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英语教育方面的国际期刊有不少,推荐一本不错的国际刊:Creative Education (创新教育)ISSN: 2151-4771属于普通的国际刊,没有核心检索SCI, SCOPUS等,但中国知网,万方等基础检索都有。


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《外语学刊》杂志是多语种外语语言研究的综合性学术刊物,是全国常用外语类核心期刊。《外语学刊》旨在为全国外语研究与教学工作者服务,推动外语研究与教学工作的发展。本刊欢迎以下稿件:(1).普通语言学(音位学、语法学、语义学、语用学)、语言哲学、计算语言学、心理语言学等方面的研究;(2).俄语、英语和日语三个语种的具体语言研究;(3).修辞学、文体学、翻译理论的研究;(4).外语教学论、教学法的研究;(5).语言与文化、跨文化交际的研究;(6).语言学著作评介。投稿邮箱: 联系人:黄编辑





Advances in Physical Education,Creative Education


浅谈如何培养良好的英语学习习惯  英语是一门工具学科。要掌握英语,除了需学习一定的语音、词汇、语法知识外,还得练就扎实的听、说、读、写基本功。换言之,英语学习必须通过大量的听、说、读、写训练。从这点出发,可以说,英语学习的过程也是习惯养成的过程。小学生良好的英语学习习惯主要是指良好的听、说、读、写的习惯。  一、良好的听的习惯。  要求:认真听示范发音,听清后再模仿。用心听他人说英语。学习英语是从“听”起步的。“听”是“说 ”的前提,没有“听”,就无从模仿“说”。只有听得清,听得懂,才能说得准,说得好。用心地多听他人说英语,有助于培养对英语的敏捷反应。因此,培养学生认真听教师或者录音的示范发音,用心听他人说英语是至关重要的。  九年制义务教育英语学科三年级第一册课本没有出现英语文字,只有五彩缤纷的图片,使学生初学英语时能集中全部注意力听录音,理解录音内容,进而正确模仿。与教材配套的录音带中有男、女、大人、小孩的不同音色,其音自然、地道,其景生动、逼真,学生听来饶有兴趣。这十分有助于培养良好的听的习惯。  儿童心理学告诉我们,小学生爱模仿,模仿性强,但缺乏自控能力。课堂上,常有学生一听教师示范发音,就急于开口模仿,轻声跟讲,结果导致自身发音欠准,而且还影响了他人听音。因此,在英语起始教学阶段,教师就要训练学生静心听,可采用“手势暗示法”,即教师随着示范发音打手势“一、二”,这时学生边听教师发音,边看教师嘴形,注意观察其大、小、扁、圆及变化情况,做到看明、听清,当手势打“三”时,全班齐声模仿。这样,发音易到位,模仿效果好。小学生听录音跟说跟读,往往只满足于“听到”,能跟得上说,跟得上读,而不注意语音、语调、句重音、停顿等。因此,教师要引导学生“听清”,在播放录音前,可分步提出听的具体要求,使听一遍录音,便有一次收获。  英语课堂教学是小学生用英语交际的主要场合。其间,他们有很多听英语的机会。但小学生有意注意较弱,维持时间较短,特别是在听同学发言时易走神。教师除了向学生讲明专心听同学发言的好处外,在教学上要采用生动、形象、活泼、多样的教学方法与手段。特别要避免枯燥操练,开“定向长火车”,要多用“有意点叫”、个别提问,对活动与集体操练应频繁交替使用。同时在教学内容上设置“牵制性”提问,“逼”学生专心听他人说英语,不听,就无法参与。如,教师问某生:How old are you?Where are you from?Is yourmoth er a teacher?随即转用第三人称问其他学生:How old is he?Where ishis from?Is his mother a teacher? 又如,请个学生用英语自述,然后让听的学生按此内容相互问答。还可请学生指出发言者哪儿讲错了,该如何纠正等等。以此引导学生用心听他人说英语。  二、良好的说的习惯。  要求:大胆开口说英语、音量适度、仪表大方。积极参加语言实践活动,大胆开口说英语,是英语学习所必需的。从心理学、生理学角度来看,三年级学生人小,较之高年级学生心理障碍和怕羞感少。这正是培养大胆开口讲英语的有利条件之一。九年制义务教育小学英语教材为“说”提供了良好的素材,所选内容均来源于学生学习及日常生活,为学生所熟悉的。教材具有科学性、趣味性、亲近性、实用性,为广大师生所欢迎。这是培养大胆开口讲英语的又一个有利条件。因此,教师得抓住时机,充分运用教材,从起始年级,培养学生良好的话的习惯。  首先,教师应十分注意发挥“情感教育”在英语教学中的作用。古人曰:“亲其师,才能信其道。”教师要用“师爱”去赢得学生的亲近和信任,使师生感情双向交流,密切师生关系,形成轻松、愉悦的课堂气氛,从而有效地帮助学生消除心理障碍,克服怕开口说英语的紧张心理,开创敢讲英语、争讲英语、爱讲英语的局面。  同时,教师要精心组织教学,优化教学方法,利用一切教学媒体(图片、实物、玩具、幻灯、投影、录像、录音、指套、木偶等等)创设情景,寓教于乐,让学生身置语境,有意识或无意识地开口练说,最大限度地发挥学生说英语的主动性和积极性。  此外,教师要从课内到课外尽可能地为学生创造语言实践机会。如:组织语言游戏、竞赛,开辟英语角,举办英语兴趣小组,排演英语文娱节目,强调师生间同学间用英语问候,要求学生把所学英语用到日常生活中去,对做得好的学生给予“小红花”、“小红星”奖励等等。以此造成说英语的氛围,激励学生多开口说英语。  要做到人人大胆开口说英语,不是一件容易的事。学生因各人的气质、性格不同,参与开口讲英语的程度也不同。教师在教学中要特别关注那些存在怕说、缺乏自信心的学生。著名教育学家布卢姆认为,一个人学习成功的次数越多,他的学习自信心就越强。学习成功是建立在学习自信心的基础上的。因此教师要帮助这些学生克服思想和心理障碍,要多给予鼓励和表扬,肯定其点滴甚至是微不足道的进步,进行个别耐心具体的辅导,设个坡度,扶着前进,不要急于一步到位,让他们在口语训练中有所得,感受到成功和欢乐,以增强其说英语的自信心,激起其说英语的内心欲望。  学生在讲英语时,教师最好别去打断,应允许学生暂时存在某些语言错误,待讲完后,教师再指出并纠正。这样做,不干扰学生说话的思路、意念表达,不挫伤其说话积极性,又能帮助其提高言语水平。在大胆开口讲英语的基础上,教师要引导学生注意讲话音量适度、仪表大方。三年级始学英语,要求学生大声讲英语,随着年级的升高,要求学生根据不同场合,调整自己的音量大小,声音高低,对于活动、小组操练宜轻声些,班上发言得响亮些,让全班同学都能听到。有的学生急于发言,在连续说英语时,停顿过长,还常加“嗯”。此时,教师要注意多留给学生一点思考时间,要求先想后说,想好再说。另外,教师要提请学生注意,说话时不要低着头,或眼望天花板,或视窗外,要面对听者,举止要自然,不拘束,从小养成良好的说的习惯。  三、良好的读的习惯。  “读”对小学生来说,主要是指“朗读”。要求:正确拼读单词,响亮地、流利地朗读课文,语音、语调等基本正确。拼读单词有利于学生记忆单词,积累词汇。朗读英语有利于培养学生语音、语调、节奏、语感等。也有助于“说”的能力进一步提高。  九年义务教育英语学科三年级第二册课文开始出现文字,渐之,要求拼读单词。无论是个别还是全班拼读(拼背)单词,都应要求学生先读一遍单词,再拼读字母,然后再读一遍单词。培养学生拼读单词的良好习惯,十分有益于学生认读单词,正确拼写单词。  朗读英语是小学生学习英语的主要内容之一。“说”英语与“读”英语有相通之处,关系密切,两者相辅相成。学生朗读英语好与差,很大程度上取决于教师的示范。这是给学生“先入为主”的朗读音调印象。因此,教师必须十分注重范读和领读。授课前,教师最好先自身整音,尽量与标准音带取得一致。在自身(或音带)范读、领读时,教师可配以手势以示升调、降调、重读等,加深学生的理解。