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首页 > 论文问答 > 关于国际贸易的论文英文摘要

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[to] pick as our merchandise exports increased volume of world exports and ranked rise, made-in-china products in the international market will encounter more and more anti-dumping investigation, Chinese products are more anti-dumping The paper has introduced the concept of dumping and competitive price, on the basis of the analysis of China and dumping importer of economic And from our export enterprises in foreign trade in the causes of the problems, and discusses some enterprises based on competitive market for excessive keep or expand its market share and low to China's Foreign Trade dumping produce unfavorable effects on For these reasons, further from adjusting and optimizing the structure of export products, trying to reverse non-market economy "position, the foreign trade order maintenance reasonable export market marketing idea, change with the mode, diversified market route and strengthening government and industry association of export commodities in the aspects of the proposed by management [key] : export trade dumping price competition
281 评论


著作《民航英语培训教材》 中国国际航空公司出版论文成人英语口语教学的特点及方法 中国培训浅谈改进成人英语短训班听力课的授课方法 经贸教育导报关于成人英语教学的几点意见 经贸教育导报心理学对成人外语教学的几点启示 中国国际航空公司论文集巧学英语 国际商报译文印度改革促进了发展 国际商报2001年多哈世界贸易组织部长会议:部长宣言 国际商报自相矛盾 国际航空报航空公司越大越好吗? 国外民航文摘亚洲的金融挑战 国外民航文摘巴西家族联合大企业谋求新地盘 商业周刊韩国正处于墨西哥那样的困境中吗? 商业周刊专业论文试论恢复我国在关税贸易总协定中的缔约国地位问题 国际贸易论坛发表的论文主要有:《冯延巳在词史上的地位》、《欧阳修与赋的发展》、《标领建安诗坛的宗师——曹操》、谈《红楼梦的修辞艺术》、《论汉赋的现实主义》、《三峡文化名人屈原》、《从“译文序跋”看鲁迅的比较文学观及其方法论意义》、《鲁迅比较文学观概述》、《杨守敬的书论及其在日本书坛的地位和影响》、《孔子伦理思想及其价值的现代透视》、《孟子伦理思想及其价值的现代透视》、《中国传统伦理的继承与超越》、《陶渊明田园诗的审美意向及其桃园理想》、《古汉语实词变异及今译捷径》、《古人“名字号”的心态投影和文化积存》、《中国书法艺术中的地理印痕》(与人合撰)等 30 多篇。主编和参编的有:《新编大学语文》(汕头大学出版社)、《秘书学》(警官教育出版社)、《三峡旅游文化概论》(武汉出版社)。

211 评论


论文摘要:我国外贸总量的飞速增长是以牺牲环境质量为代价的,分析我国进出口贸易对环境的不利影响,可以看出我国贸易与环境冲突的根本原因是粗放式的外贸增长方式、落后的科技水平及制度的欠缺乏等,改变此种局面,转变外贸增长方式,以技术进步优化出口商品结构;实现环境成本内部化;建立并强化进出口的环境准入制度;加强环保国际合作等政策是当前切实可行的。Abstracts: China's foreign trade volume at the expense of rapid growth in the cost of environmental quality, analysis of China's import and export trade of the adverse effects on the environment, we can see that China's trade with the root causes of environmental conflict is the extensive growth mode of foreign trade and backward the technological level and the system, such as due to the lack of change such a situation, change the growth mode of foreign trade in order to optimize the export structure of technological progress; the realization of internalization of environmental costs; the establishment and strengthening of environmental access system for the import and export; to strengthen international cooperation in environmental protection, policy is

154 评论



127 评论


[Abstract]: With the increase in trade volumes of China's merchandise exports and the rise in world exports standings, Chinese-made products in the international market, to suffer more and more anti-dumping investigations, the Chinese products are more and more anti-dumping Articles After the introduction of the concept of dumping and price competition, based on a detailed analysis of the dumping and importing countries of China's economic development And from China's export enterprises in foreign trade cause their own problems starting to explore a number of companies over a competitive market in order to maintain or expand its market share taken by low-priced dumping on the negative impact on the development of China's foreign To further address the above reasons, adjust and optimize the export mix from the efforts to reverse the "non-market economy" status, to maintain order and protect the legitimate export trade, changes in marketing concepts and models, and take diverse routes and strengthen the market industry associations and government in merchandise exports The most used methods such as put forward in

258 评论


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