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unearthed heritage或unearthed cultural relic
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热带医学杂志》 收录发表的论文涵盖寄生虫学、微生物学、病毒学、免疫学等主要领域所涉及的地方病、传染病学研究成果,突出热带医学特色。 1.交稿 应具有科学性、创新性、实用性。论点明确、文字精练、资料可靠、数据准确。本刊为国内外公开发行期刊,不得一稿两投,来稿应附有单位介绍信。每篇论据或综述的篇幅一般4000~5000字左右,具特别重要价值的论文不限字数;实验研究、防治经验、调查报告一般在3000字左右。2.文题 力求简明,充分反映文章的主题,中文文题一般不超过20个汉字,英文文题应符合英文习惯。3.作者与单位4.各类文稿的写作格式(1)论著 由题目、作者、作者单位、摘要(包括:目的、方法、结果、结论)、关键词、前言、材料与方法、结果、讨论、致谢、主要参考文献、英文摘要及关键词等部份组成。(2)综述 摘要、正文、小结、参考文献、英文题目。(3)综合报道 摘要、关键词、前言、正文、展望、小结、英文摘要、参考文献。(4)流行病学调查 摘要(可包括:目的、方法、结果、结论)、关键词、前言、调查对象(或一般情况)与调查方法、结果、讨论、致谢、参考文献、英文摘要、关键词。(5)疾病防治 摘要、关键词、前言、方法、结果、讨论、致谢、参考文献、英文摘要、关键词。(6)病例报告 摘要、关键词、前言、病例报告、讨论、致谢、英文题目。(7)简报或快报 摘要(目的、方法、结果、结论)、关键词、前言、材料与方法、结果与讨论、致谢、参考文献、英文摘要、关键词。(8)其它版面 人物/单位介绍(可附照片)、药物介绍、学术会议纪要、消息(如会议消息)、管理工作经验等栏目按自然段写作。(9)教学论文 按论著格式写。 来稿打印一份寄编辑部,然后用E-mail形式发到杂志社邮箱。稿件处理 来稿一般在2个月内可收到回音,并在9个月内发表。如要求提前发表请特别说明。回修稿件应在1个月内修回,否则视作自动撤稿。请自留稿件,对不采用稿件恕不退回。不论是否采用,稿件寄交时要同时交稿件处理费40元;待发表稿件将收版面费;稿件发表后将酌致稿酬(已含光盘版、网络版稿酬)并赠送当期杂志2册。

352 评论


圆明园由圆明、长春、绮春三园组成,总面积达350公顷。在清代的时候,是皇帝处理公务之所,被誉为“万园之园”圆明园是一座珍宝馆,里面藏有名人字画、秘府典籍、钟鼎宝器、金银珠宝等稀世文物,集中了古代文化的精华。1860年英法联军和1900年八国联军两次洗劫圆明园,园中的建筑被烧毁,文物被劫掠,奇迹和神话般的圆明园变成一片废墟,只剩断垣残壁,供人凭吊。现在只有别的城市重新修建18景,北京市还没有重建,要保留着中华儿女的耻辱!现在圆明园现在位于北京市海淀清华西路28号 Yuanmingyuan by the Yuanming, Changchun, YiChun three Park, with a total area of 350 In the Qing Dynasty, the emperor is the official, as the "Garden of Gardens million" Yuanmingyuan is a treasure museum, which famous people for possession of calligraphy, ancient books and records office secretary, Bao Zhong Ding, gold and silver jewelry, and other rare artifacts, the concentration of ancient 1860 British and French forces in 1900 and the Eight-Power Allied Forces robbed twice Yuanmingyuan, the Garden of the building were burned, cultural relics that were looted, and a miracle into a mythical Yuanmingyuan ruins, leaving only rubble, people pay Now only other city to re-construction of the King 18, Beijing has not rebuild, to keep the Chinese people's shame! Yuanmingyuan is now located in the Haidian District, Beijing Tsinghua West 28

360 评论


Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of a unified China, and his tomb in Xi'an Chengdong 30 Since then, the one buried underground for more than 2,000 years of military RUF was excavated and built the Emperor Qin terracotta warriors and horses pits of the陪葬坑by 1, 2, on the 3rd hole and soldiers yards figurines pit The ceramic funerary display warrior figurines and horses Total 8000, arranged array, the momentum Figurines-General guardians, Kolchuga guardians, kneeling radio figurines, Pit also yields tens of thousands of pieces of combat weapons, the museum display emperor large painting铜车马 Known as "the world's eighth largest miracle" 'Qin terracotta warriors and horses displayed the ancient Chang'an past glories, Changan He also has been the starting point of the Silk Road will become a

155 评论


