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Hello,everyone,we are talking about fast food As we all know,fast food is popular among chinese,especially children and We conclude that the reasons why people like fast food so At last,four reasons are put Firstly,people in the contemporary society are busy with their Fast food is so convenient that people all have it to save Secondly,we can choose to eat in the restaurant or take it thirdly,people feel pleased in the restaurant ,of which the environment is clean and And the last,the service of the restaurant is What matter most is that the quality is As the saying goes,every coin has two Fast food is lacking in In my opinon, if you are really in a hurry ,you can consider having fast food,but not too I advise that children should eat little fast That's all, thank you

What is food? Looked at in biological terms, it would appear that food is merely a source of the energy and nutrients essential for However, viewed from an anthropological perspective, it becomes evident that food has played a central role in human While the everyday quest for food shaped the life of prehistoric man, the onset of the production of a reliable and sufficient supply of food is likely to have led to the rise of civilizations, and to human population Furthermore, the ability of man to colonize almost every part of the world is at least in part due to his adaptability with regard to Not only are humans omnivorous, they have also shown remarkable ingenuity in identifying and preparing nutritious foods out of unpromising For example, bitter cassava (Manihot esculenta), a root crop that contains toxic levels of cyanide-producing compounds, comprises, after thorough processing, the major food item in the diet of millions of people 什么是食物?在生物而言,这似乎仅仅是食物来源的能量和营养必不可少的生活。然而,从人类学的角度来看,很明显,粮食发挥了核心作用在人类历史。虽然每天都追求粮食塑造了生活的史前人类,开始生产足够和可靠的粮食供应可能导致的崛起文明,对人类人口膨胀。此外,有能力的人进行殖民几乎每一个世界的一部分,至少部分是由于他的适应能力方面的食物。不仅是人类的杂食性,他们也表现出非凡的聪明才智在确定和准备营养食品的不利材料。举例来说,痛苦的木薯(木薯菜) ,根作物,包含有毒氰化物水平的生产化合物,包括后,彻底的处理,主要食品项目的饮食全世界数百万人。




《咖啡时代》 ——国内第一本咖啡行业专业杂志,以“专业、时尚、品位”为定位,将咖啡与生活、时尚结合,兼顾行业资讯与休闲娱乐,咖啡行业信息 《咖啡沙龙》

Hello,everyone,we are talking about fast food As we all know,fast food is popular among chinese,especially children and We conclude that the reasons why people like fast food so At last,four reasons are put Firstly,people in the contemporary society are busy with their Fast food is so convenient that people all have it to save Secondly,we can choose to eat in the restaurant or take it thirdly,people feel pleased in the restaurant ,of which the environment is clean and And the last,the service of the restaurant is What matter most is that the quality is As the saying goes,every coin has two Fast food is lacking in In my opinon, if you are really in a hurry ,you can consider having fast food,but not too I advise that children should eat little fast That's all, thank you


1、《YUM Magazine》这本杂志传达了一种现代、摩登、极简的生活态度。这本杂志非常适合用ipad阅读。简单明快的风格,大量的高光感图片,会让你体验到纸媒不能感受的那种光滑、快速的感觉。2、《Sweet Paul》Sweet Paul的风格比较田园风和很有家居感,温馨的感觉,很适合和孩子、爱人一起阅读。杂志内容比较推崇home made,即是自己在家做,食物的选择多宣传吃应季食物和绿色有机食物。还有专门给孩子、宠物做食物的板块。3、《PORT Magazine》这是一本逼格比较高的杂志,并不是专门写美食,还涉及艺术、设计、建筑、电影、时尚等。每次杂志策划里都会有美食环节。高冷的《PORT Magazine》一年只出两本。可它都会采访到一些很厉害的人物。每期杂志的视觉设计都会请一些艺术界或设计界的大咖。4、《PERMANENT》它是一本以食物为主题的独立出版刊物。骑马钉装帧,排版设计简洁质朴。一共有三个固定栏目,一是餐桌风景,一是关于咖啡,一是着眼于食物原貌的追溯。据说是因为2011年日本大地震而开始思考人类生活中最根本的“食物”。5、《Dancyu》日本最畅销的大众美食杂志。《Dancyu》每一期一个主题,然后就这个主题会介绍很多好吃或特色的店铺,就像是一册册精美的美食地图。因此它也深受吃货喜爱!6、《ku:nel》《ku:nel》讲求“与自然共生的慢生活”的森女系杂志。杂志名字中,ku代表吃,nel代表睡,所以这边杂志的核心思想就是生活中的这些基本小事。这边杂志比较偏生活风格,里面除了分享各种生活智慧与料理食谱之外,还会介绍手工艺创作与生活艺术。文艺味十足!7、《天然生活》看图就觉得饿!8、《The Gourmand》来自伦敦的艺术概念饮食杂志。这边杂志偏好用一种比较概念和艺术的方式去谈论食物,杂志里面的照片和内容看起来都比较高冷和不明觉厉。《The Gourmand》注重创造激动人心的美食文化,因此书里面没有很多美食的照片。这边杂志比较喜欢发掘最新的餐饮店,将饮食视为一种流行文化,观察与之相关的现象,并结合艺术以充满创意的手法演绎。9、《MOOD》来自比利时的布鲁塞尔,第一本将美食与音乐结合在一起的杂志。这边杂志采用一种讲故事的方式去论述,而它的故事是全球跑的。第一期跑去纽约看街头小吃摊,第三期去西班牙寻找音乐与美食的天堂……10、《Chickpea》来自美国一本专门为素食主义者创办的杂志。Chickpea是鹰嘴豆的意思。每一期杂志围绕“素食”这个话题,就当季的食物,食谱以及人物故事展开杂志编排。透过这本杂志,你可以看到以当季植物为食材创造的各种美味素食,不仅有诱人的食谱,还有从不同城市采集而来的食物知识和资讯。这本杂志完全没有广告,有点只是精美的发版,版面和众多细节设计,充分展示了食物的魅力!文章整理自知乎


