
Azimuthal moveout response of seismic waves in two-phase anisotropic media


0 Introduction

The open cracks are often rich in fluids and provide a pass way for hydrocarbon migration, so accurate identification of cracks has become a very critical technical aspect in hydrocarbon exploration and development. Detailed information on the distribution of cracks and strength helps to determine the optimum drilling location. For azimuthal anisotropic media, velocity, travel time difference and amplitude change with azimuth. The seismic response from different directions is different, which is influenced by lithology, pore fluid, and anisotropy of media.


Because of the presence of cracks, the fractured reservoirs exhibit anisotropic characteristics. The longitudinal wave propagates in the cracked media not only has the directional characteristics, but also has many propagation properties such as velocity, reflection coefficient, frequency, etc., which vary with the observation angle, and these variations are related to the direction of the crack and the strength of the crack. Therefore, the seismic characteristic parameters of the wide azimuthal P-wave seismic wavelengths collected on the ground are regularly changed with the observation azimuth and offset distance in the fractured reservoir. It is possible to achieve qualitative and even quantitative estimation of the trend of the cracks, the density of cracks and the fluid in the cracks, and achieve the crack prediction by detecting the variation of these characteristic parameters in the P-wave data. In recent years, geophysicists have proposed a variety of crack detection methods based on P-wave reflection data. These methods can be divided into two categories: the first category is the amplitude variation with the offset and azimuth (AVAZ), (Lynn et al., 1996; Ruger, 1998; Gray et al., 2000), the second category is velocity variation with azimuth (VVAZ), (Tsvankin, 1997; Li, 1997; Grechka & Tsvankin, 1998; Zheng, 2006). Both can be described as attribute variation with direction (AVD) technology.

The anisotropy of the rock refers to the variation of physical properties of the rock with the direction. In the formation, there are many sources of anisotropy, such as the inherent anisotropy of the rock, the presence of pores and cracks in different shapes and sizes in the rock, different types of fluid filling in the cracks, etc. In particular, the anisotropy in the seismology is mainly manifested in the velocity of seismic waves in different directions.


Then the effective elastic constant of the filler medium can be applied to the method proposed by Eshelby (1957) to find the frequency of the mediumrelaying on the effective elastic tensor and simulate the frequency-dependent velocity and quality factor Q

The authors study and develop the travel forward modeling method in anisotropic media and combine it with the latest petrophysical model. The variation of P-wave reflection time with azimuth angle, offset and crack angle is simulated for gas-bearing and water-bearing fissures, with some useful conclusions achieved.

Among them, the anisotropy strength of qP wave is represented by ε, and the larger ε value indicates stronger P-wave anisotropy. The velocity of the qP wave in the near vertical direction is represented by δ, and the anisotropic intensity of the qS wave is represented by γ, and its value represents the intensity of the shear wave anisotropy. The Thomsen parameter not only describes the physical meaning of anisotropy, but also establishes a theoretical evidence for the inversion of anisotropic parameters through seismic attributes.

1 HTI media introduction

The complexity of sedimentary environment and geological process determines the diversity of cracks in the rocks. There are several types of cracks in terms of shape: vertical parallel, horizontal, orthogonal, skewed, inclined, random, etc. In the past decade, the most widely studied models are the media with periodically deposited thin layers and the media with vertically oriented cracks, which are transversely isotropic media. TI medium, defined as transverse isotropy medium, is the elastic medium with isotropic surfaces. Its elastic properties are equivalent to that of the hexagonal crystal system, with five independent elastic parameters, four of which are physically related to the azimuthal velocity of longitudinal and transverse waves. When the symmetry axis of TI medium coincides with Z-axis, it is called a VTI medium, which can approximately simulate the transverse isotropy exhibited by the periodically deposited thin interlaminar layers in horizontally layered media, and when the symmetry axis of the media of TI coincides with the X or Y axis, it is called the HTI media. The HTI media model can simulate the anisotropy caused by the vertical crack group in the stress-producing space, which is also called the anisotropic media or EDA (Extensive Dilatancy Anisotropy) media (Fig. 1), and HTI media is the most typical one in azimuthal anisotropy media. In addition, when the media is a combination of VTI and HTI, its elastic properties are equivalent to those of an orthorhombic system with nine independent elastic parameters. In summary, seismic waves propagate in these typical media with their own unique laws because of their different elastic parameters.

