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SOME DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CHINESE AND WESTERN EDUCATION Education must meet the challenges of a changing world, and in doing so, no student must be left We teach our students for the world that will be, not the world that was and will not come Please do not think I am critical of China, there are so many things I admire and respect in China but as a westerner I firmly believe we all learn from each other when we talk about our differences, as good friends Today I will speak on four main subjects of western education:- 1, A General Introduction to the Western Educational Environment Teachers and Teaching Beliefs in Western Countries The Differences between Chinese and Western Students The Changing ClassroomWhen Chinese teachers talk about western education they think it is all the same in every western or foreign country but education is very different in England from America while Australia is different again from England and America and South Africa is very different again with its heavy teaching of African culture A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE WESTERN EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTSouth Africa is considered to have one of the best educational systems in the world and since 2005 has focused heavily on literacy, mathematics and the African culture of art, history and music The Australian educational system prepares students for adult life and makes sure that all students have knowledge and a very clear understanding of the world we all Meanwhile the English educational system prepares students for opportunities, responsibilities and the experiences of the adult life they will have in the The American educational system is considered one of the worst in the world with very badly paid The man collecting garbage in the streets earns more money than American There are very over crowded classrooms and some schools do not have enough money to look after their students Further more, American teachers have eight weeks summer holidays each year but do not receive pay for all this Many are forced to find work as waiters or serve in a shop to support their families or themselves during this Many excellent American school teachers now work in foreign countries such as China where education and teachers are TEACHERS AND TEACHING BELIEFS IN WESTERN COUNTRIES Most teachers of the world teach with books, in a classroom with a blackboard but it is the communication skills and culture of each country all over the world that creates the differences in our classrooms, and yet in many ways, we are all the We believe our Western