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国内家庭教育类的杂志《都市家教》杂志刊 名:《都市家教》主管主办:江西日报社编辑出版:江西《都市家教》杂志社国内刊号:CN 36-1276/G4国际刊号:ISSN 1673-0410邮发代号:44-98 44-111我们专业发表论文,职称论文发表。
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适合高中生看的英文杂志或者报纸有:《Reader's Digest》、《Vanity Fair》、《The Economist》等。《读者文摘》(Reader's Digest),美国杂志,在全球多个国家和地区都有发行。1922年创刊,月刊。是一本能引起大众广泛兴趣的内容丰富的家庭杂志。它所涉及的故事文章涵盖了健康、生态、政府、国际事务、体育、旅游、科学、商业、教育以及幽默笑话等多个领域。《读者文摘》是当前世界上最畅销的杂志之一,它拥有48个版本,涉及19种语言,并畅销于世界60多个国家。这份每月出刊的杂志文章风格简明易懂,内容丰富广阔,且多富含恒久的价值和趣味;同时,它还致力于为各个年龄、各种文化背景的读者提供信息、开阔视野、陶冶身心、激励精神。它所涉猎的主题有健康保健、大众科学、体育运动、美食烹饪、旅游休闲、金融与政治、家居与园艺、艺术与娱乐、商业与文化。其他固定的专栏还包括了笑话、谜语、测试、动画及读者来信。《读者文摘》是以通过为各个领域的读者提供他们所感兴趣的东西来吸引尽可能广大的读者群的。出版文字:《读者文摘》出版文字有:中文、捷克文、荷兰文、英文、芬兰文、法文、德文、匈牙利文、印度尼西亚文、意大利文、韩文、挪威文、波兰文、葡萄牙文、俄文、西班牙文、瑞典文、泰文、罗马尼亚文、克罗地亚文、斯洛文尼亚文。

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The family education, science, parents and LeadChina's education is always attract much This year, the quality education has become two big education is one of the And the focus of basic education gathered in quality What is the quality education? My personal interpretation is, the quality of education is not only the knowledge accumulation and skills training, also including the ideological, moral, ethical, emotion, aesthetic and various training of civic responsibility, it is actually the civic At the same time it has the personalized Personal potential and creative thinking can be fully arouse, personal value can be fully Minister of education in the media interview: "quality education is Some schools, ignoring the importance of intellectual education, sports, aesthetic education, students get all-round development; nor comprehensive science of intellectual intellectual, often by killing the learning interest of the students, and creative spirit and practice "Who can think, children sleep problem should also be increased to "two sessions" legislation, the height of the seriousness of this While many first-class university President, nankai university HouZiXin principals of elementary education problem particularly representative "The sun and fun to our children," this is a very loud Tim The promoter of quality education and the education administrative department of government, principals, teachers, parents are each of the promoter of quality Our parents to set up scientific forward-looking family education concept, constantly adjust the strategy of family education, with the development of society and the individual development, is very Quality education is to cultivate the core and how to cultivate people how? Our school to "open to behave, diligent to work for the motto," to "live, live, live teaching management to cultivating students' Our students are active, "character alacrity, hand brain flexibility, vigor" In 2002, our school "elegant" education, puts forward the school decorous, jedaiah hall "school", gentle, gentle and Our school has been advocated the quality-oriented education of the students, parents and get the social recognition and highly (a graduating student, therefore, we welcome) facing the freshmen, we should focus on students from the following 1 good habit of childrenHabit including living habits and learning Both specific content, form, but the problem is out of the Education is the habit of educational But just is the most easily to neglect and What is the most fashionable attention of bilingual education, art education of these so-called special education and talent education, to let the children all "Sow an action; reap a habit; sow a habit; reap a character; sow a character; reap a " The elementary school is good habits, don't miss Cultivate rational reasonable childPrimary school life is a collective life, a kindergarten has more and more independent upon the van requirements of management and communication time and Children must have the collective consciousness of To cultivate children's self-(1) set rules, but the truth about the first rule, not blindly obedience,(2) in children have completely within the rules free;(3) violated the rules children will be punished,(4) less good manners, and to inspire the 3 cultivate love of learningA: border ubung macht den meister, boundary lines, state: 3: self-taught, state and A grade is mainly cultivate good habits of study, serious tasks, cultivating interest of study, dares to their comments and Cultivate autonomous independent childStudents develop self management Cultivate happiness perceptual childrenCan feel happy and share the happiness, can have a thankful Second, the interpretation of the child's soul, and share the happiness Shared password troublesA child's confusion in often cannot accurately express, can only say "no fun," "don't like", but we can easily from their home, the mood changes, even small study found that many children's However, a child is more of a growing unconsciously, the growing confusion over our Our parents to interpret these troubles, and the child has some concrete countermeasures, and effectively, and help them in imperceptible in cultivate good habits, cultivate rational reason, love of learning, independent, happy and perceptual Ten confused --Children in school, had puzzled, there are many new to mom and dad, but mom and dad's work too busy, always work overtime?Countermeasures: 1, please parents to overcome difficulties, can make time to pay attention to the first month of the entranceThe first month into elementary school students, the most important is not fit for a month, is also the most unstable for a month, and some habits, the best period in this The formation of a phase When children need to care, need to encourage (incentive), the need to understand, need help, need more standard, and these needs and desires, children will be reflected through different ways, waiting for the parents to read, as parents be observant of emotion, interest, children, listen to the voices of children, patiently listen to understand the children at school by the situation, in order to The guide for their lives have great If our parents should cherish this 2 how parents know that a child confusion of good study habits?Countermeasures 1: see learning tools and textbooks are complete, neat?Countermeasures 2: practise finishing bag3 children home said today confusion didn't learn anything? (listen)1: don't question children countermeasures in class? Children do not have strong generalization ability, cannot summarize each lesson to learn what is 2: open teaching countermeasures, ask the teacher made what song today? The story about what? Do what game? Which child speak the most interesting? This writing specific problems can facilitate children Countermeasures on two consecutive days 3: child really could not say Parents can face more children in Can let the children said something she would say, how to play, understanding where Then tell her class at the teacher's eyes, the teacher's eyes are looking at you, you will become the most intelligent children heuristic Parents should be encouraged to countermeasures 4: students can effectively carries on the classroom Along with the increase of age to encourage students to put forward valuable (do not understand, important, key, seeking for children, thinking) if not all of his study, he still passively in the As the blind child in language Your child is Change the concept of learning, children is not only the teachers and parents to hint us children need to learn to think independently, and innovative So, in the form of autonomous learning without any time, we also