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of HTI medium

Its elastic tensor is:


Hudson gives a basic assumption that the fluid is confined within the fissure and that the fluid does not communicate with each other. This assumption has no effect on the fissure, but in other cases it is always affected. Thomsen (1998) developed this model, assuming that the medium contains a set of parallel fissures that are hydraulically connected to an equal pore diameter and that the fluid pressure is locally balanced. Thomsen gives another set of parameters to describe the nature of the crack, including the parameters α, β, ε, δ, γ and which are defined as:


The following are the P-wave and S-wave velocities in the direction of symmetry axis and the Thomsen anisotropy parameters:




2 Travel time characteristics of azimuthal anisotropy in HTI media

The pore space of the model consists of three parts: spherical pore (porosity is φp), centimeter-level micro-fissure (density is εc) and m-level crack (density is εf, radius is αf). Fissure density is calculated as where N is the number of fissures contained in volume V,α is the fissure radius. The radius of micro-fractures and pores is equal to the particle size ζ. The model uses the time scale factor to characterize the pore pressure time scale of the parameter τ. Its physical meaning is the time required for the crack system squeezed by the seismic wave to restore the balance. The time scales for fissuresand cracks are denoted by τm and τf, respectively:

Where Kf1 is the volume modulus of the fluid, Vf1 is the shear wave velocity, the density of the saturated rock and the pore fluid is ρ and ρf1.

Fig.2 Orthogonal line diagram


Δt(φ,x)can be written as:




Since B0(x,ε,δ) is independent of the azimuth angle, it can be seen from the equation that AMR can be regarded as a function of cos2φ for fixed gun spacing under weak anisotropy conditions. This characteristic of AMR allows us to infer the direction of crack directly without having to know t and t||.

3 Calculation method of dual-phase medium velocity

In this way, according to the frequency-dependent elastic tensor calculated by the Chapman model, the elastic tensor of any TTI medium can be obtained by Bond conversion.Then the phase velocity of the seismic waves propagating in any direction can be calculated by the Christoffel equation and the frequency-dependent velocity and quality factor can be calculated. As shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4.

In many cases, the exploration seismology needs to solve the problem of longitudinal wave crack detection in multi-layered HTI media, especially when the reservoir is covered by multi-layered media with cracks. In response to this problem, using the response of the azimuth time difference of the longitudinal waves on orthogonal seismic lines (AMR: Azimuthal Moveout Response), a stripping method of the multi-layered HTI medium is introduced. Taking into account the case of fixed offset, the target layer of crack development AMR is a function of cos2(α-φi), where α is the azimuth between the layers and φi is the azimuth of the crack. By calculating and extracting the AMR on the one-dimensional orthogonal line, we can get the layer crack direction φi by intersection analysis. The delamination method can be obtained by the remaining amount of dynamic correction of the layer top interface of the target layer. In this paper, we first introduce the concept of AMR and derive their calculation formulas. Based on this, the longitudinal wave crack detection in multi-layer HTI media is realized by the planar method.




Where ζ is the particle size, κ is the permeability, η is the fluid viscosity coefficient,define parameter σc:



Where μ is the shear modulus, r is the aspect ratio of the crack, and υ is the aspect ratio of the fissure.Introduce the following parameters:





First of all, supposing the angles between the two mutually orthogonal lines passing through the same CMP point and the strike of the crack are φi and π/2-φ respectively, as shown in Fig. 2. The azimuthal response (AMR) of the single-layer HTI media at the CMP point can then be defined as the travel time difference of the single reflected seismic wave on the bottom of the single-layered HTI media on these two orthogonal lines.

In the small aspect ratio hypothesis(r<10-2), Chapman et al. (2003) give a time scale factor approximation:


In the fractured reservoirs, because of the compaction from overlying layers, only high-angle or near-vertical cracks can be preserved, and the anisotropic characteristics of the seismic wave are mostly caused by these cracks. For the medium with vertical cracks, it can be taken as a horizontal transverse isotropic (HTI) media. The use of the anisotropic characteristics of seismic waves helps to determine the reservoir characteristics of interest for vertical cracks.



Subsequently, Chapman (2003, 2006) proposed a fluid replacement method. The bulk modulus of the saturated fluid is the time scale τ0, the fissure density ε through a frequency ω0 and the seismic wave longitudinal wave and shear wave propagation speed can be expressed as:

The elastic tensor expression of the fluid saturated medium given by Chapman et al. (2006). Satisfies the following form:


Where the first term represents the isotropic rock skeleton elastic tensor without filler, and the latter three represent the contribution of fissures, pores and cracks, respectively. From the longitudinal and shear wave velocity of the rock Quasi-Lame coefficient can be obtained.



