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Dynamic Interaction of Long Suspension Bridges with Running Trains Journal of Sound and Vibration SCI、EI[1] Dynamic Analysis of Train-Bridge System and Its Application in Steel Girder Reinforcement,Journal of Computers & Structures,SCI,2001[2] Dynamic behavior of high-speed railway tracks Proceedings of ICTTS,EI,2001[3] Dynamic analysis of train-bridge system under random excitations,Stochastic,Structural Dynamics,ISTP,1998[4] Dynamic responses of railway bridges under high speed trains,Advances in Structural Dynamics,ISTP,1995[5]Experimental study on train-induced vibrations of environments and buildings,MCCI2000,ISTP[6] Traffic-induced vibrations and their influences on surrounding environments,MCCI2000,ISTP,2000[7] Vibration Effects of Light-Rail Train-Viaduct System on Surrounding Environment,I Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,2002[8] 车桥耦合系统在随机激励下的动力分析及其应用,工程力学,2002[9] 大跨度悬索桥在风与列车荷载同时作用下的动力响应分析,铁道学报,2002[10] 单室薄壁箱梁考虑偏载影响的活载加载计算分析,土木工程学报,2004[11] 车桥耦合系统在随机激励下的动力分析及其应用,工程力学V20, N3,5[12]Experimental Analysis of High Speed Railway Bridge Under Thalys Trains,Jf Sound & Vibration, 2003 (268), 103-113,SCIEI,10[13]Dynamic Analysis of High Speed Railway Bridge Under Articulated Trains,J of Computers & Structures, 2003 (81), 2467-2478,SCI,10[14] Traffic-Induced Environmental Vibrations and Their Influences on Surrounding Buildings, JSEV,230-241,ISTP,10[15] Problems of railway bridges induced by raising train speed and their treatment,ISSST,EI、ISTP,10[16] Traffic Induced Vibrations in Permafrost Environment of Reshui Coal Mining Site, Permafrost Engineering,ISTP,8[17] Vibration effects of light-rail train-viaduct system on surrounding environments, EASTS, ISTP,10[18] Characteristics of traffic induced vibrations and their effects on environments, TIVC, ISTP, 12[19] Dynamic response of train-suspension bridge under high wind action,TIVC,ISTP,12[20]Traffic-induced ground vibrations and their influences on nearby buildings,Life and Environment,ISTP,9[21]Dynamic Response of Suspension Bridge to high Wind and Running Train, J Bridge E, ASCE V8,N8,1[22]提速列车作用下上承式钢板梁受迫振动实验研究,工程力学V19, N5,10[23]Dynamic Experiment and Analysis of A High Speed Railway Bridge Under Thalys Trains, JSEV, 392-401,ISTP,10[24] Dynamic Analysis Of Cable-Stayed Bridge Subjected To Running Trains And Earthquakes, JSEV, 242-251,ISTP,10[25] Safety and serviceability analysis of high speed railway bridge under thalys trains, ISSST,EI、ISTP,10[26] Dynamic responses of Wuhan Tianxingzhou long Suspension Bridge Scheme under running trains,ISSST,EI、ISTP,10[27] Effect of running train induced vibrations on permafrost environment,ISSST,EI、ISTP, 10[28] Controlling approaches of traffic induced environmental and structural vibrations, ISSEYE,ISTP,10[29] Vibration analysis of Tianxingzhou long span suspension bridge scheme, ISSEYE, ISTP,10[30] Dynamic responses of train-bridge system under earthquakes,TIVC,ISTP,12[31] Seismic response of continuous lame bridges considering constraint torsion effect,TIVC,ISTP,12[32] 车辆与结构动力相互作用(第一版),科学出版社,2002,夏禾,张楠著[33] 车辆与结构动力相互作用(第二版),科学出版社,2005,夏禾,张楠著[34] 直线电机轮轨交通高架结构,中国科学技术出版社,2010,夏禾,郭薇薇,陶毕莲著[35] 交通环境振动工程,科学出版社,2010,夏禾等著[36] HXia, G De Roeck and Jose M G Bridge Vibration and Control [M] NewYork: Nova science publishers, inc, [37] Traffic Induced Environmental Vibrations and Controls: Theory and Application [M] NewYork: Nova science publishers, inc,
258 评论