teachers must have a kind heart, be very patient with a strong generosity, endurance and Further more, in our class room the student is the most important person not the We are there to help, advise and encourage students on their journey to We do not believe in shouting at a student if they get an answer wrong, it is not a terrible crime because next time, or the time after that, or the time after that they will get it right if you encourage and guide them We firmly believe in the west that you, as a teacher set students on the path for If you shout at a student enough they will lose heart and never get it Surely a teacher encourages, helps and inspires students to do better not only for themselves but for their parents and China We all need to ask ourselves how many good students have been lost to us, and our countries, because of bad teaching both here and in the The bond, and communication, formed between a teacher and student is very important to us, in fact, we consider this one of the most important responsibilities we We become friends of a kind and this friendship, and guidance continues long into When my students achieve in adult life they come and tell me and I fell so proud and happy for As western teachers we constantly move around the classroom and try, every lesson, to talk to each individual I also make direct eye contact with students because in the western culture we believe that you are not a good person unless you look a person directly in the eye when speaking to My students are encouraged to get up and walk over to me when they have a question or need I teach English so my class room is very noisy because we believe that students must talk in English for the entire class to me or to each How else will they learn to speak English? I talk for only 20% of my class time and the students speak English for up to 80%Finally, on the subject of teachers and teaching we believe that a western teacher should be sent to a new school to teach every few years to learn new skills and ideas and the teacher will also get a fresh approach to When we foreign teachers here at No 1 Middle School go home we will take with us many things we have learnt here and will be much better teachers, with many new ideas, for this SOME DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CHINESE AND WESTERN TEACHERSStudents are the same the world over but in China the students are so respectful, polite friendly and well mannered it is a delight to teach We foreign teachers consider that the Chinese students are generally much happier with a very strong love not only for their country but for their parents as This is not always apparent in the western