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搅拌摩擦焊(Friction Stir Welding)是一种新型的连续的固相连接技术,其一经出现,就在焊接领域引起极大轰动,被认为是自激光焊接问世以来最引人注目和最具潜力的连接技术。由于搅拌摩擦焊自身独特的优势,吸引越来越多的科研机构进入到这一领域的研究工作中,使搅拌摩擦焊技术得到飞速发展。到目前为止,对搅拌摩擦焊的研究已经从铝合金的焊接向其他材料的焊接如铜、钛、镁和不锈钢等方面发展。本课题针对铜合金搅拌摩擦焊搅拌头进行试验研究,得到合理优化的搅拌头并对搅拌头失效进行初步分析。选用T10、9CrWMn、4Cr5MoSiV、GH4169以及GH864五种搅拌头材料,制作形状尺寸不同的搅拌头进行搅拌摩擦焊接试验,得到优化的搅拌头材料为GH4169和GH864,这两种材料能基本满足5mm厚H62铜合金搅拌摩擦焊的要求。搅拌头形状选用平台型和凹面型轴肩配合圆柱形和圆台形搅拌针,当轴肩直径与搅拌针直径比约为3:1时能得到理想焊缝,搅拌头的性能表现也最好。设计不同形状尺寸的搅拌头进行试验,使用自制测力平台以及红外传感测温装置对焊接过程中的搅拌头进行受力及温度测量,得到数据用以辅助搅拌头形状尺寸的优化设计,同时比较分析不同搅拌头焊后焊缝表面与内部成形质量、接头金相组织及力学性能得到最优化的搅拌头形状尺寸参数。对优化的搅拌头进行使用寿命试验,在转速630rpm,焊速为70mm/min参数下,最优化搅拌头能达到1530mm的总焊接长度。对焊接过程中搅拌头的失效进行检测,发现在下压过程中,搅拌针在断裂之前,主要出现“镦粗”变形失效;行进过程中搅拌头发生磨损以及断裂失效,而搅拌头的磨损又可分为粘结磨损与脆性剥落、氧化磨损、扩散磨损、磨粒磨损等。利用有限元软件DEFORM-3D初步模拟了H62铜合金搅拌摩擦焊接过程中搅拌头温度场的分布,与试验测量数据进行比较,基本吻合。针对基于磨损失效角度研制的铜及铜合金搅拌摩擦焊有利于改善和提高搅拌摩擦焊接接头的质量和工作效率,为后续的搅拌摩擦焊工艺的实现提供支持。 更多还原【Abstract】 FSW is a new type of solid-phase connection technology,and its emergence in the field of welding caused a sensation,is considered to occur since the laser welding technology has the potential of the most eye-catching and most of the connection Friction Stir Welding as a result of its unique advantages,attracting an increasing number of research institutions into research work in this area so that friction stir welding technology have developed So far,the study of friction stir welding of aluminum alloy welding from other materials to welding such as copper,titanium,magnesium and stainless steel,The topic for the copper alloy stirring of FSW to test the first study,to be reasonable to optimize the mixing and stirring the first to conduct a preliminary analysis of the first Choose T10,9CrWMn,4Cr5MoSiV,GH4169 and GH864 five mixing the first material,the production of different shapes and sizes mixed friction stir welding the first test carried out by mixing the first material optimized for GH4169 and GH864, which can basically meet the needs of two materials 5mm thick H62 copper alloy FSW Mixing the first choice of platform shape and shoulder-type shaft with concave cylindrical and frustum of a cone-shaped mixing needle,when the shaft shoulder diameter,pin diameter and the mixing ratio of about 3:1 would be ideal when the weld,stirring the first is also the best Shapes and sizes with different design,mixing the first test,the use of home-made force platform and infrared temperature sensing device on the welding process carried out by mixing the first power and temperature measurements,the data for the auxiliary mixing head to optimize the design of shapes and sizes,at the same time Comparative analysis of different mixing after the first welding seam forming the surface and internal quality,joint microstructure and mechanical properties of the mixing head to optimize the shape of the size Optimized mixing of the first test for life,in the speed of 630rpm,weld speed for 70mm/min parameters,the mixing head can be optimized to achieve the total welding length of Stir welding process on the failure of the first test and found that the course of the next pressure,stirring until the needle in the fracture is mainly the "upsetting" failure deformation;road stirred the first occurrence of the process of wear and fracture failure,and the mixing head of the abrasion can be divided into bonding and brittle spalling wear,oxidation wear,diffusion wear,abrasive wear and so The use of finite element software DEFORM-3D simulation of the initial H62 copper alloy friction stir welding process of mixing the first temperature distribution, and experimental measurement data,the basic Wear based on the perspective of the development of failure of copper and copper alloy friction stir welding is conducive to improve and enhance the friction stir welded joints of the quality and efficiency,in order to follow-up of the friction stir welding process to provide support to 更多还原
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    1 图书信息书 名: 材料失效分析作 者:庄东汉出版社:华东理工大学出版社出版时间: 2009年06月ISBN:  开本: 16开定价: 59元《材料失效分析》

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