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The Conference ICASI collection of manuscripts contains 320 articles and 102 Chinese and English The summary of all the items used in both Chinese and English, Chinese manuscripts of the chart, map title, the table title, and so have some E All articles in English will have l by the "metallurgical analysis" (EI included in the database and journal CA) released an Papers for the meeting is divided into two N 1, a total of 854 volumes, including laser spectroscopy, spark source atomic emission spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, atomic fluorescence spectrometry, Specimen pre-treatment and wet Analysis 9, and other parts of the 186 N 2 a total of 1101 volumes, contains in-situ statistical analysis of the distribution, status, material analysis of the gas, metallurgy and environmental-line process analysis, spectral glow / glow mass, surface / interface analysis, physical properties, materials, micro-analysis , Failure analysis and dynamic fracture, mechanical testing, non-destructive testing, material standards, proficiency testing, uncertainty, laboratory management and quality control of the 15 parts of the 238
172 评论


电子元器件的测试:这个范围太大了。失效分析教材推荐广州五所(工业和信息化部电子第五研究所)的失效分析教材,中文更容易阅读吧 常用的手段,真还不记得英文了:IV曲线测试,Xray开封,声扫,扫描电镜,能谱分析,电压衬像DPA,染色,等等

343 评论


The Conference ICASI collection of manuscripts contains 320 articles and 102 Chinese and English The summary of all the items used in both Chinese and English, Chinese manuscripts of the chart, map title, the table title, and so have some E All articles in English will have l by the "metallurgical analysis" (EI included in the database and journal CA) released an All articles in English will have l by the "metallurgical analysis" (EI included in the database and journal CA) released an Papers for the meeting is divided into two N 1, a total of 854 volumes, including laser spectroscopy, spark source atomic emission spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, atomic fluorescence spectrometry, Specimen pre-treatment and wet Analysis 9, and other parts of the 186 N 2 a total of 1101 volumes, contains in-situ statistical analysis of the distribution, status, material analysis of the gas, metallurgy and environmental-line process analysis, spectral glow / glow mass, surface / interface analysis, physical properties, materials, micro-analysis , Failure analysis and dynamic fracture, mechanical testing, non-destructive testing, material standards, proficiency testing, uncertainty, laboratory management and quality control of the 15 parts of the 238

345 评论


Abstractdue to the factors ofnavigation areachange,high temperature,shake,shakethe cabin,marinelife of VRLAbatteryis far lower than thedesign Foundthrough research and practice,the correctuse and maintenancecan greatly prolong According tothe working principle of the VRLAbatteryand failure analysis,proposed thecrew in thedailymaintenance and useare often neglectedbutvery Keywordsthermal runawaystagecharging maintenancelife

280 评论


FMEA于1960年首先应用于航空工业中的阿波罗任务(Apollo),并于80年代被美国军方确认为军方规范(MIL-STD-1629A),是一种系统化之工程设计辅助工具,主要是利用表格方式协助工程师进行工程分析。其目的在于改善产品和制造的可靠性,指出在设计阶段就可提升设计的可靠性,从而提升产品质量,降低成本损失。课程目标:理解FMEA概念、信息流、步骤和方法;通过框图,正确界定DFMEA的范围;通过过程流程图,建立产品和过程特性的对应关系;运用FMEA、过程控制计划等工具;理解FMEA与其他任务和工具之间的关系;掌握FMEA和其它文件之间的相互关联。课程大纲:一、 FMEA中的基本概念FMEA目的、定义、范围和好处FMEA的种类 FMEA的模式和产品实现流程FMEA开发时机FMEA开发组织和小组作用高层管理在FMEA过程的作用二、 FMEA的主要更新强调FMEA是动态过程高层管理对FMEA过程支持易读的表格、图形易用的案例和可操作性不建议只用RPN系数评估风险改进的严重度、频度和探测度SOD评分标准强调预防控制DFMEA和PFMEA内部关联FMEA和其它文件关联的清晰化PFMEA和控制计划的内在关联三、 设计FMEADFMEA的目的分析途径 设计PFMEA的输出(18-22)功能图、模块框图DFMEA内部的动态链接DFMEA输入和输出DFMEA各项要求展开:功能、失效模式、后果分析、潜在原因、设计控制、评分、改进建议DFMEA案例说明DFMEA练习与讨论四、 过程FMEAPFMEA的目标PFMEA开发的准备PFMEA的输入和要求过程流程的优点过程流程图开发和分析过程特性分类和影响级别特殊特性特性矩阵分析(Charateristic Matrix)过程流程图和PFMEA的内在关联过程FMEA各项要求展开:过程要求、失效模式、后果、潜在原因、现行控制、评分、改进建议PFMEA案例说明PFMEA练习与讨论

83 评论


The Conference ICASI collection of manuscripts contains 320 articles and 102 Chinese and English The summary of all the items used in both Chinese and English, Chinese manuscripts of the chart, map title, the table title, and so have some E All articles in English will have l by the "metallurgical analysis" (EI included in the database and journal CA) released an Papers for the meeting is divided into two N 1, a total of 854 volumes, including laser spectroscopy, spark source atomic emission spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, atomic fluorescence spectrometry, Specimen pre-treatment and wet Analysis 9, and other parts of the 186 N 2 a total of 1101 volumes, contains in-situ statistical analysis of the distribution, status, material analysis of the gas, metallurgy and environmental-line process analysis, spectral glow / glow mass, surface / interface analysis, physical properties, materials, micro-analysis , Failure analysis and dynamic fracture, mechanical testing, non-destructive testing, material standards, proficiency testing, uncertainty, laboratory management and quality control of the 15 parts of the 238 哎,翻译我半小时就选我吧

314 评论


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