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百度“GPS百科”里面很详细,要简单易懂就看下面的参考资料。只是导航,GPS分为导航类和监控类,手机定位也是一样,模块相同传送方式不同,导航是单向接收,不用回传到网络,但需要屏显。而监控类需要移动通讯技术回传到网络,通过客户端进行监控。 但记住GPSone不是GPS。

全球卫星定位系统目前有四种,分别是:1、美国全球定位系统 GPS   全球定位系统(GPS)是目前全世界应用最为广泛也最为成熟的卫星导航定位系统。研发GPS系统始于1973年,其初衷为军事用途,1991年在海湾战争期间曾大展身手。GPS的用户只需购买GPS接收机就可以免费享受该服务。但GPS针对普通用户和美军方提供的是不同的服务。目前民用GPS信号的精度可达到10米左右,军用精度可达1米。 2、中国北斗导航 Compass   中国2000年开始建设北斗卫星导航试验系统。目前北斗卫星导航系统已经发射了10颗卫星,建成了基本系统。到2012年形成覆盖亚太大部分地区的服务能力,到2012年底,北斗卫星导航系统将提供正式运行服务。2020年左右,由大约30多颗卫星组成的北斗全球卫星导航系统形成全球覆盖能力。目前北斗卫星的导航精度在平面地区为25米,已开始正式提供试运行服务。 3、欧盟伽利略系统 Galileo   伽利略卫星导航系统是欧盟和欧洲空间局正在建设中的项目,初衷是使欧盟在卫星导航问题上摆脱对美国和俄罗斯的依赖。伽利略系统的技术水平将高于GPS和俄罗斯格洛纳斯。比如,其精度可以达到一米级别。2003年5月,欧盟和欧洲空间局正式批准伽利略项目第一阶段,预计2012年开始运行,但目前这一日期已被推迟至2019年全部建成。 4、俄罗斯格洛纳斯 Glonass   俄罗斯从1993年开始独自建立本国的全球卫星导航系统。原计划该系统于2007年年底之前运营,因资金问题,直到2011年,格洛纳斯导航系统才投入全面运行,但其在全球的民用和商业用户仍然少得可怜,主要原因是其用户端的设备发展一直严重滞后。

董继国(地质矿产部航空物探遥感中心,北京 100083)全球定位系统(GPS)是美国历时20余年开发成功的一种无线电导航系统。它将被用来逐步取代目前使用的其它无线电导航系统,并使全球导航真正得以实现。GPS系统现已正式投入使用,可向全球用户提供高精度的三维位置、速度和时间信息,被誉为20世纪的重大技术突破之一。GPS技术推广应用,使航空物探测量获益匪浅。1987年地矿部航遥中心引进GPS接收机,GPS导航定位系统的应用不仅简化了航空物探测量设备,提高了导航定位精度和测量总精度,扩展了航空物探调查领域,也极大地提高了航空物探测量生产效率,已成为航空物探之首选导航定位手段。一、不同导航定位方法比较导航定位在航空物探测量中的重要性是众所周知的。航空物探测量开始是以地形图目视导航,逐步发展到地形图目视-照相、仪器导航定位,如双曲线、多普勒(辅以照相或录像)、应答导航定位系统等,有力地促进了航空物探事业的发展。地形图目视、照相及录像定位精度取决于地形图和领航、判图的精度。无线电导航定位系统主要使用电磁波频谱中的中频、低频和甚低频带,频率低、作用距离远而精度低,频率高、作用距离近而精度高。该系统与GPS相比,受地形和控制区域限制,设备庞大笨重,需要人员较多,无线电信号接收、发射受环境影响较大,仪器故障较多,导航定位精度一般不高。表1列出了不同导航定位方法定位精度对比。它说明,随着导航定位技术进步,定位精度在不断提高。表1 不同导航定位方法定位精度对比二、全球卫星定位系统全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,简称GPS),是美国对海上、陆地和空中设施进行高精度导航定位要求而建立的。GPS作为新一代卫星导航定位系统,不仅具有全球性、全天候、连续的精密三维导航定位能力,而且具有良好的抗干扰性和保密性。全球卫星导航定位系统的迅速发展,引起了各国普遍关注。特别是近十年来,GPS技术在应用基础的研究、新的应用领域的开拓、软件和硬件的开发方面都取得了迅速发展。原苏联也有类似的系统,称为全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System,简称GLONASS),现由俄罗斯接管。GLONASS与GPS的一个主要区别是GLONASS采用频分多址技术区分卫星信号,而GPS则采用码分多址技术。GLONASS不存在SA(Selective Availability——选择可用性)干扰,能为民用用户提供精确的定位。GPS有SA干扰,向民用用户提供100m的精度。目前,已有双星座单频接收机,可充分利用上述的空间技术,提高单频C/A码接收机的导航定位精度,组合星座的定位精度可达16m左右。三、GPS在航空物探测量中的应用GPS系统向民用用户只提供标准定位服务(SPS),利用粗码(C/A码)定位,精度可达14m。由于美国采取了SA政策,降低民用GPS的定位精度,规定水平定位精度为100m,垂直测量精度为157m。在航空物探勘查中,GPS导航定位系统显著提高了航迹定位精度、改善了测线疏密度和测量总精度。与其它导航定位系统相比,精简了设备和人员,提高了生产效率。利用这些技术,航遥中心第一次完成了塔里木盆地东部地区高精度航磁勘查。表2列举了在SA干扰下野外工区实测GPS静态数据,对于1:5万及其它中小比例尺航空物探调查,该精度可以满足航磁规范要求。表2 野外工区TANS-11型GPS静态观测数据四、事后差分GPS在航空物探中的应用事后差分GPS系统的定位精度可以满足任何比例尺航空物探测量的定位要求,且经济易行,但不能保证其实时导航精度。在山东枣庄工区进行的以寻找金伯利岩岩管为目的的航磁测量,局部地区要加密至线距为100m的大比例尺飞行。经过对测区的地形和差分GPS调研情况综合分析,由于无法建立地面数据通讯链,不能采用实时差分GPS方法,所以,决定采用事后差分GPS,其定位精度可以满足大比例尺勘查要求,保证大比例尺的测网疏密度;而且,事后差分设备简单,安置方便,与实时差分相比,生产成本较低。1995年7月至11月,利用事后差分GPS方法为磁测作业动力滑翔机导航定位,共飞行32架次,完成17000测线公里。航磁测量总精度在1:5万测区为±75nT,1:1万测区为±49nT。投入生产之前,对事后差分GPS做了近距、远距静态测试,验证其定位精度和控制范围(表3和表4),并在生产期间进行了差分GPS与单GPS的静态对比试验(表5)和简单的差分GPS与单GPS动态测试(图1)。受技术条件限制,测试方法比较简单。飞机在机场上空沿水泥跑道边做航高为30m的超低空直线往返飞行,在飞行中测试人员观察飞机的偏航。试验表明,与单GPS比较,差分后的航迹与实际飞行相符,收敛较好,定位精度有明显改善,飞机保持在指定航向上飞行,左右偏差不超过5m。表3 近距离已知点上差分GPS测试表4 远距离(8km)已知点上差分GPS测试表5 单GPS与差分GPS静态对比测试图1 差分GPS与单GPS动态飞行试验航迹对比五、双星座GPS在航空物探中的应用GLONASS星座在三个轨道面上布置24颗卫星,已投入运行。同时,新型的双星座接收机(GPS+GLONASS)亦已投入使用。“中心”组织有关技术人员对新产品做了详细的调研、分析和测试,认为双星座GPS+GLONASS接收机可以满足大比例尺航空物探测量导航定位的要求,而无须差分。在选购前,我们对3S公司GNSS300型和阿斯泰克公司GG24型组合接收机进行了性能和技术指标对比试验,包括长时间静态测试、车载动态测试和飞机上的电磁干扰测试(图2、图3和图4)。经测试数据分析和观察,决定选用阿斯泰克公司的GG24型组合接收机,并首次用于大比例尺航空物探勘查,顺利地实现了测线间距为150m的高精度航磁勘查。磁测总精度为84nT,测网疏密度为150m±2m,导航定位精度达到设计要求,取得了高质量的基础资料,受到了业主的高度评价,认为达到世界一流水平。图2 GG24单GPS卫星静态数据离散分布图3 GG24单GLONASS卫星静态数据离散分布图4 GG24组合卫星静态数据离散分布六、结论和建议全球卫星导航定位系统GPS在航空物探勘查中已使用十余年了,在不同地区、不同线距和不同任务的测量中,均取得了显著效果。GPS技术的应用和普及,提高了航空物探技术在沙漠、海洋等地区开展调查的能力,加快了国土调查的进程。双星座GPS接收机的引入使用,弥补了单GPS导航精度较低、无法用于大比例尺飞行作业的不足,达到了线距为100m的航空物探勘查导航定位要求,从而实现了真正的大比例尺高精度航空物探勘查,并为替代地面工作准备了技术条件。航空物探调查中GPS的应用,应视具体要求而定。总结多年来的经验,提出如下建议供参考。对于500m以上线距的测量,使用单台GPS(TANS-Ⅱ型);100~250m线距测量,使用双星座导航定位系统(GG-24型),它提供的水平精度优于20m,高度精度可达30m。在今后的航空物探勘查中,尽量使用双星座导航定位系统,可以减少由于定位产生的误差,便于以后在同一区域再做工作时,可在已飞的线距中加密测量,降低飞行成本。要求高精度的定位测量时,可以采用事后差分。对要求高精度导航定位测量时,可以采用差分信标台或同步通讯卫星实现实时导航定位,但费用较高。全球导航定位技术,在我国航空物探领域的成功应用,凝聚了广大技术人员的智慧和心血。本文中GPS静态数据由李标芳教授提供,野外各工区的静态数据据有关报告,在此表示衷心感谢!THE APPLICATION OF GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM TO THE AEROGEOPHYSICAL SURVEYDong Jiguo(Aerogeophysical Survey and Remote-Sensing Center,Beijing 100083)AbstractSince the introduction of the satellite navigation global positioning system(GPS),single GPS,post difference GPS and double constellation combined GPS techniques have been successively employed, whose application and dissemination have raised the accuracy of navigation positioning and the general precision of the survey,helped the overall improvement of the aerogeophysical technique,extended the field of the aerogeophysical investigation, and considerably raised the efficiency of aerogeophysical


