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the spring festival is a Chinese traditional festival,which is a summary of a year's For various reasons,Chinese love to spend their days in the spring Young people love to stay in the spring festival as they can have a rest after a busy llege students love to get together with their cozy family during the spring while elder people love to watch the liveliness of the Spring Festival Gala and kids enjoy their holidays for the acquisition of the red After the spring festival, Chinese resume to do their routines with a high expectation of a good spring festival next
238 评论


春节的脚步临近,虽然随着时代的发展和人们脚步的变迁,过春节已经不像过去那样兴师动众,但是春节带给人们的,仍是欢呼雀跃的心情。春节维系的,不仅是一家团圆,更是文化习俗的传承和连接。遂知道日报开展一期关于“春节”的征稿活动。【时间】2017年1月17日-2月10日【主题】围绕“春节”展开,作者可以自由发挥,也可参考日报给出的关键词,如年夜饭、春运、贺岁档电影、春节美食、春节相关的风俗习惯等等。力求一事一物知春节。附春节关键词(作者可参考)【要求】围绕“春节”这一主题,每篇文章在主题方向上择一切入即可有观点有内容,切忌标题党独立成文、图文并茂、生动有趣支持原创,如非原创一定要注明授权征稿期间投稿次数不限,征稿结束后以作者为单位统计投稿篇数。参加征稿活动的作者需提前和知道日报工作人员说明投稿意向,后期方便统计文章。联系人:@李怡颖 @王帅帅【奖励】一、文章贡献奖投稿数量第一名:盯盯拍wifi行车记录仪(1个)投稿数量第二名:智能水杯(1个)投稿数量第三名:博冠双筒望远镜(1个)二、优质内容奖投稿文章被选为精选文章,且阅读量前五名:捷波朗商务蓝牙耳机(5个)【备注】优质内容奖仅针对春节期间(1月26日-2月2日)优质内容奖可叠加本次活动仅针对春节投稿

223 评论


Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) ( Valid Time : F 06--F 21 , 2008 ) The Spring Festival, or also known as Chinese Lunar New Year, is the most important festival for the Chinese Spring Festival according to the Gregorian calendar, falls between late January and mid February, which lasts 15 As the year 2007 of Pig is going and the year 2008 of Rat will come All people living away will return It is the time for family reunion, just like Christmas in the W Each Spring Festival ends on the important and colourful Lantern Festival on the evening of the 15th day of the The Spring Festival of the year 2008 start from F 06 to F 21, The first week of Spring Festival is the most important with numerous folk activies going on and most often celebrated with visits to friends and family as well as greetings of good The Chinese government now stipulates people have seven days for the Chinese Lunar New Y

154 评论


英文是I like happy new years!

350 评论


Spring Festival is a very important festival for Chinese In this festival, we have a saying, which is called Chinese New Y New year means a leap from last year to this We should cherish it

191 评论


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