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广东金融科技时代杂志社是1996-01-12在广东省注册成立的联营,注册地址位于广东省广州市天河区建中路55,57号6楼04,05房。广东金融科技时代杂志社的统一社会信用代码/注册号是91440000190381325C,企业法人曹颖,目前企业处于开业状态。广东金融科技时代杂志社的经营范围是:《金融科技时代》期刊总发行、批发和零售;设计、制作、发布国内外杂志广告(具体按440000100007号许可证经营);电子计算机技术服务、技术交流、技术培训、咨询服务。 (依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。在广东省,相近经营范围的公司总注册资本为731223万元,主要资本集中在 100-1000万 和 5000万以上 规模的企业中,共1715家。本省范围内,当前企业的注册资本属于一般。通过百度企业信用查看广东金融科技时代杂志社更多信息和资讯。

《FinTech,金融科技时代的来临》(Chris Skinner)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:x3bl书名:FinTech,金融科技时代的来临作者:Chris Skinner译者:杨巍豆瓣评分:8出版社:中信出版集团股份有限公司出版年份:2016-8页数:336内容简介:每一次金融业变革,科技都是重要的推动力量。现在社会已经站在了新一次金融产业革命的开端:FinTech,已悄然拉动下一轮产业浪潮。Fintech,即finance(金融)+technology(科技)的缩写,强调金融的产业化及科技化,科技与金融的结合更为紧密。在欧美,FinTech几乎被应用于金融业的方方面面,最关键的正是金融业的核心——银行。全球FinTech(金融科技)权威专家克里斯•斯金纳,坦言FinTech将如何驱动银行转型,他从影响普通大众的支付方式入手,深入分析加密货币、移动互联网、物联网、区块链等科技,并挖掘社交媒体、传播影响力的价值,剖析P2P等互联网金融模式及趋势。本书强调了FinTech将如何改变传统金融,从而解释了FinTech在未来金融业将逐步成为常态,最终颠覆金融业,推动社会变革。全书末尾收录了与诸多Fintech企业领导者的对谈,就加密货币前景、数字银行发展模式等展开深入交谈,由身处第一线的领军人物剖析行业趋势和无限可能。任何不愿错过那些正在改变世界的重大变革的人,不应错过这本书。作者简介:克里斯•斯金纳著名金融市场独立评论家、欧洲网络论坛“金融服务俱乐部”主席。先后被评为“FinTech领域40位具有影响力的人物之一”(《华尔街日报》)、“银行业具有影响力人物之一”(《金融品牌》)、“金融科技巨人”(Next Bank)、“你务必跟随的金融科技引导者之一”(《英国金融城早报》),以及“世界最顶尖的银行业专家之一”(Klout)。著有《互联网银行》等一系列有关金融市场的作品,涵盖创新及管理等各个方面。


基础的债券数学分析被用略微不同的术语表示。 它也被叫做借据或回购协议。 对方渴望这种经济披露,但是总收益互换使它能够获得这种经济披露在不承担有关的金融成本的情况下。 它已经有助于增加竞争行为,减少盈余和买卖价的差额。

China's Market Economy, "The Market for Lemons" Problem    For non-monopoly-type market, if the lack of effective market regulation, easy to form a "lemon " This market is mainly the production of spare parts sales in the industry value chain, supporting links, are "niche" As the market is not large monopolies, there is no leader in enterprise, the enterprise's market share is generally not high, the main body of market competition is a lot of small and medium   The lack of core competitiveness of the monopolistic competition market, easy to form a "lemon " Such as the color TV industry, vcd industry, the core technology lies in the hands of foreign   Have the core competitiveness of the monopolistic competition product market is not easy to form a "lemon " For example domestic communications equipment In contrast with the color TV industry, China's telecommunications equipment manufacturing industry does not form a "lemon "    Therefore, the monopolistic competition products market's ability to form a "lemon market" The key is that the market-leading companies have core competencies (mainly the core technology) Core technologies forming the core competitiveness is to effectively prevent the formation of monopolistic competition, product market-based form a "lemon market" key, because the uniqueness of the product led to the focus of competition rather than price-led technology-driven enterprises do not need to sacrifice quality for the price to gain market share, because of technical advantages are generally difficult for enterprises to

我找了许多,这个结果算是比较准确、通顺的:For non-monopoly-type market, if the lack of effective market regulation, easy to form a "lemon " This market is mainly the production of spare parts sales in the industry value chain, supporting links, are "niche" As the market is not large monopolies, there is no leader in enterprise, the enterprise's market share is generally not high, the main body of market competition is a lot of small and medium The lack of core competitiveness of the monopolistic competition market, easy to form a "lemon " Such as the color TV industry, vcd industry, the core technology lies in the hands of foreign Have the core competitiveness of the monopolistic competition product market is not easy to form a "lemon " For example domestic communications equipment In contrast with the color TV industry, China's telecommunications equipment manufacturing industry does not form a "lemon "Therefore, the monopolistic competition products market's ability to form a "lemon market" The key is that the market-leading companies have core competencies (mainly the core technology) Core technologies forming the core competitiveness is to effectively prevent the formation of monopolistic competition, product market-based form a "lemon market" key, because the uniqueness of the product led to the focus of competition rather than price-led technology-driven enterprises do not need to sacrifice quality for the price to gain market share, because of technical advantages are generally difficult for enterprises to



Technology Finance


1、CFA是“特许金融分析师”(Chartered Financial Analyst)的简称,它是证券投资与管理界的一种职业资格称号,由美国“特许金融分析师学院”(Institute of CFA,ICFA)发起成立。CFA全称 Chartered Financial Analyst (特许注册金融分析师),是全球投资业里最为严格与高含金量资格认证,被称为金融第一考的考试,为全球投资业在道德操守、专业标准及知识体系等方面设立了规范与标准。2、FRM(Financial Risk Manager)是全球金融风险管理领域顶级的权威国际资格认证,由美国“全球风险管理专业人士协会”(Global Association of Risk Professionals ,简称GARP)开发。FRM在中国由人力资源和社会保障部批准为国家职业资格证书。扩展资料FRM考试的考试时间1、根据FRM考试协会从施行分级考试后的规定,将每年的考试都设在了5月和11月第三个周六2、例如2018年FRM考试5月和11月份的时间为:2018年5月19日和11月17日。3、自2010年起,FRM考试分为PART I和PART II两级:PART 1考试时间为上午四小时,全部是标准化试题,100道单项选择题。PART 2考试时间为下午四小时,全部是标准化试题,80道单项选择题。参考资料来源:百度百科——CFA参考资料来源:百度百科——FRM


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