以后还可指导学生在课文上标音调符号。一般来说,新课之时,不宜请学生领读课文,以免一个错,错一片,给纠正增添麻烦。在朗读语言材料时,须要求学生切勿操之过急,拿来便朗读,要先通阅,了解内容,理解含义,揣摩音调,然后再朗读。这样,朗读效果好。  小学英语课文句短简单,读来朗朗上口。有些学生觉得这些句都已能讲能背了,在朗读时漫不经心,不是看着一句句朗读,而是滑句,一古脑儿读完,存在“假读”现象。有的朗读时语速、节奏掌握不好,过慢、拖沓,一字字顿着读,或是过快,发音不到位,无停顿,混着读。特在集体朗读时,伴有拖音明显,节奏较差,语速偏慢等现象。为此,教师要对症下药,变换教法,随时纠正学生朗读的不良倾向,刻意培养学生良好的读的习惯。  四、良好的写的习惯。  “写”对小学生来说,主要是指“书写”。要求:书写姿势、方法正确,斜体行书规范书写,大小写、笔顺、标点符号和格式正确。  小学生在学英文书写前,已学会汉字及汉语拼音的书写,且已养成一定的书写习惯,这对学习英文书写有利也有弊。就书写而言,二者有相同之处,但更有不同之点。对于书写的坐姿,握笔方法,两者要求相同。而汉字与英文在书写上差异很大。即使汉语拼音与英文斜体行书在书写上也风格各异。因此,英语教师必须利用学习正迁移,防止学习负迁移,对学生英文书写进行严格的训练。  时至三年级,仍有部分学生书写坐姿、握笔方法不正确。这就要求英语教师在教英书写时及时纠正,不能放任自流。要让学生明白书写坐姿、握笔方法不正确会影响身体健康,影响书写质量与速度,对今后学习不利。启发学生加强自我督促意识,保持正确坐姿,握笔方法。特别要向学生指出,书写英文时,纸稍向左斜放,纸的下边与桌面边缘成10°角,不要正放。  在书写教学一开始,学写字母时,教师就必须十分重视培养学生按照规范笔顺书写,在四线三格中位置正确。值得一提的是,要强调每个字母都要稍向右斜,斜度要一致(约5°)。中国学生由于写汉字的习惯,竖直横平,有棱有角,四方端正。因此,在书写英文时,常出现直、方、角现象。对此教师要运用“比较法”教学,及时指正。随着学习的进展,教师要继续坚持不懈地抓好单词、句子、段、篇的书写及标点符号的正确使用,切实做到英文书写规范,使学生养成良好的写的习惯。  总之,良好的英语学习习惯不会自然生成的,而是经有意识培养形成的。小学生学习英语,主要通过课堂教学形式。所以,良好的英语学习习惯的养成主要是靠教师。教师必须十分重视良好学习习惯的培养,注意在日常教学活动中有计划地、有步骤、严格地训练学生。

EducationEducation in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to Etymologically, the word education is derived from educare (Latin) "bring up", which is related to educere "bring out", "bring forth what is within", "bring out potential" and ducere, "to lead"[1]Teachers in educational institutions direct the education of students and might draw on many subjects, including reading, writing, mathematics, science and This process is sometimes called schooling when referring to the education of teaching only a certain subject, usually as professors at institutions of higher There is also education in fields for those who want specific vocational skills, such as those required to be a In addition there is an array of education possible at the informal level, such as in museums and libraries, with the Internet and in life Many non-traditional education options are now available and continue to Systems of formal educationEducation is a concept, referring to the process in which students can learn something:Instruction refers to the facilitating of learning toward identified objectives, delivered either by an instructor or other Teaching refers to the actions of a real live instructor designed to impart learning to the Learning refers to learning with a view toward preparing learners with specific knowledge, skills, or abilities that can be applied immediately upon Preschool EducationPrimary (or elementary) education consists of the first 5–7 years of formal, structured In general, main education consists of six or eight years of schooling starting at the age of five or six, although this varies between, and sometimes within, Globally, around 70% of primary-age children are enrolled in primary education, and this proportion is [2] Under the Education for All programs driven by UNESCO, most countries have committed to achieving universal enrollment in primary education by 2015, and in many countries, it is compulsory for children to receive primary The division between primary and secondary education is somewhat arbitrary, but it generally occurs at about eleven or twelve years of Some education systems have separate middle schools, with the transition to the final stage of secondary education taking place at around the age of Schools that provide primary education, are mostly