《食品与药品》杂志社是1998-12-29在山东省济南市注册成立的全民所有制,注册地址位于济南市高新区新泺大街989号三楼。《食品与药品》杂志社的统一社会信用代码/注册号是913701004955728510,企业法人凌沛学,目前企业处于开业状态。《食品与药品》杂志社的经营范围是:本社出版的期刊《食品与药品》发行(有效期限以许可证为准);国内广告业务;企业管理咨询服务;经济贸易咨询服务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。在山东省,相近经营范围的公司总注册资本为2233642万元,主要资本集中在 1000-5000万 和 5000万以上 规模的企业中,共964家。本省范围内,当前企业的注册资本属于一般。通过百度企业信用查看《食品与药品》杂志社更多信息和资讯。


it is an apple we can see it every day it can help us to keep fit and we all need it we do not to eat banana too much it is different to our stomath

食物和生活 Food And LifeYesterday was my My mother made a big meal for There were lots of foods, but not every dish was fit for my Some were sour, some were sweet, some were bitter and some were I loved the food tasted sweet the most and dislike the bitter But my mother asked me to have a taste for each dish, because those dishes were another reflection of our Our life was full of sour, sweet, bitter, When I experienced all of them, I grew I was confused, but I believed my I hoped I can grow up

这是英国的 望采纳~~Compared to other European countries, Britain has been criticized for not diet culture; But as Britain join the European Union, the different diet culture has been introduced in the UK, and British consumers in terms of food demand, caused a revolutionary change和其他欧洲国家相比,英国向来被批评为没有饮食文化;不过随着英国加入欧盟之后,不同的饮食文化已被引进了英国,造成英国消费者在食品需求方面,出现了革命性的变化。Compared to other European countries, Britain has been criticized for not diet culture; But as Britain join the European Union, the different diet culture has been introduced in the UK, and British consumers in terms of food demand, caused a revolutionary change简而言之,英国菜制作方式有两种;放入烤箱烤、放入锅里煮。做菜时什么调味品都不放,吃的时候再依个人爱好放些盐、胡椒或芥茉、辣酱油之类。说起来是尊重各人的好恶,却也难免有偷工减料之嫌。不过这的确是英国人喜爱的烹饪方式。Their habits stewed, barbecue, Fried and Fried foods, including For meat, seafood, game cooking also has a unique And they on beef special preferences, such as barbecue beef, when eating is not only the enclosed seasonal vegetables, baked detailed taro, also the steak with a little mustard sauce; On the use of ingredients like butter and liquor; Fresh on spices, cinnamon or other 他们习惯烩、烧烤、煎和油炸食物,甚至包括蔬菜。对肉类、海鲜、野味的烹调也均有独到的方式;而且他们对牛肉类特别偏好,如烧烤牛肉,在食用时不仅附上时令的蔬菜、烤详芋,还会在牛排上加上少许的芥茉酱;在作料的使用上喜好奶油及酒类;在香料上则喜好肉桂等新鲜香料。Dinner for British people and is the most important part in daily life, they choose the meal time is usually late, and ate and drank, chatted, to promote the friendship between have dinner person, but to see they are belong to the autonomy of ethnic groups, a dinner for them may take a few hours!晚餐对英国人来说也是日常生活中最重要的一部份,他们选择的用餐时间通常较晚,而且都是边吃边喝边聊,以促进用餐人之间的情谊,可想见他们是属于极有自主性的民族,一顿晚餐对他们来说可能要花上好几个钟头!Fish and Fried potatoes, this is the "McDonald's", is a kind of cheap and convenient Fish are flatfish, or cod, with French fries dipped in salt or vinegar (many British people use both), is very popular with ordinary 炸鱼及炸马铃薯条,这是英国的“麦当劳”,是一种既便宜又方便的食品。炸鱼多为鲽鱼或鳕鱼,与炸薯条一起沾着盐或醋(不少英国人两者都用)食用,很受普通百姓欢迎。





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