GPS系统对抗若干分析摘要 本文阐述了GPS导航系统对现代战争的影响及导航对抗的概念,总结了GPS导航系统的发展现状、局限性,提出了针对GPS导航对抗的有效方法,并对干扰技术的可行性进行了分析。关键词 全球卫星导航系统(GPS) 导航对抗 信息对抗1 引 言现代战争的主要形式是信息对抗,信息对抗最突出的表现形式是体系对抗。在体系的同步、定位、整合过程中,GPS扮演着重要作用。当前美军GPS导航系统已经进一步现代化,精度实现了优于6m,可以说GPS导航系统是当前技术最成熟、应用最广泛、定位最精确的军民两用导航系统,更具有显著的军事导航作用,促使了美军独霸了全球军事制高点。但是,GPS导航系统本身具有很多弱点,如卫星的生存能力不强,信号强度较弱、易受干扰等,从而成为信息对抗的一个重要方面。2 GPS导航系统对现代战争的影响及导航对抗的概念导航要解决的核心问题有两个:一是被导航的平台现在处于什么位置;二是哪一条路线可以引导平台到达目的地。最原始的导航工具用的是罗盘,后来是无线电。1957年后无线电导航进入了一个新时代。GPS导航开发成功,又经过30多年的相继完善,能够在全球范围内向任意多的用户实时、连续、全天候提供高精度的坐标、速度与时间基准,为现代全球体系的目标导航带来极大的便利,对现代战争产生了深远影响:一是足够限度延长了打击距离,缩短了打击时间。GPS系统实时测距,用户接收机无源工作,一个能移动的武器打击平台,只要燃料足够,加装GPS接收机后就能够飞向世界的任何一个角落。二是极大降低了打击成本。一个GPS制导的武器打击平台,在防区外发射,可以精确命中目标,误差只有1~2米,大大节省了打击成本。三是提高了战场的指挥效率。依赖GPS的正常运作与武器GPS定位仪,战场实现了时间同步精确与机动控制有序。四是突破了战争的时间跨度。GPS系统全天候提供数据,不分白天黑夜,无论天晴下雨,增加了武器打击的突然性。随着“信息对抗”的提出,出现了导航对抗概念,它是信息对抗的延伸与发展。美军最先提出“导航战”的概念:在战场环境下,保证己方充分、可靠地利用卫星导航定位,同时阻止敌军利用卫星导航,但以基本上不使民用卫星导航受影响为条件。导航对抗的终极目的是争夺导航资源控制权,基本要素是保护和阻止,基本内涵是:1)绝不容许用提高精度的GPS导航来针对自己的部队或国家利益;2)使对方不能使用GPS与自己对抗;3)保证民间使用GPS时受到的破坏或精度降级达到最小程度;4)保证友军、盟友能接收同一系统信号。


GPS SpaceThe space is part of GPS satellite by 24 work [1], it is located above the surface of the 20 200km, evenly distributed in six track surface (4) each track surface, orbit for 55 ° A In addition, there are four star orbiting satellites active The distribution of satellite in global anywhere at any time can be observed in 4 above, and can keep good satellite positioning accuracy of geometrical image This provides a continuous on time in the global navigation GPS satellite produces two groups, one group called Morse code (C/A Coarse/Acquisition Code11023MHz), A group called the P (Procise Code 10123MHz), P Code for higher frequency, not suffer interference, high precision, so by the US military control, and the password, generally, mainly for folk cannot US military C/A code for measures to lower accuracy, and deliberately used mainly open to The ground controlThe ground control station by a master, five global stations and 3 ground control There are equipped with precision of the station clock and continuous measuring cesium visible satellites to accept The satellite observation stations will obtain data, including the ionosphere and meteorological data, after initial treatment, to master Master station from various stations, satellite tracking data calculated the orbit and clock parameters, then will result to 3 ground control The ground control station in each satellite run over to the navigation, master station instructions and data into a The injection of each star GPS satellite, and in every time inject stood range from satellite before finally If a ground fault, so in the satellite navigation of stored information can also be used for a period of time, but the navigation precision will gradually User equipment partsUser equipment parts namely GPS signal Its main function is to capture by certain Angle of satellite deadline to choose to follow these satellites and satellite, the When the receiver to capture the satellite tracking, after receiving antenna can be measured and satellite pseudo distance and the distance change, satellite orbits parameters, such as the demodulation Based on these data, the receiver can handle the computer by positioning solution method and computing the user's position in the longitude and altitude geographical position, speed, time, The hardware and software receivers in GPS data post-processing software package and form a complete GPS user GPS receiver unit and receiving antenna structure is divided into two parts of the Receiver generally USES machine and together two kinds of dc power Setting machine aims to replace the power supply without interruption continuous In use within the time machine power battery charging After shutdown, machine battery power for the RAM, memory, in order to prevent the loss of At present various types of accept machine, weight and small volume and light, facilitate the field The Ground control system (by now), the Station so the control Station (Master), so now the Antenna (Ground), the Antenna control Station, colo springfield, Colorado (are) The ground control station is responsible for collecting information by satellite, and alex, relative to star satellite data from the atmosphere Secondly, the existing users receiver for two and two, double-frequency due to price factor, general user buys more for single-rate Aiming at the application of GPS road engineeringThe application of GPS in road construction, is mainly used to establish