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dicine英 [ˈmedsn]   美 [ˈmɛdɪsɪn]  医学;药物;有功效的东西,良药例句:Medicine is the treatment of illness and injuries by doctors and 医学是医护人员救死扶伤的疗法。iatrology英 [ˌaɪə'trɒlədʒɪ]   美 [ˌaɪə'trɒlədʒɪ]  医学,治疗学例句:The theory and the method of the chemistry have been applied to the studyof biology and  化学的理论和方法,被广泛应用于研究生物和医学问题。拓展资料:其他医学相关的英语词汇:高烧:High Fever 头疼:Headache呼吸困难 :Difficulty in Breathing急性疼痛 :Acute Pain肩部发硬 :Stiffness in Shoulder
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2010,《东方清韵》海天出版社)2009,《茶经》(唐 )《续茶经》(清)(大中华文库系列,湖南人民出版社)2005,《中国文化导读》(与香港城市大学合作项目)2003,《瑞士建筑:凝固的艺术 》(大连理工大学出版社)2002,《园林水景》(大连理工大学出版社) 论文:2011,《茶经》的美学意蕴及翻译再现,《湖北经济学院学报》(6)123-1252010,基于树剪枝的茶典籍文本快速切分,《中文信息学报》(中文核心期刊,ISTIC收录,计算机学科一级刊物)2010,基于多锚点词的茶典籍英汉双语对齐研究,《中国外语》,中文核心期刊、CSSCI来源期刊2010,基于互文性计算的文本翻译索引,《计算机工程与设计》,中文核心期刊、中国科技核心期刊2010,文本翻译索引的互文度量方法研究,《计算机应用》,中文核心期刊、中国科技核心期刊2010,以外化传译茶典籍之内隐互文主题,《辽宁师范大学学报》,中文核心期刊2010,语料库在典籍英译中的实例应用,《沈阳师范大学学报》;中国科技核心期刊2010,茶萌中华润诗肠,映入译语共品赏,全国典籍英译研讨会第6届年会论文2010,茶典籍文化资源互文翻译中的语境调节,全国典籍英译研讨会第6届年会论文2010,专业+英语双学士学位培养之需求分析,长春理工大学学报(社会科学版)2010,文史文本中高低语境文化交流错层之注解分析,北京航空航天大学学报(社科版),CSSCI来源期刊2010,《茶具图赞》中拟人化名称多层级符指的英译探究,《典籍英译研究》,外语教学与研究出版社2010,社会符号学视角下探讨茶典籍书名英译,《典籍英译研究》,外语教学与研究出版社2009,高低语境文化错层在典籍英译中的显现及处理策略,《外语与外语教学》, CSSCI来源期刊,全国外语类核心期刊2009,从《六羡歌》英译探语言共性视阈下的茶诗翻译,《辽宁师范大学学报》, 中文社科核心期刊2009,茶典籍翻译障碍点的互文性解析,《农业考古茶文化专号》,中文核心期刊,CSSCI来源期刊2009,源文化意识与目标语载体在多元文化中的整合,《北京航空航天大学学报》(社科版)CSSCI来源期刊2009,Multilayer Anchor Alignment in AC-E Parallel Corpora of Chinese Tea Classics,2009年IEEE智能计算与自然计算国际学术研讨会(CINC 2009), ISTP、EI检索,2009,Rhetorical Signs as Clues for Improving the Accuracy of MT,2009年IEEE智能计算与自然计算国际学术研讨会, (CINC 2009),ISTP、EI检索2009,A Study on Machine Translation of Register-Specific Terms in Tea Classics,2009 国际信息工程会议ICIE,EI检索2009,中华茶典籍互文特质及其模因传播,《农业考古茶文化专号》,中文核心期刊,CSSCI来源期刊2008,从丝语英译探民族特有语境信息的多维补偿, 《大连理工大学学报》(社会科学版),CSSCI来源期刊2008,从符号学角度看茶名的英译,《湖南医科大学学报》(社会科学版)2008,茶典籍译文中异域特色的保留与文化增殖,《北京航天航空大学学报》(社科版),中文核心期刊,CSSCI来源期刊2008,Transferring Aesthetic Forms in The Classic of Tea to The Target Readers,《第十八届世界翻译大会论文集》2008,撷摄典籍茶诗的文化之魂 -- 茶诗英译的探索,《韩山师范学院学报》2008,China English-- a Would-be Prosperous English Language Variety, 《语文学刊》(高教外语版)2008,On Translation Strategies of Chromatic Terms in Tea Classics 《语文学刊》(高教外语版)2008,试论概念隐喻在英语同义词教学中的意义,《高校外语教学与研究》2006,从《茶经》章节标题的翻译谈典籍英译中的意形整合,《大连理工大学学报》(社科版),中文核心期刊,CSSCI来源期刊2005,跨越典籍翻译中时空与地域的屏障,《典籍英译研究》河北大学出版社2004,Morning Report and Autonomous Learning, English Teaching Forum, USA, V 422001,INTERLANGUAGE ERRORS OF CHINESE EFL LEARNERS,《日本群马大学教育研究》18号

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Objective: the curative effect of continuous paravertebral nerve block analgesia evaluation after Methods: the quasi simple nephrectomy in 60 patients, ASA grade I or II grade, age 30 to 65 years of age, body weight 45 ~ 80 kg, sex not Using the method of random number table, the patients were divided into 2 groups: control group (group CEA) and continuous paravertebral nerve block group (group PVB), 30 cases of each The two groups were continuous infusion of 2% ropivacaine 250ml, and the use of intravenous morphine patient-controlled analgesia After 6, 12, 24 and 48 h, respectively, blood gas, and to assess the quiet and motion state of the VAS scores, statistics at 48 h after operation, two groups of patients with total amount of morphine and complications of case Results: compared with CEA group, PVB group, PaO2 increased, PaCO2 decreased, in a quiet state no difference in VAS score, significant differences in the state of motion, reduce the number of cumulative dosage of morphine, nausea, vomiting, skin itching, orthostatic hypotension, postoperative anal exhaust time interval to first short (P < 05) Conclusion: open nephrectomy after using PVB analgesia and CEA analgesia can reduce postoperative morphine consumption, low rate of

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看字数吧,40 ---90 元,看水平和经验吧,望采纳

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Objective: To evaluate the analgesia effect of para vertebral nerve block (PVB) post Methods: Sixty patients undergoing simple nephrectomy (age 35-65 years old, both genders, weight 45-80 kg, ASA grade I or II) were randomly divided into two groups using the table of random numbers: the control group and the PVB group, with 30 patients in each For both groups, patients were given intravenous infusion of 2% ropivacaine 250 ml post operation and intravenous morphine patient-controlled Six, 12, 24 and 48 hours post operation, blood gas analysis was conducted and VAS scores under quiet and exercising conditions were The cumulative morphine usage and cases of complications were calculated at 48 hours post Results: Compared with control group, PVB group had a significant higher PaO2 and lower PaCO There were significant differences in VAS scores under exercising condition while no difference under quiet condition between two In PVB group, the cumulative morphine usage decreased, there were fewer cases of nausea, vomiting, pruritus and orthostatic hypotension, and the first flatus time post operation was shortened (P<05) Conclusions PVB analgesia post nephrectomy may reduce the usage of morphine and the incidence of 问题:CEA的英文全称未给出,故翻译时未采用此缩写。方法中未说明PVB何时及如何实施。吗啡辅助镇痛没查到有assist的翻译,一般就直接说patient controlled analgesia,或其后加pump。

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医学英语翻译收费好贵啊,是怎么定价的?Medical English translation charge is very expensive ah, how is the price?

153 评论


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