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< W > 사이트《网站》地址: 국립중앙도서관 :: 설립연도 : 1923년 구분 : 국립도서관 소재지 : 서울시 서초구 반포동 백과사전










Nowadays world, the establishment free trade area has already become a kind of development Along with district organization the integral whole turn trend more and more obviously, the most district organizationses make an agreement at the time of canceling internal trade barrier all keep outward of trade barrier, become national to outside in the district of bias treatment, brought trade creation and trade to transfer an For example, from 1993-1996 years, the Mexican textile product quota of American market from 4 %Rise 6 %, But the quota of Asian textile product descend to 30% from 39%Seeing from the data for 1985~2001 years, in the Korean export market the composing, the specific weight of the EU almost didn't increase, the specific weight of free trade area(NAFTA) in North America descends in the nasty play, but the specific weight in China be hoicking, having already exceeded in 3 %I ain't from here difficult to see a Korea's dependence to Chinese market be In the contemporary and Korean magazine of 《present condition and foreground of[with] economic exchanges in 》a text point out, is two nations that economy in East Asia has vitality most , medium two stateowned strengthen a cooperation and promote the native area prosper together of strong wishes and beneficial condition, have become push East Asia to cooperate the important strength of[with] In recent years, along with"103", Pacific Asia through match organization( APEC), the second Europe meeting(ASEM)'s 's district cooperation's mechanism turns a development deeply, economic cooperation in East Asia obtained a substantial Taking free-trade agreement as the 纽 takes, all countries in East Asia and exchanges and cooperation of region are gradually close, economic integral whole in the district turns to make possible Is the important contents that East Asia cooperates, win a cooperation to take"103" as satge, have already become multilayers, many realm of dialogue and exchanges More important, medium two country economy cooperation just at to higher layer development, have already started level and file time which promotes two country economic trades to cooperate further from the strategic height, this not only is advantageous to the common development of two countries, but also wills also is economy for East Asia to infuse into more Between Korea and China, how build up free trade area, how perhaps the set set up an economic common body, having become two Chinese studieses in and relevant personage to pay attention to together of Although the research heat is going up, up to the present, of two countries' ability not yet concrete mode of cooperation or organized form reach a consensus of having the As early as 90's in 20 centuries, medium day Three Kingdoms the scholar put forward set up medium day free trade area of speculation, but because the history of of Three Kingdoms leaves behind the influence of[with] problem, making this speculation don't put into action Under these circumstances, China can make use of and the political relation of Korean amity, build up free trade area with Korea in advance, in the district economy in East Asia the cooperation obtain actively with obtain a greater trade Medium two country economies are aring placed in to cooperate completely in, present a deep cooperation potential, two countries looking for the foundation of the mechanism economic cooperation has already Close in two country economic trades such as 斯 under, free trade area(FTA) noise of shouting in the establishment But, because of facing the unsteady factor of many difficulties and political, the foreground of free trade area in the establishment still not clear and distinct, need two countries to adopt more materiality of cooperation




《他者的消失》([德]韩炳哲)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: -8T99e0n6sRovbl6_JLig 提取码: 4pic书名:他者的消失作者:[德]韩炳哲译者:吴琼豆瓣评分:1出版社:中信出版集团出版年份:2019-6-1页数:136内容简介:他者的时代已然逝去。那朋友似的、地狱般的、神秘的、诱惑的、爱欲的他者已让位于同者。如今,同质化的扩散形成病理变化,对社会体造成侵害。扩散之势愈演愈烈。使社会体害病的不是异化、退隐、禁令和压制,而是过度交际、过度信息、过度生产和过度消费。如今的时代标志不是由他者带来的压迫,而是由同者造成的抑郁。当今社会中有诸多极具标志性的现象,譬如恐惧、全球化、恐怖主义等,韩炳哲的新作所探究的正是这些现象背后潜藏的同质化的暴力。韩炳哲用他的文章和书籍开辟了一条横穿当代文学之林的甬道。他的书不求你我点赞,只求警醒世人。作者简介:韩炳哲(Byung-Chul Han)德国新生代思想家。1959年生于韩国首尔,80年代在韩国学习冶金学,之后远渡重洋到德国学习哲学、德国文学和天主教神学。他先后在弗莱堡和慕尼黑学习,并于1994年以研究海德格尔的论文获得弗莱堡大学的博士学位。2000年任教于瑞士巴塞尔大学,2010年任教于卡尔斯鲁厄建筑与艺术大学,2012年起任教于德国柏林艺术大学。他的主要研究领域是18—20世纪伦理学、社会哲学、现象学、文化哲学、美学、宗教、媒体理论等。作品被译成十几种语言。西班牙《国家报》(El País)誉其为“德国哲学界的一颗新星”。清新的文风,清晰的思想,深察洞识,切确而犀利的论述,这都让韩炳哲对于数字媒体时代人类精神状况的分析批判,显得尤其重要而富于启发。


世界有五大杂志Vogue ELLE BAZAAR Marie Claire COSMOPOLITAN韩国的划分是三大 只有Vogue ELLE BAZARAVOGUE, ELLE ,芭莎,W。韩国标准四大刊。嘉人和cosmo Korea比起前面四个逼格稍微差点,不过爱豆也难上。到目前来看,上过四大刊的爱豆屈指可数,基本是被司马,歪鸡,酱油瓶占领,不过次数不多。从而也看得出三大主推(红)的是谁。女爱豆:裴秀智,CL,崔雪莉,林允儿男爱豆,Bigbang,exo




韩凤在线 我要选我

《他者的消失》([德]韩炳哲)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: -8T99e0n6sRovbl6_JLig 提取码: 4pic书名:他者的消失作者:[德]韩炳哲译者:吴琼豆瓣评分:1出版社:中信出版集团出版年份:2019-6-1页数:136内容简介:他者的时代已然逝去。那朋友似的、地狱般的、神秘的、诱惑的、爱欲的他者已让位于同者。如今,同质化的扩散形成病理变化,对社会体造成侵害。扩散之势愈演愈烈。使社会体害病的不是异化、退隐、禁令和压制,而是过度交际、过度信息、过度生产和过度消费。如今的时代标志不是由他者带来的压迫,而是由同者造成的抑郁。当今社会中有诸多极具标志性的现象,譬如恐惧、全球化、恐怖主义等,韩炳哲的新作所探究的正是这些现象背后潜藏的同质化的暴力。韩炳哲用他的文章和书籍开辟了一条横穿当代文学之林的甬道。他的书不求你我点赞,只求警醒世人。作者简介:韩炳哲(Byung-Chul Han)德国新生代思想家。1959年生于韩国首尔,80年代在韩国学习冶金学,之后远渡重洋到德国学习哲学、德国文学和天主教神学。他先后在弗莱堡和慕尼黑学习,并于1994年以研究海德格尔的论文获得弗莱堡大学的博士学位。2000年任教于瑞士巴塞尔大学,2010年任教于卡尔斯鲁厄建筑与艺术大学,2012年起任教于德国柏林艺术大学。他的主要研究领域是18—20世纪伦理学、社会哲学、现象学、文化哲学、美学、宗教、媒体理论等。作品被译成十几种语言。西班牙《国家报》(El País)誉其为“德国哲学界的一颗新星”。清新的文风,清晰的思想,深察洞识,切确而犀利的论述,这都让韩炳哲对于数字媒体时代人类精神状况的分析批判,显得尤其重要而富于启发。

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