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找了7篇,按论文的格式整理如下:如果楼主还需要它们的全文可以发邮件到我发给你[1]任胜钢 发达国家政府采购促进高新技术产业发展的政策比较及启示 [J] 中国科技论坛 2008: 135-[2]刘小川 论政府采购国际化进程中的政策思路 [J] 复旦学报(社会科学版) 2008: 43-[3]陈俊 我国的政府采购:战略应对及立法完善 [J] 国际经济合作 2008: 68-[4]王丛虎 论我国政府采购促进自主创新 [J] 科学学研究 2006, 24: 967-[5]姚文胜 政府采购供应商民事监督权初探 [J] 深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2008, 25: 100-[6]刘小川 促进企业科技创新的政府采购政策研究 [J] 学海 2008: 126-[7]田晓萍《 政府采购协议》框架下我国政府采购立法之考量 [J] 深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2008, 25: 98-
341 评论


我是图书馆软件公司技术开发部的:A 文献采购:基本参数:采购单位、采购类型、供应商类型,供应商信息功能模块:采购订单,补订单,文献验收,验收查询,验收查询报表统计:采购打印(供应日期,供应商,其他条件),账目统计(多条件检索,明细统计,金额统计)B 文献编目:参数设置:文献类型、文献尺寸、批次代码、装订方式、出版库字典、远程编目参数(Z50、Webget)功能模块:文献编目,批次设置、条形码差缺、编目浏览,种次号只用情况、馆藏分类统计、工作量统计报表打印:书标打印、书标补缺打印、新书通报表、馆藏流水账目表、条形码打印、资金统计、清单打印C 文献流通:参数设置:读者单位、读者类型、假期设定、流通参数(按类型区分)、超期处理参数(停借或罚款)功能模块:图书流通(借书,还书,续借,预借,无证借书,超期罚款,丢失,污损),批量换班,读者管理(新增,挂失,解挂,多条件检索,打印报表,批量数据导入,借阅证设计)、注销登记、预约信息处理、借阅信息查询(图书去向,【单日借阅情况,读者类型,读者单位,读者证】借阅情况)报表打印:个人催还单,集体催还单,流通统计(借出,还回,罚款),图书借阅排行榜,读者借阅排行榜,借阅历史统计,罚款统计,月流通工作量,月图书借出分类统计,月读者借阅统计,年流通量统计,年读者借阅统计,D 期刊管理:E 文献检索:F Marc工具:G Z50协议:H 网上自助图书馆(OPAC):打字打累了,,不打了。做完哪些功能也差不多了。。还想继续了解,或者加我的Q290445270

84 评论


1]何桢,车建国 精益六西格玛:新竞争优势的来源[J] 天津大学学报(社会科学版), 2005,(05) [2]王慧 战略采购[J] 山东纺织经济, 2006,(04) [3]何桢,岳刚,王丽林 六西格玛管理及其实施[J] 数理统计与管理, 2007,(06) [4]吴跃东 ,尹丽丽 战略采购关乎企业赢利能力[J] 上海经济, 2005,(05) [5]方贤水,薛丽莉 战略采购研究综述及启示[J] 商场现代化, 2006,(24) [6]吴虹飞,李向晟 论公司的战略采购及其构成[J] 浙江统计, 2005,(07) [7]邵敬中 ,张帆 节约60%成本的方法:战略采购[J] 中国企业家, 2003,(02) [8]浦杰 战略采购确实有效吗?[J] 现代制造, 2000,(10) 1]杜培枫 基于现代物流竞争战略的3PL[J] 山西财经大学学报, 2003,(02) [2]何桢,车建国 精益六西格玛:新竞争优势的来源[J] 天津大学学报(社会科学版), 2005,(05) [3]刘海霞 基于战略目标驱动下的企业并购战略选择[J] 商丘职业技术学院学报, 2007,(06) [4]刘建香 超循环理论在供应链联盟中的应用[J] 商讯商业经济文荟, 2006,(03) [5]阎海燕,2徐波 供应链管理环境中的制造柔性[J] 特区经济, 2006,(06) [6]边利,李自如,邓建 基于信息熵和密切值法的供应商选择与实证研究[J] 情报杂志, 2005,(11) [7]王慧 战略采购[J] 山东纺织经济, 2006,(04) [8]何桢,岳刚,王丽林 六西格玛管理及其实施[J] 数理统计与管理, 2007,(06) [9]公斌 酒店采购管理漏洞及解决方法的探讨[J] 中国市场, 2008,(41) [10]张群,来守林 CPFR技术在连锁超市的应用[J] 商场现代化, 2006,(28)