There is much more pressure on the students here to achieve top marks and so enter top The western educational system has changed because we found that we had so many people with degrees who only wanted professional work, but who was going to fix the lights when they were not working or drive the taxis? We now recognize the value of choice for students because we all cannot get top marks and many students will never get top marks but will go to lead happy and successful Students in the west usually start school at 9am and finish at 30pm, leaving them plenty of time to be creative, play sport and learn about life in All of the western educational systems recognize the importance of teaching the young about their future lives as adults and the responsibilities they We recognize in the west that these students are always tired, because that is the time in their lives when they are growing to their full height, and you may have noticed that we westerners are a tall race of It is said we have become lazy in the west because we do not have to compete to enter universities, and it is true, because we do not have to compete really hard for anything because of a smaller We can go back many times to university in our lives to study or learn new It is not unusual for 60 or 70 year olds to be at university working towards another The oldest person was a 90 year old American woman who obtained a degree several years THE CHANGING WESTERN CLASSROOMStudent learning, in the west, is no longer only in the classroom because of the changes in Computers, particularly laptops now mean that students can study anywhere anytime online and use the internet as a wonderful source of information and referenceAustralia has started home learning through television programs starting at 6 in the morning, which enables students to study for a degree in their own home without a computerFinally I have talked about the di9fferences in Chinese and Western education because I am among friends and so that we may all learn from each It may help our students to achieve and have a very happy and successful We are teachers and this is what we do
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讲授课程本科生:学前心理学、幼儿学习心理学、儿童心理学史、心理测量与诊断、教育科学研究方法等研究生:儿童心理学理论动态研究、儿童游戏论、教育科学研究方法等现指导研究生14名主要科研方向学前儿童创造潜能的开发、学前儿童游戏心理主要科研项目共出版著作40余部(其中,主编30余部),发表论文90余篇(其中,SSCI检索论文摘要1篇,重点刊物论文30余篇,外刊7篇),出版教学录像片两部,获省级科研成果奖励6项、校级科研成果奖励3项。 