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1,《学前教育(家教版)》(月刊)创刊于1980年,由北京教育音像报刊总社主办。先后荣获华北地区十佳期刊、北京市社科优秀期刊、首届北京市优秀出版物奖“优秀期刊奖”、“全国抗震救灾宣传报道先进期刊”等荣誉和奖项。以更细的话题、更宽的视野、更大的容量、更多的信息,使2~6岁幼儿家长育儿生活的全部烦恼和希望,尽在知己知彼中。2,《莫愁》(旬刊)创刊于1985年7月,是由江苏省妇女联合会主办的江苏省社会影响力最大、最受读者喜爱的综合类文化期刊之一。《莫愁》通过邮局面向全国发行,并通过中国国际图书贸易总公司向国外发行,发行量居江苏省同类期刊之首,并在美国、法国等有一定的订阅量。 《莫愁》历年来先后被评为全国双效期刊、华东地区优秀期刊、江苏省期刊方阵双十佳期刊、江苏省优秀期刊,入选中国精品期刊资料库和《中华百年报刊大系•当代现行卷》,进入中国期刊方阵,多次参加在国外举办的中国期刊展。国内重要的图书机构大都收藏《莫愁》。3,幼儿教育·家教版本刊以幼儿家长及幼儿为主要读者对象,兼顾幼儿园教师(便于教师做好家长和家园共育工作)。普及先进的幼儿教育科学知识,帮助家长了解幼儿园、托儿所教育工作和幼儿身心发展规律,帮助家长树立正确的育儿观念,交流家长育儿的甘苦与感悟,探讨家园共育的途径与方法,并为家长提供保教咨询服务。一、教育名著1、《陶行知文集》陶行知,江苏教育出版社,2001年3月2、《新教育之梦》(朱永新)人民教育出版社,2002年7月版3、《中国古代教育论著选读》(已经编好)4、《苏霍姆林斯基选集》[苏]苏霍姆林斯基著译 者:蔡汀王义高祖晶主编,科学出版社出版。2001年8月5、《教育的经济价值》【美】舒尔茨著《教育的经济价值》,吉林人民出版社,1982年版,[影响现代比较教育类理论]6、《终身教育引论》[法]保罗"郎格朗《终身教育引论》,中国对外翻译出版公司出版,1985年版[教育管理专业必读书目]7、《明日之学校》(杜威著,赵祥麟、王承绪编译,华东师范大学出版社1981年1月第一版)8、《民主主义与教育》(写于1916),[美]杜威,王承绪译,人民教育出版社, 1990年10月第1版9、《教育和美好的生活》杨汉麟译,作者:(英)伯特兰"罗素出版社:河北人民出版社,出版日期: 2001年6月10、《爱弥尔》[法]卢梭,李平沤译,商务印书馆, 1978年版11、《教育过程》(美国,布鲁纳)邵瑞珍译文化教育出版社1982年2月12、《教育过程最优化》[苏]巴班斯基吴文侃等译教育科学出版社2001-0113、《课堂中的皮格马利翁——教师期望与学生智力的发展》[美国]罗森塔尔、雅各布森著,唐晓杰、崔允潡译,人民教育出版社 14、《孩子们!你好!》苏联,阿莫纳什维利著,朱佩荣先生翻译,教育科学出版社出版,2002年2月,(《孩子们,你们好!》、《孩子们,你们生活得怎样?》、《孩子们,祝你们一路平安!》学校无分数教育三部曲)15、《学习,别听学校的》(德国,菲拉"费"毕尔肯比尔著,江苏人民出版社,2000年9月注:此书为德国中小学教师必读书)16、《和老师的谈话》(赞科夫)[苏]JIB赞科夫著杜殿坤译,教育科学出版社出版、发行17、《多元智能》 [美国]加德纳著,沈致隆 译,新华出版社出版18、《斯宾塞的快乐教育》(英国)斯宾塞著颜真译海峡文艺出版社出版19、《教育诗》[苏] 马卡连柯著磊然译人民文学出版社1957年版。(三七作家,专门在2003-02-13的《南方周末》上推荐此书)20、《大教育论》1957年,[捷克]夸美纽斯,人民教育出版社加以修改,用《大教学论》的书名重新出版。影响历史进程的一百本(社会科学类)21、《普通教育学》[德]赫尔巴特:《普通教育学/教育学讲授纲要》,北京,人民教育出版社,1998年。22、《教育科学与儿童心理学》,皮亚杰著,文化教育出版社1981年,傅统先译。

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