For rocks with only pores and fissures, if εf is set to zero, then the elastic tensor is:


Chapman introduces two parameters Λ and γ to satisfy


Thus, for any frequency, fluid bulk modulus, and time scale factor, the elastic tensor is:


Chapman et al. (2003) extended the jet model to have the characteristics of porous elasticity and proposed a microstructural porous elastic model. The solid phase of the model is a linear elastomer, which consists of ellipsoidal cracks and coin-shape pores, and the pore spaces are connected. Based on the jet mechanism, the model assumes that the squeezing action caused by the propagation of seismic waves causes free fluid exchange between the pores and the cracks. In 2003, Chapman continued to extend the model to two scales, namely, fissure scale and crack scale.


Experiments show that with the increase of the fissure density and the high modulus and the degree of seismic wave dispersion gets greater. And the type of fluid directly determines the frequency range of the dispersion phenomenon. It can be observed from Fig. 3 that the range of the transition band depends on the fluidity of the crack fluid, and fluids with low fluidity require a longer time (larger time-scale factor) to reach new pressure equilibrium, so the dispersion mainly occurs in the low frequency band. The fluids with strong fluidity can reach a new pressure balance state in a very short period of time (smaller time scale factor), so the dispersion occurs mainly in the high frequency band. Fig. 4 shows the results of the model calculations of the three types of crack density.

(a) Longitudinal wave velocity; (b) shear wave velocity; (c) longitudinal wave quality factor; (d) shear wave quality factor. Fig.3 Variation of longitudinal and shear wave velocitiesand quality factors with frequency under different fluid filling conditions

(a) Longitudinal wave velocity; (b) shear wave velocity; (c) longitudinal wave quality factor; (d) shear wave quality factor. Fig.4 Variation of longitudinal, transverse wave velocities and quality factors with frequency under different crack densities

The results show that the intensity of dispersion and attenuation increase with the increase of crack density that means the number of cracks per unit volume represent the development degree of cracks. The higher the degree of crack development, the greater the amount of fluid exchange in the process of seismic wave propagation, which leads to the stronger energy dissipation.

4 Numerical simulation

According to the above theoretical model, this paper simulate the azimuth time difference response in biphasic crack media, and analyze the influence of different crack parameters on the azimuth time difference response, including the filling fluid type and crack density, The experimental parameters are as follows: for time scale factor: water is 2×10-5 s, oil is 4×10-4 s, gas is 4×10-7 s; Water-bearing rock density is 2 150 kg/m3, oil-bearing rock density is 2 180 kg/m3, gas-bearing rock density is 2 076 kg/m3; Porosity is 0.1; crack density is 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 respectively. When the cracks in the case of containing oil, water, gas, and the simulation results are illustrated in Figs. 5,6,7:

Compared Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, it can be found that: ① The relationship between AMR and azimuth angle shows a clear cosine curve; ② the increase of crack density increases the crack azimuth time difference as a whole, whereas the degree of AMR response transformation for each frequency component is substantially the same; ③ when the cracks are filled with fluid, the degree of AMR response from high to low is gas-bearing, water-bearing and oil-bearing. And the order of the degree of AMR difference from high to low under single frequency is oil-bearing, water-bearing and gas-bearing.



5 Conclusions

(1) The time difference of crack azimuth is strongly sensitive to both frequency and azimuth. The comprehensive analysis and study of its variation characteristics can provide a valuable reference for the study of underground fractured media.

(2) When there is fluid filling in the crack, in addition to the crack structure, the crack azimuth time difference property of seismic data is also greatly affected by fluid type.

(3) Considering the obvious frequency-dependent features exhibited by the azimuthally jetting properties when cracks contain fluids, it is believed that if frequency-division obtainment of the attribute can be selected, it will provide useful information for crack fluid identification.

(a) Crack density: 0.1; (b) crack density:0.2; (c) crack density:0.3. Fig.5 Azimuth time difference response under different crack density media for cracks filled oil

(a)Crack density: 0.1; (b) crack density:0.2; (c)crack density: 0.3. Fig.6 Azimuth time difference responses with different crack density media for cracks filled with water

(a) Crack density:0.1; (b) crack density:0.2; (c)crack density: 0.3. Fig.7 Azimuth time difference responses with different crack density media for cracks filled with gas


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XU Liying,MO Xiuwen
《Global Geology》 2018年第2期
《Global Geology》2018年第2期文献

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