various road engineering control network and determination of the control points electricity, Along with the rapid development of the highway to survey technology, puts forward a higher request, due to long, known points less, therefore, with the conventional measure method not only, and the net difficulties are hard to meet the requirement of high At present, China has gradually establish lines using GPS technology, then head high precision control network layont wires with conventional Practice has proved, in a few tens of kilometers within the scope of the point error only 2 centimeters, reached the conventional method to realize the accuracy, but also greatly ahead of GPS technology also applied to the control measure of large Since it is unnecessary to tong, can form strong nets, improve accuracy of inspection, via conventional measure fulcrum is GPS technology in the measurement of the tunnel has broad prospect of application, GPS, reduced need through conventional method, the intermediate links, therefore, high speed, high accuracy, significant economic and social A GPS navigation and traffic management in automotive applicationsThree-dimensional navigation is the primary function, GPS, ships, aircraft and ground vehicles pacers can use GPS navigation device for Car navigation system is in the global positioning system (GPS developed on the basis of a new Car navigation system by GPS navigation, self-discipline, navigation and microprocessor, speed sensor, gyro sensor and cd-rom drives, LCD GPS navigation systems and electronic map, radio communication network, computer vehicle management information system, combining can achieve vehicle tracking and traffic management and many other A GPS in long-distance passenger vehicle management application (for example),In the first set of professional long-haul GPS vehicle management system, and long-distance communication GPS intelligent management system, for example, it is combined with the satellite positioning technology, GPRS/CDMA communications business, GIS, image collection technology, computer network technology, and database in the company to build a passenger control (C/S structure and B/S structure combining), and the other for points, the public security bureau and control YunGuan departments and departments of the control system, established by the control center system, wireless communication system platform (GPRS/CDMA), global positioning system (GPS), four parts and trackside equipment all-weather, a full range of driver and vehicle tracking management platform, System can be registered vehicle dynamic tracking and monitoring implementation, pictures, driving record, management, data analysis and so on the function, monitoring vehicles in electronic map, and display of vehicles running track data, Operating terminal optional internal network or the Internet server to visit and through the center to provide online IE browser integrated passenger management data analysis of the control system (B/S structure), And the capacity of the system software available according to the center of the hardware configuration and operating terminal server, the most greatly expanded, net vehicles 500,000 can not only is long, can the passenger vehicles such social And the system still can use group management, different types of vehicles into different groups, facilitate the operation GPS technology application examples in the navigatorGPS navigators international leading brand: Ahada YiHang (of) -- from silicon valley, now login China!The core products function:1) map queryA penny saved is a penny gained in operation on a terminal search your destination A penny saved is a penny gained can record you always want to place, and retain information, also can be Shared with others and the location A penny saved is a penny gained fuzzy query your attachment or a location near the station, hotel, such as ATM2) route planningA penny saved is a penny gained GPS navigation system will be set according to the starting point and destination, automatic programming A penny saved is a penny gained planning routes whether can be set to pass some A penny saved is a penny gained planning routes whether can avoid high-speed F3) automatic navigationA penny saved is a penny gained speech navigation:To provide drivers advance in speech, navigation condition intersection traffic information, such as a way to understand the wizard tells you how to drive to the Navigation in one of the most important function, make you need, through watching operation terminal voice prompt can safe A penny saved is a penny gained picture