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Subcortical ischemic vascular disease is a disease becomes the leading cause of small to multiple subcortical lacunar infarcts and white matter lesions of the brain damage of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is caused by vascular cognitive damage to the most common SIVD can cause gait disorders such as Parkinson-like gait, ataxia of gait, ataxia, or no incentive for the frequent falls, a study shows that gait abnormalities may be early signs of vascular This will lead to gait impairment SIVD pathology, type of gait disorder, gait disorder and the relationship between cognitive impairment, gait disorder analysis and evaluation, and treatment were
99 评论



161 评论


dominant-negative版本的表达两个营和CAAT磷酸腺苷反应要素结合蛋白质/ enhancer-binding蛋白质堵住了葡萄糖响应的地区近端”的态度。

148 评论


一个对老鼠繁殖和早期胚胎发展的研究:把药物剂量分成三级:100,300和1000毫克/每天每千克的剂量,在配对前28天开始对公鼠开始注射药物直到公鼠发情位置;而对母鼠,则在配对前14天直到怀孕的第7天注射药物。测试结果是, 剂量在200毫克的时候公鼠的生育率下降,精子活力完全或部分缺失,紊乱的发情周期还有异形精子的比率增大等问题上几乎是人类的11倍。药物对精子的影响可以持续到停止注射药物后9周。

105 评论


Subcortical ischemic cerebrovascular disease (with ischemic vascular subcortical, SIVD) is a group to become the main causes, small in subcortical multiple lacunar infarction and cerebral white matter lesions as main brain damage of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is a cause of vascular cognitive impairment (vascular cognitive resulted VCI), the most common SIVD can cause gait obstacles, such as Parkinson's appearance, all lose tonal gait gait, walking instability or without apparent cause of frequent fall, a study showed that abnormal gait might be early vascular This paper will SIVD gait obstacles in pathological mechanism, gait types, gait obstacles and cognitive impairment of the relationship, gait obstacles analysis and evaluation,

123 评论


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