主持的科研项目吉林省教育科学十一五规划课题:“在合作学习中促进幼儿创造力与社会性和谐发展的策略研究”(已结题)教育部人文社会科学研究2007年度规划基金项目“幼儿合作学习的理论与实践研究””(已结题)吉林省教育科学“十二五”规划项目“中国农村学前教育的历史考察与当代关照研究”(进行中)主要科研成果论文类(1995年至1997年在外刊上发表的文章)“中日两国母亲育儿心理的对比研究”,《日本国际幼儿教育学会研究论文集》,8“儿童发展加速现象研究”(1),《日本教育心理学会论文集》,9“中日两国儿童发展勾配现象的研究”,《第21回OMEP世界大会发表论文集录》,8“儿童发展加速现象研究”(2),《日本教育心理学会论文集》,11“中学生食生活的教材开发”,《日本弘前大学教育实践研究集录》,3(获校级科研成果奖)“青森县初高中女生食生活的现状调查”,《日本弘前大学教科教育研究纪要》3“关于女子高中“间食”的授课实践研究”,《日本弘前大学教科教育研究纪要》,12(获校级科研成果奖)重点刊物与CSSCI论文王小英:“国外关于游戏功能研究的新近展”,《学前教育研究》1王小英:“关于游戏经验对幼儿解决问题效用的研究”,(1)《学前教育研究》4王小英:“关于游戏经验对幼儿解决问题效用的研究”,(2),《学前教育研究》5王小英:“日本保育内容的几种建构学说及其启示”,《教育导刊》1 (中国人大复印报刊资料)6全文转载)王小英,王丽娟:“个体概念早期发生探微”,《学前教育研究》,3丰田弘思,米谷光弘,车文博,高健,王小英:“关于日中大学生记忆活动的比较研究”,《心理学探新》1王小英,陈容辉:“学习障碍儿童的‘障碍’探析与鉴别”,《学前教育研究》5王小英,张宇:“幼儿亲社会行为发展的制约因素与对策”,《学前教育研究》,6丰田弘思,车文博,米谷光弘,高健,王小英:“关于中日大学生精制化活动的比较研究”,《心理科学》1王小英,郭娟:“儿童阅读障碍的生成与诊治研究综述”,《学前教育研究》,1王小英:“学前儿童创造人格的构成与塑造”,《东北师大学报》(哲社版),2王小英:“哲学视角下儿童游戏的意义”,《河北师范大学学报》(教育科学版),3王小英,杨艳:“不同年龄阶段幼儿发散思维发展的特点及趋势”,《学前教育研究》,9王小英,王丽娟,郭丽华:“近十年来国外游戏研究新进展”,《心理科学》,5((中国人大复印报刊资料《心理学》)2全文转载))王小英,努尔沙拉:“从历史角度看游戏在日本幼儿园教育中的地位”,《外国教育研究》,10Wang,XY, Yang,Y,Li,L “Research on features of divergent thinking development of children aged 3- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 2004,39(5-6):192-(SSCI)王小英:“幼儿创造力发展的特点及其教育教学对策”,《东北师大学报》(哲社版),2005年第2期。王小英:“论发展中的学校教研工作”,《中小学教师培训》,3王小英:“无为而为的游戏活动与幼儿的创造力发展”,《东北师大学报》(哲社版),4王小英,杨海燕:“4-6岁儿童未来时间认知教学的实验研究”,《心理科学》,5(9月)王小英:“探寻儿童游戏意义的新视野”,《学前教育研究》,10王小英:“日本幼儿教育今后发展的方向:整合性与连续性”,《外国教育研究》,2王小英,车文博:“精神分析在日本的传播与发展”,《心理科学》5王小英:“教育原点的偏离与回归:点化与润泽生命”,《学前教育研究》,4王小英(通讯作者):“走进幼儿生命的教育—一场关于幼儿园教育活动的对话”,《学前教育研究》,4王小英,石丽娜:“3—6岁幼儿合作学习的水平与特点”,《学前教育研究》,12孙贺群,王小英:“儿童同伴合作学习的价值、机制与促进策略——基于建构主义学习理论的视角”,《学前教育研究》,10张宇,王小英:“20世纪以来联邦干预下美国学前教育的发展与启示”,《外国教育研究》,3王小英等:“3—6岁儿童情绪理解过程:情绪表现、归因和调节”,《心理科学》,4王小英等:“幼儿合作学习的理论基础与指导策略”,《东北师范大学学报》(哲社版),6张宇,王小英:“论中小学教师教育智慧的生成”,《当代教育科学》,12孙贺群,王小英:“从保守走向进步:历史视野中20世纪初美国学前教育课程改革”,《河北师范大学学报》,12孙贺群,王小英:“嬗变与走向:美国学前课程的历史转型及启示”,《外国教育研究》,1核心期刊与省级论文王小英:“幼儿体验认知的近期效果与远期效果”,《早期教育》,8王小英:“切勿扭曲儿童人格的发展”,《幼儿教育》,10王小英:“父母如何满足婴儿交际的需要”,《幼儿教育》,12(《教育文摘周报》1全文转载)王小英:“亲子关系与儿童发展”,《幼儿教育》7-8王小英:“满足儿童印象的需要”,《早期教育》3王小英:“坚持教学改革,提高学生整体素质”,《教学研究》1王小英:“让孩子学习乐观”,《家政与家教》1999创刊号王小英:“托起孩子,让他飞!”,《家政与家教》3王小英,万垒俊:“学习困难学生的心理成因分析与鉴定”,《普教研究》1王小英:“母子互动关系的建立及其心理学的意义”,《教育导刊》3王小英:“孩子生活中的父亲”,《为了孩子》4王小英,陈容辉:“学生厌学的机理与防治策略”,《现代中小学教育》5王小英:“帮助儿童形成积极的自我概念”,《幼儿教育》3王小英:“开发幼儿创造潜能应注意的几个问题”,《教育导刊》4王小英:“父所不欲,勿施于子”,《早期教育》,6(下)王小英:“让孩子扎牢生命的根”,《早期教育》,12(下)王小英:“论儿童游戏与动物游戏的联系与区别”,《教育导刊》12王小英:“瑞吉欧方案教学与幼儿创造潜能开发”,《幼教新视野》,1王小英:“幼儿园创造教育研究方案设计与实施”,《幼教新视野》,2王小英,万磊俊:“学前儿童自我的成长与扶植”,《幼教新视野》,3王小英:“母-婴心理治疗系统模型述评”,《中国家庭教育》,3王小英:“幼儿园教科研活动应以幼儿发展为本”,《幼儿教育》,10王小英:“父亲的教育职能与儿童的身心发展”,《幼教新视野》,1王小英,杨继英:“从人才观的视角透视学前期家庭健康教育的意义”,《中国家庭教育》,2王小英:“要学会敬畏生命”,《教育导刊》,2王小英:“日本幼儿园教育课程研究动向”,《幼儿教育》,2孙冬颖,王小英:“被忽视幼儿的行为表现及其教育对策”,《幼教新视野》,2王小英,李雪艳:“论运用恰当的刺激模式发展幼儿的创造力”,《教育导刊》,3王小英:“心理咨询师在日本幼儿园”,《幼儿教育》,5王小英,王琦:“图画书:选择有要领,阅读有诀窍”,《为了孩子》,6王小英,王晓娟:“教玩具的安全隐患及预防措施”,《幼儿教育》,11王小英:“警惕早期教育窄化的学习倾向”,《教育导刊》,12王小英:“儿童游戏乃‘无为而为’”,《中国视野下的学前教育》(朱家雄主编),华东师范大学出版社,11王小英:“幼儿园活动环境的创设与教