[1] Long, JC, Huang, HJ, Gao, ZY, Discretised route travel time models based on cumulative Journal of Advanced Transportation, doi: 1002/ (SCI检索)[2] Lu, XS, Huang, HJ, Long, JC, Camera location optimisation for traffic surveillance in urban road networks with multiple user International Journal of Systems Science, doi: 1080/ (SCI检索)[3] Long, JC, Gao, ZY, Orenstein, P, Ren, HL, Control strategies for dispersing incident-based traffic jams in two-way grid IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 13(2), 469 - (SCI检索)[4] Long, JC, Gao, ZY, Szeto, WY, Discretised link travel time models based on cumulative flows: Formulation and Transportation Research Part B, 45(1), 232- (SCI检索)[5] Long, JC, Gao, ZY , Zhao, XM, Lian, AP, Orenstein, P, Urban traffic jam simulation based on the cell transmission Networks and Spatial Economics, 11(1), 43- (SCI检索)[6] Long, JC, Gao, ZY , Zhang, HZ, Szeto, WY, 2010, A turning restriction design problem in urban road European Journal of Operational Research, 206(3), 569- (SCI检索)[7] Ren, HL, Gao, ZY, Lam, WHK, Long, JC, Assessing the benefits of integrated en-route transit information systems and time-varying transit pricing systems in a congested transit Transportation Planning and Technology, 32(3), 215- (SCI检索)[8] Long, JC, Gao, ZY, Ren, HL, Lian, AP, Urban traffic congestion propagation and bottleneck Science in China: Series F: Information Sciences, 55(7), 948- (SCI检索)[9] 高自友, 龙建成, 李新刚, 城市交通拥堵传播规律与消散控制策略研究 上海理工大学学报, 33(6), 701-[10] 龙建成, 高自友, 任华玲, 城市网络交通动态信号控制方法 中国公路学报,22(4), 108- (EI检索)[11] 龙建成, 高自友, 赵小梅, 基于路段传输模型的道路出口渠化的研究 吉林大学学报工学版,39(增刊2), 41- (EI检索)[12] 龙建成, 高自友, 任华玲, 基于动态用户最优出发时间和路径选择的组合模型研究 中国科技论文在线精品论文, 2(10), 1015-[13] 龙建成, 高自友, 马建军, 李克平, 铁路车站进路选择优化模型及求解算法的研究 铁道学报,29(5), 7- (EI检索)[14] 连爱萍, 高自友, 龙建成, 基于路段元胞传输模型的动态用户最优配流问题 自动化学报, 33(8), 852- (EI检索)[15] 许红, 马建军, 龙建成, 客运专线列车运行图编制模型及计算方法的研究 铁道学报, 29(2), 1- (EI检索)

258 评论



111 评论


一定要比较的话 是SCI的难些。 那什么是SCI、EI检索呢? 1论文进入SCI、Ei等国际检索系统的意义 1)加大论文信息传播的力度、速度和广度,吸引读者,拓宽国内外的读者面,提高论文乃至期刊在国内外的被引频次; 2)引起期刊重视,提高作者论文的采

217 评论


  • 铁道学报是sci

    一定要比较的话 是SCI的难些。 那什么是SCI、EI检索呢? 1论文进入SCI、Ei等国际检索系统的意义 1)加大论文信息传播的力度、速度和广度,吸引读者,拓

    随风思恋 3人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 铁道学报是SCI吗

    是 可以检索到

    阳光靖好 3人参与回答 2024-06-15
  • 铁道学报是cscd吗


    夜很*^*安静 3人参与回答 2024-06-14
  • 铁道学报是ei吗

    EI工程索引期刊列表,期刊影响因子  1 北京工业大学学报 北京工业大学 403 10348  2 北京科技大学学报 优先出版期刊  北京科技大学 550 15

    Rachelchel 5人参与回答 2024-06-14
  • 铁道学报是几区

    算是国家级核心期刊!!算中文类最好的 A类期刊吧。铁道科学与工程学报 ,既是中国科技核心期刊,也是 中文核心期刊,更是 CSCD核心期刊。

    xieyouliab 3人参与回答 2024-06-13