navigation:In the end, will display operate maps and position of the car now, driving speed, the destination of the route, planning, crossing the road to A penny saved is a penny gained redesign line:When you have the line planning, or go wrong when crossing, GPS navigation system according to your present position, for you to plan a new route to the GPS principleGPS navigation system is the basic principle of measuring the satellite to known position of the distance between the user receiver, and then integrated satellite data can know the location of the To achieve this objective, the position of the satellite can according to record the clock time on satellite star found in a Visible GPS navigation system is part of the satellite launch navigation However, due to the use of the user to accept machine with satellite space-borne clock clock synchronization, may not always except user 3d coordinate x, y, z, will also introduce a Δ t is the difference between the satellite and the receiver as unknown, then use four equations will these four So if you want to know, the receiver's place at least four satellites can receive the GPS receiver can receive the GPS clock can be used to accurately on the two levels of second time information, Used to forecast the next few months in the general position of satellite prediction star alex, Can be used to calculate the location for the satellite radio star alex, the coordinates for a few meters to dozens of accuracy of each different, rice (change) satellite, And the GPS system information, such as GPS receiver to code measurement can get satellite receiver, because of the distance to the clock contains receiver satellite transmission error, error and the atmosphere is called 0A yards of measured pseudorange called UA yards pseudorange and accuracy for about 20 meters of P yards, measured pseudorange called P yards pseudorange and accuracy for about 2 GPS receiver of received signal, decoding technology, or other information on the carrier modulation in removed, can restore Strictly speaking, the carrier phase should be called the carrier frequency phase, it is patted the received by doppler frequency influence of satellite signal receiver carrier phase and machine generated signal phase difference General bell in the epoch receiver determined to keep time measurement, satellite signal, it can track record of phase change, but start when the value of the receiver and satellite observations of the oscillator is not know the initial phase of the epoch, also don't know phase integers, namely the fuzzy degrees, only in data processing as Phase observations of high precision and mm, but the premise is a whole week, so only in fuzzy relative positioning, and a continuous observation can use phase observations, and to achieve superior level meters positioning accuracy of also only using phase According to the localization way, GPS positioning and relative into single point positioning (difference) According to a single point positioning receiver is the observation data to determine the position of the receiver, it only USES pseudorange observation, can be used as a compendium of navigation and positioning Relative location (difference) is based on the observation data of two above receiver to determine the relative position between the observation methods, it can be adopted pseudorange observation may adopt phase observation and geodesy or engineering measurement shall be made phase observation value relative In the GPS observation satellite and the receiver is contained in the clock, atmospheric propagation delay, the multipath effect etc, in the positioning error when calculating by satellite radio star alex, the influence of error in relative positioning error when most public offset or weakened by positioning accuracy, so will greatly improve, double-frequency receiver can according to the observation of two frequency offset the atmosphere, the main part of the error of the ionosphere, high accuracy in the distance between the receiver when significant difference (air), should choose double-frequency


