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The economic situation varies from minute to minute and is difficult to be The financial crisis which spreads over the whole world continues to In 2009, along with the international economic environment tending to be more severe and creating a developmental pressure on Chinese economy, the Chinese enterprises are also facing the pressure of structural adjustment formed by the policy-based guidance such as the price increase of production factors, the structural change of market demands and the energy-saving and emission The unfavorable and uncertain factors in the internal and external economy surrounding have increased this Nowadays we are confronted with the era of the revolution and expand of Chinese household Under the condition that the unfavorable factors of international economy have not totally changed, it is of positive guiding effects to understand the direction of situation control and analyze detailedly the influence which has been made on the household appliance and the future developing trend of According to the above, this paper has gradually put the comparative advantages into the development of foreign economic trade strategy, insisting on the principles of combining the theoretical analyses with the practical ones and taking the relative theory of international trade as the Based on the SWOT analysis of the international economic environment of Chinese household appliance and through the study on the strategic target of Chinese household appliance, the current foreign economic trade strategy of Chinese household appliance has been finally obtained: deepen the brand consciousness and continue to taking the road of innovation; reinforce the value and core competitive power of the OEM enterprises and maintain exerting the traditional To sum up, the research in this paper has provided certain references for the future development of Chinese household
90 评论


1、 [行政管理 高职]论汽车特约店科学化管理的对策 摘要:本文简要介绍在市场经济条件下,随着经济的增长,私人汽车拥有量呈爆炸式增长。在经济购买力与市场需求促进汽车消费增长这一客观规律上,如何才能提高人们对汽车消费欲?就要在科学、规范管理上着手改进。当前 类别:毕业论文 大小:17 KB 日期:2008-12-12 2、 [行政管理 电大]电子政务安全问题研究 摘要 信息化是当今世界科技、经济和社会发展的重要趋势,是我国加快实现工业化和现代化的必须选择,电子政务建设是今后一个时期我国信息化工作的重点,推行电子政务,对于加快政府职能转变,提高行政质量和效率 类别:毕业论文 大小:12 KB 日期:2008-12-07 3、 [行政管理 电大]浅淡行政事业单位国有资产的管理 [中文摘要]行政事业单位国有资产是由其占有、使用的,占我国国有资产比例为35%,在我国国家管理和国民经济建设的发展中,起着十分重要的作用。本文针对我国行政事业单位国有资产分布、特点、管理现状及问题,阐 类别:毕业论文 大小:122 KB 日期:2008-11-24 4、 [行政管理]高校教师考评制度相关问题研究 内 容 摘 要知识经济的到来,人才已然成为国家经济和社会发展的重要动力,而人才的培养需要优秀的教师,特别是大学教师。优秀教师的培养除了自身的努力外,也需要外界环境给予的支持,高校管理制 类别:毕业论文 大小:57 KB 日期:2008-10-12 %D0%D0%D5%FE%B9%DC%C0%ED&btn=+%CB%D1%CB%F7+

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251 评论


As China's economic growth, consumption of appliances, scrap appliances accordingly also rose sharply, these products if you are not properly, and will severely contaminated Reverse logistics system is used to reacquire the scrap value of the thing or a valid handle a variety of recovery and disposal of waste products, helps to reduce household electric appliances product environmental pollution, improve household production enterprise social This article is currently China's home appliance reverse logistics developments do preliminary research and propose appropriate for the current situation of reverse logistics This article in the first and the second part describes the background, purpose, meaning, and discusses the meaning of reverse logistics and operational processes, chapter III describes the present electric household appliances reverse logistics status, household appliances, Chapter 4 production enterprises can take the form of reverse logistics, Chapter 5 GOME electrical appliances enterprise application instance to reverse logistics issues analysis, 1967 two chapters on all the household appliance industry in reverse logistics operation mode feasibility and

282 评论


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