $400,000 to kill one Viet CTo conclude, although the Cold War never actually led to a hot war between two major powers, the USA and the USSR, it caused massive impact upon the world, including American The main impacts include anti-Communism, fear of war and economic Of all the impacts, I believe that anti-communism is the one that caused everlasting impact on American The fear of war and the economical impact had short term effect while the hatred towards communism still exists within American


《核武器与对外政策》,世界知识出版社,北京,1959年版 《选择的必要:美国外交政策的前景》,商务印书馆,北京,1972年版 (基辛格编)《国家的战略问题》,军事科学院出版社,北京,1992年版 《美国对外政策(论文三篇)》,上海人民出版社,上海,1972年版 《白宫岁月》,世界知识出版社,北京,1980年版 《动乱年代》,世界知识出版社,北京,1983年版 《大外交》,海南出版社,海口,1998年版 《和平、人生与哲学---池田大作与基辛格对谈集》,中国国际广播出版社,北京,1985年版。 《美国需要外交政策吗?》,中国友谊出版公司,北京,2003年版 《重建的世界—梅特涅、卡斯尔累与和平问题,1812-1822年》(1957) 《麻烦的伙伴关系—对大西洋联盟的重新评价》(1965)《永恒的清算——苏联极权主义下的政治》(The Permanent Purge: Politics in Soviet Totalitarianism)(1956) 《苏联集团——统一和斗争》(Soviet Bloc: Unity and Conflict)(1961) 《两个时代之间》(Between Two Ages : America's Role in the Technetronic Era)(1970) 卡特总统,布热津斯基和万斯国务卿《实力与原则——布热津斯基回忆录》(Power and Principle: Memoirs of the National Security Adviser)(1983) 《竞赛方案--进行美苏竞争的地缘政治纲领》(Game Plan: A Geostrategic Framework for the Conduct of the US-Soviet Contest)(1986) 《大失败--二十世纪共产主义的兴亡》(Grand Failure: The Birth and Death of Communism in the Twentieth Century)(1989) 《失控--解读新世纪乱象》(Out of Control: Global Turmoil on the Eve of the 21st Century)(1993) 《大棋局--美国的首要地位及其地缘战略》(The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives)(1997) 卡特、布热津斯基和伊朗前国王巴列维《大抉择-全球统治或全球领导》(The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership)(2004) 《第二次选择》(Second Chance:Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower) (2007) 《美国与世界:关于美国外交政策未来的对话》(与布伦特·斯考克罗夫特合著,大卫·伊格内修斯 编辑)(America and the World:Conversation on the Future of America Foreign Policy) (2008)




The Cold War started to develop after the Second World War when the USA and the USSR no longer had a common goal of Hitler’s N As soon as Cold War was instigated, the differences in ideology and other factors worsened the relationship between the USA and the USSR This meant that many events such as Cuban Missile Crisis and arms race nearly led to a hot As Cold War progressed until the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cold War had significant impact on American Firstly, Cold War instigated strong anti-communism within the USA The hatred towards Communism was so great that it eventually led to McC During McCarthyism, Americans were obsessed with the process of identifying the Communists and removing those Communists from American The strength of this obsession increased greatly that Americans started to forget the fact that the US constitution guaranteed all Americans freedom to believe what they wanted to The purpose of organisations such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the House Un-American Activities became the ‘removal of Communists’ and laws such as the Communist Control Act were passed to facilitate the process of identifying, capturing and removing C The McCarran Act was also introduced, which forced all Communist organisations to be registered within the US government and banned Communists carrying US passports and working in defence Inevitably, many were questioned without having done anything wrong, many lost their jobs and some even lost their lives like the Rosenbergs, who were blamed for having passed secret information about atomic bombs to the Soviet U This red scare continued to dominate the American society until late Secondly, Cold War made many Americans to live in fear of danger of This fear of war was instigated by the arms One example is Cuban missile crisis, which caused high tension within the USA as the missiles in Cuba could reach the USA at any Until the U-2 planes found the missiles in Cuba, the fear was not significant as people knew that the missiles in the USSR could not cover such long distance to reach the USA However, the missiles in Cuba threatened the USA’s security to a significant extent that many Americans had to live in Although the attitude of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) was existent, the missiles in such proximity alarmed many Americans at that Apart from Cuban missile crisis, Americans lived in constant fear as the Cold War could turn into a hot war at any Thirdly, Cold War had an impact on American people The impact was caused mainly by the increase in the amount of The United States used to adopt isolationism previously, meaning that the USA did not intervene in any other foreign matters to only concentrate on the domestic As soon as the USA decided to intervene in foreign matters, Americans had to pay more taxes to support the USA’s These actions, including the arms race and other wars, required massive amount of For instance, the Vietnam War was one of the factors that used up massive amount of The Vietnam War was very different from any other wars because it was a guerrilla war between V The Vietcongs had successfully planned the strategies to kill many Americans without having America’s latest technology such as tanks and As the war developed, it was estimated that it costed Americans $400,000 to kill one Viet CTo conclude, although the Cold War never actually led to a hot war between two major powers, the USA and the USSR, it caused massive impact upon the world, including American The main impacts include anti-Communism, fear of war and economic Of all the impacts, I believe that anti-communism is the one that caused everlasting impact on American The fear of war and the economical impact had short term effect while the hatred towards communism still exists within American



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