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AbstractWith the information age developing, IT is getting more and more important on agriculture So strengthens agricultural technology informationization constructs is necessary for improving agricultural synthesis productivity and constructs agricultural technology Developing an Agricultural Technology Asp is getting to be an important It can receive some agricultural technology consultations from the farmer friends; it can also promote agricultural technician to guide and help these farmers in all So Agricultural Technology Asp is worth tasking seriously and The article combined the need that our college constructs national demonstrative college with the actual The article analyzed and designs an Agricultural Technology Asp on This Asp made full of Agricultural science and technology intelligence resources and Information technology resources in our college to strengthen our college’s social service This Asp played active roles in regional economic development and socialism new rural The article’s fundamental analysed ASP’s technical system The article discussed B/S structure and the use of ASP in WEB The system under the Windows 2003 Server operating system used IIS to built Web Virtual Server, and used ADO controls to access Access 2003 D The article analyzed the need of this system and made sure of entire frameworks and the entire The article analyzed all modules in Agricultural Technology Asp in detail and defined all of the modules’ function demand and It realized all kinds of the function which proposed in analysis The article summarized the system operation, the test result showed that the system’s operation condition is stable; the users’ responses are So the Asp can perform in the network The Agricultural Technology Asp system has been used on Liaoning Agricultural College’s campus Key Words: agricultural technology; network; information service; Asp; Web 可能吧
245 评论


陕西农业科学》投稿须知  《陕西农业科学》属综合性农业科技期刊,主要报道农、林、水、土等方面的试验研究、新技术的推广与应用、新品种的介绍与推广、研究综述和农村经济发展问题等。主要栏目:农业试验研究、农艺探讨、经济论坛新农村建设、农业实用技术等。  《陕西农业科学》承蒙大家的关心和支持,2008年再次被国家科技部评为:中国科技核心期刊。敬请广大读者和作者继续关注和支持《陕西农业科学》的发展。  稿件格式要求按文题、作者姓名、工作单位、邮编、提要、关键词、正文、作者简介、参考文献(精确到页码)顺序编排,。而且,必须在文章首页或末页附作者电话和详细通讯地址。  文章要求电子稿件,文字和格式规范,字迹清楚,采用国家规定的统一计量单位与符号。文中图、表力求少而精。每篇文章不超过5000字。“提要”在200字以内,“关键词”为3~5个,附英文篇名、作者简介和研究项目来源。  网上投稿必须以附件的形式发送。也可以直接通过QQ投稿。请勿一稿两投,文章经三审通过后,编辑部会及时与作者联系。刊用后酌付稿酬。

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Figure 1 B/S structure information service platform user service application principle schematic drawing chart 2 website onstage function module chart chart 3 website backstage function module chart chart 4 website onstage page logical organization schematic drawing chart 5 website backstage page logical organization schematic drawing chart 2 manager entity E-R the chart chart 1 user entity E-R chart chart 3 data dictionary chart 4 onstage user operation flow chart chart 5 backstage managers operate the flow chartbased on the ASP agricultural technology information service platform design and the realization

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