遥感技术,即RS(remote sensing),遥感顾名思义,就是从遥远处感知,地球上的每一个物体都在不停的吸收、发射和反射信息和能量。其中的一种形式电磁波早已被人们所认识和利用。人们发现不同物体的电磁波特性是不同的。遥感就是根据这个原理来探测地表物体对电磁波的反射和其发射的电磁波,从而提取这些物体的信息,完成远距离识别物体。遥感是在航空摄影测量的基础上,随着空间技术、电子技术和地球科学的发展而发展起来的,它的主要特点是:已从以飞机为主要运载工具的航空遥感发展到以人造卫星为主要运载工具的航天遥感;它超越了人眼所能感受到的可见光的限制,延伸了人的感官;它能快速、及时地监测环境的动态变化;它涉及天文、地学、生物学等科学领域,广泛吸取了电子、激光、全息、测绘等多项技术的先进成果;它为资源勘测、环境监测、军事侦察等提供了现代化技术手段。概言之,遥感是运用物理手段、数学方法和地学规律的现代化综合性探测技术。 全球定位系统,即GPS(Global Positioning System),它是一个中距离圆形轨道卫星定位系统,可以为地球表面绝大部分地区提供准确的定位和高精度的时间基准。该系统是通过太空中的24颗GPS卫星来完成的。最少需要其中3颗卫星,就能迅速确定您在地球上的位置。所能接收到的卫星数越多,译码出来的位置就越精确。在汽车定位时,只需要在汽车上装一台比32开书本略小的“车载终端”就可以了。 在森林资源连续清查中应用GPS技术的优势: 可直接按坐标确定样地的位置。 解决了小比例尺地形图找明显地形地物为引点的难题。 克服了地形图本身有误差、传统的罗盘仪引线测量引起误差以及其它因素造成样地定位不准的问题。 定位精度高于罗盘仪引线定位,大大减少了野外作业时间和工作量,节省了时间,提高了工作效率。 地理信息系统,即GIS(Geographic Information System),是随着地理科学、计算机技术、遥感技术和信息科学的发展而发展起来的一个学科,是一门集计算机科学、信息学、地理学等多门科学为一体的新兴学科,它是在计算机软件和硬件支持下,运用系统工程和信息科学的理论,科学管理和综合分析具有空间内涵的地理数据,以提供对规划、管理、决策和研究所需信息的空间信息系统。 数字地球是遥感、数据库、地理信息系统、全球定位系统、宽带网络及仿真虚拟等现代高科技的高度综合和升华,是当代科学技术发展的制高点。林业资源信息具有数据量大、种类多、来源广、结构复杂和获取成本高等特点,随着国家信息基础设施建设的发展,数字林业的发展是时代的要求,也是林业发展的必然趋势。



2010年5月19日至21日,第一届中国卫星导航学术年会在北京成功举办。年会主题是“交流合作,共享北斗”。 本届年会由中国卫星导航系统专项管理办公室,科技部、国防科技工业局、交通部、教育部的有关司局,中国科学院高技术研究与发展局和中国卫星导航定位应用管理中心共同主办,由中国科学院国家授时中心、北京大学和西安测绘研究所承办。孙家栋院士担任本次会议科学委员会主席。从事北斗系统建设和应用的有关部门、科研院所和企业等各方面的专家、代表共1000余人参加了会议。国内相关权威专家就卫星导航最新进展及发展趋势做了特邀报告,与会代表分别就北斗卫星导航系统工程与项目管理、导航新理论与新技术、全球卫星导航系统应用与产业化等问题展开专题讨论。年会还分别在北京大学和清华大学设有两个国际交流会场,国内外卫星导航领域的知名专家学者,就相关学术问题进行深度探讨。北斗卫星导航系统建设成就和应用成果专题展览也同时在国家会议中心举办。 2011年5月18日至20日,第二届中国卫星导航学术年会在上海世博中心成功举办。年会主题是“设计北斗的未来”。 华人卫星导航定位技术论坛(CPGPS)和上海国际导航产业科技发展论坛加入了第二届年会。第二届年会接待了国家有关部委、有关科研院所、企业集团、高校和学会协会领导、嘉宾共216位,参会人员共计1660人。共征集到来自143个单位的会议摘要730篇,会议论文633篇。年会收录论文582篇。第二届年会论文出版分为三种形式:电子版收录、会议文集(ISTP检索)295篇、推荐期刊发表(SCI、EI检索)111篇。共计31家媒体对本次年会进行了全方位、多角度宣传报道,有网络媒体对年会进行了现场直播报道。国内导航业内相关媒体《国际太空》,《卫星应用》、《全球定位系统》、《导航天地》等也在随后对年会进行宣传和报道。中央电视台4套《今日关注》栏目对冉承其主任和杨元喜院士进行了30分钟的专访报道。中央电视台13套在19日《新闻30分》对年会进行了详细报道。中国卫星导航学术年会已受到社会各方高度的关注。为促进导航产业的发展,第二届年会特别设立应用产业化高端论坛板块,邀请了国家有关部门、国内外有关企业和研发机构,探讨卫星导航应用和产业化等相关热点问题。同时,为增进国际学术交流,在年会板块中设立各GNSS主管部门报告高端论坛,特别邀请了国外卫星导航系统主管部门领导和卫星导航领域知名专家学者参会。中、美、俄、欧和日等国家和地区卫星导航系统主管部门官员,就卫星导航系统的计划、发展和政策进行研讨。大会建立了国际沟通的平台,从各GNSS主管部门系统最新情况介绍到知名专家特邀报告、再到特邀嘉宾交流互动,国内外官员和学者专家就GNSS政策、技术、应用、国际合作以及其它国内外共同关注的热点议题进行了全面沟通,建立了国际间交流、沟通、合作、共谋发展的平台。第二届会议优秀论文集已经被世界三大检索中的科技会议录索引ISTP检索,部分优秀论文将推荐至EI、SCI相关检索期刊发表。 第三届中国卫星导航学术年会于2012年5月17-20日在广州保利世贸博览馆成功召开,年会主题是“走向应用的北斗”,涵盖学术交流、高端论坛、展览展示和科学普及等内容。 第三届年会接待了国家有关部委、有关科学院所、企业集团、高校和学会协会领导、嘉宾共300多位,参会人员共计2205人,比第二届增加了33%的参会人数。国外导航领域专家共有88人参加年会特邀报告和分会等学术研讨。共征集到来自144个单位的会议摘要956篇,会议论文602篇。第三届年会论文出版分为四种形式:电子版收录、会议文集(EI检索)189篇(国外Springer出版)、推荐期刊发表(《中国科学》《Advances in SpaceResearch》SCI检索)22篇、CNKI中国知网数据库收录全文302篇摘要210篇。第三届年会各类报告共计599篇(GNSS主管部门报告、大会特邀报告、产业化论坛报告、分会特邀报告、分会口头报告、张贴报告等)。第三届年会展览展示,即第三届中国卫星导航技术与应用成果展的展览面积已经达到10000多平米,并且新增了北斗行业应用展、北斗车载应用产业联盟企业展和学科人才建设展。参展单位由36家增加到96家,由以展板为主展示,演变为实物成果展出。会议三天内观众共计约3500人。第三届年会科学普及情况:第三届“北斗杯”全国青少年科技创新大赛征集作品数量达到815件,参赛作品按照华北区、东北区、华东区、中南区、西北区和西南区的划分,分赛区组织评比,获奖师生参与了年会开幕式现场的颁奖典礼。此外科普方面还连续举办了“院士科普讲座”和“科普大讲堂”等活动为广泛宣传北斗卫星导航知识做出了积极贡献。中央电视台等共计36家媒体参与了对第三届年会的宣传,各类报道共计507篇,信息转载量973万条。央视《新闻直播间》栏目对年会进行了专题报道,中央电视台2012年5月19日19:00的《新闻联播》栏目报道了第三届年会的情况。 第四届中国卫星导航学术年会于2013年5月15-17日在武汉国际会展中心隆重召开,年会主题是“北斗应用——机遇与挑战”。 体现了我国北斗卫星导航系统应用推广和产业化阶段以来,面临的国际、国内的整体环境和在机遇与挑战并存的背景下,北斗卫星导航系统的建设、应用、产业化、国际合作与人才培养方面的现状。中国卫星导航系统委员会副主席刘国治、年会科学委员会主席孙家栋院士和武汉市人民政府市长唐良智莅临第四届中国卫星导航学术年会,并作开幕致辞。中国卫星导航学术年会是由中国卫星导航系统管理办公室、科学技术部高新技术发展与产业化司、国防科工局系统工程一司、交通运输部综合规划司、教育部科学技术司、中国卫星导航定位应用管理中心、中国科学院高技术研究与发展局等共同发起的导航学术会议。年会组委会设在中国科学院卫星导航总体部,主要负责年会工作的策划、组织、管理和执行。四天的时间里,共有 2700 多位国内外卫星导航领域的知名专家、学者和企业家参加了本次会议,通过学术交流、高端论坛、展览展示、应用产业化论坛等一系列活动,分享卫星导航领域最新成果,共商卫星导航系统发展,共谋卫星导航应用未来。国内外专家在卫星导航理论、技术、应用和标准化等方面,展示创新性成果,其中有相当一部分是国际先进水平的首次亮相。与会国内外专家围绕精密定轨与定位、兼容与互操作信号设计等前沿热点问题,开展了广泛的交流。本届年会设置九个分会议题,共征集到627 篇论文,其中 181 篇进入 EI 检索文集,另有 287 篇被收录进年会电子文集。在第四届年会的高端论坛上,来自中、美、俄、欧等国家和地区的卫星导航系统的主管部门官员,就卫星导航领域的新进展及发展趋势作了精彩的报告。此外,本届年会在继续安排了青年优秀论文评选和“北斗杯”青少年科技创新大赛的基础上,新设置了年会优秀论文奖项,一批优秀后备人才涌现出来。第四届年会成果丰硕,不仅极大推动了北斗系统建设与技术发展,而且在应用推广和人才培养方面迈上新台阶,为北斗系统持续发展提供了源动力。作为年会组委会的支持单位,中国科学院卫星导航总体部已成功举办了第二届、第三届、第四届中国卫星导航学术年会,从中积累了大量的工作经验,工作流程进一步程序化、规范化和国际化,为年会逐渐成为开放交流的国际化平台做出了贡献。 中国卫星导航学术年会是由中国卫星导航系统管理办公室学术交流中心主办,中国卫星导航系统管理办公室、科学技术部高新技术发展与产业化司、国防科工局系统工程一司、交通运输部综合规划司、工业和信息化部电子信息司、中国卫星导航定位应用管理中心、中国科学院高大科技任务局、中国航天科技集团公司、中国航天科工集团公司、中国电子科技集团公司及南京市人民政度共同支持的导航学术会议,会议已在“北”“上”“广”“汉”成功举办四届,第五届中国卫星导航学术年会(CSNC 2014)已于2014年5月21-23日在江苏南京召开。相关领导肯定了前四届年会所取得的成果,并对第五届年会寄予了更高的期望,希望第五届年会在前四届年会的基础上再升华、再提高,奠定国内导航领域的领先地位,逐步将年会走向国际化。第五届年会定于2014年5月21日至23日在南京金陵会议中心召开,涵盖学术交流、高端论坛、展览展示和科学普及四大版块活动。预计第五届年会的注册参会人数将会超过2000人,注册参展单位将超过100家,中国卫星导航学术年会已受到社会各方高度的关注。第五届中国卫星导航学术年会的主题是“北斗应用—创新 融合 共享”,创新契合年会总旨,融合契合当代应用发展环境,共享契合国际发展趋势。第五届年会学术交流包括:大会特邀报告、分会特邀报告、分会报告、张贴报告等主要形式,邀请国内外专家对热门学术话题进行探讨,并设立九个分会场进行多方向分领域的学术交流。会议设置的九个议题共征集到来自240家单位的479篇全文,参与年会优秀论文评选,其中493篇论文参与青年优秀论文评选,经过层层选拔,最终40篇优秀论文将在“青优”终评中脱颖而出,另有9篇杰出论文将获得“年优”奖项。2014年组委会将继续与Springer合作,出版英文版EI检索论文集,计划收录论文170篇,此外,另有《CSNC2014电子文集》由中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社出版,所载论文被录入“中国知网”的中国重要会议论文全文数据库。第五届“北斗杯”青少年科技创新大赛备受瞩目,大赛将从覆盖全国的六大赛区征集上百件优秀参赛作品,最终甄选出的优秀获奖者,将赴南京参加开幕式颁奖典礼。第五届中国卫星导航学术年会高端论坛包括各GNSS主管部门报告、大会特邀报告和应用产业化论坛。其中各GNSS主管部门报告高端论坛,将特别邀请国外卫星导航系统主管部门领导和卫星导航领域知名专家学者参会。