圆明园中还有一处极具外国建筑特色的园林:西洋楼。 The Old Summer Palace is often associated with the European-style palacesbuilt of The designers of these structures were employed by Emperor Qianlong to satisfy his taste forexoticbuildings and 圆明园中的西洋楼是一处模仿外国建筑风情的园林,乾隆皇帝专门请了外国建筑师来建造这处园林,以满足自己追求新奇的口味。 这座伟大的园林在第二次鸦片战争期间被毁: It took 3,500 British troops to set the entire place ablaze, taking three days to The Palace was plunderedand burned twice, The first time was in 1860 by French and British army forces, and only 13 royal buildings survived to remain intact, most of them in the remote areas or by the lake The second time was in 1900 during the Eight-Nation Alliance invasion, and nothing remained this 3500支英国部队花了三天时间才将圆明园烧成灰烬。圆明园受到了两次洗劫。第一次是1860年英法联军入侵,当时只有13座位置比较偏远的宫殿得以保留;第二次是1900八国联军入侵的时候,这一回整个园林都被烧毁。 圆明园虽然被毁了,但在很多保存完好的园林中,我们仍然能体会到中国园林的独特风情:the combination of landscape、painting and poetry,山水风景与诗画融合,形成了这种独特的poetic garden,使居住在园中的人得到精神上的愉快与安宁:to provide a spiritual Utopia。 中国园林的几大审美要素包括:不对称:asymmetrical;空间艺术:various types of spatial connections;树木、山石和流水:trees、rocks and water;借景:borrowed scenery;题辞:inscriptions;风水:use offeng shuifor choosing site

131 评论


History of ChinaThe recorded history of China began in the 15th century BC when the Shang Dynasty started to use markings that evolved into the present Chinese Turtle shells with markings reminiscent of ancient Chinese writing from the Shang Dynasty have been carbon dated to as early as 1500 BC[1] Chinese civilization originated with city-states in the Yellow River (Huang He) 221 BC is commonly accepted to be the year in which China became unified under a large kingdom or In that year, Qin Shi Huang first united C Successive dynasties in Chinese history developed bureaucratic systems that enabled the Emperor of China to control increasingly larger territory that reached maximum under the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and Manchurian Qing DThe conventional view of Chinese history is that of a country alternating between periods of political unity and disunity and occasionally becoming dominated by foreign peoples, most of whom were assimilated into the Han Chinese Cultural and political influences from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and assimilation, merged to create the Chinese Xia DynastyThe historian Sima Qian (145 BC-90 BC) and the account in Chinese the Bamboo Annals date the founding of the Xia Dynasty to 4,200 years ago, but this date has not been The Shang and Zhou people had existed within the Xia Dynasty since the beginning of X They were Xia’s loyal The exact time of the Xia Dynasty is hard to define, but mainly focused on two options, either 431 years or 471 Shang Dynasty Remnants of advanced, stratified societies dating back to the Shang found in the Yellow River VThe earliest discovered written record of China's past dates from the Shang Dynasty in perhaps the 13th century BC, and takes the form of inscriptions of divination records on the bones or shells of animals—the so-called oracle Archaeological findings providing evidence for the existence of the Shang Dynasty, c 1600–1046 BC is divided into two The first set, from the earlier Shang period (c 1600–1300 BC) comes from sources at Erligang, Zhengzhou and S The second set, from the later Shang or Yin (殷) period, consists of a large body of oracle bone Anyang in modern day Henan has been confirmed as the last of the nine capitals of the Shang (c 1300–1046 BC) The Shang Dynasty featured 31 kings, from Tang of Shang to King Zhou of Shang; it was the longest