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政府采购 Government PurchaseGovernment Procurement 政府供应链管理 Supply Chain Management ----------------------------供应链管理环境下政府采购研究Study of government procurement in supply chain management<<科技与管理 >>2005年01期杨光华 , 许康 , 何康平 供应链管理为政府采购改革和发展提供新的思想和模式供应链管理环境下政府采购注重信息化、主动化、全过程的采购思想用集成式信息运作模式来解决政府集中采购供应链的复杂性采购计划、准时采购、供应商管理、信息技术为其实施的基础 --------------------Government Procurement SummaryGovernment Procurement of goods and services typically accounts for 10-15% of GDP for developed countries, and up to as much as 20% of GDP for developing In an attempt to harness this significant portion of the international economy, WTO members signed the plurilateral (only binding to WTO members who choose to sign) Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) at the Uruguay Round in The agreement was based on the 1979 Tokyo Round government procurement Currently, there are 26 signatories, including Canada, the EU, the United Kingdom and the United S[1] The rest of the signatories are predominantly developed [2]The intention of the GPA is to ensure that government decisions regarding government purchases of goods and services do not depend upon where the good is produced or the service rendered, nor upon the supplier's foreign The GPA signatories' initial step in establishing this "non-discrimination" was to create a working group at the 1996 Ministerial Conference in Singapore to investigate government procurement All WTO members were represented in this working The Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement examines questions such as: does a particular government publish the criteria upon which it bases its procurement decisions? Does it publish the opportunities for procurement so that all suppliers know about them? Does it encourage competition among potential suppliers? After investigating these questions and others, the working group will try to create policies to open competition for government Many countries place restrictions on government procurement of both goods and services for a variety of Some will do so to encourage domestic industry, though many developing countries have limited domestic service industries, and turn to foreign service providers as a Several developed countries would like to see the GPA become a multilateral Such a step would increase market opportunities for their own firms, allowing them to bid for foreign government purchases on a "level playing " The most vocal proponents of a multilateral GPA are the US and EU Proponents of a multilateral GPA also see it as part of a "good governance" agenda for the developing world - the more transparent procurement processes are, they argue, the less opportunity there will be for corruption and rent-seeking on the part of domestic governments and [3]While these countries hope for a multilateral GPA in the future, opposition to a multilateral agreement comes from several developing countries (particularly India, Pakistan and Egypt) and relief organizations, such as O[4] These parties see the opening of government procurement not as a way to gain a "level playing field," but rather as a situation in which developing and least developed countries are likely to lose ground to expanding industrial The developing countries and relief organizations fear that the growing industries of developing nations will be at a disadvantage if large and established foreign companies are allowed to bid for government contracts alongside their own domestic firms, leading to balance of payments In addition, other opposing countries cite government procurement laws as a restraint on their ability to address certain non-trade issues, such as the environment, ecolabelling, and Human Rights Currently, if a government has certain labor standards, for example, it may discourage human rights violations in the workplace by only purchasing from firms that meet their Such countries argue that if government procurement laws would eliminate their discretion in deciding similar matters, and labor standards and environmental protection, among other things, would ---------------------ProcurementPublic sector spending on goods and services across Scotland amounts to around £8 billion per Procurement guidelines govern the purchasing of these goods and services in areas such as IT and telecoms, health and education services and local The public procurement reform programme aims to drive up standards in the way the public sector procures goods and services to ensure that tax payers money is spent as wisely as

308 评论


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  • 采购与供应链案例参考文献

    1]何桢,车建国 精益六西格玛:新竞争优势的来源[J] 天津大学学报(社会科学版), 2005,(05) [2]王慧 战略采购[J] 山东纺织经济, 2006

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  • 采购管理参考文献

    找了7篇,按论文的格式整理如下:如果楼主还需要它们的全文可以发邮件到我发给你[1]任胜钢 发达国家政府采购促进高新技术产业发展的政策比较及启示 [J] 中国科技

    成都蜀道装饰 3人参与回答 2024-06-07