各GNSS主管部门报告将邀请中国、美国、俄罗斯、欧洲等国家和地区的卫星导航系统主管部门介绍系统进展情况,探讨卫星导航系统政策、发展和国际合作。应用产业化高端论坛版块是上届年会的亮点,第五届年会继续设立本版块,邀请国家有关部门、国内外有关企业和研发机构,探讨卫星导航应用和产业化等相关热点问题,旨在促进导航产业的发展。另外展览展示方面,北斗行业应用成果展、示范应用展、北斗企业院所应用成果展,将体现第五届年会主题“北斗应用—创新 融合 共享”。 第六届年会已于2015年5月13-15日在中国西安曲江国际会议中心召开,主题是“开放 连通 共赢”,年会主题可以进一步阐释为“深度开放合作,全方位互连互通,打造共赢产业新生态。其中“开放”契合系统市场发展需求,“连通”契合当代应用发展环境,“共赢”契合时下国际发展趋势。会议共安排了高端论坛、学术交流、科学普及、展览展示等四大板块及相关活动,充分交流全球卫星导航领域最新技术成果,深入探讨卫星导航应用模式和产业发展,集智共商北斗卫星导航系统发展大计。 “两弹一星”功勋科学家、国家最高科学技术奖获得者、北斗卫星导航系统工程高级顾问、年会科学委员会主席孙家栋院士在致辞中说,卫星导航在地理测绘、工程建设、交通运输、精准农业、气象预报等各行业应用已完全超越了人类的想象力,深刻改变人类生产和生活方式。近几年,卫星导航与信息数据相结合,从移动互联网到大数据、云计算再到互联网,极大地降低了卫星导航数据获得的成本。如今,卫星导航正在和人工智能技术相结合,将在智能交通、智能医疗等各个领域促进产业信息融合,实现卫星导航价值的驱动创新。年会还邀请了中国、美国、俄罗斯、欧洲等国家和地区的卫星导航系统主管部门官员和国际知名专家学者,就卫星导航领域最新进展和发展趋势作大会特邀报告,与会代表围绕北斗/GNSS应用,卫星导航信号体制及兼容与互操作,精密定轨与精密定位,卫星导航增强与完好性监测,北斗/GNSS用户终端,政策法规、标准及知识产权等议题进行深入交流。年会同期举办第六届中国卫星导航技术与成果展,并增设第一至五届中国卫星导航学术年会回顾展,全面展示年会举办五年来在卫星导航理论、技术、工程、应用及人才培养等方面取得的丰硕成果。年会颁发了优秀论文奖、青年优秀论文奖和第六届“北斗杯”全国青少年科技创新大赛奖等奖项。本届年会由中国卫星导航系统管理办公室、科学技术部高新技术发展及产业化司、国防科工局系统工程一司、工业和信息化部电子信息司、交通运输部综合规划司、中国卫星导航定位应用管理中心、中国科学院重大科技任务局、中国工程院国际合作局、中国航天科技集团公司、中国航天科工集团公司、中国电子科技集团公司、陕西省工业和信息化厅共同支持,中国电子科技集团公司第二十研究所、西安电子科技大学等10家单位共同承办。国内外卫星导航系统主管部门官员、卫星导航领域专家学者、卫星导航应用企业代表等2000余人参加会议。


GPS SpaceThe space is part of GPS satellite by 24 work [1], it is located above the surface of the 20 200km, evenly distributed in six track surface (4) each track surface, orbit for 55 ° A In addition, there are four star orbiting satellites active The distribution of satellite in global anywhere at any time can be observed in 4 above, and can keep good satellite positioning accuracy of geometrical image This provides a continuous on time in the global navigation GPS satellite produces two groups, one group called Morse code (C/A Coarse/Acquisition Code11023MHz), A group called the P (Procise Code 10123MHz), P Code for higher frequency, not suffer interference, high precision, so by the US military control, and the password, generally, mainly for folk cannot US military C/A code for measures to lower accuracy, and deliberately used mainly open to The ground controlThe ground control station by a master, five global stations and 3 ground control There are equipped with precision of the station clock and continuous measuring cesium visible satellites to accept The satellite observation stations will obtain data, including the ionosphere and meteorological data, after initial treatment, to master Master station from various stations, satellite tracking data calculated the orbit and clock parameters, then will result to 3 ground control The ground control station in each satellite run over to the navigation, master station instructions and data into a The injection of each star GPS satellite, and in every time inject stood range from satellite before finally If a ground fault, so in the satellite navigation of stored information can also be used for a period of time, but the navigation precision will gradually User equipment partsUser equipment parts namely GPS signal Its main function is to capture by certain Angle of satellite deadline to choose to follow these satellites and satellite, the When the receiver to capture the satellite tracking, after receiving antenna can be measured and satellite pseudo distance and the distance change, satellite orbits parameters, such as the demodulation Based on these data, the receiver can handle the computer by positioning solution method and computing the user's position in the longitude and altitude geographical position, speed, time, The hardware and software receivers in GPS data post-processing software package and form a complete GPS user GPS receiver unit and receiving antenna structure is divided into two parts of the Receiver generally USES machine and together two kinds of dc power Setting machine aims to replace the power supply without interruption continuous In use within the time machine power battery charging After shutdown, machine battery power for the RAM, memory, in order to prevent the loss of At present various types of accept machine, weight and small volume and light, facilitate the field The Ground control system (by now), the Station so the control Station (Master), so now the Antenna (Ground), the Antenna control Station, colo springfield, Colorado (are) The ground control station is responsible for collecting information by satellite, and alex, relative to star satellite data from the atmosphere Secondly, the existing users receiver for two and two, double-frequency due to price factor, general user buys more for single-rate Aiming at the application of GPS road engineeringThe application of GPS in road construction, is