dynasty in Chinese Zhou Dynasty Bronze ritual vessel, Western Zhou DynastyMain article: Zhou DynastyBy the end of the 2nd millennium BC, the Zhou Dynasty began to emerge in the Yellow River valley, overrunning the S The Zhou appeared to have begun their rule under a semi-feudal The Zhou were a people who lived west of Shang, and the Zhou leader had been appointed "Western Protector" by the S The ruler of the Zhou, King Wu, with the assistance of his brother, the Duke of Zhou, as regent managed to defeat the Shang at the Battle of M The king of Zhou at this time invoked the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to legitimize his rule, a concept that would be influential for almost every successive The Zhou initially moved their capital west to an area near modern Xi'an, near the Yellow River, but they would preside over a series of expansions into the Yangtze River This would be the first of many population migrations from north to south in Chinese Spring and Autumn Period Chinese pu vessel with interlaced dragon design, Spring and Autumn PIn the 8th century BC, power became decentralized during the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时代), named after the influential Spring and Autumn A In this period, local military leaders used by the Zhou began to assert their power and vie for The situation was aggravated by the invasion of other peoples from the northwest, such as the Qin, forcing the Zhou to move their capital east to L This marks the second large phase of the Zhou dynasty: the Eastern Z In each of the hundreds of states that eventually arose, local strongmen held most of the political power and continued their subservience to the Zhou kings in name Local leaders for instance started using royal titles for The Hundred Schools of Thought (诸子百家,诸子百家) of Chinese philosophy blossomed during this period, and such influential intellectual movements as Confucianism (儒家), Taoism (道家), Legalism (法家) and Mohism (墨家) were founded, partly in response to the changing political The Spring and Autumn Period is marked by a falling apart of the central Zhou China now consists of hundreds of states, some only as large as a village with a Warring States PeriodMain article: Warring States PeriodAfter further political consolidation, seven prominent states remained by the end of 5th century BC, and the years in which these few states battled each other are known as the Warring States P Though there remained a nominal Zhou king until 256 BC, he was largely a figurehead and held little real As neighboring territories of these warring states, including areas of modern Sichuan and Liaoning, were annexed, they were governed under the new local administrative system of commandery and prefecture (郡县,郡县) This system had been in use since the Spring and Autumn Period and parts can still be seen in the modern system of Sheng & Xian (province and county, 省县,省县) The final expansion in this period began during the reign of Ying Zheng (嬴政), the king of Q His unification of the other six powers, and further annexations in the modern regions of Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi in 214 BC enabled him to proclaim himself the First Emperor (Qin Shi Huangdi, 秦始皇帝)Qin Dynasty The