referred to as primary Primary schools in these countries are often subdivided into infant schools and junior Secondary educationIn most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary education comprises the formal education that occurs during It is characterized by transition from the typically compulsory, comprehensive primary education for minors, to the optional, selective tertiary, "post-secondary", or "higher" education (, university, vocational school for Depending on the system, schools for this period, or a part of it, may be called secondary or high schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, middle schools, colleges, or vocational The exact meaning of any of these terms varies from one system to The exact boundary between primary and secondary education also varies from country to country and even within them, but is generally around the seventh to the tenth year of Secondary education occurs mainly during the teenage In the United States, Canada and Australia primary and secondary education together are sometimes referred to as K-12 education, and in New Zealand Year 1-13 is The purpose of secondary education can be to give common knowledge, to prepare for higher education or to train directly in a The emergence of secondary education in the United States did not happen until 1910, caused by the rise in big businesses and technological advances in factories (for instance, the emergence of electrification), that required skilled In order to meet this new job demand, high schools were created and the curriculum focused on practical job skills that would better prepare students for white collar or skilled blue collar This proved to be beneficial for both the employer and the employee, because this improvement in human capital caused employees to become more efficient, which lowered costs for the employer, and skilled employees received a higher wage than employees with just primary educational Higher educationHigher education, also called tertiary, third stage, or post secondary education, is the non-compulsory educational level that follows the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary Tertiary education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary Collectively, these are sometimes known as tertiary Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic Higher education includes teaching, research and social services activities of universities, and within the realm of teaching, it includes both the undergraduate level (sometimes referred to as tertiary education) and the graduate (or postgraduate) level (sometimes referred to as graduate school) Higher education generally involves work towards a degree-level or foundation degree In most developed countries a high proportion of the population (up to 50%) now enter higher education at some time in their Higher education is therefore very important to national economies, both as a significant industry in its own right, and as a source of trained and educated personnel for the rest of the Adult educationAlternative educationIndigenous education在最大的意义,教育是任何行为或经验,有一个心灵上形成的影响,性格或个人体能。在其技术意义上说,教育是社会的过程,从一代人故意传输其积累的知识,技能和价值观到另一个地方。 词源学,文字教育是从教育保育(拉丁)派生出来的“造就”,这是有关educere“带出”,“内带出什么”是“带出潜力”和ducere,“领导”。 在教育机构教师指导学生的教育,可能会借鉴很多科目,包括阅读,写作,数学,科学和历史。这个过程有时被称为上学时,指的是教学的教授通常只为某一个课题,在高等院校的教育。也有在教育领域,谁想要这些具体要求,如,职业技能是一个飞行员。