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The emergence of the institution of compensation for mental injury indicates the development of social civilization development has reached a new With the development of society, the increasingly rich material life, people pay more attention to the spirit realm of life, civil main body their personal rights are infringed upon by requiring the infringer remedies by property compensation civil legal system has been the world wide approval, at present our country's spiritual damage compensation system is still exists serious defects, based on the concept of the institution of compensation for mental injury, scope and some legal provisions in China was analyzed, institution of compensation for mental injury problems and to perfect the institution of compensation for mental injury provide constructability Suggestions, making it a better protection of the legal rights of the Keywords: Spiritual damage compensation Legislative defects perfect State compensation
222 评论


兄弟,真的很难啊!我查了很多文献,就是没有法院与和谐社会的关系的文章。首先和谐社会本来就具有中国特色,而中国人又不怎么写英文文章,尤其是文科。实在不行就用法律与和谐社会方面的,国外有人研究过!给你一篇名为《The New China: Big Brother, Brave New World or Harmonious Society?》的论文,你看用得上不?

271 评论


Abstract: By the definition of the rule of law and the principles of administration according to law put forward the basic requirements of administration according to law: the law, according to the law, Zhifabiyan, W And the development of China's administration according to law on the status: China's administration according to law in affirming the results achieved at the same time, also pointed out that at this stage of the existence of the problem can not be ignored: (1) in ideology, part of the executive staff legal Mean (2) in the legislative, executive and the legislature more gaps, lags behind the progress of legislation and low (3) in administrative law enforcement, the existing administrative law enforcement system deficiencies, laws, regulations, rules and regulations and lack of coordination between and unification of the executive law enforcement officers from the hard (4) in administrative supervision, the existing system of administrative supervision over law enforcement law enforcement not enough, not strong sense of This paper also proposed a future comprehensive promoting administration according to law should pay attention to the problem: (1) to enhance the quality of education, improve the operational level of law enforcement officers, the authorities changed their work style, a better guarantee for the exercise of the rights in accordance with the (2) to speed up legislation as soon as possible, perfect the legal (3) to strengthen the law on administrative supervision, to ensure the legality of administrative In the future administration of the law, in the good old laws and regulations of the finishing work, but should also accelerate the introduction of some new Use legal means to make administrative procedures standardized and institutionalized, so that the implementation of the decisions

109 评论


The subject is: a blatant crime on the criminal law of the theoretical knowledgeAbstract: a flagrant crime as a general social phenomenon, has been in existence for thousands of years of social history; including, in particular the concept of school as a flagrant crime committed, it can be said with the general sense of the crime have simultaneously; the concept of criminal law as a flagrant offenders has also been historically exist in human society a thousand Openly committed as a criminal and the negative cultural expressions, whether it is the specificity of the Criminal Code norms on moral values or the reverse, and are worthy of criminal law theory researchers to explore in However, for a long time, China's Criminal Law on the "objective elements constitute a crime," the study focus, multi-objective aspects of running an essential element, that is against the act, against the findings and results of behavior and the causal relationship between on; for the crime as an objective choice of the implementation of elements of the crime the way, but rarely get In this paper, exploring a flagrant crime, not only confined to the study of criminal law perspective, but also learn from the crime, ethics, sociology, such as the perspective of the norms of a flagrant offense, the nature of black social evil, the negative value and its comprehensive evaluation Author through so many levels, multi-angle discussion to a more deepening and comprehensive three-dimensional interpretation that the truth will be openly committed to maximize the show in the face of social and readers, so expect it to for the development of China's Criminal Jurisprudence criminal applications of the research on the subject domain, to make its own modest Key words: flagrant flagrant crime

231 评论


  • 法律方法论文英文怎么写

    The subject is: a blatant crime on the criminal law of the theoretical knowledge

    映雪堂明 4人参与回答 2024-05-31
  • 英文法律论文怎么写

    The theory of criminal law of shallow understanding irrtumslehreLegal irrtumsle

    mutouchoupihai 2人参与回答 2024-06-01
  • 法律方法论文英文

    The article second part carries on the profound analysis to our country present

    奥迪风度 3人参与回答 2024-05-31
  • 法律方法论文选题怎么写


    蜡笔1982 6人参与回答 2024-05-29
  • 法律论文英文版怎么写

    The subject is: a blatant crime on the criminal law of the theoretical knowledge

    妖精狮子 4人参与回答 2024-06-01