Terracotta Army of Qin Shi HMain article: Qin DynastyHistorians often refer to the period from Qin Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty as Imperial C Though the unified reign of the Qin (秦) Emperor lasted only 12 years, he managed to subdue great parts of what constitutes the core of the Han Chinese homeland and to unite them under a tightly centralized Legalist government seated at Xianyang (咸阳,咸阳) (close to modern Xi'an) The doctrine of legalism that guided the Qin emphasized strict adherence to a legal code and the absolute power of the This philosophy of Legalism, while effective for expanding the empire in a military fashion, proved unworkable for governing it in Peace The Qin presided over the brutal silencing of political opposition, including the event known as the burning and burying of This would be the impetus behind the later Han Synthesis incorporating the more moderate schools of political Han Dynasty(206 BC-220 AD) A Han Dynasty incense burner with a sliding The Han Dynasty emerged in 206 BC It was the first dynasty to embrace the philosophy of Confucianism, which became the ideological underpinning of all regimes until the end of imperial C Under the Han Dynasty, China made great advances in many areas of the arts and Emperor Wu (Han Wudi 汉武帝,汉武帝) consolidated and extended the Chinese empire by pushing back the Xiongnu (sometimes identified with the Huns) into the steppes of modern Inner Mongolia, wresting from them the modern areas of Gansu, Ningxia and Q This enabled the first opening of trading connections between China and the West, the Silk RNevertheless, land acquisitions by elite families gradually drained the tax In AD 9, the usurper Wang Mang (王莽) founded the short-lived Xin ("New") Dynasty (新朝) and started an extensive program of land and other economic These programs, however, were never supported by the land-holding families, for they favored the The instability brought about chaos and Emperor Guangwu (光武帝) reinstated the Han Dynasty with the support of land-holding and merchant families at Luoyang, east of Xi' This new era would be termed the Eastern Han D Han power declined again amidst land acquisitions, invasions, and feuding between consort clans and The Yellow Turban Rebellion (黄巾之乱,黄巾之乱) broke out in 184, ushering in an era of In the ensuing turmoil, three states tried to gain predominance in the Period of the Three K This time period has been greatly romanticized in works such as Romance of the Three KJin Dynasty (265–420)Though the three kingdoms were reunited temporarily in 278 by the Jin Dynasty, the contemporary non-Han Chinese (Wu Hu, 五胡) ethnic groups controlled much of the country in the early 4th century and provoked large-scale Han Chinese migrations to south of the Chang J In 303 the Di people rebelled and later captured Chengdu, establishing the state of Cheng H Under Liu Yuan the Xiongnu rebelled near today's Linfen County and established the state of Han Z His successor Liu Cong captured and executed the last two Western Jin Sixteen kingdoms were a plethora of short-lived non-Chinese dynasties that came to rule the whole or parts of northern China in the 4th and 5th Many ethnic groups were involved, including ancestors of the