此外,还有一个是在非正式的教育水平数组,例如可能在博物馆和图书馆,与互联网和生活经验。许多非传统教育的选择,现已并继续得到发展。 系统的正规教育 教育是一个概念,指的是过程,学生可以学到一些东西: 教学是指对确定的学习目标,无论是由导师或其他形式交付便利。 教学是指一个真正的生活,旨在向学生传授学习教练的行动。 学习是指与一对准备与具体知识,技能,或可用于完成后立即查看学习能力的学习者。 幼儿教育 小学(或小学)教育由5-7首次正式,结构化教育。一般来说,主要包括教育,在五,六,虽然这之间不等,有时内,国家开始对6岁或8年的学校教育。就全球而言,约70小学适龄儿童入学%小学教育,这一比例上升[2]在教科文组织教育驾驶的所有方案。,大多数国家都致力于实现普及小学教育入学率在2015年,在许多国家,它是为儿童义务接受初级教育。中,小学和中学教育科是有点武断,但它通常在大约11或12岁发生。一些教育系统中有独立的学校,向发生在中学教育的最后阶段过渡大约在14岁。学校提供初级教育,大多是被称为小学。在这些国家的小学通常分为幼儿学校和初中。 中学教育 在世界上最现代的教育系统,中学教育包括正规教育,在青春期发生。它的特点是从典型的过渡义务教育,小学全面的未成年人教育,可选的,有选择性的成人高等教育,“大专”或“较高”教育(如大学,职业学校。根据系统,学校这段期间,或其中的一部分,可称为中学或高中,体育场馆,公立中学,中等学校,学院,或职业学校。任何对这些条款的确切含义不同从一个系统到另一个。之间的精确边界小学和中学教育也因国家而异,甚至在其中,但一般在对学校教育的第七次是第10个年头。主要是在青少年时期出现的中学教育。在美国,加拿大和澳大利亚一起小学和中学教育有时被称为K - 12教育,并在新西兰使用1-13年。中等教育的目的,可以给予常识,准备接受高等教育或专业培训,直接。 在美国中学教育的出现并没有发生,直到1910年,由于在大企业和工厂的技术进步引起的(例如,电气化)的出现,这需要熟练的工人。为了满足这种新的就业需求,创造了高中课程和实际工作技能,更好地准备白领或学生熟练的蓝领工作的重点。这被证明是为雇主和雇员有利,因为这导致人力资本改善员工变得更有效率,降低了雇主的成本,只收到了小学教育程度较高的工资比员工熟练的员工。 高等教育 高等教育,也叫三级,第三阶段,或专上教育,是在非义务教育阶段的教育水平,遵循了一个提供诸如高中,中等学校中学教育,学校完成。高等教育是通常采取的包括本科和研究生教育,以及职业教育和培训。学院和大学是提供大专教育的主要机构。总的来说,这些有时被称为大专院校。高等教育一般的结果是把证书,文凭或学位收据。 高等教育包括教学,科研和社会服务活动的大学,并在教学领域,它包括了大学本科水平(有时称为大专教育)和研究生(或研究生)级(有时称为研究生院) 。高等教育通常涉及建立一个学位程度或基础学位的工作。在大多数发达国家的人口(50%)高比例现在进入一些在他们的生活时间高等教育。因此,高等教育是非常重要的国家经济,既是一个重要的行业在它自己的权利,并作为培训和教育的人员为其他经济来源。 成人教育 另类教育 土著教育


Qiao system of teaching aids, teaching aids Rural secondary schools, the use of the existing conditions, the production of creative teaching aids, teaching English in the clever use of teaching aids, teaching would get a multiplier effect, so that students more conscious, more interested in participation in social activities in the Self-made word cards, teaching In the secondary school English teaching materials are there appears a certain number of words, the classroom, teachers use good words card system in advance, not only the consolidation of new words and can save time, so that teaching to achieve real convenient, fast and Sometimes through the change in the form of training, students can also regulate mood, active classroom If the card can cover the first part of the new words or parts to enable students to guess what it is; can also be a "quick look fast", "soon to hear soon", "possession of possession, look, talk," or "the United Kingdom Han said that the reverse "games(Card system, a positive write in English, Chinese writing negative meaning that if the teachers to show students in English, let the students said that the Chinese meaning the other hand, the opposite is true) Self-made wall charts, to stimulate Sometimes based on the needs of the teaching, teaching materials based on content, making wall charts, to stimulate interest in students so that the visual content of teaching In practice, such as big, strong, tall, slim, short description and so on, we can find a number of students interested in understanding and star of some of the posters or in film and television roles, so that students learned the words to describe The use of in-kind, full of In fact, teachers, students and classroom furnishings are all the resources to the classroom itself is a living resource, teachers should make full use of the language environment in which students have more opportunity to participate in the language of practical Such as: when to teach Starter Unit7 Colors, teachers and students have come up with their own