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"A Dream of Red Mansions" Du Hougan 2005-2-27 字数:1516 Author: Heart of the Ark Source: unknown entry: Anonymous date: 2005-2-27 Volume: 1516 Throughout human history of the evolution of intelligence Love, can be roughly divided into emotional history of prehistoric, ancient and modern history of emotional feelings history of three If the literary history of human emotion is a reflection of the history of reproduction, "A Dream of Red Mansions," a book of the times in a position to more Like an arch bridge, just across her feelings in ancient history and the end of the beginning of modern history on In view of this, "A Dream of Red Mansions," a book of our time and the distance is more clear- The classical works show a comprehensive picture so vivid in the past to preserve the impact of the times, so that we can from grade to the ancient and modern people in the area of great emotion and subtle similarities and We Beixijiaojia to see that the history of human emotion and history as a rational move forward in the evolution, despite the evolution of the track is so heavy and slow, step by step, fought, including the cost of blood and life, Zhuanyan Jian burn, Ben Modern people still feel strongly from the destroyed in the Li Yumei, and we have to admit that such feelings of sympathy mixed with water Mochizuki Chiang Kai-shek, the Pioneer Press Baccalaureates told the alienation and More than half of this era when men would choose Spouse Choosing Xue Baochai, as the madness Qingchi Yihong son, the loss of his illustrious door first, he more than half of women in the eyes of it is Modern tears certainly less and less, less than in the past at least one of the Yellow River This means that emotions do not know the barren drought or mental well-being of People become emotionally intelligent volatile and more ignorance They are often insincerely, emotional and rational from the inconsistent state of mind is not ideal but obey the call of They have Qiqingliuyu, but often runs counter to If the classical era of personal feelings of love from family and social tragedy, several non-adjustable, but is, after all, in a Works within its power to complete the mission entrusted to the times, for the emotional history of classical zoned under a colorful 未完待续
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214 评论


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