Turks, Mongolians, and T Most of these nomadic peoples had to some extent been "Sinicized" long before their ascent to In fact, some of them, notably the Ch'iang and the Xiong-nu, had already been allowed to live in the frontier regions within the Great Wall since late Han Southern and Northern Dynasties A limestone statue of the Bodhisattva, from the Northern Qi Dynasty, 570 AD, made in what is now modern Henan Main article: Southern and Northern DynastiesSignaled by the collapse of East Jin (东晋,东晋) Dynasty in 420, China entered the era of the Southern and Northern D The Han people managed to survive the military attacks from the nomadic tribes of the north, such as the Xian Bei (鲜卑), and their civilization continued to In Southern China, fierce debates about whether Buddhism should be allowed to exist were held frequently by the royal court and Finally, near the end of the Southern and Northern Dynasties era, both Buddhist and Taoist followers compromised and became more tolerant of each In 589, Sui (隋) annexed the last Southern Dynasty, Chen (陈,陈), through military force, and put an end to the era of Southern and Northern DSui DynastyThe Sui Dynasty (隋朝), which managed to reunite the country in 589 after nearly four centuries of political fragmentation, played a role more important than its length of existence would The Sui brought China together again and set up many institutions that were to be adopted by their successors, the T Like the Qin, however, the Sui overused their resources and Also similar to the Qin, traditional history has judged the Sui somewhat As it has stressed the harshness of the Sui regime and the arrogance of its second emperor, giving little credit for the Dynasty's many positive Tang Dynasty A Chinese Tang Dynasty tri-colored glaze porcelain horse ( 700 AD)Main article: Tang DynastyOn June 18, 618, Gaozu (唐高祖) took the throne, and the Tang Dynasty (唐朝) was established, opening a new age of prosperity and innovations in arts and Buddhism, which had gradually been established in China from the first century, became the predominant religion and was adopted by the imperial family and many of the common Chang'an (长安,长安) (modern Xi'an西安), the national capital, is thought to have been the world's largest city at the The Tang and the Han are often referred to as the most prosperous periods of Chinese The Tang, like the Han, kept the trade routes open to the west and south and there was extensive trade with distant foreign countries and many foreign merchants settled in CFive Dynasties and Ten KingdomsMain article: Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms PeriodThe period of political disunity between the Tang and the Song, known as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period (五代十国), lasted little more than half a century, from 907 to During this brief era, when China was in all respects a multi-state system, five regimes succeeded one another rapidly in control of the old Imperial heartland in northern C During this same time, 10 more stable regimes occupied sections of southern and western China, so the period is also referred to as that of the Ten Kingdoms (十国)Song Dynasty and Liao, Jin, Western Xia Homeward Oxherds in Wind and Rain, by Li Di, 