clothes as teaching aids so that we can discuss and say, so that students no longer feel they are very far away from the English, which is very real, very life of , The effect has been quite 2) Jianbi Hua use, and beautifying teachingJian Bihua can be used in all aspects of teaching, which is characterized by simple, fast and vivid and expressive words and Teachers with a few pens, simple lines, will be able to draw to teaching, so as to minimize the cost of education (a pen, a blackboard), better teaching results, and can save valuable teaching Bian Jiangbian teachers in the classroom painting, things show changes in the vivid visual, to be able to attract good students, this is the picture, such as in-kind can not be substituted by the If we learn Starter Unit3 of Listening when the boy and girl,I am on the blackboard to draw a smiley face with the braids and asked Is this a boy? Students from the map so quickly to judge and answered N She is a Practice has proved that teaching Jian Bihua can create a pleasant environment for language , And the classroom so that instead of living in chaos and orderly change, in line with the psychological characteristics of young people, so teachers should be teaching the proper use of such 4) The use of body language, optimize teachingThe United States through the experiments psychologists conclude that: the effect of information = 7% of the tone of the text +38% +55% of the facial expressions and Can see that body language is an important supplement to the sound of In the process of teaching, teachers should focus on the characteristics of the student's age and psychological characteristics, take the image of a lively, new, interesting ways to mobilize the full range of senses, the use of body language In the words of teaching, the use of body language and optimize Education and words can be taught while doing action Such as teaching to the cold, I will do humpback Han Xiong, Guo Jin clothes, shivering like Sese;Another example is when I will teach hot Douzhao first-hand clothes, hand-made Shanshan Zi, these are the use of body language and memory to help students understand the practical example of a In teaching, body language can always run through teaching, whether it is to teach words, phrases or sentences, we can move to optimize the use of physical In addition, the use of the classroom in terms of dialogue or communication, body language, you can play hard and 希望能帮到你``

In the traditional English classroom teachers are teaching students, the doubts, the class accounted for most of the time by their own teachers, and students only passively accept the language The new curriculum standards advocated "student-centered" philosophy of teaching is to change the In the traditional English classroom teachers are teaching students, the doubts, the class accounted for most of the time by their own teachers, and students only passively accept the language The new curriculum standards advocated "student-centered" philosophy of teaching is to change the English language teaching in the new concept, that is, student-centered point of view, one of the specific embodiment, that is, student-centered teaching model for the To student-centered instruction characterized by attention to and reflect the main role of students, but also can not ignore the leading role of teachers in the classroom where