mainly used to establish various road engineering control network and determination of the control points electricity, Along with the rapid development of the highway to survey technology, puts forward a higher request, due to long, known points less, therefore, with the conventional measure method not only, and the net difficulties are hard to meet the requirement of high At present, China has gradually establish lines using GPS technology, then head high precision control network layont wires with conventional Practice has proved, in a few tens of kilometers within the scope of the point error only 2 centimeters, reached the conventional method to realize the accuracy, but also greatly ahead of GPS technology also applied to the control measure of large Since it is unnecessary to tong, can form strong nets, improve accuracy of inspection, via conventional measure fulcrum is GPS technology in the measurement of the tunnel has broad prospect of application, GPS, reduced need through conventional method, the intermediate links, therefore, high speed, high accuracy, significant economic and social A GPS navigation and traffic management in automotive applicationsThree-dimensional navigation is the primary function, GPS, ships, aircraft and ground vehicles pacers can use GPS navigation device for Car navigation system is in the global positioning system (GPS developed on the basis of a new Car navigation system by GPS navigation, self-discipline, navigation and microprocessor, speed sensor, gyro sensor and cd-rom drives, LCD GPS navigation systems and electronic map, radio communication network, computer vehicle management information system, combining can achieve vehicle tracking and traffic management and many other A GPS in long-distance passenger vehicle management application (for example),In the first set of professional long-haul GPS vehicle management system, and long-distance communication GPS intelligent management system, for example, it is combined with the satellite positioning technology, GPRS/CDMA communications business, GIS, image collection technology, computer network technology, and database in the company to build a passenger control (C/S structure and B/S structure combining), and the other for points, the public security bureau and control YunGuan departments and departments of the control system, established by the control center system, wireless communication system platform (GPRS/CDMA), global positioning system (GPS), four parts and trackside equipment all-weather, a full range of driver and vehicle tracking management platform, System can be registered vehicle dynamic tracking and monitoring implementation, pictures, driving record, management, data analysis and so on the function, monitoring vehicles in electronic map, and display of vehicles running track data, Operating terminal optional internal network or the Internet server to visit and through the center to provide online IE browser integrated passenger management data analysis of the control system (B/S structure), And the capacity of the system software available according to the center of the hardware configuration and operating terminal server, the most greatly expanded, net vehicles 500,000 can not only is long, can the passenger vehicles such social And the system still can use group management, different types of vehicles into different groups, facilitate the operation GPS technology application examples in the navigatorGPS navigators international leading brand: Ahada YiHang (of) -- from silicon valley, now login China!The core products function:1) map queryA penny saved is a penny gained in operation on a terminal search your destination A penny saved is a penny gained can record you always want to place, and retain information, also can be Shared with others and the location A penny saved is a penny gained fuzzy query your attachment or a location near the station, hotel, such as ATM2) route planningA penny saved is a penny gained GPS navigation system will be set according to the starting point and destination, automatic programming A penny saved is a penny gained planning routes whether can be set to pass some A penny saved is a penny gained planning routes whether can avoid high-speed F3) automatic navigationA penny saved is a penny gained speech navigation:To provide drivers advance in speech, navigation condition intersection traffic information, such as a way to understand the wizard tells you how to drive to the Navigation in one of the most important function, make you need, through watching operation terminal voice prompt can safe A penny