12th centuryMain articles: Song Dynasty, Liao Dynasty, Western Xia, and Jin Dynasty, 1115-1234In 960, the Song Dynasty (960-1279) (宋朝) gained power over most of China and established its capital in Kaifeng (汴京/开封,开封), starting a period of economic prosperity, while the Khitan Liao Dynasty (契丹族辽国,契丹族辽国) ruled over Manchuria and eastern M In 1115 the Jurchen Jin Dynasty (1115-1234) (女真族金国,女真族金国) emerged to prominence, annihilating the Liao Dynasty in 10 Meanwhile, in what are now the northwestern Chinese provinces of Gansu, Shaanxi, and Ningxia, there emerged a Western Xia Dynasty (西夏) from 1032 up to 1227, established by Tangut Yuan Dynasty Yang Guifei Mounting a Horse, by Qian Xuan (1235-1305 AD)Jurchen tribes' Jin Dynasty, whose names are also rendered "Jin" in pinyin, was defeated by the Mongols, who then proceeded to defeat the Southern Song in a long and bloody war, the first war where firearms played an important During the era after the war, later called the Pax Mongolica, adventurous Westerners such as Marco Polo travelled all the way to China and brought the first reports of its wonders to E In the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongols were divided between those who wanted to remain based in the steppes and those who wished to adopt the customs of the ChineseMing Dynasty Court Ladies of the Former Shu, by Ming painter Tang Yin (1470-1523)Throughout a short-lived Yuan Dynasty, there was strong sentiment, among the populace, against the rule of the foreigners, which finally led to peasant The Mongolians were pushed back to the steppes and replaced by the Ming Dynasty (明朝) in Qing DynastyMain article: Qing DynastyThe Qing Dynasty (清朝, 1644–1911) was founded after the defeat of the Ming, the last Han Chinese dynasty, by the Manchus (满族,满族) The Manchus were formerly known as the Jurchen and invaded from the north in the late seventeenth An estimated 25 million people died during the Manchu conquest of Ming Dynasty (1616-1644)

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Archaeological Finds考古发现~~~~

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名称由来 “圆明园”,是由康熙皇帝命名的。康熙皇帝御书三字匾牌,就悬挂在圆明园殿的门楣上方。对这个 圆明园园名雍正皇帝有个解释,说“圆明”二字的含义是:“圆而入神,君子之时中也;明而普照,达人之睿智也。”意思是说,“圆”是指个人品德圆满无缺,超越常人;“明”是指政治业绩明光普照,完美明智。这可以说是封建时代统治阶级标榜明君贤相的理想标准。 另外,“圆明”是雍正皇帝自皇子时期一直使用的佛号,雍正皇帝崇信佛教,号“圆明居士”,并对佛法有很深的研究。著有《御选语录》19卷和《御制拣魔辨异录》。在清初的佛教宗派格局中,雍正皇帝以禅门宗匠自居,并以“天下主”的身份对佛教施以影响,努力提倡“三教合一”和“禅净合一”,是佛教发展史上非常重要的人物。康熙皇帝在把园林赐给胤禛(后为雍正皇帝)时,亲题园名为“圆明园”正是取意于雍正的法号“圆明”。历史发展 圆明园是清代著名的皇家园林之一。圆明三园面积五千二百余亩,一百五十余景。圆明园最初是康熙皇帝赐给皇四子胤禛(即后来的雍正皇帝)的花园。在康熙四十六年即公元1707年时,园已初具规模。同年十一月,康熙皇帝曾亲临圆明园游赏。雍正皇帝于1723年即位后,拓展原赐园,并在园南增建了正大光明殿和勤正殿以及内阁、六部、军机处诸值房,御以"避喧听政"。乾隆皇帝在位60年,对圆明园岁岁营构, 圆明园原貌日日修华,浚水移石,费银千万。他除了对圆明园进行局部增建、改建之外,除在紧东邻新建了长春园,在东南邻并入了绮春园。至乾隆三十五年即1770年,圆明三园的格局基本形成。嘉庆朝,主要对绮春园进行修缮和拓建,使之成为主要园居场所之一。道光朝时,国事日衰,财力不足,但宁撤万寿、香山、玉泉"三山"的陈设,罢热河避暑与木兰狩猎,仍不放弃圆明三园的改建和装饰。遭遇浩劫 ·历史背景 清军入关定都北京 至清代中叶,整个国家的科学技术已大大落后于西方,阶级矛盾日益尖锐,1840年(道光二十年)西方殖民主义者挑起侵华战争——第一次鸦片战争;随后国内又爆发了反抗清王朝统治的“太平天国”。 1856年10月,英国和法国联合发动了第2次鸦片战争。先在广州两度挑起战端,但未达到予期愿望。为了对清政府直接施加压力,就决计陈兵京城。侵略军于1858年5月近逼天津,清政府被迫分别与英、法、俄、美签订了丧权辱国的“天津条约”。 1860年(咸丰十年)7月,英法侵者军舰队再次闯到大沽口外,以英法公使进京换约为幌子,一面武力进逼,一面诱以“讲和”。目的在于陈兵京师,逼清廷就范。腐败无能的清政府迟迟不定战守之策。侵略军长驱直逼通州。9月21日,通州八里桥决战清军失利,次日晨,咸丰皇帝仓皇自圆明园逃奔承德避暑山庄而去,造成都城无主,百官皆散,军卒志懈,民心大恐的危机局面。 