the students bring into full play the main To bring into full play the role of the teaching model, re-examine the positioning of teachers in the classroom and on the essential In today's information explosion, the growing of new information, information dissemination channels and means to become increasingly diverse, teachers can not have all of the individual to meet the needs of students of knowledge, so I think that the teachers in the subject of student-centered teaching model role should be defined as: Teachers are no longer mere disseminators of knowledge, but also the organizers of classroom activities to play, students master the language knowledge and the promotion of the development of communicative competence, as well as encouraging students to learn the language of partnership and students and authors I think that teachers should pay full attention to the requirements of students, targeted, the use of classroom teaching in all possible ways to stimulate student interest and trigger their imagination and creativity to effectively organize lively classroom activities, such as audio-visual performances, discussions, do combination of games and talk about practice, while teachers can not claim the authority of, and strive to create true for students to accept and fully understand the learning Display the true self, in good faith with the exchange of students, not arrogant, but often little recognition of the progress of In teaching students of different personality with the attitude of respect and acceptance, not because of individual differences of students and thick thisand intolerance students make mistakes in the learning That students in learning English, there are errors, not criticism lightly, instead of using the students to accept the way to make it realize that they are of the The attention of students the scientific way of thinking, not only "learning" and "" For their future in-depth study and to continue to improve and lay a good I leave the sense of teaching experience, that teachers and students in class time and energy in the input is close to the limit, but the actual language application ability of students has not improved, and its one of the reasons why teaching is a passive approach to In the design of traditional teaching, teachers to develop teaching programs, to be managers - students placed in a passive position, the students completely ignorant of the plan, the students ignored the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity to the loss of self-study training, self-management Teachers with lesson preparation and focusing only on teaching materials, trying to do because of "material" However, the students ignored the main factors, ignored the subject of teaching and research, did not do so because of "only" However, the basic purpose of English teaching is "to enable them to exchange information in E" If the lack of classroom activities for the active participation of students, lack of initiative of the students to play, even the best teachers, even the best art instruction can only be "castles in the " Students to become the mainstay of the classroom, in the present mode of teaching has become increasingly important, which determines a teacher can not teach students to be recognized and Advanced the idea of whether it is still rich and innovative content, really want to