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你好,经过期刊导航网小编认真整理,推荐以下期刊:农家参谋南方农机中国农机化学报 等等,都是知网可以查询到的,其他问题还可以咨询在线客服


The importance of the agriculture People can not leave agriculture as they can't leave the Without the agriculture,what we can eat for? All food is from the Such as rice ,wheat and vegetables, Then we can conclude from the above that the most important thing of agriculture is it providing the people the most important and necessary We all know without food equals no Therefore,agriculture is great helpful for the Besides the food,the agriculture can offer the materials which are used in Industry is an important field for the whole economics level of one CAlso ,agriculture can show one country's We can say without industry,one country can not become a developed Country,but if without the agriculture,this country can extinct from this So,we can't look down the importance of the We should improve it,protect it

AbstractWith the information age developing, IT is getting more and more important on agriculture So strengthens agricultural technology informationization constructs is necessary for improving agricultural synthesis productivity and constructs agricultural technology Developing an Agricultural Technology Asp is getting to be an important It can receive some agricultural technology consultations from the farmer friends; it can also promote agricultural technician to guide and help these farmers in all So Agricultural Technology Asp is worth tasking seriously and The article combined the need that our college constructs national demonstrative college with the actual The article analyzed and designs an Agricultural Technology Asp on This Asp made full of Agricultural science and technology intelligence resources and Information technology resources in our college to strengthen our college’s social service This Asp played active roles in regional economic development and socialism new rural The article’s fundamental analysed ASP’s technical system The article discussed B/S structure and the use of ASP in WEB The system under the Windows 2003 Server operating system used IIS to built Web Virtual Server, and used ADO controls to access Access 2003 D The article analyzed the need of this system and made sure of entire frameworks and the entire The article analyzed all modules in Agricultural Technology Asp in detail and defined all of the modules’ function demand and It realized all kinds of the function which proposed in analysis The article summarized the system operation, the test result showed that the system’s operation condition is stable; the users’ responses are So the Asp can perform in the network The Agricultural Technology Asp system has been used on Liaoning Agricultural College’s campus Key Words: agricultural technology; network; information service; Asp; Web 可能吧








您描绘的地方位于云贵高原有以下几种选择云南贡米 云南的贡米,是过去当地官府同朝廷进献的贡米,贡米有紫米,遮放米,八宝米。 紫米: 属糯米类,米色紫黑,味香甜,粘而不腻,产于墨江一带,是元代,明代的进贡米。 遮放米: 三七 三七又叫田七 3、天麻 天麻,也叫赤箭、定风 草、水洋芋等名。天麻是著名的中药村,产品畅销国内外市场 云南小粒咖啡 咖啡是一种经济价值很高的饮料作物,与可可、茶叶并称为世界三大饮料,其产量和消费量则居三饮料之首 竹荪 竹荪又名:竹参、竹笙、面纱菌等名称。是云南特有的一种名贵食用菌 烤烟 烤烟是云南省主要的经济作物,也是重要的出口商品。 7、松茸 松茸,别名松口蘑,是名贵食用菌,在日本有“蘑菇之王”的称誉。 普洱茶 在过去人们惯以普洱茶作为云南茶叶的通称,即云南所产茶叶都称为“普洱茶”


你要是用模型呢 还是从宏观角度来说呢?


找一篇关于农业的中文文章,用在线翻译器翻译一下不就好啦!~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


The importance of the agriculture People can not leave agriculture as they can't leave the Without the agriculture,what we can eat for? All food is from the Such as rice ,wheat and vegetables, Then we can conclude from the above that the most important thing of agriculture is it providing the people the most important and necessary We all know without food equals no Therefore,agriculture is great helpful for the Besides the food,the agriculture can offer the materials which are used in Industry is an important field for the whole economics level of one CAlso ,agriculture can show one country's We can say without industry,one country can not become a developed Country,but if without the agriculture,this country can extinct from this So,we can't look down the importance of the We should improve it,protect it


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