圆明园于咸丰十年,即1860年的10月,遭到英法联军的洗劫和焚毁,成为中国近代史上的一页屈辱史。 2010年,英国、法国入选中国世界纪录协会世界最大的两个文物强盗,英国法国火烧圆明园同时入选中国世界纪录协会世界最大的文物毁灭罪行。英国法国创造了两项无耻的世界之最。 ·抢劫圆明园 1860年10月6日,英法联军绕经北京城东北郊直扑圆明园,当时,僧格林沁、瑞麟残部在城北一带稍事抵抗,即行逃散。法军先行,于当天下午经海淀,10月6日傍晚,侵略军闯入圆明园大宫门。此时,在出入贤良门内,有二十余名圆明园技勇太监同敌人接仗,“遇难不恐,奋力直前”,但终因寡不敌众,圆明园技勇“八品首领”任亮等人以身殉职。至晚7时,法侵略军攻占了圆明园。管园大臣文丰投福海而死。 10月7日,英法侵华头目闯进圆明园后,立即“协派英法委员各三人合议分派园内之珍物。”法军司令孟托邦当天即函告法外务大臣:“予命法国委员注意,先取在艺术及考古上最有价值之物品。予行将以法国极罕见之物由阁下以奉献皇帝陛下(拿破仑三世),而藏之于法国博物院。”英国司令格兰特也立刻“派军官竭力收集应属于英人之物件。”法英侵略军入园的第二天就不再能抵抗物品的诱惑力,军官和士兵们都成群打伙冲上前去抢劫园中的金银财宝和文化艺术珍品。 圆明园可抢的东西实在太多。据一个英军目击者称,在整个法军营帐内满堆着很多装潢异常华丽的各色钟表,在士兵的帐篷周围,到处都是绸缎和刺绣品。一个名叫赫利思的英国二等带兵官,因在圆明园劫掠致富,享用终身,得了个“中国詹姆”的绰号。 圆明园英法侵略者究竟抢走了圆明园多少宝物,由于园内的陈设什物及其帐目都一并被抢毁一空,所以已永远无法说清。以下资料或许可藉以管中窥豹。清室史料表明,圆明园内当时仅陈列和库存的欧洲各式大小钟表即达441件,劫后幸存的只有一件大钟。事后查缴被土匪抢走和侵略军“委弃道途”的一部分失散物件即达1197件,这充其量只不过是园内物件的千分之一二。据当时《泰晤士报》一则通讯称:“据估计,被劫掠和被破坏的财产,总值超过600万镑”。实际上,被英法侵略军抢走和破坏的物件,有很大一部分实属无价之宝。这摧残人类文化的滔天大罪,实在令人发指! 据参与的目击过劫掠现场的英法军官、牧师、记者描述:军官和士兵,英国人和法国人,为了攫取财宝,从四面八方涌进圆明园,纵倩肆意,予取予夺,手忙脚乱,纷纭万状。他们为了抢夺财宝,互相殴打,甚至发生过械斗。因为园内珍宝太多,他们一时不知该拿何物为好,有的搬走景泰兰瓷瓶,有的贪恋绣花长袍,有的挑选高级皮大衣,有的去拿镶嵌珠玉的挂钟。有的背负大口袋,装满了各色各样的珍宝。有的往外衣宽大的口袋里装进金条和金叶;有的半身缠着织锦绸缎;有的帽子里放满了红蓝宝石、珍珠和水晶石;有的脖子上挂着翡翠项圈。有一处厢房里有堆积如山的高级绸缎,据说足够北京居民半数之用,都被士兵们用大车运走。-个英国军官从一座有500尊神像的庙里掠得一个金佛像,可值1,200英镑。一个法国军官抢劫了价值60万法郎的财物。法军总司令孟托邦的儿子掠得的财宝可值30万法郎,装满了好几辆马车。一个名叫赫利思的英军二等带兵官,一次即从园内窃得二座金佛塔(均为三层,一座高7英尺,一座高4英尺)及其他大量珍宝,找了7名壮夫替他搬运回军营。。侵略者除了大肆抢掠之外,被他们糟踏了的东西更不计其数。有几间房子充满绸缎服装,衣服被从箱子拖出来扔了一地,人走进屋里,几乎可遮没膝盖。工兵们带着大斧,把家具统统砸碎,取下上边的宝石。一些人打碎大镜子,另一些人凶狠地向大烛台开枪射击,以此取乐。大部分法国士兵手抡木棍,将不能带走的东西全部捣碎。当10月9日,法国军队暂时撤离圆明园时,这处秀丽园林,已被毁坏得满目狼疮。 ·火烧圆明园 正当清政府对侵略者屈膝退让,答应接受全部“议和”条件,择日签约时,英国侵华头目额尔金、格兰特,为了给其侵华行为留下“赫然严厉”的印象,使清政府“惕然震惊”,竟借口其清政府逮捕公使和劣待战俘,悍然下令火烧圆明园。额尔金想通过烧毁圆明园传递这样一个信息:应该为逮捕公使和劣待俘虏等暴行负责的是中国皇帝和他的走卒,而不是中国老百姓。报复行动的前几天,额尔金命令在北京全城张贴如下公告,宣示英法联军火烧圆明园的目的:“任何人——哪怕地位再高——犯下欺诈和暴行以后,都不能逃脱责任和惩罚;圆明园将于(1860年10月)18日被烧毁,作为对中国皇帝背信弃义的惩罚;只有清帝国政府应该对此负责,与暴行无关的百姓不必担心受到伤害。”(译自英文) 10月18日、19日,三四千名英军在园内到处纵火,大火三昼夜不熄,烟云笼罩北京城,久久不散。这座举世无双的园林杰作被一齐付之一炬。事后据清室官员查奏,偌大的圆明三园内仅有二三十座殿宇亭阁及庙宇、官门、值房等建筑幸存,但门窗多有不齐,室内陈设、几案均尽遭劫掠。自此同时,万寿山清漪园、香山静宜园和玉泉山静明园的部分建筑也遭到焚毁。 据有关材料记载,10月18日,英国侵略军烧毁安佑宫时,因他们来得突然,主事太监又反锁着安佑宫的大门,所以,当时有太监、宫女、工匠等共300人,被活活烧死在安佑宫。 圆明园陷入一片火海的时候,额尔金得意妄行地宣称:“此举将使中国与欧洲惕然震惊,其效远非万里之外之人所能想象者”。放火的主使者把这种行径看作了不起的业绩,而全世界的正直人们却为这野蛮的罪行所激怒。雨果在1861年写道:“有一天,两个强盗闯进了圆明园,一个洗劫,另一个放火。似乎得胜之后,便可以动手行窃了……两个胜利者,一个塞满了腰包,这是看得见的,另一个装满了箱箧。他们手挽着手,笑嘻嘻地回到了欧洲。 “将受到历史制裁的这两个强盗,一个叫法兰西,另一个叫英吉利。”这段话代表着千百万正直人的心声。 圆明园还在熊熊燃烧之时,奉命留守北京的恭亲王奕?全部承诺了侵略者的一切条件。不久即分别与英、法、俄诸国交换了《天津条约》文本,签订了《北京条约》。衰败过程 当英法联军对圆明园疯狂地进行洗劫时,就有无数的土匪参与了打劫。能拿走的统统拿走,拿不动的用车或者牲口拉,实在拿不走就任意破坏!那群没人性的英法联军选择最贵重的东西抢劫,土匪掠夺剩余的精华,小民则捡拾委弃于道途的零碎,甚至守园太监也有趁火打劫者。易得的值钱物品很快被搜罗干净了,有人又把希望寄托在散落、埋没于尘土中的细碎宝物上,他们操起扫帚和簸箕,在园中道路上飞沙扬尘,守园的太监官兵将他们称为“筛土贼”,时有谚曰:“筛土,筛土,一辈子不受苦”。 1900年八国联军[这八个土匪强盗是:英国、法国、普鲁士(德国)、沙俄、美国、日本、意大利、奥匈帝国(今奥地利和匈牙利)]侵占北京,西郊诸园再遭劫掠。这一次,清政府对圆明园已完全失去了控制,趁火打劫的人已不再满足于抢劫 圆明园洋人劫余的财富,他们把园内火劫之余的零星分散的建筑、木桥的柱子、桩子锯断,用大绳拉倒,园内大小树木也被滥伐殆尽。当时清河镇上木材堆积如山,交易繁忙,而园内则炭厂林立,树枝、树根全被烧成木炭。 民国初期走马灯一样更迭的军阀,都把圆明园作为取之不尽的建筑材料场,溥仪时期的档案留下了不少无奈的记录:“军人押车每日10余大车拉运园中太湖石。”实际上,拆卖的情况远比档案中记载的严重得多。徐世昌拆走圆明园属鸣春园与镜春园的木材,王怀 庆拆毁园中安佑宫大墙及西洋楼石料。从此,圆明园废墟凡能作建筑材料的东西,从地面的方砖、屋瓦、墙砖、石条,及地下的木钉、木桩、铜管道等全被搜罗干净,断断续续拉了20多年! 至此,圆明园建筑、林木、砖石皆已荡然无存.宣统末年,当地旗人已在园内的宫殿旧址上筑屋,昔日的皇家园林麦垅相望。1940年以后的日寇占领时期,北京粮食紧张,于是奖励开荒。从这时起,农户陆续入园平山填湖,开田种稻。圆明园这处在清初盛世历经150余年苦心经营的湖山之胜,面目全非。