育活动的指导”,《幼教新视野》,2王小英,员春蕊:“幼儿心理问题解答”,《学前教育》(家教版),6王小英:“开发课程资源不容忽视的路径:幼儿合作学习”,《儿童与健康》,1王小英,石丽娜:“幼儿合作学习的意义、内涵及特点”,《学前教育》,1、2王小英:“合作学习的历史演进与当代价值”,《教育导刊》(专家论坛),1王小英:“幼儿合作学习的组织策略”,《教育导刊》(专家论坛),2王小英:“正确认识与处理幼儿合作学习中的四个关系”,《教育导刊》(专家论坛),3王小英:“幼儿园教育教学活动应凸显对‘人’的关照”,《教育导刊》(专家论坛),7王小英:“关于教学的几点思考”,《教育导刊》(专家论坛),8王小英:“走向为学而教”,《教育导刊》(专家论坛),9著作与教材类王小英,满晶编著:《学前心理学》(主编),东北师范大学出版社,1999年1月廖桂春,王小英,蔡珂馨主编:《幼儿园课程目标与评估》,东北师范大学出版社, 1999年5月廖桂春,王小英,蔡珂馨主编:《幼儿园小、中、大班课程计划与教材》,东北师范大学出版社, 1999年5月廖桂春,王小英,蔡珂馨主编:《幼儿园优秀教育活动设计》, 1999年5月韩秀英主编,王小英,吴淑范等副主编:《幼儿创造性思维训练》(上、下),北方妇女儿童出版社, 1999年11月韩秀英主编,王小英,吴淑范等副主编:《儿童创造思维训练理论与实践》,北方妇女儿童出版社, 1999年11月蔡珂馨主编,姚伟,王小英副主编:《幼儿园教育活动指导》(教师用书、家长用书),长春出版社, 2001年6月李春萍主编:《教育研究方法》(参编),东北师范大学出版社, 2001年4月马云鹏主编:《教育科学研究方法》(参编),东北师范大学出版社, 2001年5月车文博主编:《当代西方心理学新词典》(参编),吉林人民出版社, 2001年10月马云鹏主编:《教育科学研究方法导论》(参编),东北师范大学出版社, 2002年1月王小英,张明编著:《心理测量与心理诊断》,东北师范大学出版社, 2002年4月[日]松田道雄著:《育儿百科》,王小英参译(王少丽主译),华夏出版社,2002年9月王小英主编:《幼儿园创造教育研究》,长春出版社,2003年7月韩秀珍,王小英,蔡珂馨主编:《幼儿园方案教学实践活动探索与研究》,东北师范大学出版社, 2004年3月王忠民主编:《幼儿教育辞典》(参编),中国大百科全书出版社,2004年4月齐放主编,王小英,蔡珂馨副主编:《吉林省幼儿园主题活动课程教师用书》(上册),(小、中、大、学前班,共4册),吉林教育出版社,2004年8月齐放主编,王小英,蔡珂馨副主编:《吉林省幼儿园主题活动课程幼儿操作材料》(上册)(小、中、大、学前班,共20册),吉林教育出版社,2004年8月王小英,蔡珂馨主编:《《国内外幼儿教育改革动态与趋势》,(主编)东北师范大学出版社,2004年10月王小英著:《创造力学前课堂》(上、下册)(全国教育科学“十五”规划重点课题成果),吉林美术出版社,2005年1月王小英主编:《新教子1000问》(上、下册),北方妇女儿童出版社,2005年1月齐放主编,王小英,蔡珂馨副主编:《吉林省幼儿园主题活动课程教师用书》(下册)(小、中、大、学前班,共4册),吉林教育出社,2005年1月齐放主编,王小英,蔡珂馨副主编:《吉林省幼儿园主题活动课程幼儿操作材料》(下册)(小、中、大、学前班,共20册),吉林教育出版社,2005年1月王小英主编:《幼儿园创造性游戏活动设计与反思》(全国教育科学“十五”规划重点课题成果),北方妇女儿童出版社,2005年10月王小英策划:《“促进幼儿创造人格有创造能力发展的行动研究”实验基地研究成果集锦之一、二、三》(全国教育科学“十五”规划重点课题成果),东北师范大学出版社,2005年12月齐放主编,王小英,蔡珂馨副主编:《幼儿园主题活动课程理论与实践研究》,东北师范大学出版社,2005年10月马云鹏,王小英主编:《高级教育研究法》,东北师范大学自编教材(4+2教育学硕士研究生系列教材),2005年11月王小英主编:《365 幼儿妈妈半小时》(上、下册),吉林美术出版社,2005年10月马云鹏,孔凡哲主编:《教育研究方法》(参编),东北师范大学出版社,2006年2月王小英著:《儿童游戏的意义》,东北师范大学出版社,2006年4月王小英主编:《智力学画》(全十册),吉林美术出版社,2006年5月王小英主编:《小小巧手DIY》(全五册),吉林美术出版社,2006年9月崔哲、王小英、蔡珂馨主编:《自主探究创造教育》(实践篇)(小小班、小班、中班、大班,全四册),北方妇女儿童出版社,2007年5月崔哲、王小英、蔡珂馨主编:《自主探究创造教育》(理论篇),北方妇女儿童出版社,2007年5月王小英参编:《中国孩子必备自救手册》,吉林美术出版社,2008年6月王小英主编:《幼儿数学基础与拓展》(三册),吉林大学出版社,2008年9月王小英、蔡珂馨主编:《主题活动与幼儿成长》(走进儿童——新课程理念下幼儿教师专业成长丛书),东北师范大学出版社,2008年11月王小英主编:《幼儿安全常识操作手册》(三册),吉林大学出版社,2009年3月车文博主编(王小英参编):《中外心理学比较思想史》(第二卷、第三卷),上海教育出版社,2009年8月[日]高杉自子著,王小英译:《与孩子们共同生活——幼儿教育的原点》(李季湄审校),华东师范大学出版社,2009年蔡珂馨、王小英主编:《区域活动与幼儿成长》(走进儿童——新课程理念下幼儿教师专业成长丛书),东北师范大学出版社,2010年12月鉴定成果全国教育科学“十五”规划重点课题:“促进幼儿创造人格与创造能力发展的行动研究”(已结题)吉林省教育科学规划办“十五”重点课题:“不同年龄阶段幼儿创造力发展的特点与教育对策”(已结题)国家教委基础教育中心课题:“开发幼儿创造潜能的心理学研究”(已结题)吉林省教育科学十一五规划课题:“在合作学习中促进幼儿创造力与社会性和谐发展的策略研究” (已结题)教育部人文社会科学研究2007年度规划基金项目“幼儿合作学习的理论与实践研究” (已结题)

250 评论


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137 评论


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