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国际政治经济与国际关系699 政治学研究理论与方法马克思主义政治学基础理论;国际政治经济热点问题;国际政治;政治学研究方法概论。823 国际关系史维斯特伐利亚体系(产生的背景、过程与影响);英国、法国、德国、美国、俄国、日本等国家的发展历史与在国际体系中的作用;维也纳体系;大陆联盟体系与俾斯麦;一次大战于凡尔赛-华盛顿体系;二次大战与雅尔塔体系;冷战中的两极对抗到冷战后的多元化世界;非殖民化与民族解放运动;全球化与区域合作进程;冷战后国家间政治经济与文化关系;国际组织、环境与非传统安全问题;1949年以来的中国对外关系。参考书目:《国际关系史》刘德斌主编,高等教育出版社(2005年版);《当代世界经济与政治》(第四版)冯特君主编,经济管理出版社(2010年版);《当代比较政治学》阿尔蒙德等著,上海人民出版社(2010版);《全球政治经济学》吉尔平著,上海世纪出版集团(2006版)等。

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126 评论


The Cold War started to develop after the Second World War when the USA and the USSR no longer had a common goal of Hitler’s N As soon as Cold War was instigated, the differences in ideology and other factors worsened the relationship between the USA and the USSR This meant that many events such as Cuban Missile Crisis and arms race nearly led to a hot As Cold War progressed until the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cold War had significant impact on American Firstly, Cold War instigated strong anti-communism within the USA The hatred towards Communism was so great that it eventually led to McC During McCarthyism, Americans were obsessed with the process of identifying the Communists and removing those Communists from American The strength of this obsession increased greatly that Americans started to forget the fact that the US constitution guaranteed all Americans freedom to believe what they wanted to The purpose of organisations such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the House Un-American Activities became the ‘removal of Communists’ and laws such as the Communist Control Act were passed to facilitate the process of identifying, capturing and removing C The McCarran Act was also introduced, which forced all Communist organisations to be registered within the US government and banned Communists carrying US passports and working in defence Inevitably, many were questioned without having done anything wrong, many lost their jobs and some even lost their lives like the Rosenbergs, who were blamed for having passed secret information about atomic bombs to the Soviet U This red scare continued to dominate the American society until late Secondly, Cold War made many Americans to live in fear of danger of This fear of war was instigated by the arms One example is Cuban missile crisis, which caused high tension within the USA as the missiles in Cuba could reach the USA at any Until the U-2 planes found the missiles in Cuba, the fear was not significant as people knew that the missiles in the USSR could not cover such long distance to reach the USA However, the missiles in Cuba threatened the USA’s security to a significant extent that many Americans had to live in Although the attitude of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) was existent, the missiles in such proximity alarmed many Americans at that Apart from Cuban missile crisis, Americans lived in constant fear as the Cold War could turn into a hot war at any Thirdly, Cold War had an impact on American people The impact was caused mainly by the increase in the amount of The United States used to adopt isolationism previously, meaning that the USA did not intervene in any other foreign matters to only concentrate on the domestic As soon as the USA decided to intervene in foreign matters, Americans had to pay more taxes to support the USA’s These actions, including the arms race and other wars, required massive amount of For instance, the Vietnam War was one of the factors that used up massive amount of The Vietnam War was very different from any other wars because it was a guerrilla war between V The Vietcongs had successfully planned the strategies to kill many Americans without having America’s latest technology such as tanks and As the war developed, it was estimated that it costed Americans $400,000 to kill one Viet CTo conclude, although the Cold War never actually led to a hot war between two major powers, the USA and the USSR, it caused massive impact upon the world, including American The main impacts include anti-Communism, fear of war and economic Of all the impacts, I believe that anti-communism is the one that caused everlasting impact on American The fear of war and the economical impact had short term effect while the hatred towards communism still exists within American

258 评论



268 评论


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