implement in the classroom on the need for appropriate modes of teaching, how can we enable students to become masters of the classroom, designed the most important mode of After many holidays, I think that teaching practice, we are now teaching model to be adopted, it should have the following conditions: Must be an open classroom, students must be able to give full play to the main classroom, teaching the organization must first pay attention to this point; II Activities should be a dominant type of classroom, there are students interested in music to participate in the activities, teaching design attaches great importance to activities designed to enable students to move up; Should be a focus on cultivating the ability to learn basic knowledge learned in the classroom as a supplement; Benefit the students the basic knowledge of basic skills learned primarily by students under the guidance of the teachers actively explore their own Therefore, the inquiry-based teaching model to be Interactive Construction of a wide range of modern information technology-assisted platform for students, teachers and students in the exchange of information The twenty-first century is dominated by information technology century, the popularity of the application of computers to society, science and technology has brought an unprecedented development, but also to bring about education reform in history I am substitute teaching during the holidays, the timely selection of appropriate media to support teaching, so that the image of a specific "map, text, sound, like" to create a teaching, so that the contents of the abstract concrete, clear, and the thinking of students active, interested abundant, can help students learn to play the initiative, positive thinking, better training of students in the capacity of independent First, using multi-media into new courses to stimulate student interest in learning new Russian writer Leo Tolstoy Great said: "The success is not compulsory for teaching needs, but to stimulate interest in " Are often interested in the pilot study, there has been interest in the power of Classroom is like a beautiful wonderful article, written at the beginning, readers will be able to attract experienced teachers pay more attention to import new Fine lead classroom, this lesson will enable students to love at first sight, the effect of the head start, like a magnet as soon firmly seize the spirits of students, arousing their desire for knowledge, so that every student can be actively thinking for himself, such as to the For example, students learn to me and "S Valentine's Day", the use of multi-media show pictures of the Valentine's Day and music, at the beginning, the students live on the screen by those attracted to a hundred times the natural spirits, by the gradual change in these pictures and thought, the whole class, students are actively thinking and answer questions, do not have a lazy doze off students, the classroom filled passion, has received very good Of course, teaching is different from the lead taken by the design is different, regardless of which way we will be designed to stimulate students interest in the purpose of mobilizing students emotional, a lesson for a start to do a good