遗址保护及整修 1949年,中华人民共和国成立后,人民政府十分重视圆明园遗址的保护,先后将其列为公园用地和重点文物保护单位,征收了园内旱地、进行了大规模植树绿化。在十年动乱中,遗址虽然遭到过一些破坏,但它毕竟被保住了:整个园子的水系山形和万园之园的园林格局依然存在,近半数的土地成为绿化地带。十几万株树木蔚然成林,多数建筑基址尚可找到,数十处假山叠石仍然可见,西洋楼遗址的石雕残迹颇引人注目。 1976年正式成立圆明园管理处之后,遗址保护、园林绿化有明显进展,西洋楼一带得到局部清理和整理,整个遗址东半部的园林道路、园杯设施从无到有,逐年有所改善,来园凭吊游览者有大幅度增加,圆明园园史展览馆,自1979年11月举办,其中十分之一为中小学生集体参观。1983年,经国务院批准的《北京城市建设总体规划方案》,明确把圆明园规划为遗址公园。同年,北京市政府拨出专款,修复了长春园的东北南三面2,300米虎皮石围墙。在北京市和海淀区政府及圆明园学会等社会各界的关心支持下,1984年9月圆明园管理处与海淀乡园内农民实现了联合,采取民办公助形式,依靠社会备方面力量,共同开发建设遗址公园。从而使遗址保护整修工作迈出有决定意义的一步。首期工程是整修福海,1984年12月1日破土动工,历时7个月蓄水放船。1985年孟冬接着整修绮春园山形水系,至次年初夏完成。这两期工程均以挖湖补山为主,并修建园路桥涵和园林服务设施,清整古建基址,进行绿化美化。两年动土方40万立方米,使ll0公顷范围的山形水系基本恢复原貌,其中水面55公顷。福海中心蓬岛瑶台东岛的"瀛海仙山"亭和西岛庭院,绮春园的新宫门,以及西洋楼的欧式迷宫(万花阵),均已在原址按照原样修复。后又经两年整修提高,遗址公园初具规模,于1988年6月29日,正式向社会售票开放。6年来,园内游人已超过1,000万。 圆明园遗址公园的整修建设主要进行了6个方面的工作;一是继续完善提高了福海、绮春园两景区的绿化美化、园路桥涵和服务设施。二是园林遗址的清理整理水平有明显提高。这两个景区已有蓬岛瑶台、涵虚郎鉴、观澜堂、别有洞夭、涵秋馆、天心水面、凤麟洲等十余处遗址,清运碴土,廓清石建基址,整理临水台基,界定遗址范围,立石镌刻盛时图景,供游人凭吊。三是择要修复了几处景点,如绮春园的仙人承露台、?碧字和浩然亭,福海别有洞天的四方亭等。四是全面补砌了绮春园东半部的河湖自然石驳岸,计4,960延长米。五是全面清理整理了西洋楼遗址的西半部,清运碴土16,000立方米,廓清谐奇趣、蓄水楼、养雀宠、方外观、五竹亭、海晏堂等各座古建基址及喷水池,并归位大批台基柱壁等石件。六是从1992年12月起,全面整修长春园山形水系,至1994年4月基本竣工。共动土方20多万立方米,浚挖河湖水面28公顷,整砌石驳岸9,500延长米,整理山形42座,使该园山形水系均基本恢复原貌。并整理了海岳开襟、思永斋、流香诸、得全阁、鉴园、狮子林等处园林遗址和临水台基;挖掘复位乾隆御题匾诗刻石31件;种植各类乔灌木35400余株(丛),栽种莲藉藕10公顷。至此,圆明三园整个东半部(200公顷)已初步连片建成遗址园林。如今的圆明园遗址公园,已是山青水碧,林木葱茂,花草芬芳,景色诱人。它既富于遗址特色,又具备公园功能,是一处进行爱国主义教育及群众游憩的好去处。 由国家与园内农民联合建园这一形式,经数年过渡,全面开辟遗址公园的条件渐趋成熟。按照首都建设总体规划的要求,为加快遗址公园建设步伐,于1990年和1993年分两批正式办理了遗址公园全部占地的征用手续,将园内原以土地谋生的农民转为非农业人口,并安置其劳动力从事园林建设。这就为在圆明三园范围内全面建设遗址公园、保护文物古迹创造了全新的条件。争取恢复原样。Origin of the name \u0026quot;Summer Palace\u0026quot;, is named by the Emperor K Emperor Kangxi Yu Shu words plaque to hang above the doorway in the house of the Y Name of the Emperor Yongzheng Yuanmingyuan Park have explained that the \u0026quot;Ming\u0026quot; is the meaning of the word: \u0026quot;round and ecstatic, also the time of the gentleman; out and shine, up to one of the wise \u0026quot; Mean, \u0026quot;round \u0026quot;refers to the personal qualities be full, beyond the ordinary;\u0026quot; that \u0026quot;refers to the political results of Mingguang shine, perfect This can be advertised feudal ruling class could maintain Xianxiang In addition, the \u0026quot;Ming\u0026quot; is the Emperor Yongzheng period has been used since the prince

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写作思路:根据历史为主题,以中国为基调来展开描写,紧扣叙述与描写的内容,力求做到不突兀、不生硬,不长篇大论或肆意抒情,有情真意切之感。范文:China, one of the four oldest civilizations in the world, has a written history of 4,000 years and boasts rich cultural relics and historical sites It is the inventor of compass, paper-making, gunpowder and printing The Great中国是世界四大文明古国之一,有着4000年的文字历史,拥有丰富的文物古迹。它是伟大的指南针、造纸、火药和印刷术的发明者。Wall, Grand Canal and Karez irrigation system are three great ancient Engineering projects built 2,000 years ago Now they are the symbols of the rich culture of the Chinese nation China has gone over a long history of primitive长城、大运河和坎儿井灌溉系统是建于2000年前的三大古代工程。现在他们是中华民族丰富文化的象征。中国有着悠久的原始文明历史society, slavery society, feudal society and semi-feudal semi-colonial society and the present socialist societyCondensed China is an introduction to Chinese history封建社会、奴隶制社会、封建社会、半殖民地社会。现在的社会主义社会。浓缩中国是中国历史的导论。

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