saved is a penny gained picture navigation:In the end, will display operate maps and position of the car now, driving speed, the destination of the route, planning, crossing the road to A penny saved is a penny gained redesign line:When you have the line planning, or go wrong when crossing, GPS navigation system according to your present position, for you to plan a new route to the GPS principleGPS navigation system is the basic principle of measuring the satellite to known position of the distance between the user receiver, and then integrated satellite data can know the location of the To achieve this objective, the position of the satellite can according to record the clock time on satellite star found in a Visible GPS navigation system is part of the satellite launch navigation However, due to the use of the user to accept machine with satellite space-borne clock clock synchronization, may not always except user 3d coordinate x, y, z, will also introduce a Δ t is the difference between the satellite and the receiver as unknown, then use four equations will these four So if you want to know, the receiver's place at least four satellites can receive the GPS receiver can receive the GPS clock can be used to accurately on the two levels of second time information, Used to forecast the next few months in the general position of satellite prediction star alex, Can be used to calculate the location for the satellite radio star alex, the coordinates for a few meters to dozens of accuracy of each different, rice (change) satellite, And the GPS system information, such as GPS receiver to code measurement can get satellite receiver, because of the distance to the clock contains receiver satellite transmission error, error and the atmosphere is called 0A yards of measured pseudorange called UA yards pseudorange and accuracy for about 20 meters of P yards, measured pseudorange called P yards pseudorange and accuracy for about 2 GPS receiver of received signal, decoding technology, or other information on the carrier modulation in removed, can restore Strictly speaking, the carrier phase should be called the carrier frequency phase, it is patted the received by doppler frequency influence of satellite signal receiver carrier phase and machine generated signal phase difference General bell in the epoch receiver determined to keep time measurement, satellite signal, it can track record of phase change, but start when the value of the receiver and satellite observations of the oscillator is not know the initial phase of the epoch, also don't know phase integers, namely the fuzzy degrees, only in data processing as Phase observations of high precision and mm, but the premise is a whole week, so only in fuzzy relative positioning, and a continuous observation can use phase observations, and to achieve superior level meters positioning accuracy of also only using phase According to the localization way, GPS positioning and relative into single point positioning (difference) According to a single point positioning receiver is the observation data to determine the position of the receiver, it only USES pseudorange observation, can be used as a compendium of navigation and positioning Relative location (difference) is based on the observation data of two above receiver to determine the relative position between the observation methods, it can be adopted pseudorange observation may adopt phase observation and geodesy or engineering measurement shall be made phase observation value relative In the GPS observation satellite and the receiver is contained in the clock, atmospheric propagation delay, the multipath effect etc, in the positioning error when calculating by satellite radio star alex, the influence of error in relative positioning error when most public offset or weakened by positioning accuracy, so will greatly improve, double-frequency receiver can according to the observation of two frequency offset the atmosphere, the main part of the error of the ionosphere, high accuracy in the distance between the receiver when significant difference (air), should choose double-frequency


你好,卫星导航相关的期刊有很多。根据论文成果的具体方向针对性进行投稿。下面列出部分卫星导航相关期刊,供参考。《全球定位系统》,ISSN:1008-9268《卫星应用》,ISSN:1674-9030《导航定位学报》,ISSN:2095-4999《导航定位与授时》,ISSN:2095-8110《导航与控制》,ISSN:1674-5558《测绘科学》,ISSN:1009-2307《测绘学报》,ISSN:1001-1595《测绘通报》,ISSN:0494-0911《GPS Solution》,ISSN:1080-5370《IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing》,ISSN:0196-2892《Journal of Geodesy》,ISSN:0949-7714《Journal of Spatial Science》,ISSN:1449-8596具体投什么期刊,还是看作者论文研究方向和质量来确定。

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