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他是美国的一个将军,,General是将军的意思全名是David Howell P现在他在是伊拉克多国防卫的总指挥官我只知道这么多啦
302 评论


《上帝与黄金(罗辑思维独家定制版)》([美]沃尔特 · 拉塞尔 · 米德)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:0t6p    书名:上帝与黄金(罗辑思维独家定制版)作者:[美]沃尔特 · 拉塞尔 · 米德译者:涂怡超豆瓣评分:7出版社:社会科学文献出版社· 甲骨文工作室内容简介:这本书讨论了与我们所身处的世界体系有关的六个关键问题。跟以往那些曾经统治过地球的庞大帝国相比,什么是英美人带给世界政治的与众不同的政治和文化议程?英美人是怎么把经济和政治资源整合在一起,获得了建立世界秩序权力?为什么三百年来,英美人在跟全球秩序有关的军事、经济和政治对抗中一直获胜?为什么那些与英美对抗的力量都错了?为什么英美内部总有人抛出“历史终结论”,但仍然不能改变英美仍然掌控世界的事实?英美实力对世界来说意味着什么?它能持续多长时间?作者简介:沃尔特•拉塞尔•米德为外交关系委员会美国外交亨利•基辛格学者。他定期为《外交事务》杂志撰写书评,为《美国利益》杂志编委、新美国基金会董事会创始成员。他经常为《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》和《时尚先生》撰稿。他撰写的著作有2002年获得莱昂内尔•吉尔伯图书奖(非小说类作品最 重要的奖项——《经济学人》)的《特殊天佑》,和《权力、恐怖、和平与战争》。他现居美国纽约市杰克逊高地。涂怡超,复旦大学美国研究中心副研究员,兼任察哈尔学会研究员。复旦大学法学博士(2007)、乔治敦大学博士后(2009-2010),美国国家人文中心研究员(2014-2015),研究方向为宗教与国际关系、宗教与政治、基督教史。罗怡清,资深电视人,美国金门大学整合行销传播专业硕士,美国“圆桌奖学金”获得者。

160 评论


Turn of the century time, puts China and India to compares together, becomes the global discussion a hot topic of US "Diplomacy" the magazine in 2006 7/in August number title page report is "India Rises", altogether has four articles, three discuss India to rise to the global strategy influence, first "the Indian Pattern" discusses India to pass the basic way which more than 20 years economy In the history, China and India are world one of four big ancient Today, China and India still quite were similar in very many talents: Large population, the national territory area is vast: Both countries are more importantly one of 21st century development speed quickest developing Also because of this, both countries have the very strong At the same time, China and India in develop in the economical process, faced with very many similar questions, but Indian and China's solution way actually entirely different, but this huge disparity meant has the general spaces which many may profit from and study Since the 20th century mid and late parts, the China and India foreign trade all obtained the quick development, but the trade pattern has the very big disparity This article attempts through comparative analysis China and the Indian trade pattern similarities and differences, makes every effort to excavate our country foreign trade pattern to be possible to promote the space, explores our country's road of international trade powerful

95 评论


The century put China and India to compare together at the time that it hand over, becoming a hot issue of the global speaking The United States 《diplomacy 》2006 of magazine 7/the cover report way of the number August is 《India is rising 》, have four articles totally, three among those articles speaking about India is rising to the global strategic influence, article 1 《India mode 》then discuss India in the past more than 20 years the basic path of the economic On the history, China and India all is four greatest civilizations in world one of the ancient Won to print two countries to still compare likeness in a lot of top of the born gifts today:Densely populated,the national territory area is broad:More important two countries all for develop one of the quickest developing countries of speed for 21 Also positive as it does, two countries have very strong of can compare In the meantime, China and India two countries face the problem of a lot of likenesses in the process of developping economy, but India and China resolve a way but entirely different, but this huge margin mean to have many large spaces that can draw lessons from and study mutually among Expect behind in 20 centuries, the foreign trades that win to print two countries all got a quicker development, but traded mode but had a very big This text tries to pass the different and similar that more analytical China and India trades mode, trying hard for to discover foreign trade mode of our country can promote space, investigating the road of the international trade big country of the our

303 评论


B 试题分析:本题考查的是二战后美国的冷战政策。铁幕演说是1946年英国首相丘吉尔访问美国时在富尔顿发表的演说,排除A。杜鲁门主义是1947年3月12日,美国总统杜鲁门在国会发表的反苏、反共的国情咨文,是美苏“冷战”正式开始的重要标志,时间不对,排除C。北约组织是1949年成立的军事组织,排除D。马歇尔计划是美国一方面为了防止欧洲国家因经济危机发生革命,转向社会主义,另一方面为了控制欧洲,推行的援助欧洲的计划,也称为欧洲复兴计划。选B。

349 评论


  • 美国《外交》杂志是什么

    B 试题分析:本题考查的是二战后美国的冷战政策。铁幕演说是1946年英国首相丘吉尔访问美国时在富尔顿发表的演说,排除A。杜鲁门主义是1947年3

    荤淡美食家 4人参与回答 2024-05-17
  • 外交杂志美国

    B 试题分析:本题考查的是二战后美国的冷战政策。铁幕演说是1946年英国首相丘吉尔访问美国时在富尔顿发表的演说,排除A。杜鲁门主义是1947年3

    龙发集团 2人参与回答 2024-05-16
  • 美国外交杂志


    气球飞哇 3人参与回答 2024-05-15
  • 美国《外交》杂志

    塞缪尔·亨廷顿美国当代著名的国际政治理论家。早年就读于耶鲁大学、芝加哥大学和哈佛大学, 1951 年在哈佛大学获博士学位后留校任教,并先后在美国政府许多部门担任

    中国式话 4人参与回答 2024-05-15
  • 美国外交官杂志

    《外交官》杂志为非公开订阅杂志,仅向特定对象投放。故无订阅邮编和统一代码。其投放范围为: 中国外交部各驻华使领馆外交部各驻外使领馆外国驻华各大商会及办事处各大外

    霏霏头头 4人参与回答 2024-05-18