Which Writing Approach Should I Use in My Teaching? IntroductionCommunication plays a significant role in the Globalization A English teaching shifted the focus from the grammatical knowledge to In the past decades, English teaching in China has achieved great However the promotion in the teaching of English writing is not Chinese students’ IELTS scores in writing have been the lowest one in the four skills according to the research data analysis on the official website of IELTS ( ) Chinese students are sick of English Teaching writing is considered as the most challenging job among the four We have experienced different teaching approaches in writing from product approach to process approach and genre Which approach should we use in your teaching? When I was in China, I had the I could not know how to solve the problem and it was hard to get the help from the experts and find the relevant books in my Now I am studying MA TESOL in UK I can learn with the most excellent linguists and read the relevant books in the It is time to reconsider these questions to solve the confusion in my Thus this essay aims at reexamining the three writing approaches and exploring an appropriate teaching approach in writing in my teaching context through analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the Before I start my discussion, it is necessary for me to introduce my teaching context and my students’ main problem in Then I will briefly review the three approaches —Product Approach, Process Approach and Genre Approach in After that, I will compare the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches in order to find the approach I At last I will state my I hope my essay could be helpful for the other EFL teachers in China to get a better understanding of the three approaches and to choose their teaching approach in References:Cameron, L (2001) Teaching Languages to Young LearnersCambridge: Cambridge University PressHarmer, J (2004) How to teach writing Harlow: PearsonHarmer, J (2007) The practice of English language teachingHarlow: LongmanHedge, T (1998) Writing Oxford: Oxford University PressHyland, K (2002) Teaching and Researching WritingEssex: Pearson EducationKroll, B (1990) Second Language Writing Research insights for the classroomCambridge: Cambridge University PressNunan, D (1999) Second language teaching and Boston: Heinle and Heinle PRaimes, A (1983) Techniques in teaching writing Oxford University PressReid, Joy M (1993) Teaching ESL writingRegents/Prentice HallTribble, C (1996) Writing Oxford: Oxford University PressWhite, R & Arndt, V (1991) Process writing London: LongmanJournals:Badger, R & White


回答 比如翻转课堂在英语教学的应用 提问 请问 理论方面的有哪些呀? 回答 关于教学法的理论是么 提问 教学法方向的,然后是写理论的 回答 英语教学法教程理论与实践 暨南大学出版社图书 或者学术问题首推google学术搜索用“英语教学法”为关键词搜 英语教学法在外文书店能找到相关的书籍,其前言绪论都会介绍教学法的渊源。 提问 还有其他的的嘛?可以多给几个题目参考一下嘛,谢谢 回答 好滴 思维导图构架与单元英语整体设计融合研究 情景教学策略在英语课堂的应用 项目教学法在英语教学中的应用 多模态理论视角下英语教学模式研究 提问 都是理论的吗?哪个好写一点呢? 回答 都是理论多一点加最后的实验研究 提问 有纯理论的吗? 回答 我个人觉得翻转课堂比较好写 纯理论的论文么? 那就是学术性研究 英语教学法是什么 范围比较大 更多20条 

一、文学 1、一个值得同情的复仇者 --- 评希思克力夫被扭曲的心路历程2、小议《红字》中红字的寓意3、试论马克?? 吐温短篇小说的幽默特色4、惠特曼的死亡哲学5、“罪”与“罚”的对立统一 --- 浅析《红字》的主要人物6、一个复杂的人 --- 《呼啸山庄》男主人公希克后性格分析7、论《呼啸山庄》 --- 原始古朴与文明理性的交错色彩8、一人分饰两角 --- 论《了不起的盖茨比》中“二元主角”手法的运用9、思嘉的精神家园 --- 陶乐10、是母亲,还是情人 --- 论《儿子与情人》中莫雷尔太太的任务性格 二、英美人文和历史研究1,从跨文化的角度谈汉英思维及表达方式的差异2,论美国垮掉的一代3,美国牛仔的成功之路4,文艺复兴在英国文学史中的作用5,跨文化交际中英汉礼貌与面子6,中西方饮食文化的对比研究7,西方节日的变迁及文化内涵8,电影《喜福会》所表现的中西方文化差异9,中美教育制度及教育理念的对比研究10,英汉称谓的差异及其文化内涵

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